Lect - 04 A Basics of Data

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Machine Learning for Signal Processing

EHB 328E

Ibraheem Shayea
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - İTÜ
Syllabus 4

Part A
Basics of Data Representation
Data Representation

Data Representation is the process of encoding and storing information

in a format that can be easily understood and processed by computers. It is
a fundamental concept in computer science and is essential for tasks like
data storage, data transmission, data operation and data management.
❑ Data

❑ Data Classification / DataTypes

❑ Form of Data

❑ Analogue and Digital Data

❑ Numbering System

❑ Data Compression

❑ Memory

❑ Data Storage
What is Data?

❑ Data /Datum ?
❑ Datum is technically the singular form of “data,” but it is not usually

❑ Data can be defined as a collection of individual facts, or statistics.

❑ Data is a raw form of knowledge.

❑ Data is set of values that can be quantitative or

qualitative variables about specific object(s).
What is Data?
Data is a kind and units of information, which can be often numeric
information, that are collected through :

❑ Measurement,

❑ Observation,

❑ Survey or

❑ Other gathering method.

What is Data?

Data refers to the symbols that characterize

any objects, people, events, or ideas.
What is Data?

Data refers to information, facts, or statistics that

are collected, stored, and analyzed for various
What is the significance of Data ?
Raw data may not have nay meaning

❑ Data on its own, doesn’t carry any significance or purpose.

In other words, you have to interpret data for it to have meaning.

❑ Data can be simple and may even seem useless until it is :

o Analysed

o Organized and

o Construed
Data Operations

❑ Data Operations are performed by :

o Computer or

o Electronic Device
Data Store and Transmit
❑ Data may be Stored and Transmitted in the form of :

o Electrical signals

o Recorded on magnetic

o Recorded optical

o Mechanical recording media

What is “data” and “information” ?

The terms “data” and “information” are often used interchangeably, but
they actually aren’t the same.

There are subtle differences between these two different terms and also
their purpose.

o Data is defined as individual facts

o Information is the organization and interpretation of those facts.

What is “data” and “information” ?
What is “data” and “information” ?
Data & Machine Learning
The key objective of using machine learning is to
construct models by understanding data.

To do so, it is very significant to feed the data in a way that is readable by

the computer/machine.

To feed data into a learn model, it must be represented as a table or

matrix of the required dimension.
Data Classification
Data Classification
What are the types of Data ??

Data Classification
Data Categories
Data Types

Qualitative or Categorical Quantitative or Numerical

Nominal Data Ordinal Data Discrete Data Continuous Data

❑ Quantitative: Numbers, tests, counting, measuring

❑ Qualitative: Words, images, observations, conversations, photographs

Data Classification
Data Categories
Character Quantitative Data Qualitative Data
Definition Deal with quantities, values, or numbers. Deals with quality.
Measurability Measurable. They are generally not measurable.
Nature of Data Expressed in numerical form. Descriptive rather than numerical
Conclusive Investigative
Statistics is used to generate and subsequently
Method of collection Gained mostly through observation.
analyze this type of data.
Data Structure Structured Unstructured
Determines Level of occurrence Depth of understanding
More reliable and objective.
Reliability This is because the uses of statistics add credence Less reliable and objective.
or credibility to it.
Data Collection Qualitative Survey, Focus group Methods,
Quantitative surveys, Interviews, Experiments
Techniques Documental révision, etc.

Sample A large number of representative samples A small number of non-representative samples

Outcome Develops initial understanding Recommends the final course of action

Data Classification
Categories of Data

A. Alphabetic Data

B. Numeric Data

C. Alphanumeric Data
Data Classification
Categories of Data
❑ Alphabetic Data consists of only the letters A, B, C, ..., Z, and the blank

❑ Numeric Data consists of only numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 9

❑ Alphanumeric Data is a string of symbols where a symbol may be:

o One of the letters A, B, C, ..., Z, or
o One of the digits 0, 1, 2, ..., 9, or
o A special character, such as + - * / , . ( ) = etc.

▪ Alphanumeric Data such as names and addresses are represented

as strings of characters containing letters, numbers and symbols.
Form of Data
Form of Data
Data Type / Form of data

What is the Data Type?

How is the Form of data ?

Form of Data
How can the form of data be?

… Text

… Data
Collected Data

Symbols Observat
Form of Data
How can the form of data be?
❑ Data can come in the form of :

o Numbers

o Text

o Images

o Figures / Graphs

o Observations

o Other type of information.

Form of Data
How can the form of data be?
o Numbers 235, 11.01, -24,
o Text hello, world! ??!
o Audio .mp3
o Images and Graphics .bmp, gif, JPEG
o Video .avi
Binary: All of the data is stored in computers as binary digits

Data must be represented in a way that Captures the core of the

information and in a form that is suitable for machine processing (i.e.
Computer, Server, Storage…)
Form of Data
How can the form of data be?
❑ Example: data can be Numbers
o Power Signals levels
o Data rate
o Success rate
o Temperatures
o Dates
o Distances
o Failure rate
o Measured Sizes
o Products Prices
o Weights
o Ages
Form of Data
How can the form of data be?
❑ Example: data can be Text

o Names
o Addresses
o Colors in a photograph
o Image information
o Types of Objects
Form of Data
How can the form of data be?
❑ Example: data can be Graphs
Analogue and Digital Data
Analogue and Digital Data
Data Categories
❑ Analogue Data

❑ Digital Data
Analogue and Digital Data
Analogue Data

❑ Analog data is data type that is characterized in a physical way.

❑ Analogue data is represented by the use of continuous variable

physical quantities such as voltages.

❑ Examples: We communicate with each other using analogue data.

o Sound
o etc.
Analogue and Digital Data
Digital Data
Digital Data is the information used in a computer and electronic systems which is consist
of a series of 0's and 1's in a binary language. This information is stored on drives as a
magnetically charged switch which is in either a 0 or 1 state.

Digital Data, in communication and information systems, is a type of information

represented as a discrete data and commonly represented by binary system as 0s and 1s.

Analogue and Digital Data
Digital Data
❑ Digitization is the process of converting information, such as :

Text Digital Data

Numbers Digital Data

Photo Digital Data

Music Digital Data

Covert collected data into digital data that can be manipulated by electronic devices.
Analogue and Digital Data
Digital Data
How Digital Data can be represented by Computer and Electronic device ?

❑ In a Computer and Electronic device, using transistors, binary codes

are devised to represent numbers, letters, colours, sounds etc.
o Transistor is on - Binary 1
o Transistor off - Binary 0
❑ In this binary system, each 0 or 1 is called a binary digit (Bit). By
placing them side by side, we can create binary codes.

Bits No of bits
0 1 Bit
10 2 Bits
1011 4 Bits
10010011 8 Bits
Analogue and Digital Data
Digital Data
Example : Digital Data

Binary digits represent the decimal numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 12,16, 32, …., etc.
Numbering System
Numbering System
Number Systems Used in Computer and Electronic Devices

A. Binary Number System

B. Decimal Number System

C. Octal Number System

D. Hexadecimal Number System

Numbering System
Binary Number System
❑ Bit stands for binary digit

❑ Binary Number System has only 2 digits, which are 0 and 1(hence
has base = 2)

❑ In Binary Number System

o bit means either a 1 or a 0,
o n-bit number is a binary number consisting of ”n‘ bits

❑ The largest single digit in binary system is 1 (which is one less than the
Numbering System
Binary Number System
❑ In Binary Number System, each position of a digit in a binary
stream code represents a specific power of the base (2)

Binary 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
Base 2 Representation 𝟐𝟕 𝟐𝟔 𝟐𝟓 𝟐𝟒 𝟐𝟑 𝟐𝟐 𝟐𝟏 𝟐𝟎
Decimal Representation 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

𝟏 × 𝟏𝟐𝟖 + 𝟏 × 𝟔𝟒 + 𝟎 × 𝟑𝟐 + 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟔 + 𝟎 × 𝟖 + 𝟎 × 𝟒 + 𝟏 × 𝟐 + 𝟎 × 𝟏

= 𝟐𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟎

❑ Binary Number System is used to stores numbers, letters, and

other special characters in computer, phones and other electronic
Numbering System
Decimal Number System
❑ In Decimal Number System
o The number system is base 10
o It has ten symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
o Uses 10 numbers

Example: 56,932

Power of 10 Representation
104 103 102 101 100

Decimal Representation 10000 1000 100 10 1

Base 10 Representation 50,000 6,000 900 30 2

Numbering System
Decimal Number System
❑ In Decimal Number System, each position Each position of a
digit represents a specific power of the base (10)
Numbering System
Octal Number System
In Octal Number System :
❑ The total number of symbols or digits is 8 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

❑ The largest single digit is 7, which is one smaller number than the
value of the base)

❑ The number system is base 8, its base = 8

❑ Each position of a digit represents a specific power of the base (8)

❑ Since there are only 8 digits, 3 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠 (23 = 8) are sufficient to

represent any octal number in binary form.
Numbering System
Hexadecimal Number System
In Hexadecimal Number System :
❑ The number system is base 16, its base = 16

❑ The total number of symbols or digits is 16 :

(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F).

❑ The symbols A, B, C, D, E and F represent the decimal values 10, 11,

12, 13, 14 and 15 respectively

❑ The largest single digit is 15, which is one smaller number than the
value of the base)
Numbering System
Hexadecimal Number System
In Hexadecimal Number System :

❑ Each position of a digit represents a specific power of the base (16)

❑ Since there are only 16 digits, 4 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠 (24 = 16) are sufficient to
represent any Hexadecimal number in binary form.
Data Compression
Data Compression
What is Data Compression ?
❑ Compression is generally referred to as “zipping.”

❑ Data Compression is the process that used to compress digital data

to a small size.

❑ Data compression denotes the technique that used to recodes the

data in a file so that it contains less bits than the original uncompressed
Data Compression
Why Data Compression is needed?

Original Data Compression

Data can be compressed to reduce its size for storage or

Data Compression
Data Compression and De-Compression?
Data Compression
Data Compression

❑ Data Compression is also known as zipping process that is

performed to reduce the size of original data

❑ Data compression is the process of reducing the size of data to save

storage space or transmission bandwidth.

❑ It involves encoding information using fewer bits than the original

representation, achieved through various algorithms and techniques.
Compression aims to minimize redundancy and irrelevant information
while preserving essential data integrity.
Data Compression
Data De-Compression

❑ Data De-Compression is also known as extracting or unzipping


❑ Data De-Compression is the process of reconstituting the original

files from the compressed file utilizing one of the uncompressed utility
and tools.
Data Compression
Advantages of Data Compression

Data Compression can reduce file size and transmission times,

this leads to:

❖ Save Storage Capacity

❖ Speed Up File Transfer

➔ reduce the need for wider Network Bandwidth

❖ Decrease Costs
Data Compression
Categories of Data Compression
There are two categories of Data Compression Techniques which are
Lossless and Lossy.

❑ Lossless Compression
o It is a method used to compress data and reconstitute it into its
original state.
o Uncompressed data stays exactly the same as the original data.

❑ Lossy Compression
o Throws away some of the original data through the compression
o Uncompressed data is not exactly the same as the original.
Data Compression
Categories of Data Compression
Data Compression
Categories of Data Compression

Common compression techniques include:

❑ Lossless

❑ Lossy
• JPEG for images
• MP3 for audio
Data Compression
Compression Program

❑ Compressing Software for data is the tools

and software that compresses and
decompresses various types of data file.

❑ Compression Program is used to convert

data from an easy-to-use format to one
optimized for compactness.

❑ Data Compression is the general term for

the various algorithms and programs
developed to address this problem.
Data Compression
Compression Program

❑ Common compression techniques include:

o GZ
WinRAR WinZip Software
o JPEG for images
o MP3 for audio

❑ Compressed files usually end with the file

extension of:
o .rar
o .zip
o .gz
o .pkg
What is Memory?

❑ Memory is an electronic components that store instructions, data,

and results

❑ Memory consists of one or more chips on motherboard or other

circuit board

❑ Byte is the basic storage unit in the electronic memory

❑ In the Memory, each byte stored in unique location called an

What is Memory?
Characteristics of Electronic Memory:

❑ Density
Amount of data that the memory can store

❑ Read/write capability
Capability to update memory
Why Memory is required?
Electronic Digital Memory is required to stores three basic categories:

1. Operating System Software

2. Application Programs

3. Data
What are the type of Memory?
Electronic Digital Memory is mainly divided to two types (categories):
What are the type of Memory?
Primary Memory

1. Random Access Memory (RAM)

2. Read Only Memory (ROM)

Data Storage
Data Storage
What is Data Storage?

Data Storage refers to the recording of information in a storage medium,

which is a type of electronic memory device
Data Storage
Data Storage Devices

Hard Disk SSD Hard Disk

SSD: solid-state drive
pin drive xRAM

CD/DVD Memory Card

Disk Data

Cloud Tap Server

Data Storage
What is Data Storage?
Hierarchy of Storage
Storage Increased
1byte = 8 bits
1KiloByte = 1024 byte
1MegaByte = 1024 Kbytes
1GigaByte = 1024 Mbytes
1TetraBytes = 1024 GBytes

Hard Disk


Reg.: Register
The End

Thank You

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 4

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