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*13361* 13361


3 Hours/100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator
is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.
(8) Use of Steam tables, logarithmic, Mollier’s chart is
1. Attempt any five questions : 20
a) Explain safety in use of CNC machines ? Describe preventive maintenance
and periodic check ups for safe operation.
b) Explain safety in design, construction, operation and maintenance of industrial trunks.
c) Explain Boats wains chair and safety harness working on roofs ?
d) Define role of preventive maintenance in safety, health in plant design and
house keeping.
e) Explain thermal comfort and thermal limit for comfort, efficiency and freedom
from health risk by ventilation.
f) Explain noise absorption technique and practical aspects of control of noise.
g) Explain recommended earthing resistance for control of static electricity.
2. Attempt any four of following : 16
a) Explain principles and ergonomics of machine guarding.
b) Explain safety in use all types of power presses.
c) What are various hazards and their preventive measures rolling and turning
operations ?
d) Explain safe use of accessories for manual handling and storage of materials.
e) Explain safety in stacking and unstacking of material handling.
f) Explain duties and responsibilities of competent persons in relation to safety
13361 *13361*
3. Attempt any four questions : 16
a) Explain incidence of accidents while working at heights ? Describe safety
features associated with design and construction.
b) Explain working safety in confined spaces their safety hazards and measures
c) Describe main causes, prevention and control of accidents in hand and power tools.
d) Explain procedure for disposal of scrap and other trade waste and prevention
of spillage while plant design.
e) Describe benefits of good house keeping and use of colour as an aid for good
house keeping.
f) Describe principles and recommended optimum standards of good illumination.
4. Attempt any four questions : 16
a) State design and maintenance of lighting installation. Describe standards
relating to lighting and colour.
b) Differential natural ventilation and mechanical ventillation. Give examples of
each with neat diagrams.
c) State recommended values for air changes required for various areas for
ventillation as per Factories Act, 1948.
d) Describe ill effects of noise on a human being. Explain measurement and
evaluation of noise.
e) Differentiate continuous noise and impulse noise and their control measures.
f) Explain safe limits of amperages and voltages and safe distance from lines.
5. Attempt any four questions : 16
a) Describe hazards arising out of “borrowed neutrals”.
b) Describe electrical area classification and their criteria for selection, installation
and maintenance.
c) Describe electrostatic discharges and sparks. Their hazards and control.
d) Explain types of protection for electrical equipments in hazardous atmosphere.
e) Explain earth fault protection and earth insulation continuity tests.
f) State static electricity and electrostatic charging.
6. Attempt any four questions : 16
a) Explain electrostatic hazards and their control measures.
b) Describe lightening arrestors and their components.
c) Characterise health effects of lightening stroke.
d) Describe safety check list for buying new machinery for plant.
e) Describe methods of earthing with neat diagrams.
f) Explain physiology of heat regulation.

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