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The Role of Renewable Energy in Achieving Saudi Vision 2030: Legal Frameworks and
Future Directions
This study investigates renewable energy playing a crucial role in Saudi Vision 2030
achievement, a strategic goal seeking to downsize dependence on crude, diversify the economy,
build public service sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, recreation, and tourism. The
key element of this view is the move towards a more sustainable and diverse energy mix, which
accentuates the role of renewable sources in the future of the economy of the nation. Following
the research, the paper presents an in-depth analysis of the current legal frameworks for
renewable energy in Saudi Arabia examining whether they are efficient enough for developing
sustainable energies.
The objectives of this research are twofold: in the beginning, I will investigate the present legal
and regulatory framework for renewable energy in Saudi Arabia, and in the second stage, I will
study the effects of these regulations on implementing the objectives of Saudi vision 2030.
Through analyzing the policies, regulations, and initiatives including Saudi National Renewable
Energy Program (NREP) and the King Salman Renewable Energy Initiative, the study will
pinpoint the elements that promote the growth of renewable energy investment and projects.
Performing a qualitative research explores policy documents, laws and experts’ opinions to
understand renewables development dynamics in the context of Saudi Vision 2030. Interviews of
vital players in the energy area will supplement the knowledge of technical matters regarding
carrying out renewable energy projects in Saudi Arabia.
The findings show that although there has been considerable progress in legal systems for
renewable energy, there are still several barriers which need to be overcome such as regulatory
difficulties, financing gaps, and the capacity development. The research points to an urgent need
for a stronger and comprehensive legal framework along with private sector recognitions and
rewards to speed up the deployment of renewable energy technologies.
The research sheds light on the key role of renewable energy in diversifying Saudi economy and
its carbon footprint in accordance with Saudi Vision 2030. It proposes additional legal and
regulatory reforms to the legal environment in a way that supports renewable energy
development and thereby support national sustainable development goals. We have thus included
stimulating ideas in the discussion on renewable energy policy and development in Saudi Arabia,
with a view to guiding policymakers, investors and practitioners in the field.

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