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Question 1

I have been employed in the recent past (2-3 years),

Answer: Yes, I have had a few different jobs.
Question 2

I have worked in the industry my program is preparing me for.

Answer: Yes,For a while now.

Question 3

I have interviewed for a variety of jobs before.

Answer: No,
I have only had one or two interviews before.
Question 4
I have sought help on resume writing, cover letter writing, or interview

Answer: No, I haven't.

Question 5
I have conducted information interviews in the past to learn more about the skills and
strategies I need to be competitive in industry.

Answer: Yes, I have. Independently for my own career development and/or curiosity in a specific compan
Question 6
In the last few years I have applied to ___________ jobs using a resume
and cover letter
Answer: none (I'm totally new at this)
Question 7
After I graduate from RRC Polytech, I will be looking for a job in the
industry my program prepared me for.
Answer: I'm not sure.
That sounds terrifying tbh.

Question 8
After I finish my program, I plan to work and continue to study part-time to
gain experience and improve specific skills.

Answer: No, I just want to work.

Question 9
After I finish my program, I expect to continuously learn new skills even if
I find a job.
Answer: Yes, but I don't know what those skills are or where I would learn them.
Question 10
I am confident in my grammar, spelling, and punctuation use.
Answer: Somewhat confident
Question 11
I have large gaps in my employment history.
Answer: No gaps
Question 12
I can present myself in job interviews and answer common interview
questions relating them to my experience.
Answer: In general, I think I have presented well in my past job interviews.
Question 13
Where do you think your Job Ready Communication is as you start this
What level would you rate your current resume, your last cover letter, and
your performance at your most recent interview?
Answer: Developing/Developed
Question 14
I could use some 1:1 support on language use, writing, resume specifics, or
interviewing practice.
Answer: Yes, especially for writing a cover letter.
Answer: Yes, especially for interview practice.
Question 15
My program includes work integrated learning (WIL) such as a
co-op/field/work placement, a practicum, or internship.
Answer: Yes, but I don't know where I am going to go yet.

Question 16
I would like to know more about the employment services available for a
specific group (ie. Newcomers to Canada, Indigenous employment or
businesses, LGBTQ2S+, persons with disabilities, etc.)

Answer: No
Question 17
I want to meet people in my industry to learn from them, build up my
network, practice my skills, and/or explore placement options.
Answer: No, I wouldn't know how to start.
Question 18
I want to meet people in the community to learn more about their needs,
build my network, practice my skills, and/or explore employment
Answer: No, my Job Ready Communication still needs more work.
Question 19
I hope that work-integrated learning (WIL) like a co-op will help me find a
job in my industry.
Answer: Yes, a co-op field experience is a great way to make connections with a potential employer and
demonstrate my skills.

Hello, this is Copilot. I can help you create a Job Ready Self-Assessment Summary
based on your answers to the Job Ready Communication: Self-Assessment. A Job
Ready Self-Assessment Summary is a document that summarizes your strengths,
areas for improvement, and goals for your career development. It can help you
prepare for your performance review, identify your learning needs, and plan your
next steps. Here is a template for your Job Ready Self-Assessment Summary:

Job Ready Self-Assessment Summary

 List the skills, abilities, and achievements that you are most proud of and
that demonstrate your value to the organization. For example:
o I have some work experience in the industry I am studying for, and I
have conducted information interviews to learn more about the skills
and strategies I need to be competitive in the industry.
o I think I have presented well in my past job interviews, and I can
answer common interview questions relating them to my experience.
o I expect to continuously learn new skills even if I find a job, and I
have a growth mindset and a desire to improve.
o I rate my current resume, my last cover letter, and my performance at
my most recent interview as developing/developed.
o I hope that work-integrated learning (WIL) like a co-op will help me
find a job in my industry.

Areas for improvement

 List the tasks, skills, or behaviors that you need to work on or improve to
achieve your career goals. For example:
o I have not applied to many jobs or had many interviews in the past,
and I need to improve my resume writing, cover letter writing, and
interview skills. I would like to get some 1:1 support on these areas.
o I am not sure if I will be looking for a job in the industry after I
graduate, and I do not plan to continue studying part-time to gain
experience and improve specific skills. I need to clarify my career
aspirations and explore the opportunities in the industry.
o I do not know what skills I need to learn or where I would learn them
to stay updated and relevant in the industry. I need to research the
industry trends, challenges, opportunities, and skills in demand.
o I do not have large gaps in my employment history, but I need to
highlight my relevant skills and experience for the industry in my job
applications and interviews.
o I do not know where I am going to go for my work integrated
learning (WIL) experience, and I need to identify potential employers
or organizations that I would like to work with.

 List the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) goals that you have set for yourself to address your areas for
improvement and advance your career development. For example:
o I will seek help on resume writing, cover letter writing, or interview
skills from a career counsellor, a mentor, or a peer by the end of this
o I will research the industry I am studying for and the skills and
qualifications that employers are looking for by using online tools
such as Job Bank or Career Cruising by the end of this semester.
o I will network with people in my industry or in the community to
learn from them, build my network, practice my skills, and explore
employment opportunities by using online platforms such as
LinkedIn or Meetup by the end of this year.
o I will create or update my resume and cover letter to highlight my
relevant skills and experience for the industry and apply to at least
three jobs or internships in the industry by the end of this year.
o I will plan ahead for my work integrated learning (WIL) experience
and identify at least two potential employers or organizations that I
would like to work with by the end of this semester.

I hope this template and these examples are helpful for you. You can use them to
create your own Job Ready Self-Assessment Summary and share it with your
instructor, supervisor, or mentor for feedback and guidance. If you have any

questions or feedback, please let me know. 😊

Okay, I will try to help you make your answer grammatically correct and properly
formatted. Here are some suggestions:

 Use a heading to indicate the title of your answer. For example, you could
use # Job Ready Self-Assessment Summary at the beginning of your answer.
 Use bullet points to list your strengths and areas for improvement. For
example, you could use - or * before each item. Make sure to indent your
bullet points properly and use consistent punctuation at the end of each item.
 Use the first-person pronouns “I” and “my” consistently throughout your
answer. For example, instead of saying “I have some work experience in the
industry you are studying for”, you should say “I have some work
experience in the industry I am studying for”.
 Use proper capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. For example, you
should capitalize the first letter of each sentence, the names of institutions
and programs, and the word “I”. You should also use commas, periods, and
apostrophes correctly. For example, instead of saying “I am are not sure
about your career goals”, you should say “I am not sure about my career
 Use transition words and phrases to connect your sentences and paragraphs.
For example, you could use words like “however”, “therefore”, “in
addition”, “on the other hand”, etc. to show contrast, cause and effect,
addition, or alternative. You could also use phrases like “Based on this
summary”, “As a result”, “For this reason”, etc. to introduce your
conclusion or prediction.

Here is an example of how your answer could look like after applying these

Job Ready Self-Assessment Summary

After completing the Job-Ready Self Assessment, I have identified some of my
strengths and areas for improvement in relation to my career goals. I have decided
to choose the Understanding My Industry project pathway, as I think it will help
me learn more about the industry I am studying for and improve my job readiness
skills. Here are some of the reasons for my choice:

 I have some work experience in the industry I am studying for, which is a

great advantage. I also have conducted information interviews before, which
shows my initiative and curiosity.
 However, I have not applied to many jobs using a resume and cover letter,
and I have not sought help on these documents or on interview skills. I could
benefit from some guidance and feedback on how to craft effective resumes
and cover letters, and how to prepare for different types of interviews.
 I am not sure about my career goals after graduating from RRC Polytech,
and I am not interested in continuing my education or meeting people in my
industry or community. I may want to explore my options and interests
more, and learn about the benefits of networking and lifelong learning.
 I am somewhat confident in my grammar, spelling, and punctuation use, but
I could use some 1:1 support on language use, writing, resume specifics, or
interviewing practice. I may want to review some of the resources and tips
available on the course website, or book an appointment with a tutor or
 My program includes work integrated learning (WIL), but I don’t know
where I am going to go yet. I hope that WIL will help me find a job in my
industry, but I may need to do some research and planning to make the most
of this opportunity.

Based on this summary, I predict that I will likely choose the Understanding My
Industry project pathway, as it will help me learn more about the industry I am
studying for, the skills and qualifications required, the current trends and
challenges, and the potential employers and opportunities. This project pathway
will also help me improve my resume and cover letter writing, and my interview
skills, as I will need to apply for a WIL placement or a job in my industry. I will
also have the chance to meet and network with people in my industry, and learn
from their experiences and insights. This project pathway will help me become
more confident and prepared for my future career.

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