Week 2 - Debate Phrases

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Formal Section Phrases

(1) opening the debate: (3+4) giving examples:

● [some nice opening, e.g. quote] ● There are many examples for this/for ...,
● Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this for instance.
debate. ● In fact, you can find many examples for
● Welcome from this side of the house... this in real life. Just think of...
● The motion for debate today is: ... ● And there are similar cases, such as ..., ...
● So in this simple example we can clearly
(1) defining the motion: see the effect of ...
● Now we as today's
proposition/opposition strongly believe that (3+4) summarizing & linking the
this is true/not true, but before we come to argument:
our actual argumentation, let us first define ● So as we have seen [argument label], and
some important terms in this debate. therefore [motion].
● We believe that what is meant by ... is... / ● Now because of this ..., we have to
that ... are ... support this motion.
● When we say ... should ... we mean
that ... (7+8) summarizing & ending your
(1) presenting the team line: ● So Ladies and Gentlemen, what have I
● We as today's proposition/opposition told you today? Firstly ..., Secondly..
have structured our case as follows: ● [some nice closing words]
● I, as the first speaker, will be talking ● And for all of these reasons, the motion
about ... must stand/fall.
● Our second speaker, ..., will elaborate on making/rejecting/accepting/answering
the fact that ... points of information:
● And our third speaker, ..., will do the ● Point of information, Sir/Madam.
rebuttal. ● On that point.
● Wouldn't you have to agree ...? / Doesn't
(2) rebutting arguments, rebuilding your what you're saying contradict with ...? /
case: What about the ...? / How would you
● But before I come to my own arguments, explain, that ... ?
let us first have a look at ● No, thank you, Sir/Madam.
what ... has said. ● Declined.
● I will continue our case in a minute, but ● Yes, please. / Go ahead.
before that there are some things about ● Thank you very much, Sir/Madam, I'm
the ... speech that need to be addressed. going to come to this very point in my
● The first prop/opposition speaker has told second argument in a minute.
us ...; on the contrary ... [this is an emergency break]
● He/She also said that ...; but in fact..
● He/She was claiming that ...; but as my (7+8) giving reply speeches:
first speaker already told you, ... ● Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome for the
last time from today's
(2) introducing arguments: prop/opposition. It is now my pleasure to
● Let me come to my first/second/.../next summarize this debate,
argument: take a look at what both sides have said and
[concise label of argument] see what the outcome of this debate
● My first/... argument is: actually is.
● The first/... reason why we're ● A first/second/... major clash was: ...
prop/opposing this motion is: Today's prop/opposition told us ...; we had
explaining arguments: to find ...
● [rather abstract explanation on how the ● [some particularly nice closing words]
argument should work] ● And for all these reasons, I beg you to

Informal Debate Phrases

When you are listening to the other When you give your rebuttal.
side. The first point I would like to raise is this…
I see your point, but I think… Our position is the following…
Yes, I understand, but my opinion is that… Here’s the main point I want to raise…
That’s all very interesting, but the problem I’d like to deal with two points here. The
is that… first is…
I’m afraid I can’t quite agree with your Our opponents have still not addressed the
point.- question we raised a moment ago…
I think I’ve got your point, now let me The other side has failed to answer our
respond to it.- point about…
We can see what you’re saying. Here’s my Notice that the affirmative side has not
reply… addressed our main point.-
Let me just restate my position.-
When you need to say something Just to be clear, here is what I mean…
I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’ve When you give concluding
misunderstood our point.- statements.
Excuse me, but that’s not quite correct.- To sum up, here are the main points our
Sorry, I just have to disagree with your opponents have not addressed…
point.- We pointed out that…
Let me just respond to that, please.- Our opponents have claimed that…
Forgive me for interrupting, but I must To recap the main points…
respond to that.- Let’s sum up where we stand in this debate.
Hold on a moment, that’s not correct.- Let me summarize our position in this
If you would allow me to add a comment debate.
here...- In summary, we want to point out that…
If you don’t mind, I’d like to take issue Let’s see which arguments are still
with what you just said. standing.-
Let’s take stock of where we are in this
When you haven’t replied yet. debate.
The other side will have to explain why....
otherwise we win that point.-
We said that…but the other side has not
replied to our point.-
I’d like to focus on two points that the other
side has failed to address.-
There are two points that we have
succeeded in establishing…
I want to call your attention to an important
point that our opponents have not addressed
I’d like to point out that there are two
issues our opponents have failed to dispute,
I must stress again that our point has not
been refuted by the other side.

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