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Latex Workshop

Nusrat Subah Binte Shakhawat

January 4, 2024

1 spectral rolloff 1

2 Data Classified by Gender 1

3 Dataset Preparation 1
3.1 Superscripts and Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2 Calculus, Partitioned, Square Root, Special characters . . . . . . 2
3.3 Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Itemized and Enumerated 3

5 Table 3
5.1 Table in one way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5.2 Table in another Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

6 Image and Figures 4

6.1 Data Classified by Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

7 Bibliography 5
7.1 using bibitem command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

8 Bibliography 6
8.1 Using .bib file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

9 Document Formatting 6

1 spectral rolloff
1. Spectral rolloff is the frequency below which a specified percentage of the
total spectral energy lies. The spectral rolloff point is calculated as i, such
Xi Xb2
sk = κ sk
k=b1 k=b1

• sk is the spectral value at bin k

• b1 and b2 are the band edges, in bins, over which to calculate the
spectral spread.

• κ is the percentage of total energy contained between b1 and i.

2. The FFT is computed on overlapping windowed segments of the signal,

and we acquire the spectrogram. Mel scale is a unit of pitch such that
equal distances in pitch sounded equally distant to the listenerA mel spec-
trogram is a spectrogram where the frequencies are converted to the mel

2 Data Classified by Gender

We wanted to observe the effect of speaker’s gender on the performance of our
model. So we separated the data based on gender. Below is the ratio:

Table 1: Data Ratio by Gender

Categories Female Male
Happiness 40% 60%
Neutral 33% 67%
Panic 40% 60%
Sadness 51% 49%
Threat 25% 75%
Overall 37% 63%

3 Dataset Preparation
Initially we have collected 1106 audio samples from Bangla movies,dramas,interviews,news
and real life conversation. We kept our sample duration 5 seconds and took
44100 Hz as our sample frequency.The file format of the data was .wav and
recording mode was ’mono’.Then we annotated these data into 5 classes of

emotions by 72 volunteers.Thus, we got 220 samples on average for each emo-
tion. After the collection stage, we embedded 5 types of noise into this data
and acquired 6636 samples in total.We added the following noises: chirping of
birds,sound of cricket, train whistle, wind and Additive White Gaussian Noise

Table 2: Number of Samples

Categories Number
Happiness 1386
Neutral 1200
Panic 1110
Sadness 1140
Threat 1800
Overall 6636

3.1 Superscripts and Subscripts

3.2 Calculus, Partitioned, Square Root, Special charac-
0, if n is odd
1 + (−1)n =
2, if n is even

α ,θ, πr2 ,γ πr2 p

−b2 + 4ac
Z inf
X n(n + 1)

3x2 + 7x3
lim =3
x→+∞ x2 + 5x4

d2 u

dx x=1

dx x=1

3.3 Matrix

a = b+c (1)
c = de (2)
e = (3)

a=b+c (5)

4 Itemized and Enumerated

• topic
• item

• topic 1
• topic 2
1. topic 3
2. topic 4
(a) topic 5
(b) topic 6
i. topic 7

5 Table
5.1 Table in one way
The above table 3 shows one way to structure your table

Name Student ID Dept
Irtiza 0906093 EEE
X 100928 EEE

Table 3: Demo Table 1

Name Student ID
Irtiza 0906093
X 108980
Y 189899

Table 4: Demo Table 2

Figure 1: Demo Figure 1

5.2 Table in another Way

6 Image and Figures

6.1 Data Classified by Gender
Our model yielded 88.07% accuracy on the female dataset. The area of ROC
curve is very close to 1.
Our model yielded 81.20% accuracy on the male dataset. The area of ROC

Figure 2: Accuracy Plot for Female

curve is very close to 1, but little less than the female curve.

Figure 3: ROC Curve for Female

Figure 4: Confusion Matrix for Female

Figure 5: Accuracy Plot for Male

Figure 6: ROC Curve for Male

7 Bibliography
7.1 using bibitem command
Please look in to the reference [1] and [3]

Figure 7: Confusion Matrix for Male

[1] R. Gules, J. De Pellegrin Pacheco, H. L. Hey, and J. Imhoff, “A maximum
power point tracking system with parallel connection for PV stand-alone
applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 7,pp. 2674–2683, Jul.

[2] A.Khaligh, O.C.Onar, Energy Harvesting: Solar, Wind and Ocean Energy
Conversion,CRC Press
[3] R. Mastromauro, M. Liserre, andA. Dell’Aquila, “Control Issues in Single-
Stage Photovoltaic Systems:MPPT, Current and Voltage Control”,IEEE
Trans. Industrial Informatics, vol. 8, no. 2,pp. 241-254, May 2012

[4] Y.-H. Chang and C.-Y. Chang, ”A Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV
System by Scaling Fuzzy Control,” presented at International Multi Confer-
ence of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 2010

8 Bibliography
8.1 Using .bib file
Please look in to the reference [1]

[1] Robert W Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic. Fundamentals of power elec-
tronics. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.

9 Document Formatting
We want italicesied Text
We want bold faced Text

This is Centered Text

This is left Justified

This is right Justified

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