Thuthu - w12 - L1L2 U4 HTHT N QKĐ

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UNIT 4: PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE (hiện tại hoàn thành & quá khứ đơn)

I. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. I (cycle /just) ________________________________ 50 km.
2. I (cycle) ________________________________ 100 km last week.
3. I (write) _________________________________ an essay yesterday.
4. I (write / already) ________________________________ two essays this term.
5. I (ring/just) ________________________________ my friend.
6. I (ring) ________________________________ my friend 10 minutes ago.
7. Two days ago, I (watch) ________________________________ a Madonna concert on TV.
8. I (see / already) ________________________________ Madonna live in concert.
9. I (spend) ________________________________ my summer holiday in Australia last year.
10. I (be/not) ________________________________ to Australia yet.

II. Fill in each gap with the past simple or the present perfect form of the given word(s).
1. Last night I (lose) __________________________ my keys. I had to call my flatmate to let me in.
2. I (lose) __________________________ my keys. Can you help me look for them?
3. He (live) _____________________ with his great grandmother for a few years - she died when he
was eight.
4. She and her best friends (know) ___________________________ each other for over fifteen years.
They still get together once a week.
5. A: What's wrong?
B: I (break) __________________________ a glass.
6. She (be) __________________________ a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.
7. How many times (she/ go) __________________________ to the cinema last month?
8. Aunt to Jonny: Jonny, I can't believe how much you've changed since the last time I saw you. You
(grow) __________________________ at least a foot!
9. A: How long (you/ live) __________________________ in Paris?
B: Twenty years. We came back to live in England in 2010.
10. A: How long (you/ live) __________________________ in Japan?
B: Four years. And we really like it here.

III . Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets using simple past or present perfect.
1. The floor looks dirty. I'm sure you (not clean up) ________________________________________.
2. (you/enjoy) ________________________________ the party last night?
3. My bicycle isn't here. I think someone (just take) ________________________________ it.
4. They (know) ________________________________ each other since they were children.
5. They are the most kind-hearted people he (ever meet) ________________________________.
6. He was late yesterday because he (be) ________________________________ stuck in the traffic
7. Last year, he (donate) ________________________________ 99% of his fortune to charitable
8. I (be) _________________________________ a member of this non-profit organization since 1996.
9. She (make) ________________________________ many new friends since she joined this English
10. Last month I (feel) ________________________________ happy when I cooked a meal for the
elderly at a nursing home.

IV. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence.
1. A number of political prisoners................since Independent Day.
a. released b. have released
c. was released d. have been released
2. Internet cafes allow you ........................your web-based e-mail account.
a. to access b. accessing c. access d. be accessed
3. The program must be new. before.
a. have never been seen b. have ever seen

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c. have never seen d. have seen
4. I...................... able to play tennis since I arm.
a. wasn't/ broke b. haven't been/ had broken
c. wasn't/ had broken d. haven't been/ broke
5. .......................... your house painted last year?
a. Had b. Did c. Was d. Have.
6. The police................for two men who..........getting into a black car near the bank at about 1 o'clock
last night.
a. are looking/ saw b. are looking/ were seen
c. have looked/ saw d. had looked/ were seen
7. Professor Kidd..................three books since 1999, and she's working on fourth.
a. has been writing b. wrote c. has written d. writes
8. How often..................your car serviced since you bought it?
a. do you get b. did you get c. had you gotten d. have you gotten
V. Complete the following sentences using the given words.
1. Thanks to your ______________________ today we are able to help disabled children in the
neighbourhood. (DONATE)
2. Getting treatment for __________________________ loss can greatly improve quality of life for
individuals affected. (HEAR)
3. Visual ________________________ cause issues with eyesight that can interfere with students'
academic success. (IMPAIR)
4. This organization's main aim is to help disabled people to overcome their
_________________________. (DISABLE)

VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Humanitarian Dorothea Dix was born in Hampden, Maine, in 1802. At the age of 19, she established a
school for girls, the Dix Mansion School, in Boston, but had to close it in 1835 due to her poor health.
She wrote and published the first of many books for children in 1824. In 1841, Dix accepted an
invitation to teach classes at a prison in East Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was deeply disturbed by
the sight of mentally-ill persons thrown in the jail and treated like criminals. For the next eighteen
months, she toured Massachusetts institutions where other mental patients were confined and reported
the shocking conditions she found to the state legislature. When improvements followed in
Massachusetts, she turned her attention to the neighbouring states and then to the West and South.
Dix's work was interrupted by the Civil War; she served as superintendent of women hospital nurses
for the federal government.
Dix saw special hospitals for the mentally-ill built in some fifteen states. Although her plan to obtain
public land for her cause failed, she aroused concern for the problem of mental illnesses all over the
United States as well as in Canada and Europe.
Dix's success was due to her independent and thorough research, her gentle but persistent manner, and
her ability to secure the help of powerful and wealthy supporters.

1. In what year was the Dix Mansion School closed?

A. 1802 B. 1824 C. 1835 D. 1841
2. Why did Dorothea Dix first go to a prison?
A. She was convicted of a crime. B. She taught classes there.
C. She was sent there by the state legislature. D. She was doing research for a book.
3. Where was Dorothea Dix first able to bring about reforms in the treatment of the mentally-ill?
A. Canada B. Europe
C. Massachusetts D. The West and the South
4. The word "confined" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to.....
A. restricted B. treated C. cared for D. supported
5. Dorothea Dix was NOT successful in her attempt to.....
A. arouse concern for the mentally-ill B. become superintendent of nurses
C. obtain public lands D. publish books for children

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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in
each group.
1. A. chores B. brothers C. boys D. students
2. A. crocodile B. signature C. dine D. dinosaur
3. A. apple B. basic C. transit D. tramp
4. A. chimney B. chemical C. chilly D. china
5. A. chick B. service C. textile D. fabric

III. Choose the suitable word to complete the sentence.

1. Last week we interviewed some volunteers who had worked with disabled/disabilities students.
2. There are more devices to enable people with impairments/physical disabilities to travel around.
3. These are students with various visual, hearing/deaf, physical and cognitive impairments.
4. We need to help disabled students to become independent and integrate/launch in the community.
5. The students in our class have charity/donated more than 50 gifts.

IV. Complete the sentences using the given words.

impairments voluntary visual volunteers support
1. People with physical ________________________________ have difficulty climbing stairs.
2. This special school helps students with _________________________ impairments to learn Braille.
3. Many _________________________ have taken part in our programmes since the campaign was
4. We have launched various services to __________________________ people with learning
5. We completed a ________________________ project for our community center a month ago.

V. Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.

1. Last year I volunteered to teach at a school for people with hearing impairments and launched/have
launched a campaign to help them.
2. A: How many times did you try/have you tried to pass your driving test?
B: Three times so far.
3. A: I can't send my e-mails because my computer's broken.
B: How long was your computer/has your computer been broken?
A: About a week. I'm going to take it back to the shop when I have time.
4. A: I went to Japan on holiday last year.
B: How long were you/have you been there?
A: Only two weeks. It wasn't really long enough to see everything.
5. A: When did he arrive/has he arrived?
B: He arrived at 2 o'clock.
6. A: Why don't you want to play football with us this weekend?
B: I broke/have broken my leg.
7. A: I never drank/have never drunk whiskey.
B: Have some now.
8. My best friend, Linh went to Canana two years ago, but I wasn't/haven't been there so far.
VI. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. Mother: I want to prepare dinner. (you/ wash) _________________________________ the dishes
2. Daughter: I (wash) _________________________________ the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not)
_________________________________ the time yet to do it today.
3. Mother: (you/do/yet) _________________________________ your homework _____________?
4. Daughter: No, I (come / just) ___________________________________ home from school.
5. Mother: You (come) _________________________________ home from school two hours ago!
6. Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy (call) ________________________________ when I (arrive)
________________________________ and I (finish / just) ______________________________ the
phone call.

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7. Mother: (you/ see / not) ___________________________________ Lucy at school in the morning?
8. Daughter: Yes, but we (have / not) ________________________________ time to talk then.

VII. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. I (just / finish) _______________________ my homework.
2. Mary (already / write) _______________________ five letters.
3. Tom (move) _______________________ to this town in 1994.
4. My friend (be) _______________________ in Canada two years ago.
5. I (not / be) _________________________ to Canada so far.
6. I (already / travel) _______________________ to London a couple of times.
7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) _______________________ to the cinema.
8. I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) ________________________ a new film yet.
9. (they / spend) _______________________ their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
10. (you / ever / see) _______________________ a whale?

VIII. Choose the options that best fit the blanks.

1. The boy from Brazil ____ to be the best dancer in the group.
A. appears B. to appear C. is appearing
2. He doesn't earn much money, so he ____ a car yet.
A. isn't having B. didn't have C. hasn't had
3. Bob can't stand not ____ Mary each day because she is an indispensable part of his life.
A. see B. to see C. seeing
4. These boys are so talented. They have been able to play musical instruments since they ____ five.
A. are B. were C. have been
5. Yesterday, John ____ home, ____ his suitcase and ____ to bed early.
A. was arriving - unpacking - going B. arrived - unpacked - went C. has arrived - unpacked -
6. It's no use ____ to persuade him when he is in a bad mood.
A. tried B. trying C. to try
7. How many times ____ to ring her back this morning? - Three times
so far.
A. do you try B. did you try C. have you tried
8. Bean ____ Laura an apology because he left her to marry another girl without giving a clear
A. owns B. owes C. owing
9. People with disabilities always need to be.......after.
A. asked B. cared C. looked D. take
10. The Braille alphabet has been one of the human history.
A. invention B. inventions C. inventors D. inventive
11. Everyone can help the needy by making a charity organisation.
A. donate B. donation C. donor D. donating
12. .......believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those whohelp to bring happiness to
A. Voluntary B. Voluntarily C. Volunteer D. Volunteers
13. Many experts believe that noise is the main cause of approximately half of allcases of....loss.
A. cognitive B. hearing C. mental D. visual
14. Precisely when the first wheeled chairs were invented and used for....persons is unknown.
A. disabled B. poor C. unhappy D. unemployed
15. that country are waiting for food aid from the UN.
A. handicapped B. hungry C. sick D. unemployed
16. The Youth Union in our school has decided to launch a/ raise funds for local charities.
A. activity B. announcement C. campaign D. decision
17. Children with cognitive impairments may learning basic skillslike reading, writing, or
problem solving.
A. ability B. determination C. difficulty D. refusal

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