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C228 Task 1 C228 V3 Western Governors

University Sentinel

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C228 Task 1 C228 V3 Western Governors University Sentinel City Action Report See
attached photo journal. Needs Assessment Demographics Sentinel City is a computer-
simulated city tour in which lies four separate neighborhoods: Nightingale Square, Acer Tech
Center, Casper Park, and Industrial Heights. The total population of Sentinel City is 663,862,
with 50.8% of the population being ages eighteen to sixty-four years old. 21.7% of the
population is under eighteen years, 17% is under five years, and 10.5% consists of the elderly
population ages sixty-five years and older. Racially, Sentinel City mostly consists of people
of Caucasian descent, standing at 80.6% of the population. The Hispanic population accounts
for 31.5% of the total population. The rest of the city includes 10.4% Black or African
American, 3.7% Asian, 3.1% two or more races, 2% American Indian and Alaska Native, a

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