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Theoretical Practical Topic 2

Level 3. TPT: Solitaire

Sebastian Dominguez De La Torre

Yenny Tatiana Vaca Restrepo

Fontán Capital School

English Area
Chía Cundinamarca.
February 2024
Theoretical Practical Topic 2


Activity 1. Basics.

Answer the following questions:

What is solitaire?

solitaire is a game that I don't know its rules, but I only know that it can be played alone.

Have you ever played solitaire? Where?

no, I have never played it

What kinds of solitaire exist? Name them.

I don't know what types of solitaire there are, I only know the one that is played alone.

Why do you think solitaire is popular?

I don't know why I don't know how to play but I think because it can be played by one

person to pass the time that's why I think it's popular.

What kind of cards deck is used to play solitaire?

Theoretical Practical Topic 2

according to me, the deck that has diamond numbers and that has as kings is used

Activity 2. Implementation.

Make a mind map with the information you gathered in the first activity. Don't forget to

add your sources.

Theoretical Practical Topic 2


Based on the PREPARATION and the TITLE of the TOPIC write your GOAL.



Activity 1. History.

Search for three resources about the history of solitaire and write at least 200 words talking
about it's origins, why it is so popular, what kind of people used to play it, the origins of the
word, and also any information you find important for the comprehension of the game

Solitaire is a very popular game that can be played by a single player this game still nobody
agrees or is clear where solitaire originated but it is said that it originated in the nineteenth
century in Sweden because in this country have been published many books on patience
games and then in the nineteenth century in the English society solitaire was popularized
Theoretical Practical Topic 2

by a book called. Illustrated games of patience also in the late nineteenth century was
popularized in France and spread to the UK and Germany and then in 1988 an employee of
windows decided to put solitaire for the computer and there was when it exploded more
popularity. one of the things because solitaire is popular is because it offers many
advantages that, in addition to improving cognitive function and mental well-being, provide
fun in abundance also is also entertaining in general for people and even addictive. Also the
meaning of the name of the game is that it pertains to solitaire and the name was given
because it can be played by only one person.

Activity 2.

Make a research about the different ways to play solitaire and complete the following chart
with the corresponding information. Don't forget to add images to the example’s column.


Solitaire Spider is This is an excellent you have to sort

to form 8 ordered card game with a a set of cards.

sequences of the minimalist and elegant The cards are the

same suit from design. The same as in any

King to Ace on entertainment is the deck king,

the board; each classic 4-stick solitaire. queen, jack, the

completed numbers ten to

sequence is two and ace.

automatically sent rules you must

Here in this example what is
to a target deck. follow to win the
happening is that the person
In effect, the goal game are All
in question is doing 8
is to remove all cards in a
Theoretical Practical Topic 2

cards from the sequence must ordered sequences of the

board until it is be of the same same King suit or is still

empty. suit. trying, but this is how the

Each sequence game is played and when

must contain one you complete the sequence

card of each of 8 you automatically send

rank. The ranks it to your target deck.

in each sequence

must be ordered

and completed as

follows: King,

Queen, Jack, 10,

9, 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 4,

3, 2. You end the

sequence with an


uses only one Carta Blanca also The Rules are

deck and the known as Freecell is a Each card can be

cards are arranged card game played by a placed on top of

in 7 piles on the single player in which another card of

in this example you can see
board. In this the objective of Carta the next higher how the game works with
all the cards face up and no
game, all cards Blanca is to sort cards index and reserve deck on the other
hand the rules are the same
are positioned on by suit and rank. different color. as in the original solitaire
only with this difference
that I said and another one
Theoretical Practical Topic 2

the piles and there In addition to the that is that in this game
there are 4 empty spaces on
is no reserve 8 columns or the board which can be used
to put 4 cards.
deck. Also, they cascades, there

are all face up and are 4 reserve

visible. The spaces to

objective is to temporarily place

build ascending the cards.

sequences, by If you have

suit, on the enough free

foundations. spaces, you can

move a sequence

of cards in one


The game is TriPeaks also known as The Rules are.

played with a Tri Towers is a fun Remove all cards

deck of 52 cards. game in which the goal from the top

The cards are of TriPeaks Solitaire is square area to

arranged on the to remove all the cards complete the

board in four- from the three peaks. game.

This example shows
level pyramids. Play cards face what was said before that
the lower cards of the
The four cards at up in the squares pyramids are face up as well
as other things about the
the base of each that are one level game as the others are face
down and also serves to see
pyramid are face higher or lower and get an idea of how it
would be played physically.
Theoretical Practical Topic 2

up, while the than the card in

others are face the waste pile.

down. The cards Draw new cards

that are not in the from the draw

pyramids are in a pile when you

reserve deck. The run out of

objective of the moves.

game is to remove Use the jokers to

all the cards from maintain your

the board. To streaks and

achieve this, the maximize points.

player must The game ends

deconstruct the when all cards

pyramids by are removed

forming from the tableau.

sequences of

cards with only 1

value higher or

lower than the

previous one. For

example, a card

with 4 can create

a sequence with 3
Theoretical Practical Topic 2

or 5. The last card

removed from the

pyramid remains

on the board as

the basis for the

next sequence.

When there are no

more moves

available, the

player can discard

the base card and

replace it with

another card from

the reserve deck.

Activity 3.
Theoretical Practical Topic 2

Watch this video about how to play solitaire and write down the instructions shown. Don't forget

to turn on the English subtitles. Resource.


1.First he tells us that to win we have to place in ascending order from the ace of king the 4 piles

of cediments and thus we will win.

Then he tells us to place one card face up and the others face down until we have 7 columns with

cards face up and face down.

3.Then he tells us that once we have the cards placed look at what cards we can move that for

example a card that is face up is 8 and there is another card face up which is 7 you can place the

7 under the 8 and thus remove the card that was below because you removed the 7 and thus

continue advancing.

Then it tells us that if we see an ace we can put it where the four squares and we need to win the

game also tells us that if at any time we are stuck in the game and we can not move anything of

the 7 columns tells us that we can take 3 cards from the stock pile and choose one of them and

with them continue advancing in the game without stagnating.

5.And so continue to play until we have all 4 piles and win.


Theoretical Practical Topic 2

Have you ever listened to a podcast? Let's make one about games, where your first episode is
going to be about the game solitaire and the concepts, history, and ways to play you know now.
Take into account this checklist for your podcast.

What is going to be the name of your podcast?

the name I will give it will be the great solitaire game.

What is going to be the description of your podcast?

the description of the podcast will be learned with me about the history of solitaire and its
concepts, how to play and modes of play, join me in this adventure and learn about the wonderful
game of solitaire.

How long are the episodes going to be?

Episodes will last between one minute and thirty seconds and two minutes.

What is going to be your target audience? (gender, age, occupation, among other characteristics)-
I think my target audience would be people between 10 and 30 years old who like games like this

With all of these points answered, write a short script for your episode about your favourite way
to play solitaire. Show it to your analyst and add it to your document.

Script podcast
Welcome to this podcast about solitaire in which in this first episode I will talk a little about the
history of solitaire and my favorite way to play it first let's start with the history well solitaire is
not well known how it started but it began to become popular just in the nineteenth century in
France and spread to the UK and Germany at the end of the century. then it happened that in
1988 a windows worker named Wes Cherry was bored and at that time there were very few
desktop games and even less mouse games, so Wes decided to create a game to teach people to
use the mouse and also because he was bored and had free time once he included it in Windows
3. 0 was a success and a milestone for solitaire and also thanks to him there is the computer
solitaire. Well now I am going to talk about my favorite way to play solitaire, and the truth of all
the ways to play solitaire my favorite way to play solitaire is playing the classic called Klondike
because in my opinion I think it is the best and the most chebre solitaire and well with this we
come to the end of the podcast until next time.
Theoretical Practical Topic 2


Create your own science fiction story! Choose a sub-genre, make up your own characters,

storyline, universe, and discuss it with your analyst. You don't have to write the whole story, just

tell it.

The author, (year), article’s name. Retrived from: UR /link.

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