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Riya Pandey


Personality Development and Communication

Ms. Jaya Yadav

Title: Journey of Small Gestures

# Morning Rush
Rising before the sun, I plan my outfit the night prior, knowing every minute saved is crucial
for the morning rush. Despite setting my alarm for 5:30, I often find myself hitting the snooze
button until 6. As the alarm finally rings, I shake off sleep, quickly shower, and slip into the
day's outfit chosen in advance for comfort and practicality. Breakfast is often a hurried stuff,
sometimes just a sandwich grabbed on the go or skipped altogether due to running late. With
my bag pack, I check and recheck that nothing is left behind. Stepping outside, the world is
still asleep, wrapped in the quiet of dawn. Locking the door, I start on my daily pilgrimage to
college, a two-hour journey that's both challenging and familiar.
#Journey Through Chaos:
The journey begins with a lively ride in an auto-rickshaw, winding through busy streets. Upon
reaching the metro station, I join the bustling crowd, all eager to catch the next train. Inside
the metro, it's a different world – everyone seems distracted, either staring at their phones or
lost in their own thoughts. Finding a seat is a challenge, so I stand amidst the crowd. Despite
the closeness, there's a sense of disconnect as people remain immersed in their devices,
seemingly unaware of their surroundings. Some look busy, perhaps worried about being late,
possibly due to pressure from their seniors. It's a reflection of a world that's moving so fast,
with everyone caught up in their own lives, leaving little time for meaningful connections with
#A small gesture:
One day, as I step onto the metro train, I notice an elderly person standing, looking weary. I
observe that there are no empty seats around. Without hesitating, I decide to offer them my
seat. The elderly person's face lights up with gratitude as they accept my offer, thanking me
with a sincere smile and a heartfelt blessing. In that moment, I feel a rush of emotions – a
sense of fulfillment and warmth that fills my "heart." I realize that this simple act of kindness
has made a difference in someone's day and has created a connection between me and a
stranger. It's a reminder of the power of small gestures to brighten someone's day and to
promote a sense of compassion and community in our daily lives.
#Deep in thought
In reflecting on the incident, I realize that offering my seat to the elderly person was more
meaningful than I initially thought. It wasn't just a gesture of kindness; it was a moment of
genuine connection. Seeing the gratitude in their eyes and receiving their heartfelt blessing
made me feel incredibly fulfilled. It reminded me of the power of small acts of kindness and
how they can brighten someone's day, including my own. This experience showed me that
even in a busy and often impersonal world, there are opportunities for meaningful
connections if we are open to them.

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