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Date: 03-May-2024

Emp Name: Bineesha Sebastian

Ecode No: ASH05556
Cost Center: Jayanagar - Cradle
Address: Purayampalli (H), S.H. Mount (PO), Kottayam,
Kerala - 686006
Contact Number: 8848670674

Sub: Unauthorized absence

Dear Bineesha Sebastian,

This refers to your unauthorized absence to work since 12-Apr-2024 and our letter dated,

Please note that you have neither reported to work nor given any explanation for your absence. If you
do not intend to return to work, please provide notice of your resignation in writing. Also, please
complete exit formalities and arrange to return company property to us in person immediately.

If you fail to respond to this letter by 10-May-2024, we will have no alternative but to assume that
you do not intend to return to work and have in fact abandoned your employment.

For Apollo Specialty Hospitals Private Limited,

Devi Prasad Dash

Chief Human Resources Officer

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