Impacts On Climate Due To Nuclear Waste

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Impacts on Climate Due to Nuclear Waste

Mohammad Shabaz1, Ishant Singhal1

Department of Civil Engineering,
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India

Abstract – This paper delves into the pressing issue of the impact of nuclear waste on climate change. It addresses the challenges
associated with radioactive waste management, reactor safety, economics, and climate effects, especially in the context of the growing
demand for nuclear power in World. The unique characteristics of radioactive waste, such as its instability and potential for environmental
contamination, are explored. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive solutions that consider both technical aspects and societal
concerns to mitigate the climate impact of nuclear waste.

Keywords There are approximately 128 varieties of unstable radioactive

Nuclear power, Radioactive waste, Climate change, Waste elements in existence, with only about 68 controllable so far.
management, Reactor safety. The Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and the Department
of Energy ~DOE!, in 1983, gave general guidelines for the
I INTRODUCTION location of an underground site to serve as the nation’s first
In a rapidly growing demand for more electricity, especially in
permanent storage facility for high-level nuclear waste.[8]
Asia, concerns over energy resource availability, climate change,
air quality, and energy security suggest a larger and more important
role for nuclear power in the future. However, it is unlikely the II. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND
public will accept the growth of nuclear power until issues Characteristics of Radioactive Material and Nuclear Wastes
associated with nuclear waste management, reactor safety, Radioactivity as a phenomenon is a natural process in which energy
economics, and climate effects are addressed by both the nuclear is released by certain substances in the form of invisible radiation.
industry and government.[1] Certain nuclei are unstable and undergo radioactive decay into a
Among all wastes either generated by nature or man-made from more stable form. The energy released in a radioactive
various sources, radioactive nuclear waste is the most complex and transformation must satisfy the law of energy conservation. During
most dangerous to human health because of its instability and the the decay process, the radioactive nuclei remains decrease as time
decay process. It is not only a hazardous/toxic substance by itself, elapses. Each type of radioactive nuclei is characterized by a
but it can also easily contaminate surrounding areas, including the quantity called half-life. There are five general types of radioactive
soil-water-air system in the environment.[8] decay—namely, alpha ~a! decay, beta ~b! decay, gamma ~g! decay,
Radioactive waste, like other wastes, may be composed of materials electron capture, and position emission. Among these five decay
varying in origin, chemical composition, and physical state. processes, the alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay are closely
However, what differentiates radioactive waste from other waste
related to engineering problems.[8]
forms is that it contains components that are unstable due to
Radioactive waste includes any material that is either intrinsically
radioactive decay. Managing radioactive waste requires different
radioactive, or has been contaminated by radioactivity, and that is
approaches to ensure the protection of both humans and the
environment from the radiation.[1] deemed to have no further use. Government policy dictates whether
The current phase of the nuclear industry involves power production certain materials – such as used nuclear fuel and plutonium – are
through nuclear fission. The full fuel cycle includes uranium categorized as waste. Every radionuclide has a half-life – the time
mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation, and fuel reprocessing, taken for half of its atoms to decay, and thus for it to lose half of its
generating both radioactive and nonradioactive waste. Radioactive radioactivity. Radionuclides with long half-lives tend to be alpha
consist of fission fragments, actinide products, and neutron-induced and beta emitters – making their handling easier – while those with
materials. While careful reactor material selection can reduce short half-lives tend to emit the more penetrating gamma rays.
neutron-induced radioactive waste, fission fragments and actinide Eventually all radioactive waste decays into non-radioactive
products are inevitable during fissile fuel burning. In the entire fuel elements. The more radioactive an isotope is, the faster it decays.
cycle, including reprocessing, these two radioactive waste
significantly impact the environment, considering their quantity, Nuclear energy on fossil fuel substitution
type, and the limits of environmental assimilation.[2] A recent study for Mexico (Santoyo-Castelazo et al., 2014)
determined that switching from the current fossil fuel mix of the
1.1. What is special about Radioactive Waste country to a higher contribution of renewable energy sources
Radioactive wastes differ from ordinary wastes owing to their (55–86%) and nuclear power (up to 30%) would result in 80%
radioactivity. There are two properties of radioactivity which lead to carbon emission reductions and would reduce significantly the
general precautions and basic methods of radioactive waste impacts of GCC on the quality of life of the citizens.[3]
management. Firstly, radioactivity is completely independent of the
physical state and will distribute throughout all stages at the point of Classification of Radioactive Wastes
production. This requires complete isolation of the processing
Radioactive waste is typically classified as either low-level (LLW),
equipment from the environment. That is, all the off-gas and liquid
intermediate-level (ILW), or high-level (HLW), dependent,
discharge facilities should be carefully monitored and designed.
primarily, on its level of radioactivity.
Secondly, the hazard produced by the radioactivity is a function of
time. There are, therefore, two methods of management: either
'release' the radioactive waste to the environment after careful study High-Level Waste
indicates that there is no possible hazard at that concentration, or High-level waste (HLW) is sufficiently radioactive for its decay heat
'store' it until the radioactive waste decays to an innocuous level. (>2kW/m3) to increase its temperature, and the temperature of its
Here the words 'release' and 'storage' are used as special terms.[2] surroundings, significantly. HLW accounts for just 3% of the
volume, but 95% of the total radioactivity of produced waste.
The highly radioactive material resulting from the reprocessing of than overestimating purely “technical” risk factors, and because of
spent nuclear fuel, including liquid waste produced directly in the biases inherent in the institutions that generate the technical
reprocessing and any solid material derived from such liquid waste assessments of risk.
The related problem is that the kinds of technical or scientific
that contains fission products in sufficient concentrations; and [1]
analyses that are carried out, and how problems are framed in the
first place, do not start from public concerns. As a group of social
Intermediate-level waste scientists arguing for the intake of “social science input into
Intermediate-level waste (ILW) is more radioactive than LLW, but acceptable solutions” articulated it, “Although scientific and
the heat it generates (<2 kW/m3) is not sufficient to be taken into technical analyses are essential, they will not, and arguably should
not, carry the day unless they address, both substantively and
account in the design or selection of storage and disposal facilities.
procedurally, the issues that concern the public” (Rosa et al., 2010,
It makes up some 7% of the volume and has 4% of the radioactivity p. 762). Further, what constitutes an adequate level of safety cannot
of all radioactive waste.[1] be a technical issue but is necessarily a social and political
Low-Level Waste
Low-level waste (LLW) has a radioactive content not exceeding Management
four giga-becquerels per tonne (GBq/t) of alpha activity or 12 GBq/t In general, three options exist for managing radioactive waste:
beta-gamma activity. LLW does not require shielding during (1) concentrate and contain (concentrate and isolate the wastes in an
handling and transport, and is suitable for disposal in near surface appropriate environment)
facilities.LLW is generated from hospitals and industry, as well as (2) dilute and disperse (dilute to regulatory-acceptable levels and
the nuclear fuel cycle. It comprises paper, rags, tools, clothing, then discharge to the environment).
filters, etc., which contain small amounts of mostly short-lived (3) delay to decay (allow the radioactive constituents to decay to an
radioactivity. To reduce its volume, LLW is often compacted or acceptable or background level).
incinerated before disposal. LLW comprises some 90% of the The first two options are common to managing non radioactive
volume but only 1% of the radioactivity of all radioactive waste.[1] waste but the third is unique to radioactive waste. Eventually all
radioactive wastes become benign because they decay to stable
elements while non-radioactive, hazardous waste remains hazardous
forever or until their chemical speciation is changed.[1]
Management and disposal options for spent radiation sources
include more scenarios (e.g., the return to the manufacturer or
borehole disposal)[6]

Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Most low-level radioactive waste (LLW) is typically sent to
land-based disposal immediately following its packaging for
long-term management. This means that for the majority (~90% by
volume) of all of the waste types produced by nuclear technologies,
a satisfactory disposal means has been developed and is being
implemented around the world For used fuel designated as
high-level radioactive waste (HLW), the first step is storage to allow
decay of radioactivity and heat, making handling much safer.
Figure 1: From the IAEA publication: Classification of Radioactive Storage of used fuel may be in ponds or dry casks, either at reactor
Waste, A Safety Guide, Safety Series No 111-G1.1 (1994). sites or centrally. Intermediate-level radioactive waste (ILW) that
contains long-lived radioisotopes is also stored pending disposal in
Where and when is waste produced? a geological repository.
Radioactive waste is produced at all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle Some countries are at the preliminary stages of their consideration
– the process of producing electricity from nuclear materials. The of disposal for ILW and HLW, whilst others, in particular Finland,
fuel cycle involves the mining and milling of uranium ore, its have made good progress. Finland's Onkalo repository is expected
processing and fabrication into nuclear fuel, its use in the reactor, its to start operating in 2024..
reprocessing (if conducted), the treatment of the used fuel taken Coprecipitation is cheap but has a low decontamination factor
from the reactor, and finally, disposal of the waste. Whilst waste is (usually of the order of 10). It is advantageous when suspended
produced during mining and milling and fuel fabrication, the particles are expected in the waste. The main problem is handling
majority (in terms of radioactivity) comes from the actual 'burning' the radioactive sludge which may contain as much as 85% water. In
of uranium to produce electricity. Where the used fuel is the past, special procedures such as freeze-thaw have been designed
reprocessed, the amount of waste is reduced materially. for water separation. More recently, bituminization has been
proposed. Evaporation is expensive but has the highest
THE SOCIAL AND THE TECHNICAL decontamination factor[2]
Public concern about proposals for nuclear waste disposal is often
dismissed by members of the nuclear establishment as not being Near-surface disposal
based on scientific or technical facts [for example, (Peterson, The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) definition of this
2017)]. The underlying implication is that “technical” assessment of option is the disposal of waste, with or without engineered barriers,
risk is rational and objective while “social” perception of risk is Near-surface disposal facilities at ground level. These facilities are
driven by subjective factors. However, there are sound reasons for on or below the surface where the protective covering is of the order
doubting the validity of the technical assessments for “social” of a few meters thick. Waste containers are placed in constructed
reasons, both because of the historical experience of how technical vaults and when full the vaults are backfilled. Eventually they will
assessments err far more often on the side of underestimating rather be covered and capped with an impermeable membrane and topsoil.
These facilities may incorporate some form of drainage and
possibly a gas venting system.
This type of facility is therefore typically used for LLW and
short-lived ILW with half-lives of up to 30 years.
Deep geological disposal
The long timescales over which some waste remains radioactive has
led to the idea of deep disposal in underground repositories in stable
geological formations. Isolation is provided by a combination of
engineered and natural barriers (rock, salt, clay) and no obligation to
actively maintain the facility is passed on to future generations. This
is often termed a 'multi-barrier' concept, with the waste packaging,
the engineered repository, and the geology all providing barriers to
prevent the radionuclides from reaching humans and the
environment. In addition, deep groundwater is generally devoid of
oxygen, minimizing the possibility of chemical mobilization of
waste. Table 1. Comparison of General Characteristics between
Mined repositories Radioactive Nuclear Waste and Common Landfill Municipal Solid
The most widely proposed deep geological disposal concept is for a Waste (MSW)
mined repository comprising tunnels or caverns into which
packaged waste would be placed. In some cases (e.g. wet rock) the Radioactively contaminated sites and other environmental
waste containers are then surrounded by a material such as cement impacts from nuclear and radioactive installations
or clay (usually bentonite) to provide another barrier (called buffer As of May 2023, there were 436 nuclear reactors in operation in 32
and/or backfill countries around the world. Despite being a low-pollution energy
source, commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs) can release
From a purely geological point of view, the problem of managing radioactivity, with recent incidents prompting increased monitoring.
high- level radioactive waste seems well in hand. There are many Fission products, neutron activation products, and tritium are the
places where waste could be buried, and for at least brief geologic main by-products during reactor operation, released as gaseous or
times there is reason- able assurance that no geologic processes liquid effluents and solid waste. NPPs have waste-processing
would make it a hazard to the environment. But how much facilities for proper treatment, and when radioactivity diminishes,
assurance is needed, and how the assurance can be made waste is released into the environment. Annual doses for the general
meaningful to voters who must ultimately decide the issues, are population from NPPs are generally low, and epidemiological
questions a geologist is not equipped to answer.[5] studies haven't conclusively linked cancer risk to radiation exposure
near these facilities.[6]
Environmental impact of nuclear power
Radiological accidents and failures
Nuclear power has various environmental impacts, both positive
IAEA uses the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale
and negative, including the construction and operation of the plant,
(INES) to assess the severity of nuclear accidents according to their
the nuclear fuel cycle, and the effects of nuclear accidents. Nuclear
impacts. This scale was introduced to enable prompt
power plants do not burn fossil fuels and so do not directly emit
communication of safety-related information in case of nuclear
carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide emitted during mining,
accidents. The scale is logarithmic, and each increasing level
enrichment, fabrication and transport of fuel is small when
represents an accident some 10 times more severe than the previous
compared with the carbon dioxide emitted by fossil fuels of similar
level. For the purposes of this chapter, only level 5, 6, and 7 are
energy yield, however, these plants still produce other
considered, as events of a lower category can hardly cause any
environmentally damaging wastes. Nuclear energy and renewable
serious environmental impacts off-site.[6]
energy have reduced environmental costs by decreasing CO2
emissions resulting from energy consumption.
There is a catastrophic risk potential if containment fails, which in
nuclear reactors can be brought about by overheated fuels melting
and releasing large quantities of fission products into the
environment. In normal operation, nuclear power plants release less
radioactive material than coal power plants whose fly ash contains
significant amounts of thorium, uranium and their daughter
The parent material of all radioactive substances is derived from
uranium, which exists originally in igneous rocks such as granite,
basalt, gabbro, and diorite. During the long period of time required
for uranium’s change into radium and for the radium change into
radon, many possibilities can happen—hydraulic action, earth
movement, earthquake, etc.—moving some of the uranium or
radium from one place to another.[8]
Table 1 presents the comparison of general characteristics between
radioactive and common landfill municipal solid waste.
One could go further. Because of the possibility of “unknown
unknowns”, it is simply impossible to predict all potential failures.
Further, if such failures have already been observed within such a
short period, how can one be confident about safety claims, that no
such failures would not occur during the many decades it would
take to construct and load hundreds of tons of highly radioactive
waste into a geological repository?[4]

Addressing the increasing demand for nuclear power in the World
requires a comprehensive approach to manage challenges associated
with radioactive waste, climate impact, and safety. The unique
characteristics of radioactive waste, marked by instability and
environmental risks, necessitate strategic waste management
solutions. The focus on climate change highlights the urgency of
adopting sustainable practices in nuclear power production. The
interplay between technical considerations, waste disposal methods,
and societal concerns, exemplified by initiatives like the Onkalo
repository, underscores the importance of integrating expertise and
public trust for a resilient and environmentally responsible nuclear
energy future.

[1] Baisden, P. A., & Choppin, G. R. (n.d.). NUCLEAR

[2] Phillips, C. R., & Pai, H. L. (1977). E N V I R O N M E N


[3] Michaelides, E. E., & Michaelides, D. N. (2020). Impact of

nuclear energy on fossil fuel substitution. Nuclear Engineering and
Design, 366.

[4] Ramana, M. v. (2018). Technical and social problems of

nuclear waste. In Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and
Environment (Vol. 7, Issue 4). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

[5] 5. (n.d.).

[6] Laraia, M. (2015). Radioactive contamination and other

environmental impacts of waste from nuclear and conventional
power plants, medical and other industrial sources. In
Environmental Remediation and Restoration of Contaminated
Nuclear and Norm Sites (pp. 35–56). Elsevier Inc.

[7] Johnson, B. L. (n.d.). HAZARDOUS WASTE: HUMAN


[8] Fang, H.-Y., & Asce, M. (n.d.). Radioactive Nuclear Waste.

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