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SOC201: Introduction to Sociology


A variety of both good and bad events and circumstances have had a lasting impact on

our entire existence (Author Unknown, 2008). We everyone has personal relations, and our life

are influenced by a variety of factors, including our ideas, emotions, and actions. If we are

created, we will go on a journey to learn about our culture, as well as the rules and customs of

our own societies. In contrast, education has traditionally been seen as an effective tool of

creating equality. According to some, universal education may contribute in the reduction of

economic and power inequities by providing brilliant young people with the skills they need to

find meaningful jobs in society.

The Social Problem

As stated by the United Nations, educational opportunities are a crucial longer exposure

growth and constitute a basic human right. If you want to make this future vision come true, you

has to be able to access the internet. First and foremost, it has the potential to improve overall

quality of education in a variety of ways, including It gives students with a diverse range of

information, experience, and talents that they may use both within and without the school to

further their education. To begin with, web-based educators plan courses, and students take use

of web-based educational materials. Finally, teachers may tailor their instruction to the needs of

individual students via the use of proactive teaching methods, while simultaneously fostering

cooperative learning by the use of technology (Morrison, R. L., 2009).

When a system of education becomes more stratified, the likelihood of social inequity

increases. Even though schooling is a vital component of the upward movement, this is not
always available to all those who choose to pursue it. Individuals who are able to pay for their

own schooling will be considered. Extending schooling is a significant financial burden for

children since it compels them to rely heavily on their family while also depriving them of years

of additional income. One of the most important factors in tearing down the market systems and

understanding why there is such an uneven distribution of wealth is education. School, like some

other social structures, represents and contribute to community differentiation, as well as serving

as a cause of social stratification in certain cases. In certain cases, the institutions that kids attend

can have a big impact on their future opportunities and prospects.

Groups that are Informal and Formal

Even while all kids are affected by school closures, the disadvantaged are more hard hit

as a result of their situations, so they're more liable to undergo extra challenges as a result.

Consider how numerous nations used digital learning technology and virtual interactions

between students and teachers, as well as between students themselves, during the coronavirus

epidemic in the 1990s. People with little financial resources, on either hand, may have more

difficulty accessing these services and may need more attention and help. To tackle the problems

such as promoting equal access to online teaching resources and a self-sustaining educational

experience, trying to meet the cultural needs of students, and ensuring that marginalized students

have equivalent and encompassing access to various services that provide support for them,

nations establish specific and inventive major policies to address these issues.

Families and children are particularly affected by the digital gap, which is exacerbated by

their financial circumstances. The disadvantaged kids are more likely than other students to have
restricted or no online access, either since they can buy a computer or a Wifi connection, or

because they live in areas or cities with insufficient Internet connectivity, as compared to other

students. Students who are subjected to a prolonged lockdown, as well as those who are

subjected to digital and economic inequities, will suffer scholastic and social setbacks. An

additional issue resulting from the global financial situation that could have an indirect influence

on education is the economic difficulties that students are experiencing as a result of their lack of


Despite the fact that macroeconomic policy is complex, we will concentrate our attention

for the time being on fiscal and monetary policy, which has the most important and direct impact

on school finance. As a consequence of the epidemic's impact on economic activity, it is

expected that government income would decline as well. A lack of financial flexibility may

cause many nations' crisis policy measures to be inadequate or to aggravate macroeconomic

circumstances, so aggravating the situation. Moreover, because of the urgent need to tackle the

health issue and enhance support services, the lot of cash accessible for those other public

spending, such as schooling, would almost certainly be reduced.

Prior to the epidemic, nations spent far more cash con training than they did after the

outbreak. As per the World Bank Development (WBD) Report, elevated expense of higher 43

times as much money on basic education as low-income countries do on primary education.

Median government expenditure on education for a typical kid in a low-income country is

roughly US $1,300, but in high-income countries, the average government expenditure on

education for a typical child exceeds the sum of US $110,000. Although there are considerable

differences between affluent and developing countries in terms of education investment, lower

and lower middle-income countries have greatly increased education spending and improved
access to academic opportunities. The COVID19 epidemic will make it more difficult to

continue efforts to close the cost-benefit gap, as previously stated. In the past, several studies

have shown that some nations have lowered education investment in order to enhance wellbeing

and health security spending. Both the Canada and US school systems revealed reductions in

their projected education expenditures, which included job losses as well as previously agreed-

upon staff hires and pay increases for teachers and administrators. While teachers strike, it is

essential to maintain and enhance adequate resources for open and distance learning and

academic support. In addition, owing to school closures, only a small amount of learning

expenditures would be necessary, which had not been planned for in previous years. Over the

previous fifteen years, developing countries have significantly increased their educational

investment, but COVID19 seems to be reversing that trend.


Author Unknown (2008). Sociology Internet Library. Available at

Links to Meta-sites.

Morrison, R. L. (2009). Are women tending and befriending in the workplace? Gender

differences in the relationship between workplace friendships and organizational

outcomes. Sex Roles, 60(1-2), 1-13. Retrieved from Proquest.

United nations, (2021). Education during COVID-19 and beyond. Retrieved from,


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