Second Resorce Paper

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First W. War, Depression, and Second W.


On June 28, 1914, A Young Serbian Gavrilo Princip, as a Serbian Secret Society “Black
Hand” shot at Archduke Franz Ferdinand, also killed his wife Sophie Chotek Duchess of
Hohenberg while being driven through Sarajevo. Being the “Main Trigger of the First World
The Leagues Nations: It was founded in 1920, with 42 states among them UK and France.
(USA never Joined, and Russia Join in 1934 by the Soviet Union) IT WAS DISOLVED AT 1946
when all responsibilities were given to “United Nations” but before it reached the 63
This Leagues has failed because all his states give little attention to the collective Security,
due Grand Depression and Military Build Up. USA became an Isolationist (What mean is
out of any International Conflict) also had refused to accept the Polices of France and UK
because those policies were too much hard and unacceptable.
The treaty of Versailles was the covenant signed by different states after the first World
war, were countries from the Leguyes Nations put their interestes, regulations, and
sanctions against who lost the frist world war. This was signed at June, 28, 1919, in
versailles France.
The treaty of Versailles was the covenant signed by countries after the first world
war(Countries like USA, UK, Japan, France, Italy, were the most beneficiaries, also Germany
was the most affected by the covenant) this covenant talk about Regulations,
Sanction, and rules to can Join or not to the Leagues Nations, this covenant was signed by
32 countries(Again USA, UK, FRANCE and Italy, were the main in this covenant) at June 28,
1919 in Versailles, France.
Treaty of Versailles:
Article 1-2:
At the First article is talking about the Members Signatories Named at the Annex of the
Covenant it shall Deposited with the Secretariat within two months of become part of the
Covenant, Only Fully-Self Governing states, Dominion or Colony allowed by the two-third
of the Assembly always the New States Member give guarantee his intentions to keep
looking and completing international obligations, and shall accepts such regulations
prescribe by the league in regard to military, naval, air forces and armaments. After 2 years
any state can withdraw from leagues always, they had provided all internationals
obligations, and any full Obligation under Covenant before leave.
At the Second article we had a shorty but very important for the Entire League of Nations,
Assembly was the Main here because Every States part of the League Nations had an
Representative Manager, they only meet up to discuss and take action in internationals
Conflict, Every states had a vote and decision will take by Majority. Council was
Compuse by Permanent members(France, UK, Italy, Japan) and No Permanent Members
selected by the Assambly, The Council had the Task of take Quick Action when is necessary
to resolve International Conflicts and Keep the Mundial Peace, also had Power to
implement Economic and Military Sanctions on Aggressors States. And Finally we
had Permanent Secretariat which function was give Logistic and administrative support to
the Assambly and Council also had the task of Collecting Information, Preparing Report,
and assisting in the Implementation of League Nation’s Decision.
Articles 10-11:
In Article number 10 tell us about every Member of the League Nations Undertake to
Respect and Preserve Against external Aggression of the Territorial integrity and Existing
Political Independence to all Members of the League Nations. Also Let us know in case of
any disturb The Council will take the final decision about the Action, and Sanctions will
At the 11th Article in the Covenant said any War or Forecast about Conflict affect any
Member of the League Nations or not will be declared as Matter of Concern for Leagues
Nations to keep the peace for the countries of the League Nations. Secretariat should
Request of any members of the League Nations Meet up of the Council. Any State can call
attention of The Assembly and Council in case of any Circumstance interfering of affecting
international country what can broke up into a Bigger Conflict.
Resuming this 2 Articles under the Covenant of the League Nations Stablish Compromise
between any States participating in the Treaty of Versailles to Defense any kind of
International Aggression against any member of the League Nations, and give Tips about
how drive those Conflict, also let know their intervention in any out-league Nation Conflict,
to preserve the Global Peace.

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