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— — ® SHRI RAMSWAROOP itise| INSTITUTE OF RMU MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY \ |S DCU ODD TS VIRTUAL’ SHRI RAMSWAROOP MEMORIAL NATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION 2024 25-27 April,2024 BANKING PARTNER w manupatra® - (Ge a Razorpay Li ve ~ MEDIA PARTNER: + Law, © tc @ law a INSTITUTE OF LEGAL STUDIES Cee eee ne ae RRO ee mm sce ABOUT THE EVENT The Moot Court Committee of the Institute of Legal Studies at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University is proud to host the 2nd Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court Competition. This esteemed event will be held from April 25th to 27th, 2024. We invite law students from across the nation to participate in this enriching competition. This is a remarkable opportunity to hone your legal expertise and develop critical professional skills. The competition will provide a realistic platform for budding legal minds to sharpen their analytical capabilities and navigate complex legal scenarios. We are delighted to offer this platform for students to gain invaluable firsthand experience in the intricacies of the legal profession. We extend a warm invitation to your esteemed University/Institute to actively participate in this prestigious virtual event. Your competitive presence will significantly contribute to the intellectual discourse. We eagerly anticipate your participation in this stimulating competition. DS Teska hi Cea U CAME iNET Faculty Convener NY Cole Cel am Oconee MESSAGE FROM CHANCELLOR & PRO-CHANCELLOR LPN ae Kel cee CC TSC Leh Mme Teele Ome CMN aU T ere MmT CCMMeRG Tern MS Meco MRCS Teton een Ce CON ATTN CTC eyes Unter TT University is dedicated to fostering an environment that PTR O CB HTS | UateT MECC ce SCOT mente mC RUC C CMe aCe CCOO MCC y creating a national platform for legal minds across the country to test their mettle. I have unwavering confidence Teme meen eae rT teeter oe Virtual National Moot Court Competition that will be a Tati mer SH eam ern TT eects ecm ene Ce PS Tetec eo TMD Sem COT sae Co bebe 1am thrilled to announce that the Moot Court Committee at the Institute of Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University is spearheading the 2nd Virtual National Moot Court Competition. This innovative POPU COT TM ICON CME MATT CMC Sone Nae OMS ECCT CES) Rie cim ttre Ceevie tenn Pen en tence Meme tats erie Pacer eects eel meeceatco mec CCM ects and courtroom presentation. A hearty round of applause to MERA emCon TT CoM mettre en mene nts this event a reality. I extend my warmest wishes for their Peerrennitoattece eM tenth te Meat nmeatetetitemeern ts etteteny www.srmu.acin ij institute of legalstudies.srmu (in) MESSAGE FROM VICE- CHANCELLOR & DIRECTOR Nicaea monte Moar ee Cae Ma ery RST oN Peet MN CSU CTU am ECE Same CTS Ce proceedings. Through this dynamic platform, students can * refine their critical thinking, research, and advocacy skills, Fs PIR ee conten coat center se \ a PERC RSMMC mn Tetr rm ci EN aS Nero en te participate in this prestigious event. Your presence will enrich the competition and contribute significantly to the Britcar TEV ence UTD Taye r-ct TT RET Cem (oreccW TNT EELOGM I commend the Moot Court Committee for their tireless OTM R crt Renate Seca Team omc SCUTTLE CCRC Tn Reece eee Meta ROE trees aT TMS ere on MCCS TT MONA Me cgi teeth ground, refining legal writing, research, and advocacy a Se MS TCC Mn m Ra Men rc CHa ee CT) PCC eRe MOMENTS ECCT Ceen TTC Rae wise proverb states, "Every competition is a test, but every sere Ne TCT OTC OTT TG PR eS one MTS CUM TCO SCOT EC cE development. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the entire team for their dedication in making this event a RT Na MCN COM CAMEO sto CTT cae Y ROT ccc ii institute of legalstudies.srmu (in) http://surL.ti/rfpwy RS UT Me Olea gA RX A ela ere mdi rok Cee eee cone 4 SC Ce SOS oe ee University is excited to host the 2nd Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial ‘National Moot Court Competition, scheduled for April 25th-27th, 2024. We warmly invite your esteemed institution to participate in this prestigious event. ae ¥ This competition provides a dynamic platform for aspiring legal SO ee Re a aC Ems . Passion for the legal profession. Here, students will engage in, a stimulating, intellectual exchange, honing their critical thinking and advocacy skills through realistic courtroom simulations. The Cee aa eo coe RS eS Cet Mm cue oe RC Teo Pececer ee ee cece hes utan mole arate) to welcoming your talented team and fostering a spirit of camaraderie and intellectual discourse among future legal Pee Pea eect DC ua Ly rma Ro Reo LoL MOOT PROPOSITION eRe WMI Se eee Ra Ne ee CO The Facts, names, locations, and dates bear no’ resemblance to any person, event, or happening whether dead or alive, Any resemblance found, if any, is purely coincidental and for the purpose of learning. Similar data used in the problem are specifically for the purposes of this moot. No real incidents can be attached to them. This problem is not intended to hurt the feelings of any section of society or to offend any person. ec RCo om cet aCe Soren sO socom mente aN EUR en Setter a CS CART ROL RCM a oCe TEM entero conece Comer ean CoC mC CMe tee Meter crm UCC MET y oor COMMS PMT ey Pr eS eco eR CR ce a oC a CTC CCE diverse and vibrant economy. Upon atta adopted a secular framework of governance to serve its populace. ning sovereignty, Freedonia crafted its own Constitution and Freedonia in its inception was born out of two majority populations- the Fire worshippers commonly Pe Oa Re CRO AON ee cS Mughals, However, the tussle between religions was quite evident Presents in Freedonia ever since it gained Se ee ae T RU ecm So che) ee ccc Sirocco eR nT CMM ON TO eee Ser Coan Cee Implicating that there shall be no state religion but it would be the duty of the state to safeguard the tee eRe eE Une een Rn Re aCe rec uae no cece populace from various regions outside Freedonia sought sanctuary during partition and have ever been living here as residents of Freedoni ie Pe aOR Ree CYS COM tm cl Cnenn i mcae (meen ere hence Ret eCmUtcs Ce Cec CC Rm eR Gee meee! CO Re ee Ce Oe OR Roe ec ec Nac! that preventive detention (hereinafter referred to as “PD”) provisions were necessary as a tool to fight and prevent crime, and only a minority challenged the principle of preventive detention in the debates. Oe en ROR eRe CSUR LOC ROM ose em ese) secessionist movements in various regions. In response, the Freedonia National Congress (FNC) leadership was resolute in preserving the nation’s political unity, announcing strict legal repercussions for eo ee tee Cee Rite CMT sae Cees a tee noon) security concerns and rights protection - due process rig SRO tts (este O sn he ORCS Cn eee Ta aR eee nent ees] i institute of legalstudies.srmu /surLli/rfpwy MOOT PROPOSITION Cee Reon OT Nm enc Cs Oe Cam CEI Secon) suspicious, the matter eventually reached the judicial arena. Before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, the Se nee ee Ome nee Ce OO mem Tm Se eee ELT ea ea CR eT Mn CEC OO an proceedings to continue. However, it issued a specific caution, deeming legislation like the PD Act as regressive and symbolic of tyranny. The court advised the Union of Freedonia to focus on abolishing such laws, emphasizing the need for a more progressive legal framework. 7. Up tll the 2000s things moved smoothly, A National political party titled- Pro Aryans Political Party (PAPP) came into power and began their advent in restoring state supremacy over its subjects, In 2020, OR Cena ORCS RM ecw SMELT DA DCC oe tcc tee Preteen a ee ee C ECR enc ee ee eas eee RON eT a eat community concerned about free speech and liberal ideas. Pence ee RR a en cme tte Rene ema ee SR aT RS ng Ce Mae CeCe Cn coer nares nos safety, even if they have not yet committed a crime. Under this law, individuals can be detained for up to three months and can be increased up to an additional 3 years without trial if a judge finds probable Seana Om aes ORM Tee a RR ET Ror eny TO Coty aunts The State Government may RACE MU ned Orkney enna mens te person and with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to— Omens ee Mg (ii) the security of the State or the maintenance of public order, or (iii) the maintenance of supplies and services to the community, or eet eeNg Ce Og mm oct nce any (b) if satisfied with respect to any person who is a foreigner within the meaning of the Foreigners Act, 1946 (XXXI of 1946), that with a view to regulating his continued presence in Freedonia or with a view Ona Deore ae COM Seen eR ccc nO OME EC URC e directing that such person be detained ii institute of legalstudies.srmu (in) http://surL.ti/rfpwy so i. cee MOOT PROPOSITION s i i PSS eo tC a When a person is detained in pursuance of a detention order, the authority making the order shall make EO eee eee TSR Cn ROR en ert em MEU ETRE Cee him the earliest opportunity of making a representation against the order, in a case where such order has been made by the Central Government, to that Government, and in a case where it has EURO ere a URI m NC icra are CLS C Teneo Petey Te Ce eee Meee Rea OCS Ce ct Reece Jack Miranda, a civil rights activist, has been outspoken against this law since its proposal. In a public rally, Miranda stated, "This law is a blatant violation of our constitutional rights! It gives the Pee eae en Se eT Cae ee ec a eee ean SCC NC a Ce Cc Rice eer Semon sen eg information about his detention, but his inquiries were met with silence, Despite repeated requests, he received no clarification. After an elapsed period of three months, instead of bei Pree ec Ieee centro See OO ROSE Co ae mT coco Me Com Co eMac mes condemnation. CSOT REC eer Cie mn te eke Dee Tes ate an ROTC Mo ence ctr Pees Te RCE ee a ae C ERC Re ec RC Cert acces ees ee ae Teg See ERO CCE oa ec ee eR ORS Te a ces Rae taCe TT order, potentially leading to severe law and order problems and violence that could disrupt societal PO ORE eee CHC eT n mmc ae MST EET nT CS Cee ee Omen onc See See oe RRO CECE MEL Ome cc nent eee ec Rees errs Oe eR CC ene Com mC uT en oe star Reroray NERC Re Aon Ce crt Tis arguing that it violates various provis Pa Seance Ut ns of the Freedonia Constitution, including the right to due ees in the Apex Court but due to the gravity of the matter in hand, the issue was referred to a constitutional Pon est en Senn oe moments TO eee et , freedom of speech, and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Matter 3 i {institute of legalstudies.srmu surllifrfpwy. MOOT PROPOSITION ‘The moot court problem presents the following issues: 1, Whether the preventive detention law violates Miranda's right to due process under the Freedonia Constitution. PA ee Se ee Onn en Se nCUn CS ren is esce Rot cS Ree Ce eR CC RCC ese Ceca ant TS ree ROSE eRe Ce ng a ee eee Tene ea ect The issues provi led are not exclusive, they may be altered at the discretion of the participating teams. oe eee CR eC esc en ee ec eC Rie Pe een ORC ERC mr Ce eR CRU ec ReneS Oe Neue RO ecm UNTO R Oca seen cena cme UE knowledge of constitutional Jaw demonstrated by the participants in resolving the issues raised in the oe BNNs This moot problem is designed for educational and practice purposes only. This moot problem addresses a Per ea aera ae ee a are ene eae eee oe eee eee age. @ ii institute_of_legalstudies.srmu _[in), RULES & REGULATIONS GENERAL RULES + “Organizers” means the Moot Court Committee, Institute of Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop NV Conse Ton ee eR SCI MVC TN LV Comet Cece) + “Participating Team” means the team which has registered itself for the competition as per the rules Enos + “Participating College/Institution/University” shall be presumed to be the parent institution of the Prey na + “Participants” means the speakers and the researcher of the Participating Team. + The rules of the Moot Court shall be strictly adhered to. Any deviation there from them would attract disqualification or other penalties as decided by the Organizers. Pe ene a keene eRe Nm eee eee ee ern aT ET DWH Dl + The 2nd Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court Competition shall be held from PETE rr een! Peat AN be Uae Terns cM ED eta OOD Comer rr ceca me ON Dyce Ts Academic Year 2023-2024 from any recognized Law School/College/University in India are eligible to participate. Se een See ta COR RRO me ees ct een eed (after Final Registrations), a Team will not be permitted to vary their composition in any manner. TEAM COMP Oo Be red titer tara eRe Rea ss eROR oe) Ee sed SSC ROR OR er em On een eR era eee eee CRC Teng See Ses eee oe is Se een ec CM aN ST OMe NMR crt Td oon rst @ i institute_of_legalstudies.srmu in) http://surL.ti/rfpwy RULES & REGULATIONS RULES REGARDING MOOT MEMORIAL A) SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: + Teams are required to submit a memorial from each side i.e. from the side of Petitioner/Appellant or Pree a eo nent SRC cme eee Oot B UO acct Se Ce ORES CMR CMTC CMV CCC mmec ame TCE latest by 17 April, 2024 by 23:59 PM. Only soft copy needs to be STIs Bee Cor eee cee See COR ere B) FORMAT OF MEMORIAL: + Each memorial shall have the following details: eres ot ii, Table of Contents Time Boe cagc toi Oren oe tr Beene ten terra Semen esd vii. Issues Raised ST ety eae cnn x. Prayer C) COVER PAGE: + The following details should be there on the cover page and nothing else: i. Team code on the top right hand corner of the cover page PNET nN CRU MI Rect tna retin iii, Name of the parties and their status OSV Cute nen eee RAN CtOre Prec M Ey octen tater es ro ae Dc + The following content specification must be adhered to: Pee SS ACU ee Cun ena iii. Line Spacing (Body) - 1.5 lines een A eee ELD nL Oh v. Line Spacing (Footnotes) - Single line Sas ee Cure Ce ne ene cr Si Tee arte (a) Entire Memorial - 30 pages maximum (b) Body of Arguments - 10 pages maximum viii, Paper Specification - White A4 Sized Paper eee Mt CHC ett i} http://surL.Ui/rfpwy, @ wwwsrmu.acin 4 stitute_of_legalstu RULES & REGULATIONS E) EVALUATION OF MEMORIALS: + Memorials will be judged by a special panel of judges on the basis of the following criteri Presentation of facts 10 Marks Ingenuity and Logical Reasoning 20 Marks Interpretation of Law 20 Marks Extent and use of Author 20 Marks Relief Sought 10 Marks Format and Citation 10 Marks Quality of Language 05 Marks Adherence to the Guidelines F) DEDUCTION OF MARKS FOR L ee Ce Ac ROMO Ce Sm ect Sanne CUTCanyS MWe NTI F THE MEMORIAL: Cm MSC TCLS eS eee CS a mec a en uubject to deduction of 2 marks per day for late submission of the soft copies and Scere nn see ENE mut Macc nMe eects + Note: - Participants are requ Sr OR te aC OMe RCO ese eon Ten oLe STOIC ROM Lannea G) EXCHANGE OF MEMORIALS: Pee Oe an een Re Ce een een ace Tce eC Caer ects + The official working language of the 2nd Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2024 shall be English. PSO RRC a Cre nS Nor Ree Nae CO mee Doe ete onic Sec tc ee eee ORCI eee Rec te Sem eee trousers, full sleeved white shirts or white kurta, black bottom wear, black blazer/over coat with Re SB VOOR eee Te ROR eee RCC ee eS ee ee full sleeved white shirts, black tie and formal foot wear. @ wwwsrmu.acin 4 stitute_of_legalstu ‘hetpi//surLli/rfpwy, RULES & REGULATIONS + Each team will have a team code and each participant shalll be given an individual code. Disclosure of Ren aOR oe eo TOM es ne eon Se Seca a a ae SR Ce eo Oe includes disqualification, ANONYMITY Str Se Coa SS SUSU SCE college/institution/organization at any time before the award ceremony. The individual code and the Pee Re a ORL ee SUS ose CUOMO Colts Cel eeu a tLeCOE PUN SS Ome Ta TR RMR acne Omron nem C Pe cectttO inal Round PU cco oa Remsen ec eR. BIE + Every Team member designated as Researcher has to be present at the time of the Researcher's Test. + The test shall contain questions related to the Moot Proposition and the relevant laws applicable. RELIMINARY ROUN BUONO ocr am GO CRC em yy et mon Wate on SCS co this round the teams shall be chosen on the basis of their score. Each team shall be given only 20 minutes to present their case. On the basis of score, Round, ORS aoc CCRT TTT SEMLEINAL BR ORS TR SR CCN RCS EMTs So ae ccc SOR ceo Crs gare CS URC tCn cia errata ce FINAI Pee oC Recent ge cero ena nce @ wwwsrmu.acin 4 stitute_of_legalstu ‘nttpi//surLli/rfpwy, RULES & REGULATIONS Ce) Peete mn teen On Cao RICA emcee CO nines Sauer) CC COR ste omen Cc oe ed minutes for one speaker in the Preliminary round, 18 minutes in Semi-Finals and 20 Minutes in the ahrla Pe eee a ome RON emt om RnR meme em Reece ec BORE Re ROR Re oe ee TRU STAY PSE ee come Netter mines Organizing and presentation of facts 10 Marks Application of legal principles 20 Marks Depth of Research 10 Marks Originality in Presentation 10 Marks Articulation of Issues 10 Marks Response to questions posed 20 Marks Use of authorities and precedents 10 Marks Court etiquettes 10 Marks Ne Re eee Oe ee @ wwwsrmu.acin 4 stitute_of_legalstu ‘hetpi//surLli/rfpwy, IMPORTANT DATES Goce term eat Deca ozs Perea etc April 01, 2024 Penance ae April 02, 2024 Release of Clarification Nene Seam Moers 0) BLE Orz9 YAN Pe @ i institute_of_legalstudies.srmu in) http://surLti/rfpwy REGISTRATION ‘Teams are required to complete their Registration by 01 April, 2024 by 23:59 IST. The Registration Fee is INR 2500 which shall be payable through Online Transaction Mode and shall be made in favour of Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University. Payment Details: en Sa ney ea NCTOSTE Pee cso Coe ee ee eo meee enn sy Pisce reer hs STN CeItON ANT AUT ANCA Afier registering on the Google Form, the teams are required to send one Email containing names of the re MET coe MO MRT STMT CCE Mm frecltrcCecrn tn cece ONT a ecm registration is complete, teams shall be confirmed via Email @ wwwsrmu.acin 4 stitute_of_legalstu ‘hetpi//surLli/rfpwy, PRIZES 000 + Certificate + Trophy UNNER UP ,000 + Certificate + Trophy T SPEAKER ‘ Cgipificate + Trophy RESEARCHER 00 + Certificate + Trophy BES®MEMORIAL bs. 5,100 + Certificate + Trophy BEST UPCOMING MOOTERS Rs. 2,100 + Certificate + Trophy Cee Cree Meher uneiae trate) cate DO ea PTecuer emi kee ce Ce aces eres) Hard copy Certificates to top 5 teams. Internship Opportunity to all the participants. eens ery rater ace YY /p @ i mootcourt: titute_of_legalstudies.srmu in) htty ORGANISING COMMITTEE reper CHIEF PATRON Gn Cece) Peta arty Roatan terri Ea a Preece aT oxo creat ate) St) Rem Dr. U.N. Tiwari Tae ede UTE Liar eee SEU Mehr Mr. Manish P. Singh Mr. Dravyesh N. Pathak Mr. Kaushlendra ORGANISING COMMITTEE

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