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1 Celine buys a bag of 24 tulip bulbs.

There are 8 red bulbs and 5 white bulbs.
All of the other bulbs are yellow.

Celine chooses a bulb at random from the bag.

(a) Write down the probability that the bulb is red or white.

Answer(a) ................................................... [1]

(b) Write down the probability that the bulb is yellow.

Answer(b) ................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

2 A football team washes its shirts.

There are 5 red, 3 blue and 6 green shirts.
One shirt is taken from the washing machine at random.

Find the probability that it is

(a) red,

Answer(a) ................................................... [1]

(b) blue or green,

Answer(b) ................................................... [1]

(c) white.

Answer(c) ................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

3 Chico has a bag of sweets.

He takes a sweet from the bag at random.
The table shows the probabilities of taking each flavour of sweet.

Flavour Lemon Lime Strawberry Blackcurrant Orange

Probability 0.15 0.22 0.18 0.24

(a) Complete the table. [2]

(b) Find the probability that the sweet is lemon or lime.

Answer(b) ................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

4 The probability that it will rain on any day is .

Calculate an estimate of the number of days it will rain in a month with 30 days.

Answer ................................................... [1]

[Total: 1]

5 The table shows the probability that a person has blue, brown or green eyes.

Eye colour Blue Brown Green

Probability 0.4 0.5 0.1

Use the table to work out the probability that two people, chosen at random,

(a) have blue eyes,

Answer(a) ................................................... [2]


(b) have different coloured eyes.

Answer(b) ................................................... [4]

[Total: 6]

6 The table shows the number of screws of different lengths in a box of 100 screws.

Length (mm) 20 40 50 60

Number of screws 18 36 24 22

A screw is chosen at random from the box.

Find the probability that the screw has length

(a) 50 mm,

................................................... [1]

(b) less than 60 mm,

................................................... [2]

(c) 70 mm.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]

7 A bag contains 5 black counters, 8 white counters, 6 green counters and 1 yellow counter.
A counter is taken from this bag at random.

Find the probability that this counter is

(a) white,

................................................... [1]

(b) not white.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

8 Hattie has a box of coloured pens.

She takes a pen at random from the box.
The probability that she takes a red pen is 0.4 .

(a) Work out the probability that she does not take a red pen.

................................................... [1]

(b) The box contains only blue, red and green pens.
There are 15 blue pens and 15 green pens.

Complete the table.

Colour of pen Blue Red Green

Number of pens 15 15

Probability 0.4


[Total: 3]

9 A bag contains 6 green balls, 5 red balls and 3 blue balls only.
A ball is taken from the bag at random.

Find the probability that the ball is

(a) green,

................................................... [1]

(b) green or red,

................................................... [1]

(c) yellow.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

10 The 262 students at a college each study one of the languages shown in the table.

French German Spanish Italian Japanese Total

Boys 27 48 19 123

Girls 32 54 12

Total 53 30 262

(a) Complete the table. [3]

(b) Find the probability that

(i) a girl, chosen at random, studies Spanish,

................................................... [1]

(ii) a boy, chosen at random, studies French or Italian,

................................................... [1]

(iii) a student, chosen at random, does not study German.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 6]

11 A bag contains 20 bulbs.

8 are yellow, 5 are red, 4 are white and 3 are pink.
Sam takes one bulb at random.

Find the probability that the bulb he takes is

(a) white,

................................................... [1]

(b) blue,

................................................... [1]

(c) not pink.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]


Bag A contains 3 black balls and 2 white balls.

Bag B contains 1 black ball and 3 white balls.

A ball is taken at random from each bag.

(a) Show that a black ball is more likely to be taken from bag A than from bag B.


(b) Find the probability that the two balls have different colours.

................................................... [3]

[Total: 4]

13 Sushila has a bag that contains 10 red balls and 8 blue balls.
She takes one ball at random from the bag.

Find the probability that she takes a red ball.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 1]

14 A box contains 22 coloured pencils.

6 pencils are pink, 9 pencils are blue and 7 pencils are yellow.

A pencil is taken at random from the box.

Write down the probability that this pencil is green.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 1]

15 A bag contains 20 counters.

One counter is taken from the bag at random.
The arrow on the probability scale shows the probability that this counter is blue.

0 0.5 1

(a) Work out the number of blue counters in the bag.

Answer(a) ................................................... [1]

(b) Find the probability that the counter is not blue.

Answer(b) ................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

16 Paul and Sammy take part in a race.

The probability that Paul wins the race is .

The probability that Sammy wins the race is 26%.

Who is more likely to win the race?

Give a reason for your answer.

Answer .........................................because ............................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 2]

17 A bag contains brown balls, white balls, black balls and purple balls only.
A ball is taken from this bag at random.

Colour Brown White Black Purple

Probability 0.46 0.22 0.14

(a) Complete the table.


(b) Which colour is the most likely to be taken?

................................................... [1]

(c) There are 50 balls in this bag.

Work out the number of black balls.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]


Bag A Bag B

Bag A contains 2 black marbles and 3 white marbles.

Bag B contains 5 black marbles and 8 white marbles.

(a) Write down the probability that a marble picked at random from bag A is black.

................................................... [1]

(b) Toby says,

‘You are more likely to pick a black marble at random from bag B than from bag A
because bag B has more black marbles.’

Is Toby correct?
Give a reason for your answer.

.............................. because ....................................................................................................... [2]


(c) Toby adds some marbles to bag B.

The probability of picking a black marble at random from either bag is now the same.

Work out the smallest number of black marbles and white marbles he adds to bag B.

Black ...................................................

White ................................................... [2]

[Total: 5]

19 A bag contains green balls and red balls only.

A ball is taken at random from the bag.
The probability of taking a green ball is 0.38 .

Write down the probability of taking

(a) a red ball,

................................................... [1]

(b) a blue ball.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

20 On any day, the probability that Marcus will get a seat on the school bus is 0.93 .

(a) Write down the probability that he will not get a seat on the school bus today.

................................................... [1]

(b) There are 200 school days in a year.

Work out the expected number of days in a year that Marcus will not get a seat.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

21 A bag contains blue, red, yellow and green balls only.

A ball is taken from the bag at random.
The table shows some information about the probabilities.

Colour Blue Red Yellow Green

Probability 0.15 0.2 0.43

(a) Complete the table.


(b) Abdul takes a ball at random and replaces it in the bag.

He does this 200 times.

Find how many times he expects to take a red ball.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

22 The probability that a tin of paint is dented is 0.07 .

Out of 3000 tins of paint, how many would you expect to be dented?

Answer ................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

23 The diagram shows a fair 8-sided spinner.


The numbers on the spinner are 3, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8 and 9.

(a) The spinner is spun once.

Write down the probability that the spinner lands on

(i) the number 7,

................................................... [1]

(ii) a number greater than 2.

................................................... [1]

(b) The spinner is spun 160 times.

Work out the expected number of times the spinner lands on the number 7.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

24 A random sample of 200 families was taken from the families in a city.
The number of children in each family was recorded.
The results are shown in the table below.

Number of children in
0 1 2 3 4 5 or more
a family

Number of families 25 41 73 42 13 6

(a) Find the relative frequency of families with 2 children.

Answer(a) ................................................... [1]


(b) There are 5400 families in the city.

Find an estimate of the number of families with 2 children.

Answer(b) ................................................... [2]

[Total: 3]

25 Dominic asks 30 students in his class if they are right-handed or left-handed.

7 students are left-handed.

Work out the expected number of left-handed students in the whole school of 960 students.

................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

26 At a festival, 380 people out of 500 people questioned say that they are camping.
There are 55 300 people at the festival.

Calculate an estimate of the total number of people camping at the festival.

................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]


The diagram shows a fair 9-sided spinner.

The numbers on the spinner are 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7 and 8.

(a) The spinner is spun once.

Write down the probability that the spinner lands on


(i) the number 8,

................................................... [1]

(ii) a number less than 7.

................................................... [1]

(b) The spinner is spun 135 times.

Work out the expected number of times the spinner lands on the number 6.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

28 The probability that Jane wins a game is .

Jane plays this game 50 times.

Find the number of times she is expected to win the game.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 1]

29 A shop gives each of 1000 people a voucher.

28 people use their voucher.
The shop now gives each of 16 500 people a voucher.

Calculate how many of these 16 500 people are expected to use their voucher.

................................................... [1]

[Total: 1]

30 Sofia has a bag containing 8 blue beads and 7 red beads only.
She takes one bead out of the bag at random and replaces it.
She does this 90 times.

Find the number of times she expects to take a red bead.

................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

31 Marco watches 25 boats enter a port, of which 9 have a mast.

There are a total of 200 boats in the port.

Calculate an estimate of the number of boats in the port that have a mast.

................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]



The diagram shows 11 cards.

(a) One of these cards is chosen at random.

Write down the probability that the letter on the card is not A.

................................................... [1]

(b) A card is chosen at random from these 11 cards and then replaced.
A second card is then chosen at random.

Find the probability that exactly one card has the letter N.

................................................... [3]

[Total: 4]

33 12 friends travel to a festival.

5 travel by car, 4 travel by bus and 3 travel by train.
Two people are chosen at random from the 12 friends.

Calculate the probability that they travel by different types of transport.

................................................... [4]

[Total: 4]

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