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English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Andaya, Samantha Ashley A.

Esclamado, Vhinz Gamble C.

Panaligan, Atheena Arlyn V.

Maralit, Marc Angelo M.

Patulot, Celeen Jane L.

April 2024

A. Rationale

The purpose of this study is to explore pot marigold’s properties to

determine its uses in managing and treating different kinds of health conditions.
By studying pot marigold’s components, we can discover the benefits of using this
plant in the field of medicine. This study aims to validate the medical potential of
using pot marigold to treat diseases and expand knowledge of herbal medicine.

B. Objectives

· To know the strengths and weaknesses of the research about pot marigold
(Calendula officinalis) as traditional phytomedicine.
· To define the importance of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) as a
replacement for chemical products in medicines.
· To comprehend the traditional usage and significance of pot marigold
(Calendula officinalis) with its research and historical applications in
classical phytotherapy.

C. Conclusion

Marigold flowers are easy to find and are useful for many things like
medicine, beauty products, and food. Scientists have found that they have good
effects on the body, like reducing inflammation and helping fight off harmful
molecules called antioxidants. They also help with healing the liver, protecting the
heart, keeping the brain healthy, and fighting cancer. So, using marigold flowers
in different ways can be good for our health. It's like a natural medicine that can
do many helpful things for our body.

D. Recommendation
Since there are no existing recommendations in the research itself, the
following are some recommendations that can be formulated based on the

1. Caution should be utilized when using or consuming substances containing the

marigold extract or oil.
2. Sterile utensils and containers are needed when handling the marigold extract
to sustain its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
3. Focus on the other properties that the pot marigold has besides its
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory property.


1. " In modern phytotherapy, as in folk medicine, C . officinalis

flower extracts are widely
used mainly in the treatment of dermatological diseases (Basch
et al. 2006, Muley et al. 2009, Arora et al. 2013 )."

- The calendula officinalis extract has a wide range of properties that can help and
treat diverse diseases. Particularly in phytotherapy which is the traditional use of
medicinal plants. This discusses how the extract contributed to the many healing
discoveries that people in this time benefited from. Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal
and antiprotozoal activities are some of the examples that the raw medicinal plant is
composed of. Moreover, Phytomedicine is also used in cosmetology and the food
industry in which the remains of calendula officinalis can be found.

2. " Calendoflaside is another specific compound belonging to the flavonoids that has
been isolated for the first time from the marigold’s inflorescence in1989 (Miguel et al.

- Calendoflaside, a distinct compound within the flavonoid group, was first identified
from marigold inflorescences in 1989, which belongs to the bioactive component of
calendula officinalis bracket. This discovery adds to the growing body of knowledge
regarding the phytochemical composition of Calendula officinalis L. The isolation of
calendoflaside represents a significant advancement in understanding the chemical
constituents of this medicinal plant. Further research may explore the potential
pharmacological activities and therapeutic applications associated with
calendoflaside. This compound's unique properties contribute to the overall
medicinal significance of marigold in traditional and modern herbal medicine.


Pot marigold, an ornamental plant, possesses sustainable antibacterial, antiviral,
and antifungal properties to prevent and reduce bacterial infections. Pot marigold also
promotes public health by reducing antibiotic-resistant bacteria spread. It also supports
sustainable agriculture and biodiversity, leading to better crop yields and reduced
environmental pollution. By using pot marigold, we can benefit from a sustainable, eco-
friendly ingredient, potentially reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals and promoting a
more sustainable approach to hand hygiene.


3 learnings that are acquired from the research topic.

In terms of food application of Pot Marigold, the researchers have learned that in
the past, people used marigold leaves in cooking vegetables. Nowadays, fresh marigold
flowers are still put in salads. Dried flowers are used as a spice in soups and cakes,
instead of saffron. They're also used for food coloring of rice, margarine, and yellow
cheeses, used for making food taste better.

Exploring the potential of Pot Marigold as a raw medicinal plant is fascinating.

Learning how traditional medicinal plants can offer eco-friendly alternatives to
commercial products is incredible. Through this research, the researchers have learned
about the antimicrobial properties of Calendula, which make it effective in killing germs
and bacteria.

Additionally, understanding its cultivation requirements and potential

environmental benefits has deepened the researcher's appreciation for sustainable
practices. This research emphasizes the significance of merging old knowledge into
modern solutions, not just for personal health but also for the planet's well-being.
2 learnings that are acquired about research writing.

In research writing, a researcher must be curious enough to figure out the

unknown. Curiosity is the way of uncovering the mysteries that lie beyond current
understanding. It is this innate sense of wonder that pushes researchers to look deeper
into unexplored territories. By embracing curiosity, researchers embark on a journey of
discovery, driven by a relentless desire to figure out the complexities of their chosen
field. This curiosity acts as a guide, leading researchers towards novel insights and
groundbreaking discoveries. Ultimately, it is through the exploration of the unknown that
research endeavors flourish and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

The researcher must stick to the format on how a research paper is made.
Adhering to the established format of a research paper is essential for ensuring clarity,
consistency, and professionalism in academic writing. This format typically includes
sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and
conclusion. By following this structure, researchers provide a clear roadmap for readers
to navigate through their study. Moreover, sticking to the format helps maintain a
standard approach across different research papers, facilitating easier comprehension
and comparison of findings. It also demonstrates the researcher's adherence to
academic conventions and enhances the credibility and reliability of their work within
the scholarly community.

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