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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKZOJZoological Journal of the Linnean Society0024-4082The Lin-

nean Society of London, 2004? 2004

Original Article


Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221. With 7 figures

Implications of the mastoid anatomy of larger extant

felids for the evolution and predatory behaviour of
sabretoothed cats (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae)

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Departamento de Palaeobiología, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. C. José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006
Madrid, Spain
Museo Anatómico, departamento de Anatomía Humana, Universidad de Valladolid, C. Ramón y Cajal 7, 47005
Valladolid, Spain

Received November 2002; accepted for publication July 2003

Muscle attachments in the mastoid region of the skull of extant felids are studied through dissection of two adult
tigers Panthera tigris (Linnaeus, 1758) Pocock, 1930, a lion Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758) Pocock, 1930 and a puma
Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) Jardine, 1834, providing for the first time an adequate reference for the study of the
evolution of that region in sabretoothed felids. Our study supports the inference by W. Akersten that the main mus-
cles inserting in the mastoid process in sabretooths were those originating in the atlas, rather than those from the
posterior neck, sternum and forelimb. Those inferences were based on the anatomy of the giant panda, Ailuropoda
melanoleuca (David, 1869) Milne-Edwards, 1870, raising uncertainties about homology, which were founded, as
revealed by our results. The mastoid muscle insertions in extant felids differ in important details from those
described for Ailuropoda, but agree with those described for domestic cats, hyenas and dogs. The large, antero-
ventrally projected mastoid process of pantherines allows a moderate implication of the m. obliquus capitis anterior
in head-flexion. This contradicts the widespread notion that the function of this muscle in carnivores is to extend the
atlanto-cranial joint and to flex it laterally, but supports previous inferences about the head-flexing function of
atlanto-mastoid muscles in machairodontines. Sabretooth mastoid morphology implies larger and longer-fibred
atlanto-mastoid muscles than in pantherines, and that most of their fibres ran inferior to the axis of rotation of the
atlanto-occipital joint, emphasizing head-flexing action. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal
of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: basicranial morphology – Felinae – hunting behaviour – Machairodontinae – neck

muscles – skull.

INTRODUCTION The most recent group to evolve sabretooth adapta-

tions were the machairodontines, members of the sub-
The predatory behaviour of sabretoothed carnivorous
family Machairodontinae within the true-cat family,
mammals has been a matter of debate for nearly a cen-
Felidae. Like all derived sabretoothed mammals, the
tury, and it remains one of the most intriguing issues
felid sabretooths differed from their non-sabretoothed
in modern palaeontology. With no extant carnivore
relatives in showing modified mastoid regions, and
displaying such adaptations, we are left with the fossil
these modifications were recognized by early workers
remains, and our knowledge of functional anatomy, to
as a key feature for understanding the animal’s mode
propose credible hypotheses about the way those pred-
of attack.
ators used their elongated upper canines for prey
The precise interpretation of the meaning of the
sabretooths’ mastoid morphology has varied consider-
ably. In the early 20th century, Matthew (1910) pro-
*Corresponding author. E-mail: posed his ‘stabbing’ theory, according to which the

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221 207

sabretooths used the neck-flexing and head-flexing

muscles to power a downward stroke or stab, thus
allowing the upper canines to penetrate into the flesh
of prey. The mandible would have virtually no role in
this kind of attack, and the clear adaptations for gape
seen in sabretooths would be meant to keep the lower
jaw out of the way of the stabbing motion. In Mat-
thew’s scheme, the supposed hypertrophy of several
muscles that depress the head and neck was the key to
the success of the stabbing motion. As evidence for
that adaptation, he mentioned the enlarged trans-
verse processes of cervical vertebrae, which house the
insertions for a group of neck-flexing muscles called

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the scalenes, and the enlarged mastoid process, which
in turn houses the insertions for the sterno-cleido-
mastoid group, a set of muscles that depress the head,
pulling from their origins at the sternum and upper
arm (Fig. 1). Matthew’s theory was refined by Simpson
(1941), who proposed that the inertia of the predator’s
rush toward prey would be incorporated into the stab-
bing motion, and it was accepted by many specialists
for several decades. However, other workers (Bohlin,
1947) argued that, among other problems, the long,
flattened upper canines of sabretoothed cats were too
fragile to withstand such violent use (Biknevicius &
van Valkenburgh, 1996).
Most problems of the stabbing theory were satisfac-
torily overcome with the ‘canine shear-bite’ hypothesis
(Akersten, 1985), according to which the sabretooths
killed prey by means of a modified type of bite. In
Akersten’s scenario, the jaw-closing muscles have a
supporting role during the bite, but the main force for
penetration of the upper canines is provided by the
head-flexing action of the atlanto-mastoid muscula-
ture. In the canine shear-bite, the mandible has a
Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the skull and cervical ver-
clear part to play as support for the opposing action of
tebrae of the scimitar-toothed cat Homotherium latidens
the upper canines, and the modifications for wide gape
showing the hypothetical motions of the stabbing bite (top)
are seen as adaptations to allow the lower jaw to play
and the canine shear bite (bottom). In the first case the
such a role while allowing clearance between the main rotation is around a point behind the thoraco-cervical
upper and lower canines. In addition, a recent study joint (white circle) and the posterior cervicals, whereas in
(Antón & Galobart, 1999) has shown that the cervical the second case, the main rotation occurs at the atlanto-
morphology of sabretooths reflects adaptations for occipital joint (white circle). In the stabbing model (top),
strong muscular control of motions of the neck includ- the pull of the brachiocephalic muscles (single headed
ing extension and lateral rotation, as would be neces- arrow) and of the scalenes (two headed arrow) provides the
sary to provide support for a canine shear-bite, rather main force for the strike. In the canine shear-bite model
than the exclusive emphasis on efficient neck flexion (bottom), the pull of the atlanto-mastoid muscles (short
required by the ‘stabbing’ theory. two-headed arrow) is the most important force for the pen-
A central difference between Matthew’s hypothesis etration of the upper canines.
and Akersten’s is that the former considers that the
modifications in the mastoid region of sabretooths can
be explained as related to changes in the insertion occipital joint, whereas advocates of the stabbing the-
area, and function, of the brachiocephalic and sterno- ory emphasized the importance of flexion of the whole
mastoid muscles, whereas in Akersten’s view, the neck and head turning around the thoraco-cervical
atlanto-mastoids were the most important muscles joint and posterior cervical intervertebral joints
involved. In other words, Akersten gave more impor- (Fig. 1). But when Akersten needed to support his
tance to rotation of the head around the atlanto- ideas on anatomical grounds, he found a paucity of

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

detailed studies about the muscle insertions in the female puma Puma concolor and an adult female
mastoid region of large cats. In his own words, genet Genetta genetta (Linnaeus, 1758) Cuvier,
‘Descriptions of modern felid and canid anatomy often 1816 were dissected by the authors at the Anat-
ignore, or are not consistent in the terminology and omy Department of the University of Valladolid. All
interpretation of those muscles’ (Akersten, 1985: 5). specimens were captive animals coming from the
As a result, he based his hypothesis on a published Zoological Park of Matapozuelos, Valladolid prov-
study on the anatomy of the giant panda (Davis, ince. We also incorporated information from a pre-
1964). Akersten’s choice was supported by the com- vious dissection of an adult female striped hyaena
mon-sense assumption of similarity in the disposition Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758) Brünnich, 1771
of muscle insertions across different families and even and an adult male binturong Arctictis bingturong
suborders within the Carnivora, but it gave rise to (Raffles, 1821) Temminck, 1824 from the Madrid
uncertainties about homology, creating an unsatisfac- Zoological Park. We also studied osteological mate-
tory situation, which has lasted to this day. rial of extant and extinct carnivores to compare the

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Over 15 years later, we still lack detailed compara- morphology of the mastoid region. The skulls of
tive data from the anatomy of the animals that would extant carnivores studied (besides those of the dis-
provide the most adequate comparison, i.e. the living, sected species) include specimens of domestic cat
large members of the family Felidae, to which the Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758, spotted hyena Crocuta
extinct machairodontines belong. The most useful crocuta (Erxleben, 1777) Kaup, 1828 and wolf
study of the muscles of a large felid is Barone’s (1967) Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758. Reference is also
paper on the myology of the lion, in which the neck made of published material of extinct machairodon-
musculature is described in detail, but insertion areas tine felids of the genera Homotherium Fabrini,
in the mastoid region are only mentioned and not 1890 and Smilodon Lund, 1842, as well as descrip-
described or figured. Similarly, for the domestic cat, tions of giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca
anatomical studies abound, but again the insertion (David, 1869) Milne-Edwards, 1870 and other
areas of muscles have been described (Reinhard & ursids.
Jennings, 1935; Barone, 1989) but not figured in suf- The dissected specimens were fresh and were not
ficient detail; regardless, the differences in morphol- prepared with any preservation products, so the
ogy between small cats and pantherines go beyond observation of muscle fibres was excellent but dis-
mere size and, as commented below, may imply differ- section had to proceed quickly before the tissues
ences in muscle function. deteriorated. Each specimen was dissected in a sin-
A further complication lies in the fact that all anat- gle session, except in the case of the tigress and
omy treatises state that the action of the muscles most the puma, which were frozen and subjected to a
relevant to Akersten’s analysis, the obliquus capitis second session. In all specimens, dissection pro-
cranialis, is to extend and to rotate laterally the ceeded from the most external muscle layer, except
atlanto-cranial joint, rather than flexing the head as in the lioness, which had been partly defleshed
was assumed by Akersten (Evans & Christensen, before our dissection, so that muscles external
1979; Barone, 1989). A more recent, specific study of to the splenius were damaged or missing, but
the suboccipital muscles in the neck of the domestic the deeper layers relevant for this study were
cat shows that the atlanto-mastoids generate little intact.
torque in the saggital plane (Selbie, Thomson & Rich- In each specimen, we dissected the neck muscles
mond, 1993). With these data in mind, Akersten’s that insert on the mastoid region and on adjacent
hypothesis would imply a case of function shift in a areas of the skull and we identified origin and inser-
muscle group for the machairodontines (Bryant, tion areas of each muscle. We made both digital and
1996). But it is also feasible that these muscles have a conventional photographs of each subsequent mus-
head-flexing action in some modern carnivores, cle layer in each specimen, and relevant details of
reflected in mastoid morphology. muscle structure and insertion were sketched in
This study intends to provide detailed information pencil directly from the dissected specimens. Skulls
about the muscle insertions in the mastoid area of of large pantherines were available for comparison
modern pantherines, and then to discuss the likely and identification of skull features that emerged
implications of our findings in terms of the evolution during dissection, and the skulls and skeletons of
and functional anatomy of sabretoothed cats. each dissected specimen were subsequently pre-
pared for detailed observation of the relevant osteo-
logical details.
We followed the muscular nomenclature used by
An adult lioness Panthera leo, two adult tigers (Barone, 1989) in his treatise on the anatomy of
Panthera tigris, one male and one female, an adult domestic mammals.

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

RESULTS The origin of the m. digastricus on the paroccipital

process is found to be variable in extent. In all cases
the main fibres of the muscle attach to the paroccipital
process tip, but whereas in the male tiger the insertion
was apparently restricted to that process, on the
The most external muscle inserting in the mastoid tigress some fibres of the muscle went to the tip of the
area is the brachiocephalicus, which originates on the mastoid, and in the lioness the insertion extended to
humerus and has an aponeurotic insertion extending the area around the base of the process, even into the
from near the tip of the mastoid up the mastoid crest adjacent part of the tympanic bulla (Fig. 5A) In the
and nuchal crest to the midline (Fig. 2). Immediately mandibular ramus, the digastric muscle insertion
internal to this muscle appear the fibres of the rhom- extends from the level of the first molar anteriorly,
boideus and splenius, which originate at the anterior reaching the level of the symphisis.
thoracic spinous processes and terminate in a common The muscle rectus capitis lateralis originates on a

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aponeurosis extending just internal to that of the bra- small area of the ventral side of the atlas wing, medial
chiocephalic, and with broadly the same extension to the attachment of the m. obliquus capitis cranialis,
(Fig. 3). At this same level, the fibres of the sterno- and inserts on the medial side of the paroccipital pro-
mastoid muscle are seen, extending from their origin cess, medial to the insertion of the m. obliquus capitis
at the sternum and terminating in a tendinous inser- cranialis. In the puma, the insertion reaches the tip of
tion on the tip of the mastoid process. Some fibres of the paroccipital process, adjacent to the insertion of
the sternomastoid extend upwards, sharing with the the m. digastricus (Fig. 5B). In the genet, some fibres
brachiocephalic a common aponeurotic insertion along attach to the tympanic bulla.
the mastoid crest (Fig. 3)
Internal to the m. splenius is the muscle mass of the
extensors of the neck, including the biventer cervicis, MUSCLE ATTACHMENTS IN MACHAIRODONTINES AND IN
semispinossus capitis, complexus and longissimus OTHER CARNIVORES
capitis, which have fleshy insertions on the occipital The mastoid area in machairodont felids differs from
area, above the mastoid region. Inferior to these can that of extant larger felids in several ways (Fig. 6).
be observed the obliquus muscles: the obliquus capitis The mastoid process itself is more developed, and it
caudalis extending from the spine of the axis to the projects in an antero-ventral direction to varying
dorsal surface of the atlas wings, and the obliquus extent, almost touching the postglenoid process in the
capitis cranialis, extending from the ventral side of the more derived machairodont genera such as Smilodon
atlas wings to the mastoid process. The mastoid inser- and Homotherium. The paroccipital process is vari-
tion of the latter muscle is fleshy and extensive, cov- ably reduced, especially in some of the more derived
ering much of the area of the process (Fig. 4A, B). In machairodont genera, and as a result the tip of the
the atlas, the origin area of the obliquus capitis crani- mastoid process has a greater ventral projection than
alis occupies most of the ventral surface of the wing. the tip of the paroccipital, whereas the reverse is true
The superior fibres of this muscle are short, owing to for the extant felids. The texture of the mastoid pro-
the small distance between their origin and insertion, cess is often more rugose than in extant felids, and
but the inferior fibres span a considerable distance more so in the more derived taxa. The orientation of
between the atlas wing and the lower part of the mas- the tip of the process is variable, facing anteriorly in
toid process. The insertion area in the skull is broadest some taxa, just as in extant felids, whereas in other
at its inferior tip. Superiorly, the insertion area is not taxa it faces inferiorly. In most cases the process tip is
restricted to the mastoid process, and continues in a proportionally broader and more distinctly sculpted
narrowing band up the nuchal crest. In the felid spec- than in extant felids. The mastoid crest is usually
imens dissected by us, we did not find evidence of an more developed with a greater lateral expansion, and
accessory portion of this muscle extending dorsally as a result the surface of the mastoid process itself
from the lip of the atlas wing, as described for the dog tends to face more inferiorly and posteriorly, and less
(Evans & Christensen, 1979; Done et al., 1995). In the laterally, than in extant felids (Fig. 7).
puma specimen there were some additional fibres Compared with machairodontine and extant felids,
extending dorsal to the atlas wing, in a position sim- the mastoid area of canids shows a relatively small
ilar to the mentioned ‘accessory portion’. Unlike the mastoid process and a relatively large paroccipital
main portion of the muscle, these fibres form a thin process. The mastoid process tip in canids is not placed
layer, superficial to the m. obliquus capitis caudalis inferior but actually level with, or dorsal to, the axis of
and covered by the m. splenius. Cranially, these fibres rotation of the atlanto-occipital joint, whereas the
mingle with the latter muscle before it inserts on the paroccipital process tip projects considerably more
nuchal crest (Fig. 4B). ventrally. In bears and in the giant panda, the mastoid

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 2. Photograph and schematic representation of superficial layer of head and neck muscles of male puma. 1, m.

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 3. Photograph and schematic representation of intermediate plane of neck muscles of male puma. 2, m. trapezius;
3, m. splenius; 4, m. sternomastoideus.

process is much larger and projects far more ventrally mastoid process, and the insertion area for the m.
than in the wolf, and indeed more than in extant obliquus capitis cranialis is contained in the vertically
felids. In hyaenids, the paroccipital is ventrally pro- orientated band between the paroccipital and the mas-
jected and anteriorly placed and thus very close to the toid crest.

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

In his description of the giant panda, Davis (1964) (Spoor & Badoux, 1986) and genet (this paper). Con-
figures a bundle of muscle fibres similar in position to sequently, it can be said that in all these animals the
the accessory portion of the m. obliquus capitis crani- only atlanto-mastoid muscle is the m. obliquus capitis
alis described in the dog (Evans & Christensen, 1979; cranialis. These differences suggest an apomorphic
Done et al., 1995). As noted above, we did not find evi- condition for the panda or for the whole Ursidae, or
dence of such a portion in the studied pantherines, alternatively Davis (1964) may have been wrong about
although a thin band of muscle fibres was observed in the identity of the muscles in the specimen available
the puma. In a binturong and a striped hyaena previ- to him. In any event, dissection of additional speci-
ously dissected by us there was no accessory portion, mens of Ailuropoda would be desirable in order to
but in the genet, as in the puma, we observed a thin clarify this subject.
band of muscle stemming from a small aponeurosis Some of the observed differences among the
that envelopes the lateral border of the atlas wing. reviewed carnivores in the disposition of some rele-
These fibres appear to be continuous with the m. obliq- vant muscles may have a functional significance: the

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uus capitis cranialis but they join cranially with the presence of an accessory dorsal portion of the m. obliq-
m. splenius and they lack a separate insertion area in uus capitis cranialis in the giant panda (as figured but
the skull. not mentioned by Davis, 1964: fig. 92) and in the dog
(where it is described as having a separate insertion in
the skull; Evans & Christensen, 1979) would point to
the existence of an extensor function of the muscle
Our observations of the muscle insertions in the mas- besides that of head-flexion. By contrast, its reduction
toid region of modern felids support most of Akersten’s or absence among the reviewed members of the Feli-
interpretations about the myology of extinct sabre- formia points to an almost exclusive flexor action.
tooths, but also allow us to update and revise his The lack of comparative data led Akersten to say
discussion of the head-flexing musculature. As he cor- that ‘modern felids and canids possess tiny mastoid
rectly extrapolated from Davis’s (1964) study of the processes with only very minute muscles extending
giant panda, the muscle fibres having a most exten- between them and the atlas wings’ (Akersten, 1985:
sive attachment area in the mastoid process are those 5). Our results show that generalization to be wrong.
originating on the ventral side of the atlas wings. Although it is true that modern canids have relatively
Given the distant relationship between felids and the small mastoid processes (Fig. 7), those of tigers and
giant panda, Akersten cautioned that the muscles lions are relatively much larger, providing attachment
extending between the ventral surfaces of the atlas areas for powerful atlanto-mastoid muscles. A further
wings to the postero-lateral margins of the mastoid difference between large canids and larger felids is
process in Smilodon ‘may or may not be homologous that the mastoid process of the latter projects further
with those of Ailuropoda’ (Akersten, 1985: 5). Our downwards than in the former, not only enlarging the
results show that those concerns about homology were muscle attachment area but also changing the action
founded, because there are important differences in of the atlanto-mastoid muscles. Effectively, the fibres
detail between the positions of the muscle insertions of the m. obliquus capitis cranialis in larger felids are
in extant felids and those described by Davis (1964) for located more clearly below the level of the occipital
Ailuropoda. In figure 19 of Davis (1964) the insertion condyles, and as a result of this change, the contrac-
of the m. obliquus capitis cranialis is seen to occupy tion of that muscle is more effective at flexing the
much of the surface of the mastoid and paroccipital head, whereas in canids the head-flexing action would
processes, extending to an area medial to the latter, be less efficient and the muscle would contribute to
whereas the m. rectus capitis lateralis is seen to insert stabilize the atlanto-cranial articulation when con-
on a portion of the mastoid process lateral to the inser- tracting bilaterally, while unilateral contraction
tion of the previous muscle. Thus there appear to be rotates the head laterally (Barone, 1989). In the
two atlanto-mastoid muscles in the giant panda. By domestic cat, there is little ventral projection of the
contrast, in extant felids dissected by us, the m. obliq- mastoid process, and the atlanto-mastoid muscles are
uus capitis cranialis insertion occupies most of the said to generate little torque on the sagittal plane (Sel-
mastoid process, whereas the m. rectus capitis later- bie et al., 1993). So we can say that modern larger
alis inserts outside the mastoid process, in and near felids show an incipient stage of the implication of the
the medial surface of the paroccipital process and atlanto-mastoid musculature in head flexion during
medial to the insertion of the previous muscle. The lat- the bite, which would become far more emphasized in
ter condition agrees with that described for the domes- machairodontines. Contribution of the neck muscula-
tic cat (Reinhard & Jenning, 1935; Barone, 1989), lion ture to vertical motions of the head associated with
(Barone, 1967), and with that described and figured mastication is already known in domestic cats
for the domestic dog (Barone, 1989), striped hyena (Gorniak & Gans, 1980), so that the adaptation of

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 4. (A) Photograph and schematic representation of deep muscles of the neck in male tiger. 5, m. obliquus capitis
caudalis; 6, m. obliquus capitis cranialis; 8, m. digastricus; At, lateral border of the atlas wings; Ax, dorsal border of axis. (B)
Photograph and schematic representation of deep muscles in a male puma. f, additional superficial fibres of m. obliquus
capitis cranialis, dorsal to the atlas wing.

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 4. Continued

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 5. (A) Photograph and schematic representation of deep muscles of the neck in a lioness. The posterior portion of
the temporalis muscle has been removed to make visible the nuchal region of skull and neck muscles attaching to it. 7, deep
extensors of the neck, including rectus capitis dorsalis major and minor; Am, auditory meatus; Mp, mastoid process; Nc,
nuchal crest. (B) Photograph and schematic representation of deep muscles of the neck of a male puma in ventral view. 9,
m. rectus capitis lateralis.

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 5. Continued

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 6. Photographs of the mastoid region of skull in female lion, Panthera leo (top) and scimitar-toothed cat, Homoth-
erium latidens (bottom) from Incarcal, Spain (IN-I 929). Note that the back of the skull is broken in the fossil. Muscle inser-
tion areas are marked; muscle numbering as in Figs 1–5. M, mastoid process; P, paroccipital process.

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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Figure 7. Drawing of the skull and anterior cervicals of Panthera tigris (top) and Homotherium latidens (bottom) with
fibres of selected muscles. Muscle numbering as in Figs 1–5. A black circle in the condylar area represents the position of
the rotation centre of the atlanto-occipital articulation. Notice how, in Homotherium, most fibres of the obliquus capitis cra-
nialis extend well below that centre of rotation, and would therefore have a stronger head-flexing action. Notice also how
the greater distance between the posterior tip of the atlas wings and the tip of the mastoid process in Homotherium makes
for longer inferior fibres of the obliquus capitis cranialis muscle.

sabretooths would simply elaborate on an existing bio- toid crest, whereas the attachment of the m. sterno-
mechanical system (Bryant, 1996). mastoideus is restricted to the process tip. The
All this is in contrast with the interpretations of insertion of the m. obliquus capitis cranialis, by con-
Matthew, who considered that the most relevant mus- trast, is fleshy and extensive, and the action of this
cles for head flexion in machairodonts where the m. muscle is likely to have had a stronger effect on the
brachiocephalicus (his cleidomastoids) and m. sterno- flexion of the head.
mastoideus, and showed these muscles as occupying These findings support the interpretation that the
with their attachments the full extent of the mastoid action of the atlanto-mastoid musculature (i.e. the m.
process (Matthew, 1910: figure 9). obliquus capitis cranialis) was the most relevant for
Our results clearly show that the insertion of the m. head-flexing motions aiding the penetration of the
brachiocephalicus and the more superior portions of upper canines into the flesh of prey. The immediate
the sterno-mastoids, although broadly coinciding with implication of this is that the relevant action involved
the position indicated in Matthew’s figure, are actu- was rotation of the head around the atlanto-occipital
ally aponeurotic and restricted to a thin band in the joint (an action associated with the canine shear-bite),
outer margin of the mastoid process, i.e. in the mas- rather than rotation of the whole neck and head

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

around the thoraco-cervical joint (an action associated in particular, the case of the mastoid region in carni-
with the ‘stabbing’ bite). In the canine shear-bite, mus- vores being just one example of the problem. When-
cular action from a static start provides the main force ever palaeobiologists attempt to reconstruct soft
for penetration, whereas in the ‘stabbing’ interpreta- tissues in fossil mammals, the descriptive anatomical
tion, the momentum gathered during rotation of the references cited are often remarkably ancient (Spoor
head along a wide arc, or even during the leap toward & Badoux, 1986; Witmer, Sampson & Solounias, 1999;
prey, is invoked to explain canine penetration. It is Naples & Martin, 2000).
true nonetheless that the downward projection of the While preparing his monograph about the giant
tip of the mastoid process would improve the efficiency panda, Davis commented about the lack of comparative
of the sternomastoid muscles as head flexors, an information in plaintive terms: ‘The muscles of the Car-
action which would be incorporated to the canine nivora are comparatively well known, but even for this
shear-bite mechanics as discussed by Akersten (1985) order our knowledge is at a primitive level. Descrip-
and Antón & Galobart (1999). tions are incomplete and inaccurate, often doing little

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The reduction in size and in ventral projection of the more than establish the fact that a given muscle is
paroccipital process in sabretooths implies changes in present in species dissected. Even for domestic carni-
the action of the m. digastricus, which is to depress the vores – the dog and the cat – the standard reference
mandible. In spite of the variation observed in the works are full of inaccuracies and are inadequately
extent of the area of origin of this muscle in the extant illustrated. Most of the genera of Carnivora have never
felids studied, the main attachment is always on the been dissected at all.’ (Davis, 1964: 146). He goes on to
tip of the paroccipital, and the lesser the ventral pro- comment on the importance of muscular differences for
jection of the process tip, the greater the distance the overall problem of evolutionary mechanisms, but
between the origin and insertion of the fibres of the m. then asks: ‘How can such differences be detected and
digastricus. Such an increase in the vertical span of evaluated?. Certainly not on the basis of existing
the fibres would be advantageous in terms of the descriptions and illustrations.’ (Davis, 1964: 146).
increased gape required by the canine shear-bite Most of the descriptions that we used as reference to
(Antón & Galobart, 1999). discern the pattern of muscle insertions in the mastoid
region in carnivores simply did not exist when Davis
wrote his monograph, but even those references are
CLOSING COMMENT: ANATOMICAL not enough, either in detail or range of species treated,
to solve the problem, and in general the situation
today remains much as it was in 1964. With our
results in hand, and given the insufficient references
available to Davis, there is now reason to question the
The importance of soft tissue reconstruction in fossil interpretations that he made of atlanto-mastoid mus-
vertebrates is being more and more widely recognized culature in Ailuropoda, but in order to add to the dis-
among evolutionists. As summarized by Witmer (1995: cussion, it would be necessary to describe additional
20) ‘(1) Soft tissues largely are responsible for the specimens of the giant panda, and of other ursids.
existence, maintenance and form of bones, (2) judge- Such investigations would be especially pertinent to
ments about the form and actions of soft tissues are the subject of atlanto-mastoid muscle function in
(implicitly if not explicitly) the basis for a host of sabretooths, because the giant panda and other ursids
palaeobiological inferences; and (3), with regard to share a mastoid morphology different from most mod-
systematics, soft tissue relationships may provide ern carnivores and intriguingly similar to that of
testable hypotheses on independence or nonindepen- machairodontines (Akersten, 1985).
dence of phylogenetic characters’. As Witmer commented, ‘the accuracy of soft tissue
However, accurate soft tissue reconstruction is reconstructions is vital because mistakes in soft-tissue
impossible without a sound database about the rela- inference cascade upwards through the “inverted pyr-
tionships between bone and soft tissue in extant taxa. amid” of paleobiological inference, amplifying the
Unfortunately, it appears that descriptive mono- error.’ (Witmer, 1995: 22). If the soft tissue inferences
graphs about the gross anatomy of animals have lost are based on an insufficient or inaccurate database
the favour of current zoological science, due at least in about the anatomy of modern taxa, then all the sub-
part to a prejudice among modern scientists against sequent steps will be questionable.
the descriptive aspect of natural history (Gould, 1989–
1991: 96–100). However, the field of palaeobiological
inference provides many occasions to regret the pau-
city of accurate descriptions of modern organisms, and The results of our study show that the most extensive
of the musculo-skeletal systems of modern vertebrates muscular insertions in the mastoid process of modern

© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140, 207–221

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