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Engineering Institute of Technology Pty Ltd T/A Engineering Institute of Technology

ABN: 39 135 762 426 | CRICOS: 03567C | HEP: 14008

T: +61 8 9321 1702 | E: | W:

GTE Assessment
The information below is to be supplied to EIT in support of an application for admission to EIT to demonstrate that you satisfy
the genuine temporary entrant (GTE) and genuine student (GS) requirements of EIT.

We encourage you to put as much information into this document as possible to help create a holistic view of your
circumstances. Answers should be personalised, as generic statements will not be considered favourably e.g. saying ‘The course
is of good quality and will help me get a job’ would be unacceptable.

Please note that we can make a decision on a student application with the information provided (including the information given
in this document). There is no requirement for EIT’s Admissions Officers to request further information from an applicant.

Applicants are required to complete all sections of this document in their own words. If a section is not relevant, please
respond using N/A.

Applicant Name: Muhammad Sohaib Ashraf Date of Birth: 30 Apr 2000

Passport No: RZ1845761 Nationality: Pakistani

Education Provider: Engineering Institute of Technology Campus Location: Perth

Name of Course: Master Of Engineering (Electrical Systems) Start Date: 29 July 2024

Part A: Background
1. Describe your personal ties to your home country
e.g. family, community and employment and whether those circumstances would serve as a significant incentive to return to your home country

After completing my intended course in Australia, I plan to return to my home country with the goal of mastering a diverse array of design techniques
and constructing a compelling portfolio in the field of electrical engineering. My aim is to actively engage in industry events, establish connections with
professionals, and remain abreast of the latest trends. In Pakistan, esteemed companies such as Engro Corporation, National Engineering Services
Pakistan, Pakistan International Airlines, and Pakistan Ordnance Factories offer lucrative salary packages to electrical engineers.

2. Give reasons for any gaps of one year or more in your academic and employment history.


3. Have you, or any immediate family i.e.: spouse or brothers/sisters, had any visa refusals and/or cancellations from any country,
including Australia? If yes, please explain.


4. Personal Circumstances.

Provide details of your spouse and any dependent children of any age (if applicable).

If you are married, provide details of your spouse’s qualifications, employment etc.

Will any dependants be travelling with you to Australia? If so, what do they plan to do whilst in Australia?
Engineering Institute of Technology Pty Ltd T/A Engineering Institute of Technology
ABN: 39 135 762 426 | CRICOS: 03567C | HEP: 14008

T: +61 8 9321 1702 | E: | W:

Part B: Study in Australia

5. Why have you chosen not to study in your home country?

Australia's excellent educational system, rich cultural diversity, and breathtaking natural scenery make it a popular choice for overseas students.
Australia is a popular study destination for international students due to its well-known universities, skilled training centres, and stellar reputation in
research. Pakistan currently lacks developed electrical system training, and the country's innovative start-up ecosystem is still in its infancy. My
objective is to get insight into Perth's collective path in Electrical engineering by drawing comparisons between the current state of Islamabad and
Perth's more advanced design community and inventive market.

6. Why have you chosen to study in Australia and not another country?

Australia is known for its high-quality education system, which includes prestigious universities and institutions offering a wide range of programs.
Additionally, Australia's multicultural environment provides opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, enhancing the overall
learning experience. The country also offers various scholarships and support services for international students. Moreover, Australia's strong
economy and vibrant cities make it an attractive destination for both studying and living.

7. Reasons for choosing EIT.

Name of EIT Course: Master Of Engineering (Electrical Systems)

Campus location/address: 1031 Wellington St, West Perth WA 6005, Australia

Expected course start and end dates: July-2024 to July 2026

Annual tuition fees of the chosen course: AUD25,850.00

What content will this course cover and why have you chosen this course?
Master of Engineering (Electrical Systems) at the Engineering Institute of Technology. The reason I choose this program is because it encompasses
several crucial aspects relevant to my studies in electrical engineering, including Electrical Circuit Design, Engineering Programming,
Electromagnetism, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Power Systems, and Technology. It was important for me to study this in
Australia and more specifically Perth because it has both a strong creative and design start-up community, and a blooming Electrical engineering
market which is an excellent resource to conduct my study on.
Why have you selected EIT over other Australian institutes?

As I was researching universities in Australia, I came across the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT). Reviews from students caught my attention,
praising its emphasis on innovation and dynamic learning atmosphere. My decision to consider EIT was shaped by a thorough exploration of
institutions offering engineering programs. What stood out about EIT were its focus on practical application, strong industry connections, and
commitment to fostering creativity. I found that the institute's values closely align with my academic and professional goals, making it an appealing
8. Provide
choice details of ALL family and friends currently living in Australia, regardless of their location.
for me.


Part C: Personal Declaration

• I hereby certify that the information above is a true and correct account, and I haven’t omitted any relevant information.
• I understand that if any misleading or inaccurate information is found that my application to EIT may be refused and/or my
letter of offer may be withdrawn.

Applicants Signature:

Full Name as per passport: Muhammad Sohaib Ashraf

Date: 03/05/2024

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