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Dear Participant,

Thank you very much for taking the time and answering the next 15 questions of the
The purpose of this questionnaire is purely educational, to help me out making
conclusions regarding my master thesis research.
I assure you that all the answers will be treated with highest confidentiality, and by the
GDPR standards will be destroyed in the next 6 months after I conclude with the
research results.

1. Gender:
c.Not specified

2. Current country of residence:

3. I live in:
a. Private house with charging possibility
b. Residential building with charging possibilities
c. Residential building without charging possibility
d. Hotel/ Hostel
e. Other

a.Primary education
b.Secondary education / high school
c.Bachelors Degree
d.Masters degree
e. PhD or higher

5.What kind of transportation are you most often using on daily basis?
a.Own vehicle
b.Shared Vehicle
c.Public transport
d.Bicycle /Bike/ Trotinet

6.In case you are using own/shared vehicle on daily basis, how many km on average per day you usually

a. 0-10km
b. 10-20km
c. 20-50 km
d. 50-100km
e. More than 100km

7. Have you ever considered buying an electrical vehicle?

a.Yes, I do own one
b.Maybe, I am thinking about it
c.Not yet, but I could consider it as an option
d.No, I don’t want to buy any type of car
e.No, I would never buy electrical vehicle
8. If yes, how would you finance the electrical vehicle besides the subsidy?
b.Operative lease
c.Financial lease
e. Borrow money from family/friends

9.Which characteristics do you consider for most important if buying electrical vehicle?
(please choose up to 5 answers)
c.State subsitdy
d.Charging possibilities
e. Design
f. Engine performance/speed
h.Free parking possibilities
i Time to charge
j. Being environmental friendly
k. Service intervals/ maintenance costs

9. Which characteristic of an electrical vehicle could be a possible deal breaker?

a.Price higher than petrol/diesel vehicles
b.Still too short ranges
c.Not high enough state subsidies
d.Too much time/effort needed to charge
e.Futuristic and unconventional design
f.New and not proven technology
g.Not enough safe and reliable
h.Poor charging infrastructure
i.There are no deal brakers

10.If having price doubts between electrical and petrol/diesel engine vehicle, what are is your
price flexibility?

a. I would buy electrical vehicle only if it costs less then petrol/diesel vehicle
b. I would buy EV only if it has the same price as petrol/diesel vehicle
c. I would buy EV only if it costs 10% more than a petrol/diesel vehicle
d. I would buy EV no matter of its price
e. I would not buy EV at any price

11. What range with fully charged battery you consider as an optimal in order to satisfy your
daily driving needs:
d.Over 300km

12. How fast would the battery needed to be fully charged in order o make you think about
buying a EV?
a. Less than one hour
b. Between one and two hours
c. Up to 5 hours
d. I do not have any preference on that, as I can charge the car home and at my
13. From your perspective, when we could expect that 50% of all the sold vehicles are going to
be electric?
1. This year
2. Until 2025
3. Until 2030
4. I don’t think the electrical vehicles will ever reach that level

14.Please circle the statements with which you agree:

a. EV have better performance than diesel/petrol vehicles
b.EV have identical prices as diesel/petrol vehicles
c.EV have sufficient range for everyday use
d.The costs of charging an EV are lower than fuel costs
e.EV are more environmental friendly than other transportation means
f. There are enough charging stations in my surrounding
g. I am happy with the state subsidy my country offers

15.Please circle the statements with which you disagree:

a. EV have better performance than diesel/petrol vehicles
b.EV have identical prices as diesel/petrol vehicles
c.EV have sufficient range for everyday use
d.The costs of charging an EV are lower than fuel costs
e.EV are more environmental friendly than other transportation means
f. There are enough charging stations in my surrounding
g. I am happy with the state subsidy my country offers

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