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Expt. No.


i) To determine the Sequent depths (alternate depths) in a hydraulic jump and
to compare it with the theoretical depth.
ii) To determine the height of the jump
iii) To determine the energy loss due to the formation of hydraulic jump

Open channel of 5.0 m long, scale, stop-watch.

The hydraulic jump is defined as the sudden and turbulent passage of water from a
supercritical state to subcritical state. It has been classified as rapidly varied flow since
the change in depth of flow from rapid to tranquil state is in an abrupt manner over a
relatively short distance. The flow in a hydraulic jump is accompanied by the formation
of extremely turbulent rollers and there is considerable dissipation of energy.

When liquid at high velocity discharges into a zone of lower velocity, a rather abrupt
rise (a step or standing wave) occurs in the liquid surface. The rapidly flowing liquid
expands (in an open channel appears as an increase in elevation), converting some of
the initial kinetic energy of flow into a lower kinetic energy. In order to study the
conditions of flow before and after the hydraulic jump the application of the energy
equation does not provide an adequate means of analysis, because hydraulic jump is
associated with an appreciable loss of energy which is initially unknown. As such in the
analysis of hydraulic jump the momentum equation is used by considering the portion
of the hydraulic jump as the control volume.

Energy loss

where, subscript 1 indicates upstream of jump and subscript 2 indicates downstream of

jump, Fr=Froude number, g=acceleration due to gravity, is the energy loss (m),
Q=Discharge (m3/s), V=Velocity (m/s), y=Water depth (m)

Types of Jump
Hydraulic jumps in channels with horizontal floor are of several distinct types. These
types can be conveniently classified according to the Froude number of the incoming
flow as follows:

1. For 1 < F1 ≤ 1.7, the water surface shows undulations and the jump is called
undulating jump .The fraction of energy dissipated in this case is less than 5%.
2. For 1.7 < F1 ≤ 2.5, a series of rollers develop on the surface of the jump but
the downstream water surface remains smooth. The velocity through out is
fairly uniform and the energy loss is low. This jump may be called Weak jump.
The fraction of energy dissipated in this case is 5%to 15%.
3. For 2.5 < F1 ≤ 4.5, there is an oscillating jet entering the jump bottom to surface
and back again with no periodicity. Each oscillation produces a large wave of
irregular period which, very commonly in canals, can travel for miles doing
unlimited damage to earth banks and ripraps. This jump may be called an
oscillating jump. The fraction of energy dissipated in this case is 15%to 45%.
4. For 4.5 < F1 ≤ 9, the downstream extremity of the surface roller and the point at
which the high velocity jet tends to leave the flow occur at the practically the
same vertical section. This may be called as steady jump. . The fraction of
energy dissipated in this case is 45%to 70%.
5. For F1 >= 9, the high velocity jet grabs the intermittent slugs of water rolling
down the front face of the jump, generating waves downstream, and a rough
surface can prevail. This is called as strong jump. The fraction of energy
dissipated in this case is 70%to 85%.

1. Bed slope is fixed.

2. The instrument is set up for a certain discharge value.
3. A hydraulic structure is placed across the flow of water to create a supercritical
flow condition at the downstream side.
4. After a certain distance subcritical flow is observed along the channel.
5. The depths corresponding to supercritical and subcritical flows are measured.
6. Subcritical depth is calculated theoretically.
7. The height of the jump is determined by finding the difference between the
depths measured before and after the formation of the jump.
8. Theoretical and observed depths are compared to determine the error and also
energy loss is calculated.


Sample Calculation




Observation Table

Sl Discharge Observed Froude Calculated Type of Height of Jump H Observed Error (%)
No (m3/s) depths before Number depth after Jump (mm) Energy
and after the F1 the jump Losses
jump y2 E (mm)
y1 y2 (mm)
(mm) (mm) Measured Calculated

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