Improving Restoration Success Through Research-Driven Initiatives: Case Studies Targeting Pinus Pinea Reforestation Stock Development in Lebanon

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Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

DOI 10.1007/s11258-016-0632-7

Improving restoration success through research-driven

initiatives: case studies targeting Pinus pinea reforestation
stock development in Lebanon
Olga A. Kildisheva . Matthew M. Aghai .
Karma Bouazza . Anthony S. Davis

Received: 30 April 2016 / Accepted: 7 July 2016 / Published online: 5 January 2017
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract Lebanon is located in one of the most of naturally forested ecosystems in Lebanon, with only
ecologically diverse semi-arid regions of the world, ca. 13 % forest cover remaining. Despite high num-
characterized by endemism and richness of higher bers of seedlings planted in recent decades, reforesta-
plants, which persist despite centuries of intensive tion success in Lebanon has been historically low.
agro-sylvo-pastoral use and more recent urbanization. Increased success can be achieved through the effec-
Extensive deforestation, fires, and potential desertifi- tive production of high-quality native plant seedlings,
cation have advanced concerns over the sustainability capable of survival in increasingly arid climatic and
harsh edaphic conditions. Through two trials focused
on Pinus pinea as a model species, we aim to use a
research-based approach to identify techniques
required to produce high-quality seedlings to improve
post-transplant performance in Lebanon. The first trial
Communicated by Mrs. Olga Kildisheva, Ms. Lauren Svejcar
and Dr. Erik Hamerlynck.
examines the suitability of using controlled release
fertilizer for seedling production and evaluates the
Electronic supplementary material The online version of effect of fertilizer application rates on seedling
this article (doi:10.1007/s11258-016-0632-7) contains supple- morphological and tissue nutrient parameters. The
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
second study examines the role of water availability
O. A. Kildisheva (&) during the three key periods of seedling development
School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia, in the nursery to identify the optimal irrigation regime
35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia needed to achieve functional attributes associated with
seedling drought and cold hardiness. Our findings
M. M. Aghai serve as the first data-driven recommendations for
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University improved seedling production in Lebanon and the
of Washington, 4000 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105, greater region as well as demonstrate how locally
integrated planning can result in effective capacity
K. Bouazza building.
Lebanon Reforestation Initiative, Fourth Floor Hazmieh
Square Building, Hazmieh, Beirut, Lebanon Keywords Controlled release fertilization 
Irrigation  Container seedling  Cold hardiness 
A. S. Davis
College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Stone pine  Target plant concept (TPC)
OR 97331, USA

40 Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

Introduction program, the Lebanon Reforestation Initiative

(LRI),1 a key factor in developing the forests and
Regional background affiliate sectors was improving the capacity of
domestic nurseries to produce plants for reforesta-
Lebanon is one of the most ecologically diverse tion (USAID 2015). Prior to their involvement in
semi-arid regions of the world, characterized by 2012, nursery production followed relatively
endemism and richness of higher plants (Médail and underdeveloped and unsystematic practices; while
Quézel 1999). Despite millennia of anthropogenic major overhauls of seedling production efforts were
pressure, the nation’s distinct physiography contin- not easily adopted due to significant barriers for
ues to shelter over 2600 native species, 12 % of acquisition of key materials (produced outside the
which are considered regionally endemic (Médail region), infrastructure limitations, and the lack of
and Quézel 1999; Talhouk et al. 2001). Extensive training for local practitioners (UNDP 2008).
habitat degradation has led to designation of over
170 native herbaceous and 20 woody species as high Historical nursery practices
conservation priority targets (Khouzami et al. 1996;
Sattout et al. 2007). Before 2012, typical seedling production was conducted
The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) using an assortment of large ([1000 mL) containers,
Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) con- ranging from soft-walled polybags to recycled metal
ducted in 2005 classified 13 % (139,376 ha) of cans filled with locally collected soil (Bouazza, personal
Lebanon as forested; a figure that reflects a loss of observation). Correspondingly, propagation techniques
more than 35 % of primary forest cover over the (i.e., irrigation quantity and distribution, fertilization,
preceding four decades as a result of fires, ex-urban and handling practices) were inconsistent and uncorre-
development, grazing, agriculture, and an unsta- lated with container size. Knowledge gaps concerning
ble sociopolitical landscape (Mitri and El Hajj nutrient availability and crop development translated
2007). This decline has negatively impacted many into the use of manure or compost at undefined rates as a
Lebanese communities that rely on ecosystem means of nutrient delivery. Moreover, the absence of
services (Choueiter and Ucenic 2007; Médail and record keeping and description of practices used
Quézel 1999) and is expected to increase as a result throughout the growing seasons stifled capacity to
of desertification, anthropogenic pressure, and cli- improve propagation techniques and seedling quality
mate change over the next 20 years (El Hajj et al. over time. The resultant seedlings were often morpho-
2014). logically unbalanced, root-bound, and nutrient-defi-
As a signatory of the United Nations Convention to cient, which was a likely contributor to plantation failure
Combat Desertification (MoA 2003; UNDP 2008), the (Dominguez-Lerena et al. 2006; Pinto et al. 2011a).
Lebanese government identifies degradation of forests Multiple growing seasons were used to achieve large
and woodlands as one of the main factors for seedling sizes, despite higher production costs and low
desertification and gives priority for their protection quality, with in situ seeding survival between 10 and
and restoration. In 2003, a National Action Program 40 % (Nehme 2014; UNDP 2008).
pledged to increase forest cover in Lebanon to 20 %,
but cited the lack of plant propagation infrastructure, Seedling quality
regional scientific knowledge, and cross-institutional
integration as major constraints to the implementation Guided by the need for a functional approach, LRI
of this goal (UNDP 2008). initiated a capacity-building strategy that focused on
Over the past two decades, a number of non- the development of an education and technology
governmental groups have been active in the transfer program, which promoted the incorporation of
development of programs that aim to conserve and regionally suitable raw materials and native plant
restore Lebanon’s native forests. These region- and
nation-wide programs have promoted traditional and
multidisciplinary approaches to building capacity of Program funded by the United States Agency for International
Development and implemented by the United States Forest
local communities and organizations. For one Service, International Programs.

Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53 41

propagation techniques. This approach used the target Fertilization

plant concept (TPC) as its basic framework, in which
the biotic and abiotic limitations of the reforestation Proper seedling nutrition in the course of nursery
site guide the selection of propagation techniques for propagation can influence post-planting seedling per-
seedling production to enhance growth and survival formance (Landis 2003; Puértolas et al. 2003). The
following outplanting (Dumroese et al. 2016). Fur- means of nutrient application is often determined by
thermore, this strategy emphasized a research-based the irrigation method employed during production. In
approach focused on key elements of seedling pro- Lebanon, typical irrigation infrastructure does not
duction (i.e., optimization of container parameters, allow for water-soluble fertilizers to be used, but
plant nutrition, and irrigation) and direct integration controlled release fertilizers (CRF) can be employed
across regional nurseries. as an alternative. However, nutrient application via
Seedling quality is critical to the success of an CRF can pose a challenge, since the rate of application
outplanting project (Landis 2003; Pinto et al. 2011b; cannot be altered once incorporated into the growing
Rose et al. 1990), particularly under limiting site medium, thus limiting the ability to adaptively manage
conditions (Palacios et al. 2009). In Lebanon, out- the nutrient regime during the growing season.
planting typically occurs in autumn (Villar-Salvador Several studies have addressed the optimization of
et al. 2012), prompted by high soil moisture avail- propagation regimes for Mediterranean pines (Cuesta
ability, moderate temperatures, and a lack of capacity et al. 2010; Dominguez-Lerena et al. 2006; Oliet et al.
to cold-store seedlings until spring. Given the envi- 2004, 2009; Palá et al. 1997; Puértolas et al. 2003; Uscola
ronmental limitations to plant establishment in the et al. 2014; Villar-Salvador et al. 2004, 2005,
Mediterranean (Mendoza et al. 2009; Vallejo et al. 2010, 2012). However, all the referenced studies target
2006), precise crop management during nursery restoration in Spain and thus may not provide an accurate
propagation is imperative to ensure optimal seedling benchmark for generating basin-wide species require-
quality by the outplanting date (Landis 2003). Quality ments because of differences in species provenance and
driven by plant growth capacity, nutrient storage restoration landscape physiography (Zahran and Gilbert
reserves, and tolerance of the planting environment 2010). In addition, the majority of the previously
can be enhanced through optimized container selec- published trials fail to decouple the influence of moisture
tion, fertilization, and irrigation during nursery prop- and fertilizer availability on seedling status—an
agation (Jacobs and Timmer 2005; Landis 1985; Van approach critical to identifying species-specific nursery
den Driessche 1991). propagation practices (Pinto et al. 2011a).

Container selection Irrigation

As part of LRI’s initiative, nine nurseries adopted An irrigation regime that is coupled with the phases of
propagation practices that implemented the use of a plant growth in the nursery can be used to control
standardized range of rigid-walled containers that seedling morpho-physiological development (Landis
promote downward root growth (300–700 mL) for 1989; Lavender 1984). Specifically, controlled
seedling production. The standardization of the stock- drought stress during the hardening phase of nursery
type created an opportunity to develop and implement propagation has been shown to improve survival,
species- and container-specific propagation practices, drought, cold, and stress tolerance after outplanting
which emphasize irrigation and fertilization regimes among numerous northern temperate conifers (Blake
to produce seedlings suited for outplanting conditions et al. 1979; Duryea 1984; Grossnickle et al. 1991;
that are characterized by extended summer droughts, Timmis and Tanaka 1976; Van den Driessche 1991).
significant frost, vigorous competition from grasses, However, irrigation thresholds can be species-, con-
rocky soils, and high incidence of damage from tainer-, and site-specific (Dominguez-Lerena et al.
grazing. 2006; Vilagrosa et al. 2003), as evidenced by the

42 Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

mixed results following drought hardening of Mediter- resources, such as nuts, wood products, firewood,
ranean species (Beikircher et al. 2010; Vilagrosa et al. and resins (Abi-Saheh et al. 1996; Baltaxe 1965;
2003; Villar-Salvador et al. 1999, 2013). Conversely, Talhouk et al. 2001). Within Lebanon, P. pinea is
improper irrigation can result in salt build-up and toxic estimated to cover over 28,000 ha (Fig. 1), with
rhizosphere conditions, unbalanced seedling root and significant portions of its original endemic range
shoot biomass, or sub-optimal nutrient allocation, considered to be highly disturbed or fragmented (Abi-
leading to a lower likelihood of survival post- Saheh et al. 1996; Baltaxe 1965; Talhouk et al. 2001;
outplanting (Duryea 1984; Landis and Wilkinson UNDP 2008). Due to its mixed-use potential and
2009). hardiness across a variety of edaphic and climatic
Moisture availability throughout the nursery grow- conditions, there is a significant interest in seedling
ing season can have a profound effect on seedling production of P. pinea for use in reforestation efforts
quality and post-outplanting performance (Duryea (Dominguez-Lerena et al. 2006; Sáez-Laguna et al.
1984). However, most studies of Mediterranean 2014).
conifer production have focused on the influence of Currently, significant knowledge gaps exist
fertilization (Cuesta et al. 2010; Oliet et al. between nursery propagation practices and the corre-
2004, 2009; Puértolas et al. 2003, 2005; Villar- sponding ecophysiological performance potential of
Salvador et al. 2005) and container parameters plants used in re-vegetation efforts. Using P. pinea as a
(Dominguez-Lerena et al. 2006; Villar-Salvador model species, we explore fertilization and irrigation,
et al. 2012). Among the listed studies, irrigation as integral parts of nursery practices, with the aim of
effects are only considered in concert with fertilization (1) optimizing production of seedlings capable of
(Cuesta et al. 2010; Villar-Salvador et al. 1999, 2012), post-outplanting survival on typical restoration sites in
or in terms of drought hardening (Royo et al. 2001; Lebanon and (2) providing sound and regionally
Vilagrosa et al. 2003). Therefore, the influence of relevant information to reforestation sector
moisture availability dynamics during nursery propa- stakeholders.
gation, independent of fertilization, has not yet been
Materials and methods
Species selection
Study A: fertilization with CRF
Lebanon’s complex physiography and widespread
ecological degradation present inherent reforestation An in situ experiment was established at a nursery in
challenges, requiring the production of field-hardy the American University of Beirut Nature Conserva-
planting stock for a diversity of native species with tion Center (Hawch Sned, Lebanon) (Fig. 1) to
highly divergent ontogenies. According to the 2005 examine the suitability of CRF for seedling produc-
FRA, the nation’s forests can be classified into tion; seedling morphological parameters and tissue
broadleaf (78,887 ha), coniferous (44,879 ha), and nutrient concentrations were evaluated to provide
mixed (15,610 ha) types (Mitri and El Hajj 2007). baseline metrics for the development of quality
A range of native species across key genera (i.e., reforestation stock.
Acer, Cedrus, Fraxinus, Ostrya, Pinus, Prunus, Pinus pinea seeds were wild-collected in Ramlieh,
Quercus, Juniperus, etc.) are being grown for refor- Lebanon (33°440 39.600 N 35°390 38.900 E) in autumn
estation of these cover types, with higher emphasis 2011 and stored in refrigerated conditions until use.
placed on the production of species that contribute to Prior to sowing, seeds were hydroprimed for 24 h in
regional revenue through timber sales or natural goods aerated DI water, sown into 656 mL containers (D40
and services. For example, stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) DeepotTM, Stuewe and Sons, Corvallis, OR, USA) on
is an ecologically and economically valued native 14 May 2012, and mist irrigated through an overhead
species that serves as an important component of sprinklers twice daily until germination. The growing
forests throughout the region. In addition to its medium consisted of a 1:1 peat (TPS, JiffyÒ Products
distribution in natural systems, it is also often culti- International, Moerdijk, The Netherlands) and coco-
vated in dense monospecific cohorts for basic peat mixture (Al Mawasim Co., Beirut, Lebanon). The

Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53 43

Fig. 1 Distribution of Pinus pinea forests throughout Lebanon. Dark shading represents dense cover, while light shading represents
sparse cover

experiment followed a completely randomized design (BasacoteÒ Plus 6 M, COMPO GmbH & Co. KG,
consisting of five fertilizer rates at 100 seedlings per Hamburg, Germany). The CRF pellets had a stated
treatment level. Containers were randomly amended nutrient release period of 6 months at 21 °C.
with one of five rates (0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 g L-1 of Irrigation frequency was determined by gravimetric
growing medium or 0, 315, 630, 945, and 1260 mg of water content (GWC) (McDonald 1984; see ‘man-
N plant-1) of 16–8–12 (N–P–K) CRF pellets agers technique’ in Dumroese et al. 2015); with water

44 Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

applied using a fixed overhead irrigation system. (SunshineÒ Mix #4) and covered with a layer of perlite
Irrigation was tailored to seedling growth phases and germination fabric (DeWitt 1oz Deluxe Plus Frost
(Landis 1999); specifically, seedlings were irrigated & Germination Blanket, Agriculture Solutions LLC,
when the container GWC declined to 80 % of the Strong, ME, USA) and irrigated three times daily until
container weight at field capacity during the estab- germination.
lishment and the rapid growth phases (12 weeks) and The study followed a randomized complete block
to 60 % GWC during the hardening phase (10 weeks). design, with each of the ten moisture treatments
Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH of growing containing five, 20-seedling blocks. The propagation
media were measured using Extech EC510 ExStik II regime was broken up into establishment, rapid
Meter (Extech Instruments, Nashua, NH, USA). Mea- growth, and hardening phases (Online Resource 1),
surements were collected from five randomly selected which were determined by plant morphological status
seedlings per treatment using the pour-through nutrient and delineated the experimental changes in moisture
extraction procedure (Wright 1986). A randomly availability throughout the season. Irrigation treat-
selected subset of 20 seedlings per treatment was used ments were based on GWC of entire container trays
to evaluate seedling growth through non-destructive (Online Resource 2) and created to represent a
morphological measurements of height and root-collar spectrum of water use (see ‘managers technique’ in
diameter (RCD) collected (1) mid-season (August, Dumroese et al. 2015). Water-soluble fertilizers were
2012) and (2) at the end of the growing season applied through an overhead boom system, and
(November, 2012). Due to unforeseen time and nutrient rates tailored to each of the irrigation treat-
resource constraints, destructive sampling at the end ments to receive the same cumulative amount of all
of the growing season was conducted on a randomly macro- and micro-nutrients over the duration of the
selected subset of five seedlings per treatment; seedling growing season. At the time of irrigation, seedlings
roots were separated from growing media, severed were moved to a separate location on the nursery
from the shoot at the root collar, and dried at 70 °C for bench to ensure even application within treatments
72 h. Subsequent assessments of root and shoot dry and blocks (seedling trays) were re-randomized after
mass and nutrient analysis were made according to the each irrigation event.
standard methodology by A&L Great Lakes Labora- Ten seedlings from each irrigation treatment were
tories (Fort Wayne, IN, USA). randomly selected for morphological assessment of
height, RCD, root and shoot volume (RV and SV) and
Study B: irrigation regime dry mass (RDM and SDM), as well as root:shoot
volume (Rv:Sv) and mass (Rm:Sm) during five sam-
The second ex situ study was established at the Center pling points throughout the growing season [at
for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research (CFNSR; approximately monthly intervals starting in mid-July
Moscow, ID, USA). This location was chosen because (Online Resource 1)]. Seedling RV and SV were
of the capacity to more precisely evaluate the impact measured using a water displacement method (Burdett
of irrigation on the morphology and hardiness of 1979). For the evaluation of dry mass, seedling root
container grown P. pinea seedlings following and shoot tissue were separated at the root collar and
23 weeks of nursery propagation. The study investi- dried at 70 °C for 72 h and weighed.
gated the influence of irrigation frequency during the The freeze-induced electrolyte leakage (FIEL) test
three plant growth phases to better understand the of foliar tissue was used to evaluate seedling cold
optimal irrigation regime needed to achieve seedling hardiness (Burr et al. 1990). Five seedlings from each
functional attributes associated with drought and cold of the ten irrigation treatments were randomly selected
hardiness. at the end of the nursery propagation in November for
Pinus pinea seeds were collected from wild stands the FIEL analysis (Islam et al. 2009).
(33°440 42.300 N 35°390 57.100 E) in autumn 2011 and
stored (seed treatment and handling described in Statistical analysis
Experiment A). Seeds were sown (2 seeds cell-1) into
40 in3 (656 cm3) D40 Deepot containers on May 30, For both studies, morphological response variables,
2012. Containers were filled with sphagnum media EC, and pH were analyzed (9.3, SAS Institute Inc.,

Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53 45

Cary, NC) using a one-way ANOVA (PROC

ANOVA); pairwise comparisons were made using
Tukey’s HSD (a = 0.05). When values failed to meet
the assumptions for a general linear model (normality
and homogeneity of variances), a non-parametric
approach was used, where data were ranked (PROC
RANK) and the ranked values were then analyzed
using a one-way ANOVA (PROC ANOVA). All post
hoc comparisons of ranked data were performed using
Tukey’s HSD test (a = 0.05).
For FIEL, adjusted injury percentage values (Lim
et al. 1998), a metric that accounts for both the ion
leakage from the unfrozen control (-2 °C) samples
and the fully frost-injured (-40 °C) samples were
calculated from the FIEL data using a Gompertz
function. The calculations are described in Eqs. (1.1),
(1.2), and (2) (Online Resource 3).

Fig. 2 Mean (l ± se) seedling height and root-collar diameter
Study A: fertilization with CRF (RCD) collected mid-season (black bars) in August, 2012 and at
the end of the growing season (gray bars) in November, 2012
from Pinus pinea seedlings subject to five different controlled
Mid-season measurements (August, 2012) revealed no release fertilizer rates over a 6-month growing period. Different
significant treatment differences for height and RCD, letters indicate significant differences (a = 0.05, n = 20)
but differed significantly by the end of the growing
season (November, 2012; Fig. 2). Compared to the
control (0 g L-1), all rates of fertilizer amendment application rates resulted in the lowest R:S, while
produced taller seedlings, with height increases rang- the 6 g L-1 group produced an intermediate response
ing between 66 and 90 %. The uppermost rate of between the 3 and 9–12 g L-1 treatments. Fertiliza-
fertilizer application (12 g L-1) resulted in seedlings tion rate significantly influenced foliar (N, S, P, Mg,
with larger RCD compared to B6 g L-1, while Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Al) and root tissue (N, S, P, K, and
seedlings in the 9 g L-1 treatment exhibited an Mn) concentrations (Table 2).
intermediate RCD response.
Mid-season measurements of media leachate EC Study B: irrigation regime
and pH were significantly influenced (p \ 0.0001 and
p = 0.0045, respectively) by fertilizer application rate Analysis of variance and pairwise comparisons of
(Fig. 3). EC values ranged between 0.3 and treatments revealed treatment differences that were
1.0 mS cm-1 among all treatments and increased mostly representative of water availability during the
with fertilizer rate, while the pH values decreased, establishment and rapid growth phases of the study
ranging between 6.9 and 4.8. (Table 3). Treatment differences became more pro-
Fertilizer rate influenced seedling root and shoot nounced in the rapid growth phase, with greater water
mass as well as R:S (Table 1). Root mass was highest availability attributed to larger seedling morphologi-
among seedlings produced with 12 g L-1 rate, which cal features (Online Resource 4) during the first four
was the only treatment different from the control. sampling periods, which captured establishment and
Seedlings receiving B3 g L-1 produced less shoot rapid growth phases.
mass than those in the 6–12 g L-1 treatments. Unfer- At the end of the growing season, all measured
tilized seedlings exhibited higher R:S compared to all morphological parameters differed across irrigation
other treatments. The 9 and 12 g L-1 fertilizer treatments (Table 3). Seedlings receiving the least

46 Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

to the highest irrigation treatment. Neither of the R:S

parameters showed a meaningful difference between
the highest and lowest moisture treatments. Above-
ground growth was higher for seedlings receiving
85 % of GWC through the hardening phase.
Seedlings across all irrigation treatments exhibited
a high degree of cold tolerance, and although the FIEL
test revealed statistically significant treatment differ-
ences (p = 0.0005; Online Resource 5), the specific
LT50 value estimates were between -26.7 and
-29.9 °C—a range well beyond temperatures
encountered in situ and thus not biologically


One of the most important aspects of seedling produc-

tion is irrigation management. Proper irrigation
depends on the quality and uniformity of water
application and is mediated by container shape and
the permeability of the growth medium used (Landis
1999). Failure to optimize irrigation can result in crop
Fig. 3 Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH measurements irregularity and lower quality reforestation stock.
(l ± se) collected using the pour-through nutrient extraction These factors are generally controlled in nations
procedure from Pinus pinea seedlings subject to five different
controlled release fertilizer rates; black circles indicated EC and with developed nursery systems, but often overlooked
black triangles indicate pH measurements collected in August, in emerging restoration programs. Furthermore,
2012. Different letters indicate significant differences despite the similarity in production needs with a
(a = 0.05, n = 5) number of European species, the materials available
for seedling production differ dramatically between
moisture (55 % GWC) throughout the growing season Europe and the Middle East, highlighting a need to
were markedly smaller, exhibiting lower height, RV, explore regionally suitable production options. Thus,
SV, RCD, RDM, and SDM values than those subject through the assessment of seedling growth with the use

Table 1 Mean above- and belowground biomass, R:S, and total plant biomass values for Pinus pinea seedlings subject to five
different rates of controlled release fertilizer assessed at the end of a 6-month growing period
Fertilizer rate Root mass (g), p = 0.0270 Shoot mass (g), p \ 0.0001 R:Sa, p \ 0.0001 Total biomass (g), p \ 0.0001
(g L-1)

0 2.3bc 1.9b 1.2a 4.1b

3 2.0c 3.5b 0.6b 5.5b
6 3.5b 6.9a 0.5bc 10.4a
9 3.5b 8.2a 0.4c 11.7a
12 3.9a 8.0a 0.5c 12.0a
Means followed by a different letter within a column differed significantly (a = 0.05, n = 5)
Comparisons were performed on ranked data

Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53 47

Table 2 Mean tissue Fertilizer rate (g L-1)

nutrient concentration of
Pinus pinea seedlings 0 3 6 9 12
grown with five different
rates of controlled release Shoot nutrient concentration
fertilizer assessed at the end N (%) p < 0.0001 1.4c 1.8b 2.2ba 2.3a 2.3a
of a 6-month growing S (%) p < 0.0001 0.1b 0.1b 0.2a 0.2a 0.2a
P (%) p < 0.0001 0.1c 0.2b 0.3a 0.3a 0.3a
K (%) p = 0.7581 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2
Mg (%) p < 0.0001 0.3a 0.3a 0.2b 0.2b 0.2b
B (ppm) p = 0.0785 13.2 18.1 17.9 19.3 18
Zn (ppm) p < 0.0001 18.9b 20.5b 35.5a 36.5a 35.5a
Mn (ppm) p < 0.0001 34.0c 81.6b 138.5a 121.2ab 145.7a
Fe (ppm) p < 0.0001 25.2b 22.4b 62.8a 39.2b 32.3b
Cu (ppm) p < 0.0001 1.2b 2.3b 5.1a 4.7a 6.1a
Al (ppm) p = 0.0124 3.4b 27.2a 13.2ab 5.8b 22.4ab
Root nutrient concentration
N (%) p = 0.0003 0.1b 0.2ab 0.2a 0.2a 0.2a
S (%) p < 0.0001 0.7b 1.1b 1.3ab 1.4a 1.4a
P (%) p < 0.0001 0.3ab 0.4a 0.2c 0.2bc 0.2c
K (%) p < 0.0001 1.3a 1.2a 0.8b 0.8b 0.8b
Mg (%) p = 0.1287 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
B (ppm) p = 0.1626 21.4 30.2 38.6 39.8 33.2
Mean values followed by a Zn (ppm) p = 0.4829 225.8 219.8 426.8 224 259
different letter within a row Mn (ppm) p < 0.0001 5.0c 9.4bc 16.2a 14.4ba 19.2a
differed significantly Fe (ppm) p = 0.6948 194 158.8 261.8 115.6 142.6
(a = 0.05, n = 5)

Table 3 Final assessment of the morphological responses of were obtained from ranked values. (Note: RV = root volume;
Pinus pinea seedlings subject to ten different irrigation SV = shoot volume; HT = height; RCD = root collar diameter;
treatments made at the end of a 23-week nursery propaga- Rv:Sv = root:shoot volume; RDM = root dry mass; SDM =
tion period. Reported p-values accompanied by an asterisk shoot dry mass; and Rm:Sm = root:shoot mass)
Treatment RV (cm3) SV (cm3) HT (cm) RCD (mm) Rv:Sv RDM (g) SDM (g) Rm:Sm
Sampling 5 p \ 0.0001 p \ 0.0001 p \ 0.0001 p \ 0.0001 p = 0.0024 p \ 0.0001 p \ 0.0001 p \ 0.0001

85–85–85 12.58ab 27.12a 31.45a 5.66a 0.47b 2.39a 6.85a 0.35c

85–85–70 13.39ab 26.82ab 30.95a 5.30ab 0.50b 2.34a 6.68a 0.35c
85–85–55 11.84abc 26.16ab 32.40a 5.54a 0.46b 2.24abc 6.96a 0.32c
85–70–70 12.81ab 22.76abc 27.17b 4.86bcd 0.56ab 2.18abcd 4.92cb 0.44a
85–70–55 11.12bc 21.29dc 27.80b 4.95bcd 0.54ab 2.02abcd 5.29b 0.38abc
85–55–55 9.60c 20.16dc 26.05bc 4.64cd 0.49b 1.82de 4.82cb 0.38abc
70–70–70 13.93a 22.11bcd 26.20bc 5.05bc 0.66a 2.28ab 5.40b 0.43ab
70–70–55 11.55abc 22.30abc 25.91bc 4.78cd 0.52ab 1.93bcd 5.25b 0.37bc
70–55–55 11.01bc 20.08dc 24.20 cd 4.76cd 0.56ab 1.85cde 5.01cb 0.37bc
55-55-55 9.47c 17.31d 22.05d 4.57d 0.56ab 1.52e 4.16c 0.37bc
Mean values followed by a different letter within a column differed significantly (a = 0.05, n = 10)

of locally available materials and irrigation practices and locally integrated approach aimed at improv-
appropriate for a range of conditions and capacities ing seedling quality and subsequent outplanting
within Lebanon, we have provided a research-based success.

48 Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

Study A: fertilization with CRF species-specific morphological standards may be

pertinent. Morphological parameter targets proposed
Within the 6-month duration of this study, the mean by the European Union (Navarro et al. 2006; Villar-
rhizosphere temperature was 27 °C. Although not Salvador et al. 2010) for P. pinea recommend seedling
explicitly measured, high temperatures likely height (20–30 cm), RCD (3.5–4.5 mm), and R:S
decreased the projected fertilizer release period from (0.4–0.5). Based on these recommended targets,
6 to 4–5 months, due to the temperature-mediated sufficient seedling height and R:S was achieved by
release rates characteristic of CRF (Jacobs and Tim- all fertilizer application rates, although additional
mer 2005). Although we observed an increasing trend in situ testing over multiple growing seasons is needed
in EC and a decreasing trend in pH values with to bolster these findings. Seedling RCD values
incremental increases in fertilizer rate across treat- exceeded recommendations among all fertilizer rates
ments, the EC values were found to be significantly (Fig. 2; Table 1), which may be of benefit to seedling
below values that are considered toxic to plant growth performance following outplanting (South et al. 2005).
(Jacobs and Timmer 2005) and coincided with those Typically, increased fertilizer rates contribute to
observed in the production of P. halapensis, a conifer nutrient assimilation, with increases in foliar N
native to the Mediterranean Basin (Oliet et al. 2004). concentration linked to improved plant growth and
In addition, despite relatively large differences in pH higher post-outplanting survival (Grossnickle 2012;
between the control and the highest fertilizer rate (6.9 Palá et al. 1997; Planelles 2004; Villar-Salvador et al.
and 4.8, respectively) mid-season height and RCD 2004), while excessive N fertilization can lead to
measurements revealed no differences, suggesting diminished physiological function, reduced cold and
distinctions in rhizosphere conditions among the drought hardiness, and decreased outplanting perfor-
treatments were not large enough to influence seedling mance (Dumroese 2003; Puértolas et al. 2005; Rikala
morphological development. and Repo 1997; Villar-Salvador et al. 2005). In
Although seedling height was relatively unaffected general, mean whole plant N concentrations observed
by fertilizer rate, with differences observed only in our study were comparable to other container grown
between the control (0 g L-1) and all other application Mediterranean conifers (Cuesta et al. 2010; Domin-
rates, fertilization caused seedlings to invest more guez-Lerena et al. 2006; Oliet et al. 2004; Villar-
resources into aboveground growth as evidenced by Salvador et al. 2005), although we detected a higher N
the significant increase in shoot biomass (more than concentrations in the aboveground relative to below-
fourfold) and a smaller change (less than twofold) in ground tissue. A possible explanation for this finding
the root biomass. The observed resource allocation to is that seedlings may have been actively growing
shoot over root growth at low-to-moderate nutrient during the November measurement period, and thus
availability in P. pinea may emphasize a potential did not translocate nutrients to belowground tissue.
strategy for light competition in the absence of water Overall, the optimum foliar concentration range
limitations. Significant gains in shoot mass were reported for conifers is 1.5–2.5 % (Landis 1989; Oliet
observed with the application of at least 6 g L-1; et al. 2009; Puértolas et al. 2012), which corresponded
thus, increasing the fertilizer rate to C6 g L-1 is the to the concentrations observed in our study under all
most cost-effective option for enhancing seedling fertilization scenarios except the control.
shoot mass, a metric which may be important towards
achieving better outplanting performance among Study B: irrigation regime
Mediterranean species (Dominguez-Lerena et al.
2006; Villar-Salvador et al. 2010). In the Mediterranean, larger seedlings exhibit better
Seedling R:S can be used to predict performance performance following establishment (Cuesta et al.
and tolerance to planting stress; with higher values 2010; del Campo et al. 2007; Guehl et al. 1993; Luis
believed to increase a seedling’s ability to meet the et al. 2007; Oliet et al. 2009; Tsakaldimi et al. 2005;
transpiration demand immediately following outplant- Villar-Salvador et al. 2004), with a strong positive
ing (Grossnickle 2000, 2012). However, this relation- correlation between height (20–30 cm) and survival
ship may not be as strong for Mediterranean woody (Dominguez-Lerena et al. 2006; Villar-Salvador et al.
plants (Navarro et al. 2006); thus, the use of several 2010); however, it is unclear if this relationship is

Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53 49

maintained once seedlings exceed the 30 cm height outplanting (Mitri and El Hajj 2007), and thus indicate
limit, achieved by the three highest total water a lower likelihood of frost damage post-outplanting.
availability regimes in our study. We also found that Despite statistical significance, we observed no bio-
target RCD values surpassed recommendations among logically relevant interaction between LT50 tempera-
all treatments including seedlings subject to the lowest tures and irrigation. Conversely, Villar-Salvador et al.
level of irrigation. In addition, mass-based R:S ratios (2013) found that well-watered seedlings of P. pinea
were lower than recommended, with Rm:Sm values (irrigation to field capacity every 1–3 days) exhibited
ranging between 0.32 and 0.43 and the highest ratio a higher electrolyte leakage after exposure to -8 °C
achieved by the well-to-moderately watered (85–70– compared to seedlings subject to moderate drought
70 % GWC) treatment. There are no listed recom- hardening for 3 months (irrigated when containers
mendations for volume-based R:S ratios; however, reached 43–45 % of their original weight at satura-
Rv:Sv values ranged from 0.46 to 0.66, with all tion). This difference between our findings may be
treatments regardless of irrigation achieving a ratio explained by the fact that the well-watered treatments
above 0.5. Although higher root biomass has been in our study received less water than those described
generally considered beneficial to enhancing estab- by Villar-Salvador et al. (2013). Furthermore, prove-
lishment success in arid environments (Grossnickle nance and diurnal light and temperature regimes can
2005; Padilla and Pugnaire 2007), with regard to affect seedling hardiness (Mollá et al. 2006; Pardos
Mediterranean species higher susceptibility to drought et al. 2003; Puértolas et al. 2005; Villar-Salvador et al.
stress among larger seedlings with lower R:S relative 2013) and may have exerted a stronger influence on
to smaller seedlings may disappear shortly following the cold tolerance of P. pinea seedlings than irrigation
outplanting (Navarro et al. 2006; Villar-Salvador et al. regime.
The reduction and the eventual cessation of height
growth but continued accumulation of stem diameter
and belowground biomass combined with seedling’s
ability to tolerate subzero air and soil temperatures are
In regions, such as Lebanon, where extensive or
major goals of drought and cold hardening (Landis
scientifically rigorous monitoring of plant perfor-
2013). During the hardening phase of this study, all
mance following transplant into field conditions can
seedlings demonstrated substantial reductions in
be difficult to accomplish, a feedback loop between
height growth; with seedlings subject to moderate
growers and land managers can serve as a proxy and
(70–70–70 % GWC), moderate-to-low (70–70–55 %
help enhance propagation practices to better suit
GWC), and low (55–55–55 % GWC) irrigation
restoration objectives (Dumroese et al. 2016). The
schemes exhibiting no appreciable height difference.
cooperative of Native Tree Producers of Lebanon has
Measurements of RCD growth decreased, but did not
adopted standards that build upon the approach
cease completely among all treatments from October
demonstrated in this paper (USAID 2015). Strong
to November. This corresponds to findings of Villar-
consideration was given to both nursery and local field
Salvador et al. (2013) who observed no differences in
conditions that could be tested ex situ and applied to
P. pinea seedlings stress tolerance between moderate
subsequent seedling production guidelines. While no
and severe drought hardening, although the two levels
refereed data are yet available with regard to seedling
of stress were generally lower and less distinct (34–45
post-outplanting survival, field evaluations provide
and 45–50 %, respectively) than those tested in our
insight into the positive survival trends (with 70–90 %
post-outplanting survival) partially attributed to
The results of the FIEL revealed that seedlings in all
research-driven plant production guidelines at the
treatments exhibited LT50 temperatures below
nursery level (Dumroese et al. 2016; Nehme 2014).
-27 °C. Pardos et al. (2014) reported rapid hardening
The practical outcomes of our results suggest that:
on P. pinea seedlings and saplings during November,
ranging between -18 and -20 °C depending on tree 1. High-quality seedlings can be grown using readily
age. These temperatures fall well below the range of available CRF and an appropriate application rate
frost damage that seedlings may incur following can be determined by considering the temperature

50 Plant Ecol (2017) 218:39–53

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