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Worksheet 3: Answer the Following

1. Based on the Lecture PPT, list the unsafe act and unsafe conditions you can find in
the pictures.

The pictures below are retrieved from the PPT:

Unsafe Acts:

1. No one is noticing or taking actions to fix the possible hazards in the canteen.
2. People are not aware of the possible cause of this hazards to an individual.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. The wet floor may cause physical injuries when somebody didn’t notice it. It can
stumble or slip both workers and customers.
2. The fallen objects or trash on the floor may cause somebody to stumble or slip.
Unsafe Acts:

1. The guy who is racking his chair is a bad act in the workplace it can cause
accidents like if the stand breaks.
2. The guy who is fixing some electrical device while it is plugged in.
3. The guy who smokes in the office.
4. The girl who is carrying a bunch of things that blocks her way.
5. Wirings on the floor.
6. Not noticing trash on the floor and trash bin that is already full.
7. Not fixing broken floors.
8. Fire extinguisher are place in the place where people will have a hard time noticing
9. Tools place on the floor.
10. Leaving foods without any cover.
11. Not taking action to get rid of the animals in the office.
12. Octopus wirings.
13. Things place close to an open window.
14. Fixing something while standing on an unsafe object while no one is taking notice.
15. Fire doors are block with many objects.
16. Drawers are open even though no one is using it.
17. Not noticing objects on the floor that can cause accidents.
18. Stacking so many things.
19. Not aware of the surroundings.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. The guy who is racking his chair is a bad act in the workplace it can cause
accidents like if the stand breaks.
2. The guy who is fixing some electrical device while it is plugged may cause serious
injuries to him and people around him like being electrocuted by it.
3. The guy who smokes in the office can affect the people who have a health
conditions like asthma in the office.
4. The girl who is carrying a bunch of things that blocks her way may stumble.
5. Wirings on the floor may cause somebody to stumble or electrified.
6. Not noticing trash on the floor and trash bin that is already full may cause
somebody to stumble.
7. Not fixing broken floors may cause somebody to stumble.
8. Fire extinguisher are place in the place where people will have a hard time noticing
it in case of emergency.
9. Tools place on the floor may cause somebody to stumble.
10. Leaving foods without any cover is exposed to any animals and insects.
11. Not taking action to get rid of the animals in the office, it can affect the cleanliness
of the workplace.
12. Octopus wirings is prone to electrical problems.
13. Things place close to an open window may fall or get move by the wind.
14. Fixing something while standing on an unsafe object while no one is taking notice
may cause serious injuries.
15. Fire doors are block with many objects can be a hassle in case of emergency in
the office.
16. Drawers are open even though no one is using it can cause accidents like being
17. Not noticing objects on the floor that can cause accidents.
18. Stacking so many things may cause accidents if it falls.
19. Not aware of the surroundings may cause accidents.

Unsafe Acts:
1. Leaving an electrical outlet open is an unsafe act. This could cause an electrical
shock if someone touches the exposed metal prongs.
2. Plugging an electrical plug into an open outlet is also an unsafe act. This creates
a potential electrical hazard, as the outlet could become overloaded or the plug
could come loose, causing sparks.
3. Leaving an electrical cord dangling from an outlet is another unsafe act. This could
create a tripping hazard or the cord could become entangled in something, causing

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Cover the open electrical outlet with a child safety plug or other device.
2. Unplug the electrical plug from the outlet.
3. Secure the electrical cord with a cable wrap or other device to prevent it from
dangling or becoming entangled.

Unsafe Acts:

1. Overreaching: Don't overreach from the ladder. Always keep your center of gravity
between the side rails of the ladder.
2. Using the ladder as a work platform: Never use a ladder as a work platform. Always
use a scaffold or other stable platform when working at heights.
3. Not placing the ladder on a firm, level surface: The ladder should be placed on a
firm, level surface that can support the weight of the ladder and the person using
it. Never use a ladder on uneven ground or on a slippery surface.

Unsafe Conditions:
1. The ladder is not properly secured: Make sure the ladder is properly secured to
the roof and to the ground.
2. There are electrical wires in the area: Be aware of electrical wires in the area and
make sure the ladder does not come into contact with them.
3. The roof is not in good condition: If the roof is not in good condition, it may not be
safe to work on. Check for loose shingles, soft spots, or other damage before you
start working.

Unsafe Acts:

1. Failing to use proper climbing equipment: Workers should always use approved
climbing equipment when accessing elevated areas. Using makeshift climbing
aids, such as boxes or crates, is extremely dangerous.
2. Carrying tools or materials while climbing: Climbing with tools or materials in hand
increases the risk of falls.
3. Not using three points of contact: When climbing, workers should always maintain
three points of contact with the ladder or scaffold at all times.

Unsafe Conditions:
1. Obstructions: Obstructions, such as debris or tools, can make it difficult to climb
safely. Workers should always keep climbing paths clear of obstructions.
2. Unguarded openings: Unguarded openings, such as floor openings or roof edges,
can pose a serious fall hazard. Workers should always use proper guardrails or
safety nets when working near unguarded openings.
3. Damaged or defective climbing equipment: Damaged or defective climbing
equipment, such as ladders with missing rungs or scaffolds with loose boards, can
easily lead to falls.

Unsafe Acts:
1. Failing to wear personal protective equipment (PPE): PPE, such as a safety
helmet, safety glasses, and safety boots, should always be worn when operating
a forklift.
2. Lifting or transporting loads that are too heavy or too large: Forklifts are designed
to lift and transport specific loads. Do not overload a forklift or attempt to lift or
transport loads that are too large for the forklift.
3. Using a forklift in an unsafe condition: Forklifts should be operated in a safe
condition. This means that the forklift should be free of debris, leaks, and other

Unsafe Conditions:
1. Overhead hazards: Overhead hazards, such as power lines or low-hanging
structures, can cause serious injury or death if struck by a forklift.
2. Obstructions, such as debris or parked vehicles, can make it difficult to safely
maneuver a forklift. Forklift operators should take steps to remove or avoid
3. Inadequate fall protection: Forklift operators should always use fall protection when
working at heights.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Not being aware of your surroundings: When walking on a narrow dig, it is

important to be aware of your surroundings and watch out for hazards such as
uneven surfaces, holes, and loose debris.
2. Not wearing appropriate footwear: It is important to wear appropriate footwear
when walking on a narrow dig.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Uneven surfaces: Uneven surfaces can make it difficult to walk safely. Be aware
of uneven surfaces and watch your step.
2. Loose debris: Loose debris can make it slippery and difficult to walk. Be aware of
loose debris and avoid walking on it.
3. Lack of barriers: Lack of barriers can increase the risk of falling off the edge of the
dig. Be sure to use barriers when necessary.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Failing to use proper personal protective equipment (PPE): When using a grinder,
it is important to wear safety glasses, gloves, and a respirator to protect yourself
from sparks, dust, and debris.
2. Not using proper grinding technique: Grinding should be done with a steady hand
and with the grinding wheel moving against the direction of rotation.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Slippery or uneven surfaces: Slippery or uneven surfaces can increase the risk of
slips and falls. It is important to work on a stable and level surface when using a
2. Obstructions, such as tools or equipment, can interfere with the grinding process
and increase the risk of accidents. The grinding area should be kept clear of
Unsafe Acts:

1. Failing to use proper fall protection equipment: When working near edges, workers
should always use proper fall protection equipment, such as guardrails, safety
nets, or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS).
2. Not assessing the risk: Before working near an edge, workers should always
assess the risk of falling.
3. Working alone: Working alone when working near edges is extremely dangerous.
Workers should always have a coworker present to assist them in case of a fall.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Unguarded edges: Unguarded edges, such as floor openings, roof edges, or tank
edges, pose a serious fall hazard. Workers should always use proper guardrails or
safety nets when working near unguarded edges.
2. Slippery or uneven surfaces: Slippery or uneven surfaces can make it difficult to
maintain balance and increase the risk of falls.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Connecting ladders of different lengths or types: Using ladders of different lengths

or types can create an unstable and uneven climbing surface. This can lead to
slips, trips, and falls.
2. Failing to secure the ladders together: Ladders must be securely fastened together
using straps or other approved connectors to prevent them from separating

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Damaged or defective ladders: Damaged or defective ladders, such as ladders

with missing rungs or damaged side rails, should never be used.
2. Ladders that are not properly extended: Extension ladders must be fully extended
and locked into place before climbing.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Improper Use of Equipment: Using a bulldozer arm as a ladder base is considered

improper use of equipment. Bulldozer arms are designed for lifting and pushing
heavy objects, not for providing stable support for ladders.
2. nappropriate Height: Attempting to reach the high point of an electrical post using
a ladder on a bulldozer arm is extremely dangerous. Electrical posts can be
significantly taller than the reach of a standard ladder, and using a bulldozer arm
to gain additional height is a recipe for disaster.
3. Lack of Fall Protection: Working at heights without proper fall protection is a major
safety violation. Using a ladder on a bulldozer arm without fall protection exposes
the worker to a severe fall hazard.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Unstable Support: Bulldozer arms are not designed to provide stable support for
ladders. They can move unexpectedly, causing the ladder to tip over and the
worker to fall.
2. Uneven Surfaces: Construction sites are often uneven and littered with debris,
making it difficult to maintain a stable footing for a ladder. Placing a ladder on a
bulldozer arm further amplifies this instability.
3. Electrical Hazards: Electrical posts are energized conductors, and any contact with
them can result in serious injury or death. Using a ladder on a bulldozer arm to
access an electrical post increases the risk of electrical shock.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Working under a raised vehicle without proper support: Never work under a raised
vehicle without proper support, such as jack stands or safety blocks. If the vehicle
falls, it could crush you or cause serious injury.
2. Using unsafe or improper jacking equipment: Using the wrong type of jack for the
weight of the vehicle or using a jack that is in poor condition can lead to the jack
failing and the vehicle collapsing.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Damaged or defective jack: Using a damaged or defective jack is extremely

dangerous. Inspect the jack carefully before each use and look for any signs of
damage, such as cracks, bends, or loose parts.
2. Improper jack placement: The jack should be placed on a solid, level surface and
positioned correctly under the vehicle's designated jacking points. Placing the jack
in the wrong spot can cause it to tip or the vehicle to become unstable.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Exceeding the forklift's load capacity: The forklift's load capacity is the maximum
weight that it is designed to safely lift. Never exceed the load capacity of the forklift,
as this could cause the forklift to tip over or collapse.
2. Lifting a load that is unstable or improperly secured: The load must be stable and
properly secured before it is lifted. If the load is unstable or improperly secured, it
could fall from the forklift and cause injury or damage.
3. Failing to use a spotter when necessary: A spotter is a person who guides the
forklift operator when maneuvering in tight spaces or when lifting loads that
obstruct the operator's view. Always use a spotter when necessary.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Overhead obstructions: Overhead obstructions, such as pipes or wires, can pose

a hazard to the forklift operator. Always be aware of overhead obstructions and
make sure that the forks are lowered when traveling under them.
2. Weak or damaged flooring: The flooring must be strong enough to support the
weight of the forklift and its load. Weak or damaged flooring could cause the forklift
to break through the floor.
Unsafe Acts:

1. Failure to use proper equipment: Without proper equipment like a ladder or

scaffold, it is extremely dangerous to attempt to fix something out of reach outside
a window.
2. Improper body positioning: Leaning too far out of the window or twisting your body
in awkward positions can put you at risk of losing your balance and falling.

Unsafe Conditions:

1. Wet or slippery surfaces: If the window sill or the ground below the window is wet
or slippery, it is not safe to work. You could slip and fall.
2. Lack of fall protection: If you are not using fall protection equipment, such as a
safety harness, you are at risk of serious injury or death if you fall.

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