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«SDU» University
Faculty of Education & Humanities

Pedagogical Internship Diary and Report


Kaskelen, 2024

Director of graduate
«___» _________________ 2024


1. Master degree student:Alimkhan Ulbike Seytkhankyzy

2. Major: Chemistry-EN/2023
3. Department: Faculty of Education and Humanities
4. Year of study: 1st year
5. Place of pedagogical internship: SDU University
6. Pedagogical internship mentor: Halit S. Yilmaz
7. Pedagogical internship supervisor: G.Bekenova
8. Duration of pedagogical internship: 29.01. 2024 - 16.02.2024


1. Pedagogical internship is a type of learning activity that focuses on reinforcing

students' theoretical knowledge, as well as on gaining and developing practical skills
and competencies during the period of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical internship is
an essential part of postgraduate educational program.
2. Throughout the period of pedagogical internship, students must adhere to the
university's internal regulations and meet all requirements of the internship program.
3. Students may neither leave or extend their internship voluntarily during their
4. According to the internship program's requirements, students are required to submit a
report on the pedagogical internship at the end of the internship.
5. The following procedure should be accompanied when filling out a diary of
pedagogical internship:
a) the diary should be filled in daily according to the internship dates;
b) the diary should be checked weekly by the supervisor;
b) all task completed by student should be recorded in the diary;
c) pedagogical internship diary, signed by the practice supervisor, along with the
practice report, should be submitted to the department.
6. Without the Pedagogical Internship Diary, the internship report will not be accepted.
7. A committee reviews the internship report. The committee's members shall be
approved by the department.
8. During the internship, students are required to attend at least 2-3 classes on their
major taught by undergraduate instructors and to conduct two classes (1 class if the goal
is achieved).
9. Students are required to attend activities (conferences, seminars, round tables, and so
on) organized by the department, faculty or university.

№ Activities Contents
Attendance at a
practical training During the meeting, students should obtain information and
meeting organised guidance regarding pedagogical internship.
by the department
Engagement in Participation in teacher-led classes is required To gain the
2 classes taught by necessary didactic and methodological abilities through the
instructors attendance to the lessons.
Conducting open classes for undergraduate students who has same
Conducting open major, in consultation with their mentor and internship supervisor.
lessons If a student attains all of his/her objectives, he/she may conduct no
more than one open lesson.
The storage of
At the end of the internship, submit all required documents to the
materials that are
supervisor in a signed version (internship portfolio, open lesson
4 relevant to
plan, open lesson record, etc.). Upload to the shared storage folder
opened by the internship supervisor once students go online.


Date A summary of the tasks that has been completed Mentor’s comment
02.02.24 We met with a subject matter expert who shared the list
of topics for the practical sessions with the students in
the course. After reviewing the list, we selected a date
for each student to attend the sessions. The subject
matter expert also provided topics tailored to the
students' levels of understanding, ensuring that the topics
were not too challenging.
12.02.24 The teacher assigned the task of "Qualitative Analysis of
Anions" to two students: myself and Rakhmet Dilnaz.
Our objective was to prepare for the upcoming topic.
13.02.24 The teacher began our new topic by providing an
introduction to the subject matter. He clarified important
concepts and terminologies, which we might have
difficulty understanding independently, and also
demonstrated certain approaches for conducting the
Rakhmet Dilnaz began the practical session on the topic
"Qualitative Analysis of Anions". We prepared all the
necessary materials in accordance with my mentor's
instructions. Our presentation was more focused on
practical aspects and related to laboratory work.
In the second half of the lesson, I continued the lecture in
Kazakh. After the practical lesson, I thought it would be
better to show the experiences through a presentation.
27.02.20 I attended the lecture of my groupmates Begimbaeva
24 Kunsulu and Tazhimuratov Sultan. During the lecture,
Kunsulu focused on general cathinones, while Sultan
explained the practical part at a very good level. It was
very good that he gave a lesson and fully answered the
questions of the students. I can say that he explained the
topic completely and clearly.

Mentee’s observation report(s) for the classes s/he visited


name, Educational and methodological elements of the
practical or lecture / lesson
seminar topic
27.02.202 Lectructor: Halit He came to class on time, turned on the interacti e
4 Yilmaz board necessary for the lesson, and sat ready.
Topic: “Qualitative In the lesson, he explained the topic of qualitative
analysis of the analysis of cations.
cations” During the lesson, an explanatory method was used.
The lesson with the presentation on the interactive
whiteboard was explained directly in theory.
During the explanation of the lesson, I noticed that the
words of the lecturer were conveyed clearly and
clearly. At the same time, constantly communicating
with the audience, ensuring the presence of feedback.
At the time of explanation of each subheading, there
was feedback from students. I think he was able to
fully reveal the topic, connecting the new topic with
his knowledge of the past.
During the lesson, I noticed a high level of activity of
students. The priority of the pedagogical competence
of the lecturer was noted.
The lecture was summed up by providing feedback on
the knowledge gained by students.

When the students observe the instructor's lesson, they must consider the following:
1) the lesson's organization stage;
2) the topic's comprehensive disclosure in the lesson;
3) the instructor's creativity;
4) the lesson's methodological support;
5) the lesson's connection of theory and practice;
6) the instructor's oral language skills;
7) the ability to communicate with the audience and receive feedback;
8) the students’ activity;
9) instructor's competence;
10) the lesson's summary stage.


(Objective, theory, method adopted, illustration, and session notes. Each student is
responsible for filling out the outline for the open lesson)


Objective: To understand the principles and procedures of qualitative analysis for
anions, including the use of chemical tests and analytical techniques to identify and
distinguish specific anions.
Theory: My topic is more practical in nature, as it relates to chemical knowledge in a
laboratory. There is a large amount of theoretical study and literature available for this
field. In addition, I spend most of my time preparing for lessons. As a teacher, it is
important for me to understand and explain the theory in a way that students can easily
apply it in practice.
Method adopted: As a teaching method, I included information in the form of a table in
the presentation. I found the table to be a helpful tool for providing accurate
information. I tried to give it in the form of a table for the students to have a clear and
complete understanding. In order to better understand the topic, I included chemical
equations and formulas in my lesson in a clear and understandable way. Since I have a
large audience, I tried to use the information in a big and clear way to make it look
uniform for everyone. I asked questions on the topic to draw students' attention to the
Illustrations: I used a presentation to explain the lecture. I tried to explain the difference
between the pictures to the students as clearly as possible.
Session notes: While preparing for the lecture, I faced several difficulties. Although I
had no difficulty in teaching, I had to explain to the audience in Kazakh because my
English was not enough. Also, including the lack of relevant materials and my own lack
of knowledge.
In conclusion, this was my first lecture in a large audience. I am happy for every
mistake I made, because for me, I consider every stage as a great experience for me. I
think that these mistakes will be a great lesson for me in becoming a competitive, well-
developed person. I must strive to become a strong professional by working with



Assessed lesson elements Evaluation scale

1 2 3 4 5
The stage of organization +
of the lesson
The topic is fully disclosed +
in the lesson plan.
Integrity and logical +
connection of the lesson
Availability of visual +
materials during the lesson
Usage of handouts during +
the lesson
Use of innovative and +
interactive methods
Effectiveness of the +
methods used
Oral language skills, +
explanation of the topic
Ability to communicate +
with the audience
Engaging students in the +

Participants of the open lesson:

Halit Yilmaz , Rakhmet Dilnaz and students

Characteristics to the master student and evaluation of his\her work

(to be completed by the internship supervisor)

(His/her theoretical preparation, quality of work, labour discipline and

internship results should be mentioned)

The master student moderately explained qualitative analysis of anions in quantitative

chemistry. She tried to show the relevant theories and how to teach them, even guiding
students through presenting anions and their precipitates colors. The lesson structure
was clear, using slides followed by a practice exercise. However, there were missed
opportunities to make the lesson more engaging for students. The instructor primarily
relied on slides and didn't incorporate activities because of large class size and language
shortage. The main reason for the above limitations was the lecture format.
The score I will offer as a mentor is__.

Internship Supervisor: G.Bekenova

/signature/ Date

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