Universities Made Oppression

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Universities Made Oppression

‘Scholars’ Their Presidents. Now

Students Feel Oppressed.
Top university posts held by academics responsible for papers such as
'Oppression: The Fundamental Injustice of Social Institutions' and 'Racelighting
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Education'"
By Luke Rosiak

May 3, 2024 DailyWire.com


UCLA Provost Darnell Hunt, Portland State president Ann Kudd, Rutgers president Jonathan Holloway

Universities that selected presidents with academic track records

that consist largely of political screeds about oppression are now
melting down because of students who say they’re oppressed, a
review of academic papers shows.
At UCLA, Provost Darnell Hunt donned a mask and sat on the ground
with protesters, who told him that police are on the side of
“Zionists,” and that police are going to commit “brutality” against
them. After he said he had “to go,” they screamed “shame” at him.

Hunt made his career opining on police brutality and racism in the
aftermath of riots triggered by purported brutality against Rodney
King, writing a book called “Screening the Los Angeles ‘Riots’: Race,
Seeing, and Resistance.” The titles of his academic papers, below,
give an idea of his area of expertise:

• Reclaiming UCLA (lamenting that “a county that is 9.8% African

American — now has a lower percentage of black freshman
than either crosstown rival USC or UC Berkeley”)
• Channeling Blackness: Studies on Television and Race in
• Birth of a Nation’hood: Gaze, Script, and Spectacle in the O.J.
Simpson Case

And at Sacramento State, President Luke Wood went back on a

threat to remove an anti-Israel encampment, instead allowing them
to remain “indefinitely.” Wood has made his career writing about
student activism and the oppression of blacks, authoring the book
“The Sources of American Student Activism” and papers such as:

• Political Consciousness and Student Activism

• Racelighting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in
• Treat Them Like Human Beings: Black Children’s Experiences
With Racial Microaggressions in Early Childhood Education
During COVID-19
• I Love My Hair: The Weaponizing of Black Girls Hair by
Educators in Early Childhood Education
• Black Men in Higher Education

The review suggests that the unrest on college campuses is not the
result of a small subversive faction, but rather one in line with the
ideology of those at the highest ranks of the institutions. The papers,
focused heavily on social sciences, also raise questions about the
real-world utility of the work of those at even the highest levels of

At Rutgers University, an anti-Semitic protester told a Jewish student

that “Hitler would have loved you.” Rutgers leadership went on to
give in to many of the protesters’ demands, such as agreeing “to
develop a plan for the creation of an Arab Cultural Center with
designated physical space and a hiring plan for administrators and
staff,” and to “develop training sessions on anti-Palestinian, anti-
Arab, and anti-Muslim racism for all RU administrators and staff.”

Rutgers president Jonathan Holloway — a former professor of

African American Studies at Yale — has contributed to the academic
world through papers such as:

• Race, slavery, and Ideology in Colonial North America

• Resistance and African American identity before the Civil War
• The Black Body As Archive of Memory (which “considers the
film Shaft and how it was, from beginning to end, one extended
middle finger to white America”)
• How to Read The Souls of Black Folk in a Post-Racial Age
At Portland State University, occupiers seized the campus’ main
library, fighting with janitors and police, destroying rare books and
smashing a historic sculpture based on the Torah.

The university’s president, Ann Cudd, made her career off of

lamenting oppression, publishing papers such as one simply titled
“Oppression,” which cites Karl Marx, and another titled “Sporting
Metaphors: Competition and the Ethos of Capitalism,” which explains
that “whole subcultures live among us that avoid sports or
capitalism, such as academics.” Her other papers include:

• Analyzing Oppression
• How to Explain Oppression
• Oppression: The Fundamental Injustice of Social Institutions
• Psychological Harms of Oppression
• Psychological Mechanisms of Oppression
• “Merit” In University Admissions
• Feminist Philosophy’s Dependence on the Facts
• Strikes, Housework, and the Moral Obligation to
ResistanceAgainst Capitalism As Theory And As Reality
• Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics
• Missionary Positions
• Harassment, Bias, and the Evolving Politics of Free Speech on

At Northwestern University, the President’s Advisory Committee on

Preventing Antisemitism and Hate disbanded after members quit
over President Michael Schill giving in to anti-Israel protesters’
demands without consulting them.
The concessions included full-ride scholarships to “five Palestinian
undergraduates to attend Northwestern” and that the school would
“provide and renovate a house for MENA/Muslim students.”

President Schill is the author of papers like:

• Black, Brown, Poor & Poisoned: Minority Grassroots

Environmentalism and the Quest for Eco-Justice
• Race, the Underclass, and Public Policy
• The Special Bias of Federal Housing Law and Policy:
Concentrated Poverty in Urban America
• Polarization, Public Housing and Racial Minorities in US Cities

At Columbia, radicals took over a campus building and covered it in

communist symbols, with a female PhD student demanding the
delivery of food as “humanitarian aid.”

At Barnard College, Columbia’s women’s college, president Laura

Rosenbury is the author of papers like:

• Marital Status and Privilege

• Friends with Benefits
• Postmodern Feminist Legal Theory: A Contingent, Contextual

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