Crim 204 Class Notes

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January 16/23

crimes are deviance that are in criminal code - most forms of deviance is not in the criminal

>Deviant beliefs
-argued sun was the center of the universe (1500s)
-went crazy over idea he tried sharing with other doctors, suggested washing hands
between surgeries
Just because an idea is deviant doesn’t mean it's wrong, it can be absolutely correct and still
A conspiracy - two or more people get together to engage in an illegal act

January 18/23
The term conspiracy theorists (conspiracy nut) was created by the CIA during November 1963
after the theories about JFK’s assasination challenging the original story.
Operation North woods - was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that
originated within the US department of defense of the United States of America in 1962. It called
for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of violent terrorism against American military
and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government to justify a possible war against
Cuba. The proposal was rejected by John F Kennedy.

Many drugs made deviant were made so due to the users of the drugs not the pharmacological
effects (mary jane/cocaine - poc/upper class)

Clergy Sexual abuse (why and the response)

Response to Clergy - nothing, the church/police shut it down and moved the clergy to another
church. ;The boys of Saint Vincent;

State Crime;
actions by the government that are done to advance the interests of the government (such as
residential schools and putin's invasion of Ukraine, invasion of iraq, assassination of JFK and
martin luther king, Robert Kennedy, Malcom X —Conspiracies)
Textbook is filled with theories divided into two boxes; Essentialist and Social Constructionist
Essentialists look for the why, the causes.
EMPIRICISM; the use of your sense to understand humans and the world, the analysis of
objective facts
OBJECTIVISM; the belief that there are objective facts about the world and we can learn them,
male or female matters, high or low class matters
DETERMINISM; the belief that there are causes to behaviour
They do not challenge the status quo power arrangements in society, they accept the society,
they do not question. (if you were labeled one thing that's what you are) - mainstream view of
criminology, says free will isn’t real and your behaviour has a cause (brain function, social
situation, some reason etc)

Social Constructionists challenge the status quo and relations of power, the state and
government (kant university)
/analyze the after, not the why but the response
RELATIVISM; deviance is relative, depends on the society and time periods as well as the
place/culture - deviance is in the eye of the beholder
SUBJECTIVISM; deviance has to be interpreted, it's not obvious or objective. Created in
perception (how we perceive different acts). Why do things become deviant?
VOLUNTARISM; Behaviour is the result of free will (a choice), it is not caused. Humans are
active creatures in society and actively interpret what happens to them. (Rick Hanson became a
paraplegic as a teenager - a lot went into depression, Rick ended up wheeling around the entire
world in his wheelchair) Rick Hanson interpreted what happened to him, he wasn’t passive.

Every theory in CHAPTER TWO is an Essentialist theory

CHAPTER THREE contains the Social Constructionists theory

Central park 5; they put 5 young black men in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. The biggest
group at risk for being wrongfully convicted are young black males

Most things related to sex and drugs are considered Low consensus crimes

Resistance to deviant labels

Micro level; resistance of individuals
Macro level; resistance at the societal level
Greensborough - 4 young black men went into a resuraunt and wouldn’t leave

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