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‫‪Computer Simulation‬‬


‫‪Student names‬‬
‫‪441802541‬‬ ‫روابي سعيد دمحم القرني‬
‫‪441803458‬‬ ‫أمل دمحم علي القرني‬
‫‪441802533‬‬ ‫يارا سعد علي القرني‬
‫‪441802537‬‬ ‫أثير عبدهللا الحارثي‬
‫‪441802534‬‬ ‫شيماء عبدهللا القرني‬
‫‪441803738‬‬ ‫شروق أحمد القرني‬

- Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 2
- Examples of computer simulations ………...…………………………….. 3
- Why to use computer simulations ……………………………………….. 8
- The advantages and disadvantages of computer simulation ……………. 10
- References ………………………………………………………………. 12

Computer simulation is to use the computer to simulate real life system to
know what responses it will make to different variables.[1].
They are programs designed to execute several mathematical situations in
order to estimate the possible impact or breadth of a given scenario.
For instance, automaker use simulations to virtually test-drive their newest
product lines. Researchers use simulations to see all the situations that could
happen to the automobile and passengers in a variety of incidents, rather
than physically smashing dozens of brand-new cars. These models assess the
vehicle's suitability for driving.
The theory behind computer simulations is that they enable scientists to
mimic potential real-world occurrences, such as the spread of infectious
illnesses or approaching hurricanes, thereby saving time and money when it
comes to future planning [8].

Examples of computer simulations :
Through computer simulation , scientists can conduct crucial research,
whether they wish to study blackholes or better comprehend healthcare
reactions. These six are the most notable:
1- Investigating Black Holes

In 2022, scientists created a simulation of a black hole by simulating

an atom-by-atom chain to generate the black hole's event horizon. The
hypothesis that particles created by a black hole's edge produce
temperatures that are inversely proportional to a black hole's mass led
to the team's observation of Hawking radiation.
Even though the study is still in its early phases, it may aid in the
understanding and resolution of the contradictions between quantum
physics and the general theory of relativity.

2- Earthquake Research

An earthquake simulation team at the Leibniz Supercomputing Center

in Germany used the deadly 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake—which
sparked a large tsunami—as the starting point for their work.

They aimed to "better understand the entire process of why some

earthquakes and resulting tsunamis are so much bigger than others,"
according to Professor Michael Bader of Germany's Institut für
Informatik. Occasionally, massive earthquakes are accompanied by
relatively minor tsunamis, while unexpectedly large tsunamis are
linked to very modest earthquakes. One method to get understanding
of these occurrences is through simulation.

It's far from ideal, though. The failure of One Concern, a Seattle-based
disaster response startup, to incorporate numerous densely populated
commercial buildings in its test runs of an earthquake simulation was
attributed to the fact that damage calculations were primarily based on
residential census data, as reported by New York Times reporter Sheri
Fink. This flawed forecasting algorithm may have had the unintended
consequence of preventing rescuers from knowing the whereabouts of
several people in need.

3- Recognizing the Connection Between Religion and Crisis

The University of Boston is using computer simulation in innovative

ways. Professor of philosophy, theology, and ethics Wesley Wildman
studies "how religion interacts with complex human minds, including
in processes such as managing reactions to terrifying events" using
computer simulation, as he stated in an article for The Conversation.
He and his colleagues created a virtual environment and populated it
with computer-generated characters, also referred to as "agents," who
are "programmed to follow rules and tendencies identified in humans
through psychological experiments, ethnographic observation, and
social analysis."
Next, they watched as their agents were put to the test using real-
world scenarios, such as the 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand,
According to Wildman, "the more closely the model aligns with
reality, and the more comfortable we are saying humans are likely to
behave the way the agents did in new and unexplored situations, the
better our agents mimic the behavior of real humans in those sorts of

4- Forecasting Violations of the Health Code

The Department of Public Health in Chicago use computer modeling

and simulation to forecast the potential locations of serious violations.
Then, such eateries are elevated to the top of a list of 15,000
establishments under the supervision of just thirty inspectors. And it
seems to be effective: In one scenario, there were 14% more breaches,
which should lead to an earlier inspection and a decreased risk of
customers being ill from improperly chilled seafood.

5- Enhancing Cancer Care

Other Argonne researchers have improved cancer therapy through

predictive medicine by using modeling and simulation to determine
how different people and tumors react to different medications.
Additionally, a 2019 research that simulated breast cancer tumors had
encouraging outcomes. In order to conduct the study, scientists
created a computer simulation that represented the tumors of four
distinct patients receiving 12-week therapeutic sessions. They came to
the conclusion that more frequent, lower doses of chemotherapy might
shrink a low proliferative tumor, while lower dosages of
antiangiogenic drugs improved the response of poorly perfused
tumors to drug treatment after two of the simulated tumors failed to
react to treatment.

6- Addressing Pandemics

Macal collaborated with Ozik and another researcher Nick Collier on

a modeling and simulation effort aimed at estimating the potential
consequences of the deadly Ebola virus, which first spread through
West Africa in 2013 and 2016 and caused catastrophic impacts, on the
population of the United States. Visiting Chicago hospitals to learn
about Ebola-related procedures and then implementing those
procedures into their models was one part of that approach.

Why to use computer simulation ?
Why do we employ simulation and modeling? Do they really need them?
These are often asked questions with many justifications for their
development and use. Of these, the most crucial :
• The analytical solution of the analytical model cannot be ascertained.
• Analytical description of the system is unattainable due to its excessive
• Most of the time, an experiment conducted on or inside a real system is
either too complicated or unprofitable. It is possible to determine whether or
not to invest more money in the experiment using modeling and simulation.
• The goal of modeling and simulation is frequently to understand how an
actual system works, even while its structure is poorly understood or
• Changing a number of parameters is required when a system needs to work
at its best or optimally. This is frequently not feasible when considering the
real system as there isn't one. Stated differently, either the costs of doing
such an experiment are prohibitive or that type of technology has not yet
been developed. The best options in these circumstances are modeling and
• In certain cases, simulating the circumstances that cause the system to fail
is essential. Since it is typically forbidden to destroy the actual system, the
only option in these circumstances is computer simulation.

• Time might be an issue when it comes to long-term procedures in a real
system or inside a genuine system. Computer simulation can artificially
"accelerate" and shorten the procedure under such circumstances.
• A solution that enables the monitoring of high-speed processes gradually
or slowly is computer simulation, particularly when it comes to extremely
fast processes occurring either outside or inside the real system. Given that it
is not feasible in the actual world or in the real surroundings, this is crucial.
• For a variety of reasons, the experiment should occasionally be interrupted,
however this is frequently not feasible in practice. Regarding the computer
simulation of such experiment, there is no issue because the simulation may
be halted and resumed as needed.

The advantages and disadvantages of computer simulation :
Computer simulations are not perfect and have many issues, just like
anything else in life.
Although they have benefits and drawbacks, simulations are often quite
Computer simulations provide the following fundamental advantages:
• Once a model is developed, it may be utilized again and again to analyze
structures, necessary processes, and related components.
• Even when input data is a little arbitrary and incomplete, computer
simulations may be quite beneficial.
• Generally speaking, obtaining the simulation's output data is less expensive
and easier than obtaining the real system's output data.
• Data required for the examination and assessment of any system feature is
generated by computer simulation, and it is not limited in any way.
• In certain situations, the computer simulation could be the sole method for
properly resolving the issues.
• Unlike mathematical modeling, computer simulation makes use of
dynamic random variables to explain and solve complicated issues.

Computer simulations provide the following fundamental disadvantages:
• The process of creating computer simulations and simulation models can
be costly and time-consuming (referring to the amount of time required for
creation, testing, and verification).
• Optimal solutions and the relationship between input and output variables
cannot be found using computer simulations.
• The creation and usage of computer simulations and simulation models
require an understanding of various tools and techniques.
• Model review is a somewhat involved procedure that need further testing
in various settings.
In any case, computer simulation is a highly helpful tool, and its application
is expanding quickly in contexts and scenarios where it is feasible. It is
obvious that using computer simulations has many more benefits than
drawbacks, and it is certain that these tools will become commonplace in
practically every setting and aspect of daily life [5, 7].

[1] The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica . (2024, Mar 28)
“computer simulation” . Britannica [Online]. vol. 6, issue 19.
[2] Steinhauser MO. Computer Simulation in Physics and Engineering.
Berlin: De Gruyter; 2012
[3] Mityushev V, Nawalaniec W, Rylko N. Introduction to
Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation. 1st ed. USA:
Chapman and Hall/CRC; 2018
[4] Goldman R. An Integrated Introduction to Computer Graphics and
Geometric Modeling.1st ed. USA: CRC Press; 2009
[5] Law AM. Simulation Modeling and Analysis. 5th ed. USA:
McGraw-Hill Education; 2014
[6] Zeigler B, Muzy A, Kofman E. Theory of Modeling and
Simulation—Discrete Event & Iterative System Computational
Foundations. USA: Academic Press; 2018
[7] Shiflet AB, Shiflet GW. Introduction to Computational Science:
Modeling and Simulation for the Sciences. 2nd ed. USA:
Princeton University Press; 2014
[8] M. Thomas . (2019, Sep 24) “What’s a computer simulation and
how does it work ? A deep dive” . builtin [Online]. Vol. 6, issue
19. Available:
[9] D. Cvetkovic' . (2019)"Introductory chapter: computer Simulation"
[Online]. Available :
[10] M. Xiannong . (2002, Oct 18) "Advantages and Disadvantages" .
Bucknell University [Online]. Vol. 6, issue 19. Available: http://


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