English-Book Report

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Colombian Culture

English- Book Report

Sebastian Dominguez de la Torre

Yenny Tatiana Vaca Restrepo


Fontán Capital School

English Area

Chía Cundinamarca.

Agosto de 2023
Colombian Culture


STARTING POINT: Activity 1. Before you start reading, answer the following questions.

1.Based on the title of the book, what do you think it is about? I think the book is about chess because it

says lady's gambit and the cover is with a chess piece and a girl.

2.Based on the cover of the book, what genre do you think the book is in? Why?

I think it belongs to the suspense or sports genre because it seems to be about chess.

3.Read the summary and make a list of keywords (three or four) and write their definitions.

1.she- definition=Ella

2.games- definition= juegos

3.over- definition=encima

4.chess- definition= ajedrez

Colombian Culture

Activity 2. Do you know who Walter Davis is? Make mind map of him (what year and where was he born

in? What other books did he write? What prizes has he won? Make sure to include a photo of him).
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RESEARCH: After reading the book in this link, do the following activities.

Activity 1: Take your favourite characters and complete the chart.


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Beth Harmon is a skinny, pale Beth has an introverted, are in orphanage

redhead curious, intelligent, situations of chess

intuitive and serious tournaments from

personality. different countries and


benny watts long and tall hair cheerful, intelligent, this in situations such as

analytical chess tournament

houses and in cities

Mr. Fergussen bearded bald obese and serious with an angry are in situations like in

short face every now and then the orphanage and in

and a little bit kind and places cleaning and

kind-hearted at heart working in the


Jolene semi-fat, a little short rude rude with a kind we see her at the

attitude and a bit orphanage and later at

rebellion beth's house.

Activity 2:

Did you like the book? Make a text convincing someone (it can be one of your friends or family

members, or a random person on the internet) why they should or shouldn’t read this book (100 words).

in my opinion the reason why I recommend and advise you to read this book and the series is because it is

a very interesting series that introduces us to a girl named beth harmon who likes chess and throughout
Colombian Culture

the series they tell us everything that happens and her story and how it continues and her personality and

it is very interesting because even if you do not like chess this series will make you love chess and the

story is very good and interesting as you get the story and develops making you get attached to the series

until you like it.

Activity 3:

As you read make a list of the words that you don't understand and look up their definition in an English

dictionary. Write at least 30 words and their definition of new vocabulary in your document.

1. purposefulness- Determination is the strength that allows you to conquer dreams or face difficult


2. together- Indicates that two or more people, animals or things are side by side.

3. someone- Designates a person or persons whose identity is unknown or undisclosed.

4. ground- Earth's crust surface

5. hundreds- It is used in weighting expressions to indicate that the quantity of what is expressed is very

large and indeterminate.

6. waterfall- A stream of water that falls from a certain height due to an abrupt drop in its course,

especially in a river.

7. standing- Part of the human body that runs from the ankle to the tip of the toes, and serves primarily for

walking and supporting the body.

8. blinking- Flickering

9. mattered- To suit, to interest, to affect deeply, to be of great importance or consequence.

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10. hypodermic- That is or gets under the skin.

11. evening- The period from sunset to sunrise, as opposed to day.

12. awake- Who is not asleep

13. unworried- Who does not care or has no worries.

14. nodded- Admitting as true or convenient what another person has asserted or proposed earlier

15. holding- Indicates the place where something is; especially if it is inside something.

16. thought- The ability of people to form ideas and representations of reality in their minds, relating them

to each other.

17. laughed- A stream of water flowing from its source to its mouth in another river, lake or the sea.

18. Surprisingly- Surprising or admiring

19. undressing- Remove all or part of the clothing.

20. dressing- set of ingredients used to season meals.

21. almost- not completely, but close to it

22. holes- More or less rounded opening in something.

23. beyond

- Announces something to be added or commented on in addition to and in contrast to the above.

24. little- Being smaller than normal in size

25. something- Anything indeterminate

26. frightened- Showing or denoting fright

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27. padlock - Mechanism to ensure that doors, lids and drawers stay closed

28. promptly- That it's done fast, that it's done in a short time

29. helping - A person or thing that helps or serves to help.

30. often- Frequent as well as continuous

DEVELOPMENT: Watch the serie “Queen's Gambit” (2020) and choose three scenes you already read in

the book, then complete the chart. You can find it in Netflix.


the scene is in the final that in the series gambito de some similarities could be for

confrontation between harmon dama harmon receives moral example that the chess game

and borgov. support from several characters they played was the same and the

but in the book no one supports name of the opponent was the

her in the final confrontatio same.

the scene is the whole series as The difference is that in the here a similarity could not be

such original work the protagonist said as tel because I speak that
Colombian Culture

faced a constant and crude the total series but here a

sexism while in the Netflix series similarity is that both are set as

they decided to soften those in the style of the time.

scenes because the series was

written in the eighties and there

was a very different audience

than now.

the protagonist of the series this is not a scene but a here a similarity speaking of the

difference of the protagonist protagonist is her attitude

since in the original book the throughout the two works.

protagonist felt attraction for

someone of the same sex while

in the netflix series this does not



Assist to a speaking session about the book where you will answer the following questions:
Colombian Culture

1.What did you think about the book? I found this book to be a very interesting and entertaining book that

has a lot to teach and amuse me.

2.How did his book change your perspective of history, if it did?

if the sexism of the original work changed a little bit, and Netflix softened it a lot.

3.Who was your favourite character and why? my favorite character was beth harmon which is my

favorite character because of her story and everything she has to go through in the book and how she

overcomes it.

4.Would you recommend this book to someone? Yes, no? Why?

I would recommend it because it is a very interesting book from which you can learn a lot and it is very

Colombian Culture


The author, (year), article’s name. Retrived from: UR /link. I did not look in any source of

information because they were questions without the need for research

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