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Atomic and Electricity

Zozan Yousif Mohammed

University of Duhok
College of Science
Department of Geology
The structure of atoms
The structure of atoms
Every atom in its normal state .
is electrically neutral (un-
charged) or (un-ionized)

No. of (e-) = No. of (p+)

Charged matter
Is a matter having an excess number of either
electrons or protons

Atom gains electrons → (- ) ion

Atom losses electrons → (+) ion

matter charged matter
Electric forces

1- An attraction electric force between

different charges (+ , - )

2- A repulsion electric force between

same charges (+ , +) and (- , -)
Energy Levels
Each orbit of (e-) is an energy level of that (e-)

E4 4th E

E3 3rd E
E2 2nd E

E1 1st E

What is the meaning of band gap ? ? ?
Materials classified electrically as :
Materials that have the ability to conduct
electric current .

Semi Conductors
Materials that need some energy to make it conduct electric
Semi Conductors materials like (Si , Ge , ....) used in electronics
field , like transistors , and diodes ,…


Materials that haven't the ability to conduct electric current.

Coulomb's law
There is either attraction or repulsion electric force
between any two charges , that is :

𝒒𝟏 𝒒𝟐
𝑭=𝒌 𝟐

where :
(k) is the proportionality constant
k = 9 × 109 N.m2/C2 (for air)
Electric current (I)
Is a flow of electric charge carried by moving electrons in
a conductor wire in an electric circuits under an electric
potential (V)
(V) Electric Potential (voltage)
It is the difference in potential between the
positive (+) and negative (-) poles that make
the electrons to move between them and get
electric current
Electric Resistance

It is the objection of the material for electron

motion or electric current
Ohm's Law
The current (I) through a conductor between two points
is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across the two
points at a constant resistance (R) .
Any resistor or conductor device made of a
material, has its own
electric resistivity (ρ) , and electric conductivity (σ)

Electric resistivity (ρ) of a material is objection to flow an

electric current through it.

Electrical conductivity (σ) of a material refers to its ability to

conduct an electric current

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