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Unit 1

Explain cg with its different types.

List the areas of computer graphics.

Explain animation and multimedia of computer graphics.

Classify how pictures are actually stored and display on screen.

List the difficulties are formed for displaying picture on the screen.

Explain raster scan with it's advantage and disadvantage.

Define random scan with its advantages and disadvantages.

Explain design and drawing areas of cg application with diagram.

Design a program in graphics to draw line, rectangle and ciecle.

Design a program in graphics to draw x axis and y axis coordinates on the screen.

Unit 2

Define CRT with block diagram.

Explain quality of phosphor and CRT for colour display.

Explain beam penetration and shadow mask CRT with diagram.

Explain DVST with diagram.

Determine tablet and light pen with diagram.

Write bresenham circle drawing algorithm.

Explain DDA algorithm in detail.

Explain Bresenham mid point ellips algorithm.

Discuss scan line polygon fill algorithm.

Explain boundary fill and flood fill algorithm.

Unit 3

Explain translation, obtain an equation for translation of 2D object.

List the type of basic transformation and explain any 2 type.

Design reflection shear transformation with example.

Explain matrix representation with example.

Describe homogeneous coordinate system in detail.

Compare translation and scaling with its formula.

Explain review of transformation coordinate system.

Justify if a point (x,y) is rotated anticlockwise through an angle about the origin, what are it's new

Formulate the matrix formulation for transforming a point (x,y) ---> (x1,y1) by translation.

Explain rotation about an arbitrary point with example.

Unit 4

Define clipping types with it's advantage.

Explain windowing with example.

Explain line clipping algorithm in detail.

Define mid point sub division method with example.

Explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm.

Explain Sutherland hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm with example.

Explain polygon clipping algorithm with example.

Analyze viewing translation with example.

Explain window to viewport coordinate transformation and mapping with example.

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