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Why Interview is conducted?

If you are applying to study in the United Kingdom (UK) from a high-risk country, you will have
to participate in a UK credibility interview. The interview ensures that only genuine students
likely to complete their course receive a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK. The credibility interview is
an integral part of the university’s decision to issue a Confirmation of Acceptance to Study (CAS)
letter, which you will need to apply for a visa.

Studying overseas is a big commitment, and the university wants to know that you have done
the right research before making such a big decision. Even if you don’t have to take the
credibility interview, preparing for it can help with your visa interview.

While it can seem intimidating, here’s how you can prepare for the UK credibility interview and
pass it with flying colors!

In the past, UK universities have seen individuals posing as students come to the UK intending to work
rather than study. Upon arrival in the UK, they either fail to register at the university or register and
don’t attend class. The UK credibility interview helps a university determine whether your intentions to
study in the UK are genuine.
The university’s admissions office will reach out to schedule an interview:

 After issuing a conditional offer

 Six months before the course start date, based on the university’s availability

1. Introduce yourself
2. What is your course title?
3. What are your previous qualifications? Complete describe about SSC HSSC,, MSc, etc.
4. What you were doing after your last qualification and why you did not continue your
education before your job.
5. Do you have your travel history/ have you been travel to abroad?
6. Do you remember you travel document number?
7. What is the passport/travel documents start and expiry date? WHO’s your issuing authority?
8. Have you been refused your visa in the past?
Address: Level 18, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, E14 5NR, London, United Kingdom
Ph No: +44 (0) 2036672633, Email:
9. Do you remember your student id number?
10. Do you have any job experience? Where you were doing last job, Salary, Designation?

1. Why do you want to study in the UK?

2. What are the benefits of studying in the UK compared to your home country or other
3. How did you choose which university to study at in the UK?
4. Which other universities did you consider?
5. Why did you not consider your home country for this course?
6. Do you have considered any other countries?
7. What is the living cost of UK?
8. What is the university address?
9. What’s the local attraction around the universities? How you will spend your leisure/ spare
time after your studies?
10. Where you will stay in the UK or how you will find the accommodation for to stay?
11. What are benefits of getting a degree from the UK? And what you will do after completing of
your degree?
12. Have you been to the UK before? When and for how long? What visa was it?
13. Do you have any visa refusal?

1. Where is located the University, you choose?

2. What facilities do you expect there?
3. Why have you chosen to study at ........... ?
4. Why did you choose to study this course and how does it relate to your previous study?
5. How long does your course last and how will it be assessed?
6. How will the course you have chosen help you in your chosen career path?
7. Do you know what level your course is and what qualification will you receive?
8. Did you consider studying any other course?
9. When is the course starting?
10. What is your course title?
11. How many hours you will study per week?
12. How did you pay your fee to the university?
13. What is the total fee of your course?
14. How this course will help you to achieve your goals?
15. How these modules will be beneficial for you?

Address: Level 18, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, E14 5NR, London, United Kingdom
Ph No: +44 (0) 2036672633, Email:
16. Is your course being full time or part time?
17. When the course is start and end date? And what is the duration of this course
18. Is there any late registration fee?
19. If you are late from your course start date what you will do?
20. How much you have paid to secure your place?
21. How you will pay the rest of your tuition fee?
22. How many semesters you will study during the course and how many subjects you will study
during the course?
23. If you fail in any subject how you will complete your degree.
24. Who will award your degree?
25. What is the course structure or modules?
26. What are the course contents?
27. Why did you choose this university not others?
28. What is the nearest Airport and how you will reach to university after reaching to UK?

1. What are your post-study plans or future plans?

2. Which types of jobs are you expecting after degree?
3. Can you explain any gaps in your years of study or work?
4. Do you understand what your responsibilities will be as a Tier 4 student?
5. Do you know whether you are entitled to work part-time in the UK?
6. How reliant are you on being able to work when you are in the UK?
7. What is the Visa fee & IHS? IHS (Immigration health surcharge)
8. Who is supporting your application Consultancy?
9. What will you do after reaching the UK?
10. How will you pay back this amount?
11. Do you have any intention to work in the UK? What will you do if anyone will offer you a job?

1. Who is financing your studies?

2. What is the profession of your financial sponsor and what relationship are they to you?
3. Do you have evidence of the financial status of your financial sponsor?
4. Are you able to verify the genuineness of these documents?
Address: Level 18, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, E14 5NR, London, United Kingdom
Ph No: +44 (0) 2036672633, Email:
5. Can you prove that this money is available for your study?
6. Would you be able to pay your tuition fees in one full amount?
7. Do you know how much accommodation will cost in the UK?
8. How did you get this money from?
9. How much you have in your account?
10. When did you transfer this money into your account?
11. When did you open this account?
12. Is this payment transferable to UK account?
13. What is your account name?
14. May I know about their branch code?
15. Do you have your IBAN?
16. Where is your bank branch?
17. How much current balance do you have?
18. Who is going to pay your funds and fees? How many dependents are there?

1. How much television do you watch in a week?

2. What kinds of programs do you like and dislike?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching television?
4. What are a parent’s responsibilities regarding television?
5. What qualities do you look for in a good friend?
6. Would you prefer a wide circle of friends or just a few close friends? Why?
7. How can friends help you in times of difficulty?
8. Can you tell me about ways friends have helped you?
9. What leisure facilities do you and your friends use?
10. What kinds of leisure facilities are there in your town?
11. What leisure facilities are popular with older people?
12. If you were responsible, what leisure facilities would you build in your area?
13. Why do you think some people pay lots of money to fly first class?
14. What’s the best thing about public transport where you live?
15. If you had a lot of money, how would you travel?
16. What would improve public transport for you in your area?
17. Why do you think it is important to speak a foreign language?
18. Why do you think some people learn a language and then forget how to speak it?
19. Which languages would you like to learn and why?
20. How useful have you found speaking English when you travel?
Address: Level 18, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, E14 5NR, London, United Kingdom
Ph No: +44 (0) 2036672633, Email:
21. Do you require a student route visa in order to study in the UK?
22. Do you currently reside in the UK?
23. Have you ever applied for a visa for entry to the UK, not for the purpose of study, even if you did
not use this visa?
24. Have you ever been issued with a confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)?
25. Are you current or previous student with the university?
26. Are you applying for a Pre-Sessional English Programs?
27. Are you applying for an Exchange or Study Abroad Programs?

Address: Level 18, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, E14 5NR, London, United Kingdom
Ph No: +44 (0) 2036672633, Email:

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