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Part 1:
You will be asked random questions about urban life. Try to get straight
to the point and extend your ideas for at least 20 seconds.
1. Do you like the city you are living now?
- Of course, i relly enjoy living in HCMC, which is a beautiful city.
HCMC is famous for a vibrant nightlife with full of activities in
the downtown. For me, this is an ideal spot because of amenity to
serve for my daily day like: have a lot of bus, a lot of convernience
2. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
- Honestly, although the city has a lot of amenity for my life and
this is an ideal place give a lot of opportunity for people but i like
the countryside most. Because im a person like the asmotphere
that could help me refesh my soul. At that places, i can relax
anytime and do anything i like for a long day cope with pressure.
3. Is it good for young people to grown up in the city?
- From my perspective, I believe that HCMC is a good spot for
young people to grow up. Every year young people come to
HCMC for work or study. This city is an ideal place because it
opens a lot of opportunities for people who don’t have much
experience like me with the facilities and serves are better than
another places.
4. What kinds of city do you like?
- Im into a city like HCMC, which is a mixture between old vibe
and modern design. In this city have a lot of historical landmarks
like museum, temple, …However, it have some modern buildings
with a lot of entertainment places for instance Bitexco, AEON,…
5. Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist?
- I think I like live in this city because I want to be a people in this
city to feel clearly about the asmotsphere or have active
experience like go to school and make a lot of memory in this city.
Part 1:
You will be asked random questions about mental health. Try to get
straight to the point and extend your ideas for at least 20 seconds.


Part 1:
You will be asked random questions about historical sites. Try to get
straight to the point and extend your ideas for at least 20 seconds.
1. Have you ever been to any historical places in Vietnam?
- Of course, i remember that the last time I visit a historical place is
in HN – call Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam. At that place, I could learn
about traditional education in VN and about old structure of
Vietnamese feutal period.
2. Which historical places left the deepest impression on you?

3. What interests you the most about historical places?


Part 2:
Describe a city you don’t want to live in. Extend your ideas for at
least 1 minute.
You should say:
 what it is
 why you know about it
 which things you don’t like about it
and give some advice to those who are seeking to live in this city.

Good afternoon teacher, hope you have a great day. The topic I will talk
with you today is describing a city that I don’t want to live in. The city I
don’t want to live in is Ho Chi Minh city, a big city in our country. I
have just lived in this city for 2 years and I saw many things that I didn’t
like about it.

First, Ho Chi Minh city is popular with traffic jams almost all the time
every day. If you go home at 5 or 6 pm every day, it will be a nightmare
to have a rest after a long hard day. Moving with motorcycles or cars
costs much of your time, and it can also cause stress.

Second, this city has severe weather. The temperature can reach up to 40
degrees during the day. We live with this hot weather every day of years
and it’s going to be hard with people who sweat easily like me. It’s very
uncomfortable and causes a bad mentality.

The final thing i dont like is the high population density of Ho Chi Minh
city. Because of it, the competition to get a job is very tough. Besides,
house cost, food cost,… are also higher than other cities. It’s such a
challenge to live in this city for new people who want to join. The hustle
and bustle of life in Saigon can make them feel pressured and stressed.

That’s all of things I don’t like about Ho Chi Minh city. For people who
want to live in, I have some advice for you: You should deeply learn
about this city, learn about the culture, traffic, weather,… to prepare a
good spirit for a new life. Ho Chi Minh city has a high cost of living, so
you should have financial planning to ensure you can cover the costs of
housing, meals, transportation,… Accommodation is also important. You
should carefully consider factors such as location, price, amenities, ...
before deciding to rent a house. Thank you for listening to my topics.

Part 2:
Describe a piece of advice about improving mental health that you
find useful. Extend your ideas for at least 1 minute.
You should say:
 what it is
 where you got it
 when we should apply it
and explain why you find it useful.

Good afternoon teacher, hope you have a great day. My topics today is
describing a piece of advice about improving mental health that i find

A piece of advice I find very useful for improving mental health is the
concept of practicing gratitude. I first known about it from a post on
Facebook I was browsing, though it's a principle that shows up in many
cultures and philosophies. The idea of this is to take time each day to
reflect (phản ánh) on the things you're grateful for, big or small. This
could be anything from having a loving family to enjoying a delicious
meal and watching TV together or having good friends who always help
when we need.

The reason I find this so useful is because it changes your focus from
what's negative in your life to the positive aspects that are already there.
When we're stressed or anxious, it's easy to dwell on negative thoughts.
Gratitude exercises interrupt that and encourage us to appreciate the
good things, which can have a powerful impact on mood.
There are many ways to practice gratitude. You can decorate a jar,
writing down a few things you're thankful for each day on small pieces
of paper and put in that.
Sometimes, you can take it out and read it to think about good things and
heal your mood. You can take a daily photo (or collect them throughout
the week) that captures something you're grateful for. This could be a
person, a place, an experience, or even a simple object. Share your
photos on social media with a grateful message. You can also take a
moment before bed to silently reflect on the positive experiences you
had that day. Even simply taking a few deep breaths and acknowledging
the things you appreciate in the present moment can be helpful.

The beauty of gratitude is that it's something anyone can do, anywhere,
anytime. It doesn't require any special equipment or training, just a
willingness to shift your perspective. And while it might seem simple,
the positive effects on mental well-being can be significant. By
consciously cultivating an attitude of gratitude, we can train our brains
to focus on the good, which can lead to a more positive outlook and
improved mental health overall.

Part 2:
Describe a historical site you visited. Extend your ideas for at least 1
You should say:
 what it is
 where it is located
 what you can see there
and explain why it is meaningful and important.

Good afternoon teacher, hope you have a great day. The topic I will
discuss with you now is describing a historical site I visited.

That historical site is the War tMuseum. It is located at 28 Vo Van Tan

Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. I went there with
my class 3 weeks ago and I saw many valuable things about our
country's war against America and France in the past.
My first impression when I first came was the grandeur of this museum.
Outside, it contains many artifacts (tạo tác) of war and a huge of tourists
visit there. When we went inside, we met the tour guide and we listened
to the presentations to have an overall perspective about the story of
wars, what this museum contains and where we can go to visit.

Then, we go to the first and second floors. There are many things we can
see about the wars of our soldiers and people. Images about the cruelty
of American imperialism and French colonialism, cruel scenes, the
remaining artifacts are displayed at the museum, the consequences after
war showed us the rigors of war, and how our people fight to gain
independence. It helps us to understand that to have peace today, many
people had to sacrifice. The love for the future, for the country, for the
family, for future generations, all of that creates the strength to beat any
enemy threatening our Vietnam country.

That’s all of our tour to the War Remnants Museum. After this tour, we
love our country more and more and we will try our best to study hard to
make our Vietnam country more modern and developed.

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