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International marketing quiz

1. How Global Perspective helped the humanity?

Global Perspective helped the humanity in international trade and supply chain,
the establishment of United Nation, etc.

2. Why did Panamanians Revolted against the Columbian government?

To have their freedom, established their own nation, and declare an independence
from Colombia.
3. Why Sea level canal would not be able to move forward and aim its goal?
It’s because the sea level of Atlantic and Pacific are not the same, the location has
sort of mountains and forest, the soil is clay based which is prone to mudslides that
results on such casualties, yellow fever, and inefficient work that after 2 years they only
managed 3 feet deep.
4. What are those Tactics or Smart moves of the US to successfully built the canal?
US helped the Panama to gain their independence from Colombia. After
declaring the sovereign state of Panama, US and Panama signed the Panama Canal Treaty
that gives US the authority to control the construction of Panama Canal until it’s
succeeded to build.
5. Why did Panama became a country?
Because of US wants to build a canal, in order to do their aim easily they helped
the Panama to get their independence first from Colombia then US proceed to their goal.
6. How does history helped the Global Business?
History helps define a Nation’s “mission” on how it perceives its neighbours,
how it sees its place in the world and how it sees itself. A history of a country are
important for understanding attitudes about the role of government and business, the
relations between managers and the managed, the sources of management authority and
attitudes toward foreign operations.
7. What are the future impacts of having the decrease of population in a certain country or
Here are the lists of future impacts of having the decrease of population in a certain
country or nation:
1. Decline in basic services and infrastructures.
2. Rise in dependency ratio
3. Crisis in end-of-life care for the erderly
4. Difficulties in funding entitlement programs
5. Decline in military strength.
6. Decline in innovation.
7. Strain on mental health.
8. Deflation
9. Unemployment
8. As a future businessmen/woman, how can you handle the pressure of having a critics
and biases around you?
As a future businesswoman, I can handle the pressure of having critics and biases
around me by having an open mind and, wherever I can, I will be prepared to accept
responsibility for my errors and work through and overcome them. Always be ready to
apologize if the circumstances call for it. Lastly, I try not to let criticism get to me too
much. Rather, I try to find some silver lining in it, then move on.

9. In what way does the geography, climate and topography affect the Economic Growth?
10. What would be the action(s) of corporations regarding Environmental Management?
11. What would be the reason why scarcity of natural resources happens especially the
scarcity of energy sources?
12. How does Population Decline and Aging affects the economy and what might be the
solution regarding to this problem?
13. On your own perspective, what might be the focus of World Trade Routes?
14. How does innovation change the way of communication?
15. What would happen if the Panama Canal was not built and how natural resources
especially source of energy impacts if it happened?

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