As If Poem

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AS IF…………

As if that’s the way life is...

As if there is nothing more to think of...
As if...Pain is the only feeling I know...
As if...I was meant to be alone
As if ....the season of sadness never fades...
As if ......everything and I mean every thing reminds me of yew...
As if ....feeling of love was to come once in a life time won’t happen again...
As if ....hurt is going to stay for ever...
As if....
As if promises are just meant to be broken....................

Let me know how this poem sounds.

Promises From Cradle 2 Grave"

It feels like I made promise within me with u
promises that starts from cradle and ends to grave.....
and when I am not able to complete these promises
I keep drowning in ur love every breath i take
I feel I am not me
someone who is incomplete without these promises....
don’t you remember?
the thousand untouchable precious promise we made from cradle 2 grave
now the promises looks and sounds painful
as if they are not meant 2 be promises!!

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