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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: a critical analysis

Ximena Rocha Godoy

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a protracted, multifaceted dispute that has
lasted for decades and has caused immense human suffering and political instability in the
region. This critical essay aims to analyze the conflict, examining its historical roots, key
actors, and potential paths toward its resolution, while remaining as unbiased as possible.

To understand the conflict between Israel and Palestine, we must consider its historical
origins. The Zionist movement's desire to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine was a
response to centuries of persecution and culminated in the Balfour Declaration of 1917
(Loaiza 2023). This created a source of tension between the Jewish population and the
Arab majority in Palestine.

One of the most significant challenges in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the
presence of deeply entrenched and contradictory historical narratives. Israelis have
emphasized their right to self-determination and the need for a secure homeland, largely
stemming from the collective memory of the Holocaust. This historical trauma and the
strong desire for a Jewish state after centuries of persecution and discrimination have
been central to the Israeli narrative. The State of Israel was established in 1948, largely as
a response to these historical injustices, with the aim of providing a homeland where Jews
could exercise self-determination and security (Anon n.d.). On the other hand, Palestinians
have their own narrative that centers around the Nakba, which means "catastrophe" in
Arabic, referring to the events of 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were
displaced from their homes and became refugees as a result of the establishment of
Israel. This event is a pivotal element of Palestinian identity and memory, and it symbolizes
the loss and suffering experienced by the Palestinian people during the conflict. (Buxbaum

These contrasting narratives have played a significant role in fueling the ongoing dispute.
Israelis see the establishment of the State of Israel as a necessary and just response to
centuries of persecution, culminating in the Holocaust. In contrast, Palestinians view the
Nakba as a profound injustice that has left a legacy of displacement and dispossession.

The political stalemate between Israel and Palestine represents a major obstacle to
resolving the conflict. While both sides have expressed a commitment to achieving peace,
negotiations have frequently faltered due to disagreements on core issues, including the
delineation of borders, the fate of Palestinian refugees, security arrangements, and the
status of Jerusalem. These contentious issues are deeply rooted in the historical narratives
and the emotional significance attached to them by both parties.

Furthermore, a lack of trust and the presence of entrenched political leadership on both
sides have further hindered progress. The longstanding conflict has eroded trust and
created a sense of skepticism about the feasibility of a lasting peace agreement.
Additionally, the leadership on both sides has often been unable to make the necessary
compromises and concessions, which are essential for reaching a mutually acceptable

The humanitarian consequences of the conflict are a serious concern. The ongoing
occupation of the Palestinian territories has led to human rights violations and the cycle of
violence has claimed countless lives on both sides. It is crucial to emphasize the urgency
of addressing these issues and promoting the protection of human rights for all.

External actors, including the United States and regional powers, have influenced the
dynamics of the conflict, based in my investigation, I argue that external interventions often
prioritize their interests over genuine peace efforts, further complicating the situation. The
role of external actors should be re-evaluated to ensure a more balanced approach (BBC
News Mundo 2021).

While the conflict between Israel and Palestine is deeply rooted, there are possible paths
toward its resolution. These include a two-state solution, a one-state solution, or alternative
models that address the needs and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. It is
crucial to engage in meaningful negotiations focused on mutual recognition, security, and

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex issue with deep historical roots and
numerous challenges. While it is essential to criticize the status quo, it is equally important
to emphasize the urgent need for a just and lasting resolution. This requires a commitment
to dialogue, respect for human rights and a reassessment of external influences. Only by
addressing these issues can the Israeli-Palestinian conflict move closer to a peaceful and
sustainable solution.

Anon. n.d. “HISTORIA: El Estado de Israel.” Retrieved on 13th October 2023 from


%20Estado%20de%20Israel.aspx). Buxbaum, Jessica. n.d. “Tantura Massacre:

Challenging Israel's Denial of the Nakba.” The New Arab.

Buxbaum, Jessica. n.d. “Tantura Massacre: Challenging Israel's Denial of the Nakba.” The

New Arab.

BBC News Mundo. 2021. “Conflicto entre israelíes y palestinos: claves entender la

escalada de violencia en Jerusalén y Gaza.” BBC News Mundo, May 11.

Loaiza, Melissa Velásquez. 2023. “Cómo se inició el conflicto entre Israel y los

palestinos.” CNN. Retrieved on 13th October 2023 from


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