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Elf Wizard 1;
Neutral Medium
Init: 3 Senses: Perception: +3


AC: 21 Touch: 13 Flat-Footed: 18

HP: 6
Fort: 1 Ref: 3 Will: 3


Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: none
Ranged: Pistol [+1] +4 (1d8 +120/x4);
Wizard spells prepared (CL 1; concentration +5, Toque +4, Crit X3, Nat 1= Broken weapon)
1st (2/day)- Snowball (DC 15), Snowball (DC 15)


Str 7 (-2) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Int 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 7 (-2)
Base Atk: +0 CMB -2 CMD 11

Skills: Craft (a) +8; Knowledge (arcana) +8; Knowledge (engineering) +8; Knowledge (local) +8; Profession (sailor) +5; Spellcraft +8;


Feats: Gunsmithing; Rapid Reload;

Specials: Arcane Gun; Gunsmith; Mage Bullets; School of the Gun; Spellbooks;

Equipment: Mage's armor spell bonus; Potion of Mage armor; Shield Spell Bonus;


Arcane Gun (Su): Attack throw weapon with x3. Nat 1 on attack or Nat 20 in Salvation= Misfire

Mage Bullets (Su): swift action, he can sacrifice a spell and enchant weapon equal to the level of the spell sacrificed on a single barrel of his firearm.
With that weapon bonus: enhancement bonuses (up to +5) and dancing, defending, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, ghost touch, icy burst, merciful,
seeking, shock, shocking burst, spell storing, thundering, vicious, and wounding.

1st Turn: Swift action to enchant weapon to +1.

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