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Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

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Influential factors of national and regional CO2 emission in China

based on combined model of DPSIR and PLS-SEM
Yigang Wei a, b, Xinhua Zhu c, Yan Li d, Tang Yao a, b, *, Yuan Tao e
School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Emergency Support Simulation Technologies for City Operation, China
School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Business School, Shandong University at Weihai, Shandong, China
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In China, carbon emission mitigation is a considerable challenge due to the massive quantity of CO2
Received 21 May 2018 emissions, which has been relentlessly growing for a long time. In this study, the Driving-Pressure-State-
Received in revised form Impact-Response (DPSIR) method is used to identify the influential factors of China's carbon emissions.
12 November 2018
This empirical research, which is based on provincial panel data and the structural equation model
Accepted 17 November 2018
Available online 8 December 2018
through the partial least squares approach, reveals the path relationships between carbon emissions and
their influential factors. The estimation comprehensively covers 35 indicators during the period of 1996
e2015. Empirical results show that the driving factor, pressure, state and response on the national level
Carbon emission
significantly impact carbon emissions. From a regional perspective, driving factor has significant impact
Influential factors in the northeast, northwest, southwest and south of China, and pressure factor exerts effect in the
DPSIR northeast, north, east, northwest, southwest and central south of China. The state factor plays a role in
PLS-SEM the southwest, central and south. As for response factor, the northeast, east, northwest and southwest
China are affected regions. This study provides a comprehensive and accurate indicator estimation framework
for carbon emission. The identified influential factors can guide Chinese governments at all levels in
scientifically formulating policies to effectively reduce carbon emission.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction has become a global environmental challenge. Reducing CO2

emissions and promoting low-carbon economies have become an
Climate warming has become a serious environmental problem international consensus. In 2009, at the World Climate Conference
in the world and will lead to global warming, glacier melting, sea held in Copenhagen, Denmark, major countries formulated their
level rise, droughts, floods and other natural disasters, which pose a reduction targets for carbon emissions by 2020 according to their
substantial threat to human survival and development (Chen and own conditions. This move became an important basis on which
Guan, 2010; Li et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2019). CO2, being the main countries began exerting effort to mitigate climate warming. Fig. 1
component of greenhouse gases, has become a major concern for shows the total volume of CO2 emissions of China and compares the
governments and related institutions as the primary factor in global emission weights of the world's top four emitters (i.e. China, U.S.,
warming (Shi et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2018a). Therefore, the inter- E.U. and India) during the period of 2006e2016. According to sta-
national community has implemented coordinated measures to tistics from Statistical Review of World Energy (BP, 2018), the
deal with global warming and control greenhouse gas and CO2 world's total emission exhibits an increasing trend, rising from
emissions. Since the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and 2.943 million tons in 2006 to 3.3432 million tons in 2016 at an
Development held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, tackling climate change annual growth rate of 1.24%; CO2 emissions in the four regions
differ remarkably; China, as the top emitter since 2016, accounted
for approximately 31% of the world's total CO2 emissions, followed
* Corresponding author. School of Economics and Management, Beihang Uni- by the U.S. (18%), E.U. (12%) and India (8%), in 2016; In terms of
versity, Beijing, China. emission growth rates, China and India, as the largest developing
E-mail addresses: weiyg@buaa.edu.cn (Y. Wei), 20110033@hhu.edu.cn (X. Zhu),
liyan2@sdnu.edu.cn (Y. Li), yaot@buaa.edu.cn (T. Yao), yt289@cam.ac.uk (Y. Tao).
economies, emitted at an annual increase rate of 7.3% and 3.4%,

0959-6526/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712 699

factors that refer to different systematic indicators, thereby

increasing the reliability and accuracy of results. Secondly, this
study contributes to research methodology in that it is the first to
adopt partial least squares (PLS)-SEM in constructing and verifying
the impact paths between multiple influential factors and carbon
emission in China. The conclusions of this study have theoretical
and practical contributions. In the theoretical aspect, our research
provides a comprehensive and accurate carbon emission indicator
evaluation system. Meanwhile, the methodology can be used in
other fields, such as waste water and air pollution. In the practical
aspect, the identified influential factors in our research can guide
Chinese governments at all levels in formulating policies for the
effective reduction of carbon emission.
In terms of the structure of this study, following the introduc-
tion, section 2 explores the theoretical backgrounds and previous
Fig. 1. CO2 Emissions of The World Top 4 Emitters during 2006e2016 (Right axis: 1000
tons; Left axis: %). research about influential factors of CO2 emission. Subsequently,
Source of Data: BP (BP, 2018). section 3 describes data collection and method of PLS-SEM. Then
section 4 analyzes the data and discusses the results to identify the
path relationships between carbon emissions and their influential
respectively, in 2006 and 2016, whilst emissions of E.U. and U.S. factors in China. Finally, section 5 summarizes the study and pro-
followed a downward trajectory. Meanwhile, influential factors vided policy recommendations.
affecting CO2 emissions and the extent of their impact are relevant
in the field of environmental protection because these influential 2. Literature review
factors play a role in the constitution of CO2 abatement measures,
policies and strategies of nations (Li et al., 2014; Chiang et al., 2015). 2.1. Methods for identifying influential factors of CO2 emission
With the continuous growth of China's economy, the energy
consumption driven by rapid urbanisation and industrialisation has Several methods have been adopted to examine the influential
been growing rapidly (Wei et al., 2015a, b; Wei et al., 2016), which factors of CO2 emissions since they were noticed by the academe.
has redirected the attention of other countries to China's carbon Nowadays, many scholars use the popular LMDI and STIRPAT
emissions, thereby requiring China to assume a larger share in the models to examine the influential factors of CO2 emissions. The
emission reduction task (Shen et al., 2018; Wei and Yang, 2010). LMDI model is used to decompose CO2 emissions into GDP per
According to statistics from the International Energy Agency, China capita, population, energy consumption intensity, industrial
surpassed the U.S. in becoming the largest CO2-emitting country in structure and energy consumption structure in substantial research
2007 (Vidal and Adam, 2007). The total CO2 emissions in China will (e.g. Song, 2012; Tan et al., 2011; Zhao and Long, 2010). These works
continue to grow for a long time due to sustained economic growth have provided scientific evidence that supports strategies for
and long-term industrial transformation (Shuai et al., 2018). Under effective CO2 emission reduction. However, only a few influential
this condition, China has pledged to reduce CO2 intensity (CO2/unit factors, such as GDP per capita, population, economic development
of GDP) by 40%e45% by 2020 on the basis of 2005, which is not level, industrial structure, energy consumption intensity and en-
easy. Resource endowments, population size, levels of economic ergy consumption structure, are analysed for their impact on CO2
development and industrial and energy structures in different re- emissions; thus, supportive evidence for the construction of CO2
gions substantially vary in China due to its vast territory. Under the emission reduction strategies is limited.
considerable pressure of emission reduction, identifying the main The STIRPAT model is also a well-known method of analysing
influential factors of China's carbon emissions systematically and the influential factors of CO2 emissions (Shuai et al., 2018). Zhu and
comprehensively is important. Carbon emissions may be reduced Peng (2012) utilised the STIRPAT model to examine the influential
effectively by adjusting these influential factors, which is vital in factors of China's CO2 emissions. Sumabat et al. (2016) applied this
achieving China's CO2 emission reduction targets. method to discuss factors that affect CO2 emissions due to fossil
On the basis of the Driving-Pressure-State-Impact-Response energy consumption in China. With an improved STIRPAT model
(DPSIR) model, this study aims to investigate five important as- integrating PLS regression, Wang et al. (2012) empirically analysed
pects influencing carbon emission in China, i.e. driving force, the impacts of economic and urbanisation level, industry propor-
pressure, state, impact and response, to 1) identify the main tion, energy consumption intensity and R&D outcomes on CO2
influential factors of China's carbon emissions, 2) quantitatively emissions in Beijing. However, in the STIRPAT model, CO2 emissions
measure the contributions of each factor, 3) construct a framework are decomposed into limited factors only, such as population,
and verify the influential paths between the factors and carbon affluence and technology. Hence, the STIRPAT model cannot fully
emissions and 4) recommend policies for CO2 emission reduction. reflect the process of interaction between the three components of
Empirical findings provide a practical reference for low-carbon the system.
governance by empowering the government to improve policies To link influential factors with research objectives in the envi-
and institutional backgrounds. ronment field, several political and scientific indicators have been
The contributions of this study focus on two aspects. Firstly, incorporated into the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model, which
several factors affect carbon emissions; however, previous studies is popular for integrating different aspects into a whole model. The
have adopted merely the logarithmic mean divisia index (LMDI) or first PSR model was developed by the Organization for Economic
the stochastic impact by regression on population, affluence and Cooperation and Development (OECD), in association with the
technology (STIRPAT) model, which comprises limited factors. This United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Statistics
limitation causes model bias and affects the interpretation and Canada (Hammond and World Resources Institute, 1995). Various
prediction of carbon emissions due to the lack of variables. Hence, elements were included into a causal chain framework of the PSR
this study selects the DPSIR model, which includes 36 influential model. For example, the PSR model used in the context of land
700 Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

protection contains the following indicators; the pressures and affecting carbon emissions in Beijing, including gross energy con-
states are represented by certain species, and the responses serve sumption divided by GDP, coal consumption in industrialisation by
as policy support for land protection measures (Kohsaka, 2010; Bai its aggregate use of energy and the progress of urbanisation. Shuai
et al., 2015). Since the 1990s, when this model was originally et al. (2018) found 43 influential factors that may affect carbon
developed by the OECD, new institutions, such as the UNEP, US emissions and used the STIRPAT model to test whether these fac-
Environmental Protection Agency and World Resources Institute, tors had any real influence on carbon emissions in China.
have used it to analyse environmental indicators (Niemeijer and de However, these problems have some key shortcomings. Firstly,
Groot, 2008). the theory for the factors of CO2 emissions is not well supported.
The original PSR model had to be modified due to its lack of Instead of seeing the influential factors in a systematic manner,
behavioural factors, and human-induced pressures and responses studies that emphasised several factors lack a clear design or sys-
had to be emphasised by scholars (Lin et al., 2009). DPSIR, a tem in their models. These factors include the total number of
modified causal framework that integrates the drivers for analysing people, development in economy and technology, arrangement of
interactions between society and environment, was developed by energy and industry and progress achieved in urbanisation and
the European Environment Agency (2006). The DPSIR model is industrialisation. Secondly, results of existing studies are not suf-
influential and useful in the domain of environmental issues (e.g. ficiently persuasive due to the choice of method. The structure
Hong and Lee, 2006) and contributes to the development of in- equation model analysis method, which can support their conclu-
dicators in two aspects. (a) The construct refers to political pur- sions well, was barely adopted; instead, they favoured the
poses and (b) emphasises correlative causal relations (Maxim et al., inputeoutput method. However, one predictor variable in this
2009). The DPSIR model can be understood easily and concisely; model can be linearly predicted from the others with a high degree
therefore, specific policies or management actions can be proposed of accuracy, given that several factors influence CO2 emissions,
to solve environmental problems caused by anthropogenic factors thereby indicating how well the entire bundle of predictors can
(Niemeijer and de Groot, 2008). calculate the outcome variable. Thirdly, as far as we are concerned,
the DPSIR model has not been used in the literature to analyse the
2.2. Influential factors of carbon emission influential factors of CO2 emission in China. Hence, in reference to
the ‘Construction Index of Ecological County, Ecological City and
Several factors influence CO2 emission, including the develop- Ecological Province’ (MEEC, Ministry of Ecology and Environment
ment of technology, wealth, energy structure, economic structure of the People's Republic of China, 2008) and ‘The Index of the Na-
and population constitution (Ma et al., 2017). However, according tional Ecological Civilisation Construction Pilot Demonstration
to a different period of research, these factors explain CO2 emission Zone’ (MEEC, 2013) and based on the existing literature of
in various ways (Fan et al., 2006). When the research was only ecological civilisation and economic research (Liao, 2010) and a
beginning, some traditional studies held the opinion that the study that analysed the eco-environmental carrying capacity of
growing CO2 emissions were determined by only one factor, i.e. the Fujian Province in China using the DPSIR model (Zheng et al., 2017),
increasing consumption of energy or of the population. They failed 35 indicators are carefully selected for the DPSIR conceptual model
to consider the possibility of multiple factors simultaneously in the current work. Meanwhile, we listed the studies which
affecting the emission. For instance, Knapp and Mookerjee (1996) scrutinised the influential factors of carbon emission and the
believed that the growth of global population increased carbon application of our DPSIR model to the influential factors selected, as
emissions. However, Granger disproved this statement by con- shown in Table 1. From the discussion above, our research not only
ducting a test in which he analysed the cause and effect. Results selects as many influential factors as possible but also examines
showed that they were not related to each other in the long run. them in a systematic model. Consequently, we can test the rela-
York et al. (2003) examined the relationship between population tionship and the reliable regression coefficients among these fac-
and CO2 emissions via the STIRPAT model. Wei and Yang (2010) tors to develop a mechanism on how the influential factors affect
investigated the relationship between technological advancement carbon emissions in China.
and carbon emissions on the basis of panel data collected in
different Chinese provinces from 1997 to 2007. They focused on the
relationship between technological development and carbon 3. Data and research method
emissions. Nevertheless, the studies above failed to observe that
the factors affecting carbon emission might be linked to each other 3.1. Indicators
in space and instead regarded them as separate and isolated.
Afterwards, an increasing number of studies began to realise On the basis of the previous discussion, several factors have
that several factors, such as population, energy consumption and been identified to affect carbon emissions; however, a compre-
technologies, have a deciding effect on CO2 emissions. Wang and hensive explanatory framework is still lacking. Therefore, this study
Zhao (2015) explored the relationship between the factors incorporates all the factors into the research framework of the
causing carbon emission from energy consumption and the DPSIR and PLS-SEM models to further analyse the extent to which
development level in different regions in China. They concluded these factors can affect carbon emission and to explore the influ-
that compared with developed areas, developing areas were more ential factors and influence path of carbon emissions in China.
affected by population in terms of carbon emissions. Wang et al.
(2015) adopted an extended STIRPAT model and discovered that 3.1.1. Endogenous indicators
the increase in CO2 emissions is closely associated with energy- Carbon emission is determined by local CO2 emissions.
related factors. Begum et al. (2015) observed that the growth in
population caused by urbanisation led to an increase in carbon
emissions. Guan et al. (2016) produced a list of factors that affect 3.1.2. Exogenous indicators
carbon emissions in China, including population density, individual After careful evaluation and analysis, we list the studies that
yearly net income in rural areas, employment in urban areas and scrutinised the influential factors of carbon emission and the
the proportion of value created in the third industry to GDP. application of the DPSIR model to the selected influential factors, as
Meanwhile, Xu and Lin (2017) created another list including factors shown in Table 1.
Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712 701

Table 1
Summary of the impacts of carbon emission and the DPSIR model.

Latent Observable variable Impact Source

variable Direction

Driving GDP per capita þ Omri (2013); Wang et al. (2013)

force Population growth rate þ Begum et al. (2015).
Urbanisation rate þ Zhang et al. (2014); Wang et al. (2013); Xiao et al. (2015)
Growth rate of construction land þ Zhang and Xu (2017); Wang et al. (2015)
Urban employment rate þ Andrews (2008).
The farmers annual net income per capita þ Chen et al. (2016); Guan et al. (2016); Zhang et al. (2015)
Pressure Population density þ Jones and Kammen (2014); Yu (2014)
Total energy consumption þ Zaman and Abd-el Moemen (2017); Pan et al. (2017); Wu et al. (2016); Li et al. (2013)
Energy consumption per GDP þ Kasman and Duman (2015); Duan et al. (2017); Tang et al. (2015)
Energy consumption per capita þ Liu (2015); Fan et al. (2017); Wang et al. (2015); Wang and Guan (2010)
The ratio of coal consumption in total energy þ Jiang et al. (2017); Luo et al. (2016); Wang and Li (2017)
The ratio of industry's coal consumption in þ Chen et al. (2014a,b); Xu and Lin (2017); Zhang et al. (2018); Jia et al. (2018); Wei et al. (2010)
total energy consumption
The ratio of fossil fuel in total energy þ Apergis and Payne (2017); Liu et al. (2015); Peng et al. (2018); Fang et al. (2009)
Total fossil energy consumption þ Wang and Ye (2017); Liu et al. (2018); Huang et al. (2017); Ma et al. (2017); Geng et al. (2016)
Carbon emission per energy consumption þ Cui et al. (2013); Dou et al. (2013); Yao et al. (2015); Chen et al. (2016); Han et al. (2015)
State Total population þ Begum et al. (2015); Chen et al. (2013); Li et al. (2017a,b); Zhang and Zhou (2016)
Population growth rate þ Begum et al. (2015); Zhang and Zhou (2016); Zhang et al. (2017)
Urban population þ Gao and Guan (2009a, b); Li et al. (2017a,b); Zhang and Xu (2017); Zhou and Chan (2017a, b)
Total permanent population þ Wang et al. (2011); Yao et al. (2009); Zhou et al. (2009)
The ratio of the floating population in total þ Yang et al. (2015); Guo et al. (2016); Xia et al. (2017); Zhang et al. (2017)
The average household size þ Ahmad et al. (2017)
Total patents e Chen and Guan (2012); Guan (2012); Guan and Chen (2010, 2012); Guan and Wang (2010); Gao and
Guan (2009a, b); Guan and Gao (2009); He et al. (2017); Shuai et al. (2018)
GDP per energy consumption e Kasman and Duman (2015); Ho et al. (2017); Xiao et al. (2015)
Impact The ratio of the industry sector output value þ Poumanyvong and Kaneko (2010)
over the total GDP
The ratio of the secondary industry output þ Zhang and Da (2015); Wang et al. (2017)
value over the total GDP
The ratio of the tertiary industry output value e Zhang and Da (2015); Mi et al. (2015)
over the total GDP
Growth rate of industrial value-added as a þ Ouyang and Lin (2015)
percentage of GDP
Growth rate of agriculture value-added as a þ Poumanyvong and Kaneko (2010)
percentage of GDP
Response Elastic coefficient of energy consumption þ Li and Lin (2015); Liu et al. (2017); Mo et al. (2016)
The ratio of environmental protection e Lee et al. (2015); Zhu et al. (2018)
investment as a percentage of GDP
Ratio of green space e Chen (2015)
The ratio of harmless treatment of municipal e Wang and Geng (2015)
solid waste
Investment in urban environmental e Chen (2015); Zhang et al. (2016)
The ratio of comprehensive utilization of e Pan et al. (2015)
industrial solid waste
The ratio of centralized treatment of urban e Singh and Carliell-Marquet (2016)
The standard rate of discharge of industrial e Ashrafi et al. (2015)
waste water

Note: “þ” and “-” indicate a positive and negative relationships between observable variables and CO2 emissions respectively.

3.2. Data source where CO2 is calculated by the formula; I ¼ 1, 2 3 represents three
primary energy sources, namely coal, oil and natural gas; E stands
China's CO2 emissions mainly come from fossil material con- for energy consumption and is obtained by converting the three
sumption during the industrial production process. Therefore, the primary energy sources into 10 thousand tons of standard coal;
amount of CO2 emissions can be estimated on the basis of three NCV is net calorific value of energy; CEF is carbon emission coef-
primary energy sources, namely, coal, oil and natural gas. This study ficient; COF is carbon oxidation factor; and 44 and 12 are CO2 and
estimates CO2 according to the reference method provided in carbon molecular weight, respectively.
Chapter VI of Volume II (Energy) of the Guidelines for National Considering the availability of data, this study selects the panel
Greenhouse Gas Inventories designated by the IPCC (2006) because data of 30 provinces in China from the period of 1996e2015. Due to
China does not have specific statistical data on CO2. The calculation critical lack of data, Tibet is not included. Data used in this paper are
process is as follows: all sourced from the China Statistical Yearbook, China Energy Sta-
tistical Yearbook and local statistical yearbooks. To investigate the
CO2 ¼ E  NCVj  CEFj  COFi  ð44=12Þ (1) regional heterogeneities in the influential factors of CO2 emissions,
i¼1 i the 30 provinces of China are grouped into 6 regional markets ac-
cording to their widely recognised similarities in socioeconomic
702 Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

and environmental aspects (Table 2). reflection, where observable variable is associated with a unique
latent variable, and the connection regarding the j groups of
3.3. Research method observable variable Xjh and its latent variable can be expressed by a
linear regression equation, namely:
3.3.1. Introduction to the PLS-SEM method
Xjh ¼ ljh xj þ εjh (2)
The covariance-based technique and the variance-based PLS, i.e.
CB-SEM and PLS-SEM, are widely known types of SEM modelling.
€reskog and Wold, εjh is the random error term in the equation. The above equation
Although both are derived from the same basis (Jo
1982), they bifurcated as the CB-SEM was mainly preferred by satisfies the assumed condition:
earlier studies, whilst PLS-SEM quickly gained popularity in recent   

years because of its reputation as a special and creative analysis E Xjh xj ¼ ljh xj (3)
method that has many variates (Guan and Ma, 2009; Henseler and
The aforementioned assumption bears the indication that the
Chin, 2010; Lu et al., 2015). PLS-SEM is not demanding in terms of
residual mean is 0 and bears no correlation with the latent variable.
scope of measurement and number of samples and residual dis-
Such assumption is also known as the prediction specified condition.
tributions because it is a soft modelling technique (Tenenhaus et al.,
In the reflection, a set of observable variables is only a partial
2005). In addition, it can extract all the hidden characteristics from
reflection of the characteristics in a certain aspect, that is, the latent
the data observed (Bagozzi and Yi, 2012). CB-SEM minimises the
variable reflected by the set of observable variables is the only
divergence between the estimated and sample covariance matrices
dimension. As such, it is necessary to test the unique dimension of
by estimating model parameters; by contrast, PLS-SEM implements
the given set of latent variables. Three methods are available for the
a different approach by estimating partial model relationships in an
unique dimension test of observable variables: Principal Compo-
iterative sequence of ordinary least squares regressions to maxi-
nent Analysis of observable variables, Cronbach Coefficient a and
mise the explained variance of the endogenous latent variables
dillon goldstein's rho coefficient r.
(Astrachan et al., 2014; Wang and Fu, 2004). PLS-SEM, which is a
When the observable variable fails the unique dimension test,
modelling approach built on regression, employs a component-
some variables can be deleted, or the variable group can be split to
centred method to describe the directed dependencies among a
meet the requirements.
set of variables (Hair et al., 2012).
Other than reflection is the constitution, which refers to the fact
In this study, the influence of essential factors behind carbon
that latent variable xj is a linear combination of all the variables in
emissions in China is evaluated by inputting them into a PLS-SEM
its observable variable group, namely:
model. The reasons for selecting PLS-SEM are as follows. Firstly,
unlike CB-SEM, PLS-SEM does not require more than two normal
distributions for the input data but pays less attention on the xj ¼ WXjh þ dj (4)
assumption of normal distribution, thereby obtaining the scores of h¼1
the variable inferred from directly measured variables with accu-
racy. It can be achieved when we acquire a random sample from the dj is the random error term in the equation. Equation (5) should
population to obtain parameter estimates (Shen et al., 2016). Sec- meet the prediction specified condition:
ondly, PLS-SEM is preferable because it is workable in a construct
with only one measurement (Hair et al., 2012). Thirdly, whilst CB-    XPj

SEM is not the best choice for prediction research, PLS-SEM is E xx1 ; x2 //; xj ¼ WXjh (5)
perfectly acceptable. We hope that our results will be useful in h¼1

predicting factors that influence carbon emission. It can be inferred that the mean of residual dj is 0 and the re-
sidual is not correlated to the observable variable Xjh .
3.3.2. Measurement model
Assume that there are J sets of observable variables, with each 3.3.3. Structure model
group containing pj variables, and thus, each set of observable The structure model is description of causality different implicit
variables can be expressed as, Xj ðxj1 ; xj2 ; /; xjPj Þ; ðj ¼ 1; 2; /; JÞ. In variables, usually represented by a linear equation:
most cases, the observable variables Xjh ðj ¼ 1; 2; /; J; h ¼ 1; 2; //; X
pj Þ are assumed to be based on n common observation points, and xj ¼ bji xi þ zj (6)
each variable is centralized. Each set of observable variables cor- isj
responds to a latent variable and is assumed to be normalised, i.e.
the mean is 0, and the variance is 1. Hence, each set of observable zj in the equation is the random error item that satisfies prediction
variables Xj and the corresponding latent variables xj constitute a specified condition, i.e. residual averages 0 and is not correlated to
measurement model, also known as an external model. xj .
The relationships between observable and latent variables are Equation (6) is an indication of the interdependence existing
demonstrated by the measurement model in two ways. One is among salient variables and thus can be regarded as a causal

Table 2
Regional divisions.

Region Province-level municipality and provinces included

North China Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei province, Shanxi

Northeast China Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Eastern China Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong
Central and South China Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Hainan
Southwest China Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Chongqing
Northwest China Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712 703

association model, and it must be a causal chain, that is, there is no large estimation error given that mode 2 is selected, and the
loop in the causal model. Thereby the internal structure causal choosing mode 1 is more suitable under circumstance of PLS-SEM
association model can be represented by a 0/1 square matrix whose when the partial least squares is used for calculation.
dimension is the number of latent variables. If the latent variable j The PLS-SEM model generally applies the iterative method to
interprets the latent variable i, the element in the matrix takes the calculation of the latent variables and finally calculated the mea-
value 1, otherwise 0. This matrix is also called the internal design surement model and the structural model based on the estimated
matrix. values of the hidden variables. The specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: Have the initial value of Yj equal Xj1 ;

3.3.4. Model estimation Step 2: Calculate the estimate of Zj with Equation (8)
Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS) primarily estimates the Step 3: Calculate the weight vector Wj with equation (10) or (11)
latent variables by iterative method, which can be operated in two based on the estimate of Zj .
ways. One is to calculate the latent variables based the correlation Step 4: Apply Wj to equation (7) to calculate Yj and return to∧step
between observable variables and latent variables, also known as 2 until the calculation of convergence, which ends up with x j as
external estimate. The latent variable xj can be estimated with the estimate of Yj to latent variable xj .
reference to the linear combination of observable variable Xjh ðj ¼ Step 5: Estimate every coefficient ljh and bjh of the measure-
1; 2; /J; h ¼ 1; 2; /; pj Þ, and the value is noted as Yj . Since the ment model∧ and structure model with the normal least squares,
assumed latent variable xj is standardized, therefore: based on x j .
Yj ¼ Wjh Xjh ¼ Xj Wj (7) 3.3.5. Statistic Significance test
h¼1 The statistical significance test is performed by the boot-
strapping method. There are no essential assumptions for PLS-SEM
Wj in the equation is the weight vector and the asterisk means the that the data should be normally distributed. It means that para-
standardization to the estimate. metric significance tests (e.g., as used in regression analyses) are
On the other hand, it is calculated by the association between not applicable to test whether coefficients and path coefficients are
latent variables, also known as internal estimation. It is mainly an significant. Instead, a nonparametric bootstrap procedure is appli-
estimate of latent variables xj and other latent variables, which are cable for PLS-SEM to test the statistical significance of PLS-SEM
recorded as Zj : results including path coefficients, Cronbach's alpha, and R2
0 1* values (Davison and Hinkley, 1997).
X In bootstrapping, subsamples are created by repeated sampling
Zj ¼ @ eij Yi A (8) based on the limited sample data. The re-establish subsamples can
sufficiently represent the distribution of maternal samples. The
subsample is then used to estimate the PLS path model. This pro-
bji is the coefficient in Equation (8), eji is the internal weight, which cess is iteratively processed until the maximum number of random
is calculated through the following equation:
subsamples has been created, typically about 5000. The parameter
8     estimates (e.g., outer weights, outer loadings and path coefficients)
r Y ;Y >0
   < 1   j i  estimated from the subsamples are used to derive standard errors
eji ¼ sign r Yj ; Yi ¼ 0 r Yj ; Yi  ¼ 0 (9)
: for the estimates. With this information, t-values are calculated to
1 r Yj ; Yi < 0
assess each estimate's significance. Please refer to Hair et al. (2017)
for a detailed analysis of bootstrapping.
“Sign” refers to sign function while rðYj ; Yi Þ stands for the correla-
tion coefficient of the external weight estimate Yj and Yi .
4. Results and discussion
The specific equation for mode 1 is as follows:

1 4.1. Results of DPSIR in different regions

Wj ¼ X Tj Zj (10)
Firstly, correlation and partial correlation analyses are per-
In this case, weight vector Wj is the correlation variable or formed, and the measure index which has no significant correlation
variance of Xj and Zj . In fact, for the standardized variables, Wj is the with the dependent variables is eliminated (Shuai et al., 2018).
weight of the first component under Zj 's Partial least square Then, the initial structural equation model is constructed with the
regression to Xj , i.e. the first axis vector of the partial least remaining index. Afterwards, the external load coefficient between
regression. the first-level and two-level indexes is obtained. According to the
The specific equation for mode 2 is as follows: PLS-SEM method (Henseler and Chin, 2010), the negative value and
 1 the value less than 0.5 of the loadings of observable variables are
Wj ¼ X Tj Xj X Tj Zj (11) removed from the DPSIR model. Results of the influential factors of
carbon emission in different regions are shown in Table 3. To assess
In this case, Wj refers to the formula coefficient after Zj 's normal the goodness of the discriminant validity of the DPSIR model, the
least square regression to . square roots of the average extracted variance of variables should
When the relationship between the observable variable and the be above the absolute value of the corresponding correlation co-
latent variable is the reflection mode, the general selection for efficients of variables and over 0.50 (Chin, 1998). Statistics of the
weight calculation is likely to be mode 1; when the relationship estimation process are shown in Appendix. These findings are
between the observable variable and the latent variable is the presented in Table 3, which exhibits a good discriminant validity of
constituent mode, the mode 2 is usually chosen to calculate the the DPSIR model in different regions. Meanwhile, with use of the
weight. At the same time, since each observable variable aggregate PLS-SEM method, the structural path estimates for the DPSIR model
must have a high degree of collinearity so in this case there is a in different regions are calculated (Table 3).
704 Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

Table 3
Influential factors of carbon emission.

Region Observable variable Latent variable

Driving force Pressure State Impact Response

Nationwide Carbon emission per energy consumption e 0.820 e e e

The ratio of coal consumption in total energy consumption e 0.756 e e e
Total fossil energy consumption e 0.841 e e e
The ratio of fossil fuel in total energy consumption e 0.808 e e e
Ratio of green space e e e e 0.808
The farmers annual net income per capita 0.947 e e e e
GDP per capita 0.960 e e e e
Urban population e e 1 e e
The ratio of centralized treatment of urban sewage e e e e 0.891
The ratio of comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste e e e e 0.640
Northeast China Carbon emission per energy consumption e 0.821 e
The ratio of coal consumption in total energy consumption e 0.708 e e
Total fossil energy consumption e 0.871 e e
The ratio of fossil fuel in total energy consumption e 0.812 e e
The ratio of environmental protection investment as a percentage of GDP e e e e 0.835
Ratio of green space e e e e 0.886
The farmers annual net income per capita e e e e
GDP per capita 0.986 e e e
The ratio of centralized treatment of urban sewage e e e e 0.86
North China Carbon emission per energy consumption 0.841 e e e e
The ratio of coal consumption in total energy consumption 0.806 e e e e
Total fossil energy consumption 0.943 e e e e
The ratio of fossil fuel in total energy consumption 0.824 e e e e
Total energy consumption 0.781 e e e e
Total population e 0.945 e e
East China Carbon emission per energy consumption e 0.551 e e e
Total fossil energy consumption e 0.917 e e e
The ratio of fossil fuel in total energy consumption e 0.564 e e e
Growth rate of industrial value-added as a percentage of GDP e e e 0.988 e
The ratio of the industry sector output value over the total GDP e e e 0.986
The ratio of centralized treatment of urban sewage e e e e 1
Northwest China Carbon emission per energy consumption e 0.949 e e e
The ratio of coal consumption in total energy consumption e 0.9 e e e
Total fossil energy consumption e 0.83 e e e
The ratio of fossil fuel in total energy consumption 0.953 e e e
Growth rate of agriculture value-added as a percentage of GDP e e e 1 e
Population growth rate 1 e e e e
The ratio of harmless treatment of municipal solid waste e e e e 0.808
Southwest China Total fossil energy consumption e 0.917 e e
Population density e 0.846 e e e
Urban employment rate (employ) 1 e e e e
Energy consumption per capita e 0.842 e e e
The ratio of environmental protection investment as a percentage of GDP e e e e 0.855
The ratio of harmless treatment of municipal solid waste (R2) e e e e 0.915
Urban population e e 0.902 e e
Central and southern China The ratio of coal consumption in total energy consumption e 0.562 e e e
Total fossil energy consumption e 0.961 e e e
The farmers annual net income per capita 0.993 e e e e
GDP per capita 0.994 e e e e
Urban population e e 1 e e

4.2. Influential factors of carbon emission from the national bring more energy consumption and carbon emissions (Wang et al.,
perspective 2013; Guan et al., 2016). China's economy has been growing rapidly
for decades, and many empirical studies have demonstrated that
According to the results of the model (Tables 4 and 5), the China's economy, measured by GDP or per capita GDP, is
driving factor, pressure, state and response on the national level approaching a transformation point, considering that some devel-
have a significant impact on carbon emissions, which is consistent oped regions have leaped over transformation points (Chen, 2011;
with previous research results. The path coefficient of the driving Liu et al., 2011; Zhang and Yao, 2001). The per capita net income
factor and carbon emissions is 0.064, indicating that the per capita of farmers usually reflects the development level of agriculture in a
GDP and the per capita net income of farmers and carbon emissions region. The increase in the per capita net income of farmers may
have a positive effect nationwide, given that the influence is low. inhibit carbon emissions to a certain extent because agriculture has
The low positive impact of driving factor on carbon emission is less carbon emissions compared with other industries (Du et al.,
understandable in terms of related theories and evidence. Ac- 2010; Omri, 2013). Therefore, the driving factor variable, which is
cording to environmental Kuznets curve theory, either the sus- measured by per unit GDP and per capita income of farmers, has
tainable development of the economy or the emissions of major little effect on carbon emissions.
pollutants follows a pattern that maintains a growing trend until a Pressure has a significant impact on carbon emissions. Accord-
specific transformation point appears (Huang et al., 2018); before ing to the results, the path coefficient is 0.687. The carbon emission
that, the economic growth measured by per capita GDP tends to per unit of energy consumption is directly related to carbon
Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712 705

Table 4
Discriminant validity of DPSIR model.

Region Factor Driving force Pressure Response State

Nationwide Driving 0.989

Pressure 0.112 0.839
Response 0.778 0.218 0.787
State 0.321 0.249 0.638 1
Northeast China Factor Driving force Pressure Response
Driving force 0.980
Pressure 0.571 0.852
Response 0.910 0.558 0.861
North China Factor Pressure State
Pressure 0.847
State 0.644 1
East China Factor Impact Pressure Response
Impact 0.987
Pressure 0.319 0.720
Response 0.174 0.583 1
Northwest China Driving force Impact Pressure Response
Driving force 1
Impact 0.537 1
Pressure 0.388 0.319 0.917
Response 0.043 0.389 0.246 1
Southwest China Factor Driving force Pressure Response State
Driving force 1
Pressure 0.212 0.869
Response 0.001 0.697 0.885
State 0.211 0.452 0.22 1
Central and southern China Factor Driving force Pressure State
Driving force 0.993
Pressure 0.409 0.813
State 0.476 0.582 1

Note: The lower triangle is correlation coefficients between all variables and the diagonal is the square roots of AVE.

Table 5
Structural path estimates for DPSIR model.

Region DPSIR factors Influence coefficient Cronbach's Alpha Construct reliability AVE

Nationwide Driving 0.064 0.978 0.989 0.978

Pressure 0.687 0.892 0.905 0.704
Response 0.240 0.707 0.827 0.619
State 0.239 1.000 1.000 1.000
Northeast China Driving force 0.118 0.96 0.98 0.961
Response 0.690 0.902 0.913 0.725
Pressure 0.488 0.826 0.895 0.741
North China Pressure 0.786 0.908 0.927 0.718
State 0.225 1.000 1.000 1.000
East China Impact 0.129 0.974 0.987 0.975
Pressure 0.704 0.742 0.755 0.519
Response 0.332 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001
Northwest China Driving forces 0.232 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001
Impact 0.140 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001
Pressure 0.715 0.94 0.955 0.841
Response 0.243 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001
Southwest China Driving forces 0.162 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001
Pressure 0.854 0.841 0.902 0.755
Response 0.123 0.727 0.878 0.783
State 0.203 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001
Middle-south China Driving forces 0.206 0.986 0.993 0.986
Pressure 0.792 0.550 0.789 0.660
State 0.129 1.0001 1.0001 1.0001

emissions, and the fossil energy and coal consumption are the main emissions. It shows that the green rate of built areas, the centralized
influential factors. The greater the proportion of coal consumption treatment of urban sewage treatment plants and the comprehen-
to the total energy consumption, the greater the total amount of sive utilization of industrial solid waste have not reached the ex-
fossil energy consumption; the greater the proportion of fossil pected effect, and carbon emissions are not controlled by the
energy to the total energy consumption, the higher the carbon response index.
emissions. The influence coefficient between the state and carbon
emissions is 0.239, indicating that the state has a significant posi- 4.3. Influential factors of carbon emission from the regional
tive impact on carbon emissions, which is mainly manifested in the perspective
results demonstrating that the larger the urban population, the
higher the carbon emissions. In addition, response, whose influ- On a regional scale, the relationships between the driving factor,
ence coefficient is 0.240, has a certain influence on carbon pressure, state, impact, response and carbon emissions are different
706 Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

from that at the national scale. Moreover, considerable differences consumption structure based on fossil energy is socioeconomically
are observed among the regions. In terms of driving factor, the reasonable. It is an essential element of regional economic devel-
northeastern, northwestern, southwestern and southern regions opment, which is directly related to carbon emissions, and thus has
have a significant influence on carbon emissions, and the influence a significant impact in all regions of the country (Xiao et al., 2013).
coefficient is generally higher than that of the national level, which The northern, southwestern and central regions are the key areas of
are 0.118, 0.232, 0.162 and 0.206, respectively (Table 5 and fossil energy abundance and industrial development in China. The
Fig. 2a). However, from the direction of the influence coefficient impact of pressure on carbon emissions in these regions is more
and the absolute value, the driving factor of these regions has a significant than in other areas. Under the strategic background of
different degree of influence on carbon emission and direction of ‘Revitalizing the Old Industrial Base’ proposed by the central gov-
influence. In the northeastern, northwestern and southwestern ernment, the northeastern region actively plans the transformation
China, the driving factor has a slight inhibition on carbon emissions, of economic development, eliminating a series of high-energy-
whereas the central and southern regions show a significant posi- consuming enterprises and pursuing a good ecological environ-
tive effect. The cause of this phenomenon may be the geographic ment. The energy consumption structure has been in control; thus,
location of the region and its stage of economic development. The no significant impact is observed on carbon emissions.
resource endowment conditions of the central and southern region According to an analysis of loading coefficients (Table 5 and
are rich and abundant; thus, economic development is dependent Fig. 2c), the state in the model is commonly measured by the
on the resources; whereas in the northeastern, northwestern and population. In the southwestern, central and southern China, the
southwestern regions, the environment is relatively fragile, and state indexes are measured by the number of urban population, and
under the national macro strategy, it is highly prioritised for envi- the state variables in these two regions have a significant impact on
ronment preservation. Therefore, dependence on energy con- carbon emissions; the influence coefficients are 0.129 and 0.203,
sumption is decreased. For example, the iron and steel, nonferrous, respectively, indicating that the urban population in these two re-
petrochemical, chemical and building material industries, which gions is the main factor affecting carbon emissions.
use mineral resources as energy have become pillar industries in The impact index has a significant impact on carbon emissions in
the central and southern regions due to the rich coal, nonferrous eastern and northwestern China (Table 5 and Fig. 2d), and the path
metal and other mineral resources, thereby directly affecting the coefficients are 0.129 and 0.140, respectively. The contribution rate
local carbon emissions (Feng et al., 2012; Tang et al., 2017a,b). For of the first and secondary industries to the economy in these regions
example, Hunan Province, which is commonly known as the home is relatively high, and the demand for industrial development is the
of nonferrous metals, currently maintains a relatively high capacity main factor affecting carbon emissions. The eastern region of the
in the production of 10 nonferrous metals (HEIC, 2018). Its pro- coastal area is the most developed economic area and gathers
duction of hard alloy, silver, antimony, bismuth and fluoride salt numerous industrial and service industries in China (Wei et al.,
ranks first in China. The added value in the nonferrous industry 2014a). In 2016, the eastern region accounted for more than 50% of
reached 77.648 billion RMB in 2017 due to its copious reserves of China's economic proportion (National Development and Reform
resource (HEIC, 2018). In addition, according to the directives of Commission of China, 2017). This objective reality has made the
'Policy Measures to Promote Economic Benefits from Structural eastern region's industrial development an extremely important
Adjustment in Nonferrous Metals Industry' released by Hunan factor affecting carbon emissions (Ouyang and Lin, 2015; Wu et al.,
Province, the nonferrous industry is expected to achieve the target 2016; Zhou and Chan, 2017a, 2017b). Meanwhile, agriculture is the
of 700 billion yuan by 2020. Furthermore, in the context of eco- most important pillar industry in the northwestern region. The
nomic globalisation, the tide of international industrial transfer is consumption of water, energy and fertilizer resources needed for
strengthening the industrial transfer in the developed coastal areas agricultural development has become an important factor in stim-
of China, and the central southern region has become the main area ulating carbon emissions in the western region (Yu, 2014).
of industrial transfer in the East with its superior resources and Except in the northern, central and southern regions, the response
geographical location (Chen, 2002; Wang and Guan, 2010). At indicator has a significant impact on carbon emissions, but the in-
present, the ‘middle triangle’ has been formed, which is based on fluence direction is different from that found in previous studies. The
Wuhan City Circle, Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Group and influence coefficients of the northeastern, eastern, northwestern and
Poyang Lake City Group (Fang et al., 2005). Therefore, the con- southwestern China are 0.690, 0.332, 0.243 and 0.123, respectively.
sumption of resources increases considerably, which results in the According to the results of the model analysis, only the response in
relentless increase of carbon emission in recent years. In northwest the southwestern region plays a practical effect and effectively re-
and southwest China, enterprises focus on industrial restructuring duces carbon emissions, whereas the response in other regions has a
and upgrading due to the significance of ecological conservation. positive effect on carbon discharge. These indicators need further
These regions are important areas of windbreak, sand fixation and study because the effects of the impact and response index are
water conservation in China. Moreover, the awareness of ecological different from those in previous studies.
and environmental protection is rising amongst the public due to
the rapid growth of household wealth and ecological deterioration. 4.3.1. Result comparison between national and regional carbon
Thus, the adjacent provinces in western China exhibit cluster ef- emission
fects of low carbon emission intensity and can have the fastest According to the results of the model and the above analysis, the
adjustment to reach a balance between carbon emission intensity factors affecting carbon emissions vary at the national and regional
and energy mix (Dong et al., 2016). levels. This conclusion largely compensates for the shortcomings of
The pressure index has a significant positive impact on carbon the independent analyses of the factors affecting carbon emissions
emissions in all regions of the country (Table 5 and Fig. 2b). The at the national or regional level in previous studies.
influence coefficients of northeastern, northern, eastern, north- On the national level, the driving factor has a reduced impact on
western, southwestern and central southern China are 0.488, 0.786, carbon emissions. However, on the regional scale, the driving factor
0.704, 0.715, 0.854 and 0.792, respectively. In the northern, has a significant impact on carbon emissions in areas except eastern
southwestern and central southern regions, and the influence co- and northern China. China's economy has achieved remarkable
efficient is relatively low in the east and the north. Under China's achievements since the reform (Wei et al., 2014b), but a series of
macroeconomic background and energy endowment, the energy environmental problems has emerged in the process. CO2, as the
Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712 707

Fig. 2. The influence degree of different factors on CO2 emission in different regions of China mainland. (a) The influence degree of driving force on CO2 emission in different
regions. (b) The influence degree of pressure on CO2 emission in different regions. (c) The influence degree of state on CO2 emission in different regions. (d) The influence degree of
impact on CO2 emission in different regions. (e) The influence degree of response on CO2 emission in different regions.

representative of greenhouse gas emissions, is the most prominent. government has strengthened the control of carbon emissions at
In 2009, China committed to reduce carbon emission intensity of the national level to a certain extent, suppressing the driving effect
per capita GDP by 40%e45% by 2020 and set up a series of controls. of per capita GDP and other indicators on carbon emissions. At the
The policy of carbon emissions established by the Chinese regional level, each region has a different degree of implementation
708 Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

of the national policy, the economic development varies greatly in of the east and northwest regions is also key driving factor, which is
the macro background and the degree of energy dependence is indicated as the positive impact of industrial and agricultural sec-
different. Thus, the measurement index of regional influential fac- tors values on the growth of carbon emissions. Secondly, the
tors and the influential coefficient of carbon emissions are different driving factor has less influence at the national level, whereas at the
from each other. regional level, it has a significant impact on carbon emissions,
In the central and southern regions, the level of economic except for eastern and northern China. Thirdly, pressure has a sig-
development and urbanisation is lower than that in the north- nificant impact on carbon emissions at the national level and all
eastern, eastern and northern China. In the case of industrial and regions, but a significant difference exists in terms of direction and
consumption structures, the increase of per capita GDP, urban significance level of the impacts. Fourthly, state has a significant
employment rate and the annual net income of farmers is depen- impact at the national level and the southwestern, central, south-
dent on high-energy-consumption enterprises (Liu and Wang, ern and northern China, whereas no obvious influence is observed
2010). The influential factors in northwestern, southwestern and in other areas. In addition, response has a certain impact on carbon
northeastern China have a slightly reversed effect on carbon emis- emissions in regions except northern, central and southern China.
sions mainly because these areas are important strategic develop- Analysis shows that considerable differences exist among the re-
ment regions that have adjusted development models. Under the gions of China, and their current situations of economic develop-
influence of the macro strategy of the western development and ment and development patterns vary, which results in the various
strategy of ‘the Belt and the Road’, the regional industrial structure characteristics of carbon emission structure (Zeng et al., 2015).
has been adjusted, thereby considerably promoting the develop- Thus, to reduce carbon emissions comprehensively, governments
ment of the regional economy and creating several jobs, resulting in need to implement differentiated control policies combined with
an improved employment rate of the city and an increase in the regional development plans.
population growth rate. In the northeastern region, under the The composition indexes of latent influential factors in the
continuous promotion of the ‘Northeast Revitalization’ program, different regions vary. The driving factors in the whole nation and in
several high-energy-consuming industries were eliminated, and the northeastern, southwestern and central regions are the main
economic transformation and upgrading were pursued. Public factors related to the per capita net income of farmers, urbanisation
awareness of environmental protection has constantly increased, and economic development level, such as GDP, and the urban
and energy consumption has declined. The economic development employment rate. The driving factors in the northwest region are
of northern and eastern China is fast, and the economic and in- mainly represented by the population growth rate, which indicates
dustrial structures are in the transition period, mainly relying on the that economic growth in most areas is the key factor of carbon
third industry's contributions to the economy; thus, less carbon emissions. The total population in northwestern China is the main
emissions are affected by the influential factors. influential factor of carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the energy struc-
In addition, the impact index has no significant impact on car- ture based on coal and fossil fuel consumption is an important mea-
bon emissions at the national level but has a weak and positive sure of the pressure system at the national and regional levels. The
impact on eastern and northwestern China at the regional level. population density in the southwest is also one of the main indexes of
This result shows that the impact of industrial and agricultural the pressure system, which shows that the population density in the
output values on carbon emissions has no significant impact on southwest is an important variable affecting carbon emission.
most regions of the country, but the growth rate of industrial added In general, urbanisation and the level of economic development
value in eastern China's GDP percentage, the ratio of industrial are the main driving forces of carbon emissions. The main pressure
output value to total output value and the percentage of agricul- indicators include energy structure and intensity. Urban population
tural added value to GDP in northwestern China are increasing the is the main influential factor of carbon emissions in the state indi-
local carbon emissions to a certain extent. However, this conclusion cator, and the impact indicator is focused on the impact of industrial
needs additional evidence support. and agricultural output values on GDP. The response indicator is
mainly composed of a series of comprehensive environmental
5. Conclusion improvement measures adopted by the government. With use of the
DPSIR model and the PLS-SEM method, a series of measure indexes
The study on the influential factors of carbon emissions involves under the DPSIR model is found to affect carbon emissions at the
complex scientific problems, which include not only the scienti- national and regional levels in varying degrees. With the rapid
ficity of index selection and evaluation criteria but also the appli- development of urbanisation, human living standards have been
cability and rationality of research methods. In addition, these improved to different degrees. Hence, humans have started to pur-
problems have not yet formed a unified understanding. Several sue enhanced material living standards, thereby increasing the de-
existing studies have employed either the LMDI or STIRPAT model mand for high-energy-consuming industrial products, such as
to explore the influential factors of carbon emission. However, us- automobiles (Zhou et al., 2017). In the current energy structure of
ing a new model and exploring other possible factors are still China, fossil energy still dominates. By the end of 2015, non-fossil
necessary to find additional valuable ways of finding the sources of energy accounted for only 12% of the total energy consumption;
and reducing carbon emissions. In this study, the DPSIR method is thus, the carbon emissions of energy consumption also increased
used to identify the influential factors of China's carbon emissions. (Bai et al., 2015; Du et al., 2010). According to the Statistical Yearbook
The empirical research, which is based on panel data and the PLS- of China 2016, the energy consumption per unit of GDP in 2016 was
SEM model, reveals the path relationships between carbon emis- 3.7 tons of standard coal/$10,000 at 2015 dollar and exchange rates.
sions and their influential factors. Conclusions of this research can It is 1.4 times the average energy intensity of the world in 2015 and
provide a scientific basis for the central or local governments in 2.1 times the average for developed countries. A consensus has been
formulating carbon emission reduction policies according to spe- reached that a significant positive correlation exists between heavy
cific carbon emission mechanisms. industries and carbon emissions (Chen, 2009; Gao et al., 2015; Liu
Influential factors of carbon emissions differ greatly between et al., 2007; Tang et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017). Related literature
the national and regional levels. Firstly, the main factors affecting shows that the increase in the share of tertiary industry and eco-
carbon emissions at the national level are driving factor, pressure, nomic growth play significant roles in curbing carbon emission in-
state and response; whereas at the regional level, the impact index tensity; thus, it may be an effective way to drive economic
Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712 709

development by improving tertiary industries with low resource achieving economic growth and reducing carbon emissions,
consumption and high value added, such as the finance and infor- thereby promoting China's green, low-carbon economy.
mation sectors (Huang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2014). An empirical The country should continue to improve the level of urbanisa-
analysis also reconfirmed that the service industry is a key driver for tion and control energy demand and consumption. The govern-
curbing industrial carbon emissions (Hao et al., 2015; Liao and Wu, ments should vigorously develop green urban buildings; actively
2011). In the face of growing environmental problems, the local promote the use of clean energy, such as natural gas, nuclear and
government has adopted a series of measures to adjust energy solar energy; promote the transformation of urban energy con-
structure and reduce energy consumption. However, the measures sumption structure and reverse the current coal-based consump-
have been effective only in some areas and proved futile in other tion situation. Moreover, governments should improve the
regions due to various reasons, such as the path dependence of the awareness regarding low-carbon environmental protection for ur-
regional economic development. According to the above analysis, ban residents and advocate a green, low-carbon lifestyle.
policy recommendations are as follows.
China should reduce the proportion of heavy industries, actively
develop high and new technology industries and gradually increase
the proportion of the service industry. Meanwhile, the government
The authors are grateful for MOE (Ministry of Education in
should vigorously develop low-energy-consumption and high-
China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (No.18YJC840041),
technology and environmental protection industries, particularly
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51478025)
tourism and information and technology, and further enhance
and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
support to the service industry in terms of policies, technologies,
71420107025; No. 71471008; No.71771010). The authors gratefully
talent and funds. Deepening the adjustment of industrial structure
acknowledge the support of Beijing Key Laboratory of Emergency
and exerting the restraining effect of energy efficiency on the car-
Support Simulation Technologies for City Operations. Besides, the
bon emissions of the third industry are also necessary.
authors also thank the anonymous reviewers for insightful com-
At present, China's economic growth is still at the expense of
ments that helped us improve the quality of the paper.
excessive energy consumption (Wei at al., 2018b; Yu et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2016). Therefore, with the premise of maintaining
stable economic development, reducing energy intensity, particu- Appendix
larly in the energy-intensive industries such as manufacturing,
mining, power and transportation industries, is important to

Table 1
Mean, STDEV, T-Values, P-Values of Path Coefficients

Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P-Values

Driving / Carbon 0.064 0.064 0.024 2.632 0.009

Pressure / Carbon 0.687 0.688 0.017 39.676 0.000
Response / Carbon 0.239 0.239 0.036 6.590 0.000
State / Carbon 0.240 0.240 0.023 10.528 0.000

Fig. 1. (a) Estimation Results of Path Coefficients. (b) Statistic Significance.

Note: The figures are derived from the estimation results by SmartPLS. Abbreviations of ‘Income_farm’ refers to ‘the farmers annual net income per capita’; ‘pgdp’ refers to ‘GDP per
capita’; ‘CO2’ refers to ‘the volume of CO2 emission’; ‘popu_urba’ refers to ‘Urban population’; ‘carb_pener’ refers to ‘Carbon emission per energy consumption’; ‘consumer_coalra’
refers to ‘the ratio of coal consumption in total energy consumption’; ‘consum_foss’ refers to ‘total fossil energy consumption’; ‘consum_fossra’ refers to ‘the ratio of fossil fuel in
total energy consumption’; ‘grspacera’ refers to ‘Ratio of green space’; ‘treaswwage’ refers to ‘the ratio of centralized treatment of urban sewage’; ‘utilsolodwast’ refers to ‘the ratio of
comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste’.
710 Y. Wei et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 698e712

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