Mock Interview

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1. Tell me about yourself:

am Manish Sadhu, currently pursuing an International Business Advanced Diploma at Red River
College Polytechnic. My academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering.
With a technical foundation and a keen interest in global business, I bring a unique blend of skills to
problem-solving, project management, and international market analysis.

2. Tell me about your RRC program:

My International Business Advanced Diploma program at Red River College Polytechnic has
equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of economic geography, international finance,
law, and marketing. Through practical projects and coursework, I have developed strong analytical
and communication skills, allowing me to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace.

3. What positions of responsibility have you held?

I have held roles such as Testing Engineer at the Electrical Power Research Laboratory, where I
coordinated project schedules and managed quality documentation. As a Project Coordinator at
Delta Electricals, I oversaw the production and quality phases of transformer projects,
demonstrating leadership and organizational skills.

4. Give me an example of when you have worked as part of a team. What was your contribution to
the team? What was the outcome?

In my role as a Testing Engineer at the Electrical Power Research Laboratory, I collaborated with
project managers and external stakeholders. My contribution involved effective scheduling and
conflict resolution, reducing project delays by 20%. The outcome was a 95% adherence to project
timelines and successful completion of routine tests.

5. How would you respond to a customer who isn’t happy with a product or service?

I believe in addressing customer concerns with empathy and prompt resolution. I would listen
actively to understand their specific issue, apologize for any inconvenience, and work towards
finding a satisfactory solution. Customer satisfaction is paramount, and proactive communication
and problem-solving are key elements in ensuring a positive customer experience.

6. Give me an example of when you were confronted with a problem and how you solved it (or
tried to solve it)?

During my time as a Production Engineer at JSL Industries Ltd., I faced a challenge related to Partial
Discharge and Induced High Voltage Tests. I troubleshooted the issues meticulously, implemented
corrective measures, and ensured adherence to IS-3156 and IS-2705 standards. This led to a 95%
reduction in testing anomalies and the successful achievement of quality results.
7. What would you do if a member of your team wasn't pulling their own weight?

In such a situation, I would initiate a private and constructive conversation with the team member to
understand any challenges they might be facing. I would offer support, discuss expectations, and
explore ways to improve collaboration. If issues persist, I would escalate the matter to higher
management while maintaining transparency and fairness.

8. What would you do if you expected a project to run over its deadline?

If I anticipate a project running over its deadline, I would immediately communicate the situation to
the team and stakeholders. I would outline the challenges, present potential solutions or mitigation
strategies, and seek input from the team. Proactive communication and collaboration are crucial in
such situations to manage expectations and minimize any negative impact on project outcomes.

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