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ASP.NET Assignment Questions.

1)Define HTML Containers in detail.

2)Build programs to Performs View State management using web form.
3)Explain Architecture of ADO.NET in detail.
4)Show ASP.NET Page life Cycle with diagram?
5)Build a programs to Performs Session State management using web form.
6)Show master pages work in ASP.NET with example.
7)Discuss working with transactions like Select and Delete command with its syntax.
8)Describe Working process with Command Class with syntax.
9)Evaluate ASP.NET web form program to Compare Validator using login form.

10)Explain Framework Architecture in detail.

11)Explain the different validation controls in ASP.NET?

12)Evaluate a program of Arithmetic Operation using web control and add single line
And multiline comments to it.
13)Explain the radio button and Label Control in detail?

14)Show query string in detail with example.

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