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2028 ® ' Aakash Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Photi- ‘ve2aa58 aa PractcoTest-2024.25CF+OYM(P1)-PTOIA Time : 60min. ‘Covered: PES. Aa: ey i x Teese clecric Charges & Fields iy eet i ‘ChemistrysSolutions "220.05 iter ay ‘ : I BY. a y Be seekers Fee a eeprodetion ja a iver Fel i dandy oxgin'ct'Ungipern re riizaion - siruties and events. Stamer), Microsporafidilm, Microsporogenesis, Pollen, gfaln, Development of male-ceirsioshyte, The pistl, JAsboragenedls, Embryo sadlFemals gametoph Basis pteotihado = Wind: WateriInsects) i. Male reproductive systerh Testes, epicl\mi id Semen Stucture of tehale: reprod female febraducive system Stach Gevelapment, Polinnavon Objective, anus General instructions : Instructions: () Use blue/olack ballpoint pen only to darker the appropriate circle, (\) Mark shoule be dark and should completely til te cite. (ii) Dark only one circle tor each entry. Gu) Dark the ctcle in the space provided only. ‘ : Ce Ae () Rough work mustnot be done on the Answer sheef‘afld do nat ise wihite-fuid.or any. oler‘tnbing material on Answer sheet. (@) Each question carries 4 marks. For every wrong résponge'd matk shall be‘ deducted fom toll Score, STy6.gharges of 19 uC and 12 UC are placed 4 cm apart, L.The eclectic field in a region is given. as ifs UN) 2a ahetfatio of the force exerted by charges on one ancther 3 = (pis 443) we. me toca toned é Gita ‘square of surface area 10 cm? kept parallel to “a? ie is () aon me we Ss \ : 2) Zero aad \ 30N mic 5, Electic field due to a point charge varies with distance 1 ‘rom the location of charge, as P7420 N mic ar. CC671 CC 67 ~f ey Xen cnroos SEU yo are weed on AGEN Ln 3 CC-871 ccs equilateral tiangle of side 1 em. The force on a unit test : charge kept at centroid of the triangle will be @L _#I 7210 7 FN VP \ () 9kN 6, Electric field due to an electric dipole at end on and bro @4Nn on positions at same distance are , a 3. An electric dipole placed in uniform electric field Ea respectively, then select the correct expression. _AAS Ayays experiences a torque (2x Always experiences a force 2) May experience a force and a torque (4) May experience a torque but not force P FacticeTest-2024-25CF+OYM(P1)-PTOLA 7. Te toree per unit charge is kno ATT Electne tux eee (2) Elecne tes (2) Elec prensa (#) Elec coment 8. Three point charges ar Tree point charges are atranged as shown in gute. The \gnHUEE fet dipole moment of the combinauon is. 40 +20) Me 7200 @)4Qa (4) 2V3Qa 9. Which among the following is not a basic property of elecuic charge? 1 (2) Additivity of charge (2) Sonservation of charge saMionleon of charge (4) Quantisation of charge Separated by a distance 20 cm. Where should a third < charge 1 1C be placed such that net electrostatic force on third charge becomes zero? oS _igeenten auc {8 @ cmtrom +4 yc. (3) 8 cmfrom +9 uc. (4) Mid point of the point A and 8 cC-671 cc.67 46. Select the mixture which does not show negative Geviation from Raoult's law. (1) H20+ HCI (2) H20+ HNOg . Lereenisae + toluene {i (4) Acetone + aniline . | 117. For ideal solution which of the given relation is incorrect? ger etinix <0 i (2) ASmix > © I (3) 4Grnix <0 (4) AVmix = 11, The magnitude of elect 412, Auniformly charged conducting sphere of ratte tree DEMED TH po (Oe eT Sr it he arses "a istanet tharges, separated bY ASAI I hen the new Geween the charges is dou tleevostate force wl BE wet Oe (@2r a 42 meiametet hae a surface charge density af 50 UC m™, Te Charge ‘on the sphere is aX 2772» 10% @ameenc @rrnxw%c @zrmxitc 13. A system contains six charges +1 HC, +2 pC. -3 BC. + 4 UC, 5 WC and 6 UC. The total charge of the system IS Ars ve (@)-5uc @) Ze10 (@)2ye 114, The magnitude of electic field ata point & em away trom ‘Ghaige of tensity 2 x 10-6 cimis Mago Nien etree ox @.9* 10-5 Ne, © a8 «108 Nic” AB, Whichot he following optionsis correct? 2° gy THe total number of charged parices inthe universe /<%) remains conserved * 9) The magnitude of total positive charge of the universe @iseonstant ” fq) Te magnitude of total negative charge of the universe is constant _--#er The total charge of he universe is constant 18. thass of a non-volatile solute (molar mass = 45 g mol that should be dissolved in 80 g water to reduce it ‘vapour pressure to 7596 is Msg 2) 459 (3)259 ‘ 4) 159 AL molal aqueous solution is Qi @ as Bas @ 2 20. Consider the following pertie F ctotowing __ Henrys taw constant cee, cc-e74 ‘The correct order ofinereasing solubility is ATE noes 2 Statement; Moleciles of ethanoic acd dingieg iS) Bar iog Pe = benzene due t Hrbonding 2 Sa Given below are wo saiements, cre is Assertion other Statement: Due to association, the number of paldglés “C7” Reason, is reduced. A Assettion (A) : Azeotropic mixture cahnot be separate Select the correct option among the following. Zz bP by fractional distillation. (2) Both statements | and liare correct Reason (R) : Nitic acia (2) Statement is correct but statement lis incorrect. ~~) Statement |isincorect but statement tis correct (4) Botn statefndnesi Bid tare incorrect | CC-871 24, At the 25°C, an aqueous solution of glucdse is isotonié with 05 M, aqueous NaC! solution. The molarity of glucose. solution is (Consider complete dissociation of Nach) : (@)0.25M (205M @)im «2m ‘and water can form maximui boiling azeorope, Im the light of above statements, choose the corre option, (1 2887 lon Raion ao wie reason the cores oxpianaton ene ast ion ‘oth Assertion & Reason are true but the reasor Not the correct explanation of the assertion (3) Assertion is true statement but Reason is false (4) Both Assertion and Reason are false statements Botany |) lh Practicetest a Tents wa {ayer that provides nourshment to @) Endothecium rTapetum © Epidennis (4) mide layer ‘Se man embiye sn. largest cas @) synergids _tPavvpodal ces (@) Cenwal cet ) Egg cel Shedding of pollen grains in ow rca _Aelea sage, Select the corre Shidn or (2) One —eTw0 (3) Three (8) Four /et 6096 of angiosperms cc-671 34. Filiform apparatus is found in (2) Egg cel! (2) Anipodats A Symergios (4) Secondary nucleus 35. All of the following ‘ed 9 are the features of flowers, oligos by insects, except (0) Large sizea @) Presence of nectaries (3) Colourful petals : _PsNon-stcky pollen grains 36, Vegétatve cel of pollen grains (2) Floats in the cytoplasm of generative cell Has large iregularly shaped nucleus (3) Produces male gametes by mitosis ane than generative cell 37, ites -guments encircle the nucellu: there is a small opening, called (2) Micropyie (3) Chalaza (4) Funicle CC-671 Geitonogamy involves FHetlisaion of a fower by the pollen rom another flower of the same plant (2 Fettlization of a flower by the pollen from the same flower (@) Fetlization of a flower by the pollen’trom a flower of another plantin the same population Vy (a) Fetlisation of a flower by the pollen trom a flower of another plant belonging to a distant population -2024-25CF+OYM(P1)-PTO1A cepa towne’ > (1) Hilum 7 39.In. a typical’ anther, the tissue oheacama | team ty omnbotic aoe 40. Pollen grain of angiosperms represents AT iale gamete (4) Megaspore a ene = ee (4) One day 42. Which flower provides safe place to lay eggs? (1) Petunia Df amerphophatus (@)Pea (@) Banana 43. The thee-celled egg apparatis in an embryo st consist (a) One'e 269 celliand two polar nuclei _ one Sel ere Serna oe Sissies, ad one central cell, 7 ey Meth about2to 36m iP My Statement -8 + Each tess has_aboutlone insti“ comparmenis called testicular lobules. ay (2) Both statements A and B are correct. (2) Both statements A and B are incorrect. (3) Only statement A is incorrect. _ey nly statement B is incorrect. 51, Interstiial spaces in human testis does not contain (a) Leydig celfsC-674 :CC-671 (2) Small blood vessels, Sertoli cells i (4) immunologically competent cells | : “ae 2, The scrotum helps in maintaining the low temperature of the testes necessary for ;permatogenesis (2) Spermiaton (3) Fusion of gametes (4) Insemination CC 53, Binh canal Is formed by (2) Cervix only (2) Vagina only (@) Uterus along with cervical canal (4) Cervical canal along with vagina 54, The wall of uterus is made up of _(@)_ layers, _@)_ is the site of implantation and _(@) undergoes contractions during delivery of the baby. : Select the option that fils te blanks (a), (b) and (c) cerry. 6 @) Ho, (0) Myometi, 6 Perimeum (2a) Tee.) Nyoman, (-) Endometiom @ (0) Tee, ©) Endomeviu,() Myometium (4) (af Aref (b) Endometrium, (6) Perfmndiiin 5. wf ofthe follwing stucures help in collecton ¢ ie ser cvladon a hmanfeals? fa) mundbutam @ishmes | @yriiae: | ) ampulla 56. in males, _A__ stimulates the synthesis and secretion hormones called _B_ fromtestes. Choose the optiog that correctly fils the blanks A and & \ @a | @ATESHB pee edffogen Fea oe 7. The| brosess ot conversion of a spermatid ¢ .,Spermatgzda is known as Cy sagimatocytogenesis *@)Spetmiation 283) Spermiogenesis SNe) Spermatogenesis CPB. Some. face which help in the process spermiogenesis are secreted from _a byaction of - Choose the option which fills the blanks A an correctly Of im eydig cells [LH Bijserbieig ese cC-871 .]Mate germ eate|ica} (4)[Spermatogonia |FSH] aa i @) ' “oo @ (4) (4) PracticeTest-2024-25CF+OYM(P1)-PTO1A 89. The chromosome number in meioeytes of human beings is Ae gente costhaon ot het le game May be represented by. * Choose the option that fis He blanks correctly, a 5 [46 | 23-7 (46 [22K @ [23 [Fax i (4) | 23 |4aexyv ‘ | @a@ @@ ae Qe cc-67 cC.671 co-671 60. The duets which open into nipple of a mammary gland are (2) Mammary tubules ‘2actterous ducts (3) Mammary ducts (4) Mallerian ducts, CC-871 CO8N

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