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GCSE (9-1)

Design and
Exemplar Portfolio 1 for
Summer 2022 Assessment
The following portfolio exemplifies how an original Component 2 submission from May 2019 may look if
the learner produces a proof of concept outcome rather than a prototype, in line with agreed changes
for Summer 2022 assessment.

This portfolio includes slides where no change would be expected from previous series, which are
shown in grey. Where new approaches would likely need to be taken in response to changes to the
qualification for Summer 2022 assessment, these are shown in full colour, supported by a slide of
commentary, or are replaced with updated versions, particularly in areas of manufacture and testing.
Assessment grids affected by changes to 2022 assessment:

1.2 Specification
3.1b Manufacture – skills and processes
4.1 Testing and evaluation

(from the GCSE Design & Technology [1DT0], Component 2: Non-Examined Assessment – Marking
Criteria for 2021 only)

The contents of this portfolio is designed to exemplify and summarise potential changes candidates
may wish to take, but does provide a formulaic approach for candidates to follow.

No Change
All of the content on this page represents a valid response to the contextual challenge

My chosen theme is about mal<ing festival time

easier and more efficient. In order to gain some
inspiration about the overall theme of festivals, I
have created a m o o d board, which will a i d m e
through out the processes of design and
manufacture.These pictures have s h o w n m e all of
the different types of festivals, therefore I a m n o w
able to choose a specific festival that I w o u l d lil<e
to focus on while designing. In addition, the
keywords have given m e an incite to w h a t festivals
are really like a n d the ideas that link to them. Due
to all of this, w h e n designing and producing m y
product, I will besure to add a lot of colour and
make many modifications to make festival time
easier for everyone. Thanl<s to my m o o d board I
will have a constant p o i n t of reference to refer to
during the whole process of manufacture. This will
keep me on tracl< and ensure that m y designs fit I
i n t o t h e brief a n d fully link to the chosen theme.
H o w can products be used to improve the experience of people
attending a festival?
In my opinion, products can be used in many ways to improve the
festival experience for everyone. Festivals are events that usually take
place in the open and potentially attract thousands, if not millions, of
people. Unfortunately, along w i t h t h e f u n andpopularity, come many
problems, such as mud, discomfort and fluctuating weather conditions,

r I Portable
1' I Light
which c a n b e fixed using specially adjusted products. These products
can be used to improve the security, comfort a n d fun of festivals. In
addition, there is a w i d e range of festivals, meaning different products
will improve the experience of certain festivals so w h e n designing, it is
I I •I
Compact crucial to think about all the external factors.
I The r o u t e I will betal<ing:
W h e n designing and manufacturing m y product I will focus on the
I Folding Stool II Table I Cup
Keeping f o o d
a n d drink cool
camping aspect of festivals and the storage and furniture required to
remain organised and comfortable. The reason why I have decided to

II choose this route is because I think that organisation is crucial w h e n at a
festival as you need to keep everything in o n e place to improve security.
Furthermore, camping furniture has to be altered to improve comfort,

Furniture portability a n d h o w easy it is to use. In addition, I thinl< that this topic has
Storage a wide range of opportunities and variety of options and products that I
,. .., Eating/Drinking
could manufacture. W h e n making the product, I will think of the

I Sleeping
I Food and drink must
be kept cool,
atendees must be
able to eat and drink
problems involved a n d try m y best to eliminate them as I go along. I will
also make sure i take i n t o account the size of these products to ensure
comfortably. they can b e easily transported to the festival itself. However, this is only
Many people stay 1 No Change
m y initial t h o u g h t a n d m y ideas may change throughout the process of

.. /- -
at festivals for more
than o n e day.

All of the content on this page represents a valid response

How can products be
to the contextual challenge
May be harsh
during the
festival period.
design and manufacture.

used to improve the
Warm/ Cool
Weather may vary experience of people

meaning attendees will attending a festival?
have to adjust to
become com fort ab le

I Insulation I 'l6. Children
Making sure they
don't get bored
.l s_ig_n_s l
when not
How this helps...
interested. In my opinion, this m i n d m a p really helps as it has
Travelling to the
Being Comfortable s h o w n m e some of the main aspects of festivals and
Must be
comfortable even
.. All aspects of festivals
require comfort. I
I Educational I some of the things required to make these aspects
ideal and fully efficient. As a result of this, I have
before the festival. _.

discovered some of the main problems involved in
festivals, that have to be improved by the use of
-_ 1 - ,
Co mfort _ \ Colourful products. In addition, the pictures of existing products
have given m e some inspiration for w h e n I design and
Storage Music manufacture, as I can use w h a t has already been
/ made and improve it even further to improve festival
experience for everyone. Thanl<s to this m i n d m a p I

I Organisation
will b e a b l e to make the perfect product for m y chosen
route- meet all the required needs and eliminate any
problems involved.
Materials and
Name of Plastic Storage Unit Cup holder Wooden table Food storage box Folding stool
Picture of

ClientjUser The user could uset his shelf D u r i n g camping or at t ending T h e p r o d u c t c a n b e used This product c a n b e used to This pr oduct is used w h e n
Requirements for storing their clothes, the festival, people m a y whenever there is a store f o o d in d u r i n g t h e people require a place to
toiletries, valuables etc. This require to carry m a n y cups of requirement of a place to sit festival period. T h e user comfortably sit d o w n a n d
shelf could b e easily placed in drink at once to save time d o w n o r consume a meal w i t h requires this pr oduct to store rest, this could b e dur ing
t h e user's t e n t a n d w o u l d n o t a n d effort. This pr oduct friends or family. Also, the user f o o d in a safe and secure the camping aspect but
take up too m u c h space, but w o u l d b e perfect for this as it must be able to easily and place, protecting from also d u r i n g t h e actual
w o u l d securely keep all of allows for m a n y drink cups to comfortably transport; carry outside factors t h a t could festival. The user needs a
the festival necessities in one be carried at once and only this table from o n e place to potentially r u i n it. comfortable place to sit
place. one person having to carry it. another so t hat it c a n b e used and they need to be able
in any location, at any time. to easily move the stool

Performance The storage u n i t must be The product must have a

No Change
The table must be l i g h t a n d Thestorage box must be
a l o n g w i t h them.

To reach the user

Requirements stable and resistant All of the content on this page represents
to heavy g o o d strength to w e i g h t a valid
portable so tresponse toeasily
hat it c a n b e the contextual
very light bchallenge
u t strong. It must requirements, the product
w e i g h t so t h a t it keeps all of ratio as it has to provide a m o v e d from o n e place to be light t o n o t a d d a n y m o r e must be l i g h t so t h a t it is
the objects inside secure and strong support for the cups another. Furthermore, it must to the overall w e i g h t of t h e easy to lift a n d c a r r y along.
safe. In addition, t h e drawers to avoid spillage, but has to be foldable and quite compact product w h e n full. However, Also, it needs to be
must be easy to use- easy to be l i g h t so t hat it is easy to so t hat it doesn't take up too it has to be strong to foldable to allow for easier
p u l l o u t a n d p u t back in- carry for individuals. The m u c h space in the t e n t a n d c a n securely store f o o d a n d resist storage of the stools and
s m o o t h movement. The handle must be shaped to fit be easily transported to and the w e i g h t impact. It must space efficiency. In
overall p r o d uc t must be very the anthropometrics of a f r o m the festival. As well, this consist of handles and a addition, the size of the
l i g h t w e i g h t t o ensure hand- indents in the handle table must be smooth and closing mechanism to ensure stool must be ideal- small
comfortable and easy to improve gr ip a n d comfort. comfortable to eliminate any comfort w h e n m o v i n g it e n o u g h to carry a r o u n d
transportation. safety hazards. It must be m ade around. and store but big e n o u gh
from n o n toxic materials to to ensure comfort for the
avoid a n y h a r m to the user.
customer and the environment.
Aesthetics The pr oduct looks very In m y opinion, the pr oduct I think t h a t this product 1squite Theaesthetics of this I think t hat this product
appealing due to the has very g o o d aesthetics. appealing as it has a simple but product are not too g o o d as has g o o d aesthetics as it
symmetrical layout of the T h e p r o d u c t is very eye effective aesthetic. Also, if it is quite simple and there's catches y o u r e y e d u e to it's
different sized draws. In m y catching due to it's bright, polished, it has a very smooth n o t h i n g special to it, originality a n d
opinion, it is also quite small red colour and unique, and neat looking finish to a d d however 1 1sag o o d pr oduct effectiveness. It lool<s very
and compact so it w o u l d n o t intricate shape. to the overall appeal and look. for storage, saving some interesting d u e to the fact
tal<e up a lot of space in the space in the t e n t a n d that is really suited for it's
tent, whilst still storing a improving comfort of function but does not have
h u g e variety and a m o u n t of carrying f o o d around. the conventional look of a
objects. typical folding stool.
Name of Cun holger Wooden table

Picture of

Consideration I t hink t h a t this p r o d u c t The appe ranee of this In m y opinion, the product is not This f o o d storage box is not Even t h o u g h there are m a n y
of Innovation is not very u n i q ue as it pr oduct is very unique as, very unique as it is very com m on very innovative as it is just different variations of this
has quite a simple even t h o u g h there are m a n y and popular for camping. O n the another storage u n i t o f a product, I think t h a t this
design t h a t is quite products t h a t have the same other hand, I t hm k t h a t 1t 1sa similar design and particular one is quite unique
c o m m o n for products function as this product, this very g o o d pr oduct to have so the appearance to other as it has an unconventional
like this. However, even is one of a k i n d d u e t o it popularity of it is understood. products of this kind. T h e look to it- it h a s a nor m al sized
t h o u g h it is quite having a n original, b r i g h t only t h m g t hat makes this top but the legs are rather
Also, the w o o d e n look gives it a
common, I think it's a colour and interesting shape. product original is the short.
bit of originality f r o m other,
very useful p r o d u ct a n d In addition, this particular cup compartments t hat allow
plastic tables of his sort. Using
makes camping time holder is different f r o m others the steel frame makes the for m or e stability and
easier for everyone- only as it can h o l d several plastic product m or e innovative as sturdiness for a w i d e range
o n e structure is required cups at once, n o t j u s t a few. these structures have recently of produce.
for everything a n d not entered the marl<ets.
m a n y little ones.

Materials and
The frame of this
pr oduct is made for
This particular cup holder is
made of polypropylene. No Change
The table and stool tops are
m ade of fir-
This p r o d uc t is made from
a strong a n d t o u g h plasic
T h e main, w o o d e n structure of
this pr oduct is made of ash
acrylic The to
All of the content on this page represents a valid response the contextual challenge J l
pr oduct as it resists impact of the table is made of steel, able structure to store material, the product is strong,
However, the and has a g o o d water and , a n y products and resist t o u g h a n d sturdy allowing for
drawers must be m ade chemical resistance- perfect ructure a m o r e weight. In addition, a safe ;t m I
of a self lubricating for this product as it will n o t . T h e legs are is material is very light t o . The blue fabric is
plastic to make sure t h a t damage w h e n in contact wit made of aluminium, 1ake sure t hat t h e overall polyester,
they c a n b e taken out liquids. In addition, it is a ligh e sit does roduct, w h e n full, is not d strong material
and put back in easily, material, improving comfort ot add to the overall weight too heavy to allow for more ideal for a folding stool t hat
w i t h o u t g e t t i n g stuck for the user that is carrying it n d it is corrosion resistant, comfort and ease w h e n m a y b e affected by many
acrylic does not m eet 1eaning it does not get easily carrying the product. se ditions like
this requirement. A amaged- perfect for being rai . Steel screws ·e used to
plastic t h a t w o u l d b e utside in different weather tt.. c the wood.
ideal for this is nylon. conditions. hese particular screws are
eal for this product as they
dre corrosion and wear

Sustainability Not very sustainable due Polyp opJlene is an easily This product h a s a h i g h level of Not very sustainable as this hrs product is sustainable as
to acrylic b e i n g very recyclable material. It is also sustainability as all of the material scratches very all of the componenets are
brittle a n d damaging very versatile, strong a n d has materials included, w h e n treated easily and can be damaged strong and do not d1mage
easily. Not easily g o o d resistance to water and correctly, are t o u g h a n d resist really quickly. Th m ter a ·1y. However, only some of
recyclable, not chemicals therefore it will n o t wear very well. All of the s very r ne able as it is the components can be
renewable. damage easily and this components are easily recyclable made from renewable recycled and renewed.
product will last a l o n g time. and renewable resources. 4-
Product Analysis:
Product analysis is a very important process t h a t must occur before designing and manufacturing a specific product. T h e m a i n purpose of this process is to fully
understand w h y the pr oduct is made and who it is being made for, so t hat it c a n b e produced meeting all of the specifications and ticl<ing all of the boxes for the target
audience. Furthermore, it is im por t ant to understand all of the processes involved in the manufacture of the desired product before the actual production, so t h a t there
are no surprises and little difficulties along the way- product analysis allows for this to happen. Finally, the process of analysing is needed to compare the particular
pr oduct to other products of the same k i n d t o check how innovative it is a n d to make sure it stands out from the others, so that y o u a r e n o t just making another one of
the same product, this allows for h u g e income and popularity for different companies.

How these products can improve the experience of people attending a festival:

This storage u n i t improves festival experience as it increases storage space of a t ent for people t hat a r e c a m pin g at the festival to
a t t e n d m or e t h a n o n e d a y. It allows for everything that's required dur ing a festival to be stored in one place safely and securely.

This cup holder can improve the experience at a festival as it allows for m a n y drinks to be carried and stored at once. It allows for one
person to get several drinl<s and increases comfort a n d stability. All of the drinl<s can be stored in one place and carried along easier.

This particular product improves festival experience as it allows the user to store and easily m o v e f o o d from one place to another. It

No Change
l<eeps everything in o n e place and ensures t h a t t h e f o o d is kept fresh and cool.

This pr oduct c aAll

n b eof thetocontent
used on thisexperience,
improve festival page represents
especially athe
valid response
camping aspect to the
of it. contextual
This is because itchallenge
is foldable meaning that it will n o t
tal<e up m u c h space in the tent, b u t it is also very useful as it is a combination of b o t h a table and chairs allowing for portability a n d comfort.

This folding stool w o u l d greatly improve festival experience as it is very light andpor t able, meaning it is easy to carry a r o u n d for
whenever there is a need to sit d o w n a n d relax. It is very stable and comfortable, providing the user w i t h everything t h a t is necessary.

1. If you have ever been camping, how was the experience?

2. Have you ever o w n e d a n y of these products? Were they useful?
3 . W h i c h of these products do you thinl< w o u l d improve camping experience the most? Why?
4. Do you thinl< t hat camping furniture or additional storage space w o u l d improve festivals more? Why?
5 . W h a t could b e added to any of these products to make them even better for festivals?
Summarising the information i collected, many people have been camping and their overall experience was very good. However, there wer e many problems to do
w i t h storage space in the tent, dur ing camping. M a n y of the people I asked, had previously o w n e d the foldable table w i t h chairs. Overall, the table was very useful
and improved the camping experience of many. The product that w o u l d improve camping and festivals the most is the cup holder as it w o u l d b e m u c h easier to
collect drinks and l<eep them all in one place. From the questionnaire I k n o w t hat m or e storage space w o u l d improve camping experience more t h a n furniture as a
lot of camping furniture already exists, whereas storage space must be increased due to the lacl< of it n o w. Even t h o u g h all of these products have proven useful,
m a n y of t hem could be improved even further. F o r example, the storage u n i t could be foldable or the folding stool could have longer legs to improve comfort for
At this stage, I think t hat w h e n I a m designing and manufacturing m y product, I will focus on the storage aspect, however I will t r y t o incorporate it i n t o t h e
furniture involved in order to improve b o t h o f t h e aspects of camping, even t h o u g h many g o o d earning furniture already exist s. 5
Glastonbury: M y O w n Investigation:
Glastonbury is a five d a y festival t h a t tal<es place nea r P i lt o n in Somerset, England.
It is a festival t h a t i s m a i n l y focused on c o n t e m p o r a r y arts, h o w e v e r also hosts
dance, c o m e d y, circus and m a n y o t h e r acts t o o . M o s t p e o p l e at this festival, c a m p
in a t e n t a t o n e o f t h e m a n y campsites t h a t a r e l oc at e d at wall<ing distances f r o m
t h e actual festival. A s the festival is located in the countryside, the terrain
depends on the w e a t h e r t h a t year. For example, in 2 0 1 6 , the terrain w a s very
difficult- lots of m u d at c a m ps ite s, w h i c h m a d e it very difficult for p e o p l e w h o w e r e
arriving, leavi ng a n d e v e n g o i n g f r o m t h e campsite to the festival. All of this w a s
caused due to the w e a t h e r c o n d i t i o n s t h a t year- lots of rain. People of all ages
a t t e n d this festival, e v e n c h i l d r e n , therefore t h e festival h a s campsites designed
especially for those w i t h c h i l d r e n a n d also m a n y activites for t h e m at t h e festival.

This is a 3 day rocl< festival t h a t tal<es place over the A u g u s t bani< holiday. It is
h o s t e d at Little John 's Farm in the centre of Reading. There is one m a i n campsite
at this festival t h a t offers a w i d e r a n g e of places to stay in t h r o u g h o u t t h e p e r i o d
o f t h e t h r e e days. People of all ages are a l l o w e d t o a t t e n d this festival h o w e v e r it
is advised t h a t c h i l d r e n u n d e r t h e a g e of 1 6 d o n ot a t t e n d as it may not be
suitable. There is a quieter campsite available, if c h i l d r e n d o a tte n d . This festival
W e investigated camping
h as m a n y restrictions as to w h a t c a n b e a n d w h a t c a n n o t b e b r o u g h t t o t h e
products to get a real feel for the

No Change
campsite an d the arena. W h e n it comes to f u r n i t u r e lil<e chairs and tables or
c a m p i n g e q u i p m e n t , these objects are a l l o w e d o n t h e campsite, h o w e v e r not in
sizes and use of products t h a t a r e
the actual festival arena. A g a i n , as this festival does tal<e place in a grassy area
actually used dur ing t h e festival
and it tal<es place t o w a r d s t h e e n d of A u g u s t , t h e r a i n m a y cause a very difficult period for camping. D u r i n g this
terrain for t h e peple w h o a t t e n d .
All of the content on this page represents a valid response to the contextual
time, w e set upchallenge
a tent, camping
table, chairs and examined some
existing products such as cups,
plates, bowls, stoves etc. This
Bestival: helped m e to see w h a t sizes
A f our d a y music festival t h a t i s h e l d in t h e s o u t h of England. It h as b e e n h o s t ed camping products have and how
since 2 0 0 4 in t h e Isle of W i g h t , h o w e v e r in 2 0 1 7 , it w a s m o v e d to L u l w o r t h Estate they could be adjusted to fit the
in Dorset. T h e festival tal<es place b e t w e e n late July a n d early August. There are a size of a tent- different foldable
few m a i n campsites t h a t a r e actually organised i n t o colours to give the campsite a
and collapsible techniques. From
m o r e of a festival feel. These campsites are the m a i n choice of a c c om m o d ati o n for
this investigation, I c a n alter m y
the attendees of the festival. In a d d i t i o n t o t h e festival, t h e r e is an e vent
organised especially for children, Camp Bestival, so t h a t , if t h e y c a n n o t a t t e n d
product even further to improve
t h e festival, t h e r e is always a n o t h e r o p t i o n . This tal<es place at the same t i m e as the overall design, to allow it to
the m a i n festival, h o w e v e r it is m o r e of a family o p t i o n . Once again, the fit the specification and theme
conditions o n the campsite and at the festival d e p e n d o n t h e w e a t h e r of the even more.
particular p e r i o d o f time.

This research i n t o typical festivals, where m y product w ou ld b e used, helped as it showed m e w h a t festivals really lool< lil<e and w h a t t h e conditions are lil<e . This
aided m e in the consideration of w h a t m y product must be like as i have to tal<e into account the common conditions that occur, the most common one being
m u d d u e to h u g e amounts of rain in the summer period in England. Due to this research, i l<now that m y prodcut must be made from weather and wear resistant
materials so that they d o n t damage or rot dur ing t h e period of a few days at a festival. This product also has to be quite light a n d portable as festival campsites
are a walking distance away from the actual arena. My product will have to be adjusted to mal<e sure that it c a n fuction well even in very m u d d y conditions. In
addition, i thinl< t ha t i could incorporate an aspect for children int o m y product so t hat if they attend a festival they have something to do during the camping
aspect, even t h o u g h m a n y of these festivals also have many activities for the yout h .
I asked 20 people 10 questions regarding
w h a t t h e ideal aspects for my p r o d uc t w o u l d
b e . I asked a b o u t t h e main, most i m p o r t ant
details t h a t must be adjusted to make the Importance of Market Research:
best p r o d u ct to improve storage and Marlcet research is a process t h a t allows businesses to collect all the necessary information t hat makes sure the product or
furniture needs for camping involved in service t h a t t h e company is offering reaches all of the expectations and requirements of the customers. This process is vital
festivals. I s h o w e d the people I interviewed for businesses as it allows t h e m to malce any needed adjustments to w h a t they are selling to make it ideal for the people
similar products and explained the outline of interested. Everything is taken i n t o consideration d u r i n g market research: popular trends, demographics, information
m y product. These are the questions I asked: about competitors and m a n y others. All of this combined allows businesses to create the perfect service or pr oduct t hat
will b r i n g t h e m a xi m u m income to the company itself. A major example of this is lnstagram: it started off as an app called
Questionnaire about m y product: Bur bn however the creators quickly realised t h a t it w o u l d n ' t b r i n g them any pr of it d u e t o similar apps already exisiting.
1. W h a t w o u l d b e t h e ideal material for this product? That is w h e n they decided to re-evaluate their p r o d uc t i n t o lnstagram. Thanks to this process their service has now made


billions of dollars. This shows how importnat the process of market research really is, it shows t hat there is always r o o m for
□ Metal improvement and t hat all factors have to be considered to end up w i t h t h e final, ideal product.
2. W h a t w o u l d b e t h e ideal price?
□ Under £5.00

□ £ 15.00-£25.00
• W o o d • Plastic M e t a l • Und e r £ 5 . 0 0 • £5.00-£I 5 . 0 0 £ I 5.00 -£25.00 Mor e t h a n £ 2 5 . 0 0 • Storage • Furni ture B o t h Children • T e e n a g e r s Adult s E v e r yo n e

□ M o r e t h a n £25.00
3. W h a t should the product b e used for?
□ Storage
□ Furniture
4. W h o should this product b e aimed at?
□ Children • H ardw ood • S o f t w o o d M a n u f a c t u r e d b o a r d • U p t o I year • 1• 2 yea rs 2· 3 y ea rs M o r e t h a n 3 years ■ Inthetent•Athe campsite • At the fes tival All of th e a bov e • Roc k y ■ M u d d y

No Change
Ory All of t h e a b o v e

□ Teens
□ Adults
□ Everyone All of the content on this page represents a valid response to the contextual challenge
5. W h a t type of w o o d w o u l d b e best suitable for this product?
□ Hardwood

□ Manufactured b oard ■ Yes • On ly in some cases No ■ Cam p ing shop s ■ Furn itur e sh op s Sup e rmark ets A ll of the ; , b o v e

6 . H o w l o n g w o u l d y o u usethis product for?

□ Under 1 year
□ 1- 2 years
□ 2- 3 years
□ M o r e t h a n 3 years
7. In w h a t location w o u l d this product b e used?
□ In the tent Overall, from the people I asked, camping experience is very good. Unfortunately, some problems do occur if the weather
□ At the campsite
□ At the festival conditions are not too good. Most of these issues appear due to the terrain b e i n g rough- m u d d y, as a cause of h u g e
□ All of the above amounts of rain. These conditions malce camping m u c h m o r e difficult d u e to camping products get t ing damaged very
8. To w h a t terrain does this product have to be suited? easily and not being able to function in the correct manner. If the conditions are good, camping and festival experience is
□ Rocky great, however products have to be made to suit all condit ions, whatever the weather m a y be.
□ Muddy D u e to this, w h e n designing and manufacturing m y product, I will make sure to make adjustments t hat will allow the
□ Dry
pr oduct to b e used in any terrain conditions. A h u g e p a r t of this will bemalcing sure t h a t t h e materials and components
□ All of the above
9. Should this product have foldable parts? used are water resistant, wear resistant and have a h i g h sustainability.
□ Yes Furthermore, from the inf or m at ion t hat I collected thanks to the questionnaire, I thinl< t hat m y product will b e m a d e from a
□ O n l y in some cases combination of w o o d a n d metal to allow for a polished and nice appearance a l o n g w i t h a s t r o n g and sturdy str u ct u r e. Also,
□ No I think t h a t m y product w i l l b e m a i n l y focused on im pr oving storage needs for camping, but this will beincor porat ed i n t o a
1O. In w h a t shops should this product b e available?
□ Camping shops piece of furniture or camping equipment. D u e to this, b o t h furniture a n d storage needs will b e i m p r o v e d to mal<e camping
□ Furniture shops and festival experience as g o o d as it can be, in all weather conditions. W h e n actually producing m y product, I will make
□ Supermarl<ets sure t h a t all o f t h e aspects of it are ideal to make sure it reaches all of the specifications and requirements.
□ All of the above However, this is only m y initial t h o u g h t at this stage and this m i g h t change over time.
The p a t h that I have decided to go d o w n is furniture W h e n d o i n g this research, I w e n t b y m y initial thoughts about
a n d storage, to improve the overall comfort of w h a t product I w o u l d like to manufacture. However, during
camping at festivals. I have chosen to go d o w n this the actual design process, my idea changed so n o w , some of
r o u t e as there is a lack of products of this type that c::= =========================:::::a thetoresearch thatI did is useless. For example,I will n o t have
use hinges for my product as I have replaced them w i t h a
provide comfort. M y a i m is to create a product that
will fully improve camping and festival experience. different folding mechanism.
Technologies involved:
Materia l Choices: i w o u l d lil<e my product to b e foldable to allow for
The chosen material for m y product is w o o d and, depending on w h a t easier portability. In order to achieve this, i must
I make, there m i g h t b e some metal or plastic aspects to the overall incorporate hinges i n t o m y product.
structure. In m y opinion, the best type of w o o d to use for this type of
pr oduct is h a r d w o o d as most of the hardwoods are durable and
o But t hinge: h i n g e type that is most commonly
strong- allowing for a strong a n d sturdy piece of furniture:
used for doors and most pieces of furniture.
o Beech: a h a r d w o o d t h a t is g o o d for furniture as it is h a r d a n d W h e n used indoor, the material used for these
tough. It is also ideal for a portable piece of furniture as it is not a hinges is steel, however w h e n fitted o n t h e
too heavy material- easy and comfortable to transport. In addition, exterior, they w o u l d b e made from either brass
it is a strong a n d abrasion resistant material. or stainless steel- to avoid corrosion.
o Butterfly hinge: h i n g e type that m a y b e used
o Elm: a material t h a t is perfect for camping furniture as it is
for storage boxes or furniture too, especially
conditions durable
t hat m ainy owater, w h i c ht is
c c u r during h eideal for theperiod-
festival weathermainly rain. w h e n the h i n g e will b e visible- adds a nice
If metal aspects are included, for example: if I decide to make a finish to the overall product. They come in
camping table, the legs may be made from metal. different shapes and colours to add to the
The metal that could be used is: overall aesthetic.
o Stainless steel: an alloy of mainly carbon, i r o n a n d chromium.
Due to the fact t h a t t h e metal is a composition of elements, it
make it a better and stronger material, w h i c h makes it g o o d for
the legs of a heavy table. This material is also water, corrosion
and wear resistant meaning t hat it will n o t damage easily, even
No Change
All of the content on this page
due to the weather conditions t h r o u gho ut t h e period of the
represents a valid response to the contextual challenge
A plastic t h a t w o u l d w o r k very well for this type of product is:
We a t h e r p r o o f i n g :
o Polypropelene: a thermoplastic t h a t h a s v e r y g o o d properties
There are many ways of weather pr oof ing w o o d . T h e three main ways are by
for plastic containers or drawers, especially those w i t h built in using: oli, sealant or a w o o d stain. For all of these methods, the first step is to
hinges. This material resists worl< fatigue very well- works well prepare the surface t hat is g o i n g to b e treated by sanding off any impurities, ie:
under h i g h pressure and does not damage easily. It is strong and dirt, cracl<s or bumps on the wood. Next the first coat is applied and allowed to
t ough, however it scratches easily meaning t h a t it does not have a dry. This is repeated w i t h a s ec ond and t h i r d coat. The w o o d / product is t hen
very h i g h sustainability, w h i c h could be a downside to using this given time to cure before being ready to use.
product to produce parts of m y product.
Cu p sizes:
Anthropometrics: If I decide to mal<e a cup holder, w h i c h is one of my main ideas, I will have to
Theaverage l e n g t h of l<nee to ankle w h e n sat d o w n is ar ound 4 0 c m ,
this w o u l d have to be considered if mal<ing a table and the average
adjust the cup holes to the average sizes of plastic cups t hat aretal<en I
c m p i n g . Thecups that I decid_ed to lool< i n t o have a c pacity of 250ml, a top
size of an adult's h a n d is 20cm. Depending on the product I mal<e, I diameter of 6.8cm, a b o t t o m diameter of 5cm and a height of 9.5cm. I will ... -= .
will have to research i n t o this and m u c h m or e data to mal<e sure that have to make sure I take this i n t o consideration if a cup holder ends up
m y product is ideal for the target audience and fits all of the being m y final idea.
measurements perfectly to allow for higher levels of comfort.
Collapsible Techniques:
For a camping product to b e effective, it must be foldable or collapsible, to allow for a smaller size w h e n transporting or for storage. In
addition, this provides m o r e comfort and ease w h e n carrying the product. There are many various mechanisms t hat allow a product to b e
collapsible to improve the overall experience of camping involved in festivals for anyone t hat is in possession of these products. W h e n
creating m y product, I will manufacture a product t hat folds or collapses to effectively reach the success criteria.
In response to the contextual challenge of im pr oving the experience of people at t ending a festival, i i n t e n d t o make a product t hat focuses on the camping aspect involved.
Specifically, i w i l l focus on the furniture a n d storage aspects of camping to improve comfort a n d spacial needs for everyone. I will t r y m y b e s t to make sure to incorporate
storage needs i n t o camping furniture to improve the a m o u nt of space available and to allow for everything required to b e in o n e safe and compact place. This product will b e
small, portable a n d w i l l reach all of the specifications required.
o It should reflect the theme of festivals to fit the specification of the overall topic.
Product Specification: o It should be very easy to transport and carry to allow for better comfort a n d ease in portability.
o It should be simple yet effective to have a more appealing finish.
Research Findings:
o It should be easy to use to appeal to a wider audience.
• My product h a s to reach all of the
requirements to answer the topic
o The product should improve the storage needs of camping and festivals to m e n d any gaps in the availability of certain products.
question fully a n d fit t h e festival theme. o It should also improve the comfort of camping to make the whole experience better.
• The product h a s to b e suited to the o The product should be a combination of furniture a n d storage to optimise camping experience to the fullest.
harsh weather conditions t hat m a y o The product must be collapsible and foldable to make sure that space is used efficiently.
occur d u r i ng t h e festival period. User Requirements:
• A m ixt ur e of materials w o u l d make the o The user must be able to fit this product i n t o their tent comfortably to improve the space efficiency.
best suited p r o d uc t for this situation. o The user must be able to use this product not only inside the tent b u t also outside at the campsite to allow the product to have a higher
• T h e price of the p r o d u ct should not versatility.
exceed £25 and it m i g h t b e even less, o The user must be able to comfortably and easily transport this product from o n e place to another.
o The user must be able to use this product for more than o n e year to save money and improve renewability.
depending on the product.
• T h e p r o d u c t must be foldable to allow Performance Requirements:
o The product must be quite small to not take up too much space in the tent.
for better portability a n d space
o It must be made of water, chemical and wear resistant materials to resist any damage from weather conditions. The materials must also
efficiency. have a h i g h sustainability.
• It must be m ade f r o m weather and wear o The product must be foldable and quite lightweight to allow for portability a n d easier transportation.
resistant materials to allow for a higher o It must be adjusted to suit various terrain a n d weather conditions as these may vary during the festval time.
sustainability and longer usage. Material and Component Requirements:
• The product must meet all of the o The material used for these products must be durable, light b u t strong, weather and chemical resistant to allow for higher sustainability
anthropometrics of the average adult. and prevent any damage from occurring.
Problem: o The main components that will b e i n c l u d e d i n t o m y p r o d u c t will behinges- preferably b u t t hinges made of stainless steel .
Existing camping furniture a n d storage is o D o w e l joints will also be included so I will have to use ready made, standard sized dowels for my products.
quite big a n d consumes too m u c h space in Scale of Production:
the tent. o The product w o u l d b e mass produced- there has to be a h i g h availability of it at peak times of camping, however continuous production is
Design Brief: unnecessary due to camping and festival equipment only having a h i g h popularity in certain times of the year.
Design and manufacture a product t h a t o The initial product will only b e a o n e off prototype, however it could then b e developed to produce something full time, mass produced.
will improve the general space and Cost:
o The cost of the product should not be too h i g h to appeal and be available to the majority of people interested.
comfort requirements of camping involved
o In my opinion it should cost no less than £ 1 0 but should not exceed the price of £25.
in festivals.
User: o The product should have a very h i g h sustainability so that w h e n it is purcahsed, it can be used for more than o n e consecutive year. This
My pr oduct will b e a i m e d at people who w i l l allow for a better cost efficiency as, if the product really appeals to someone and meets all of their requirements, there will n o t b e a
decide to a t t e n d a festival for a few days need of buying a n e w o n e each year.
and stay at one of the m a n y campsites o It has to be made from sustainable materials to ensure that t h e product does not damage easily, not only w h e n it is being used but also
provided. w h e n it is being stored for further usage.
o It will have to resist various weather condtions as it is mainly used during a period of time where the weather varies massively.
o The product must be made from recyclable and renewable materials so that w h e n it is not being used any more it can be processed to
manufacture new products that a r e in higher demand at that time, this will help the environment.

M y product specification is colour coded i n t o four categories: Measurable, Technical, Justified from Research, and Sustainability to show m e
exactly w h a t I have to do to reach all of the requirements and specifications of the design brief.
Brief & Specification
This slide would need to reflect that a proof of concept outcome is being produced
rather than a prototype.

Level 3, bullet point 2 in the NEA – Marking Criteria for 1.2 Specification states:
‘Fully developed range of specification points that are realistic, technical and
measurable, based on a fully relevant investigation of research in relation to the
contextual challenge’

Consequently, the relevant Specification points in a learner’s NEA portfolio will still
need to be measurable if a proof of concept outcome is produced rather than a

As an example, some Specification points in the original portfolio could be amended

For ‘Form’
Bullet point 2: It should be modelled to be very easy to transport and carry to allow for better comfort and ease in portability
Bullet point 4: The proof of concept should show it is easy to use to appeal to a wider audience

For ‘Function’
Bullet point 4: The proof of concept must show that the product will be collapsible and foldable to make sure that space is used efficiently

For ‘User requirements’

Bullet point 1: The proof of concept must show that the user will be able to fit this product into their tent comfortably to improve the space
Bullet point 3: The proof of concept must show that the user is able to comfortably and easily transport the product from one place to another

For ‘Performance requirements’

Bullet point 1: The proof of concept must show that the product is quite small to not take up too much space in the tent
Bullet point 2: The final product must be made from water, chemical and wear resistant materials to resist any damage from weather conditions,
the materials must also have a high sustainability
Bullet point 3: The proof of concept must be foldable and the final product also quite lightweight to allow for portability and easier transportation
Bullet point 4: The proof of concept must show that the final product can be adjusted to suit various terrain and weather conditions as these may
vary during the festival time 12
,-l a{1½\t \ t
- h \ Y \ t)

Update 5
The learner has
lVv()made comments about material selection here and on subsequent pages.
The NEA – Marking Criteria for 2021 assessment has not changed for 3.1a Manufacture – selection of materials, and therefore the assessment evidence should
!' still relate to the intended prototype.

The learner has made comments about material selection here and on subsequent pages.
The NEA – Marking Criteria for 2021 assessment has not changed for 3.1a Manufacture – selection of materials, and therefore the assessment evidence should
still relate to the intended prototype.
The learner has made comments about material selection here and on subsequent pages.
The NEA – Marking Criteria for 2021 assessment has not changed for 3.1a Manufacture – selection of materials, and therefore the assessment evidence should
still relate to the intended prototype.
The learner has made comments about material selection here and on subsequent pages.
The NEA – Marking Criteria for 2021 assessment has not changed for 3.1a Manufacture – selection of materials, and therefore the assessment evidence should
still relate to the intended prototype.
The learner needs to review their design ideas against the specification points set out earlier in the portfolio. It would therefore be expected that the first
column of the table in this example would be consistent with any changes to the specification points outlined earlier on the Brief and Specification slide.
This page is colour-coded to m at ch the points o n
the specification. The criteria t h a t I have colour
coded it against is: Measurable, Technical, I chose to develop this as my final idea as I feel as
Justified from Research, and Sustainable. t h o u g h it fits the specification points the best. It
is foldable, portable a n d improves the comfort of
h o l d i ng drinks the most. It combines b o t h
storage and furniture to improve the camping
experience to the fullest. However, there are still I have decided to make the top par t of m y
a f ew things t h a t need to be improved to make product- the actual cup holder of three layers to
this product even better suited for it's function. improve strength a n d the appearance of the
entire product. T h e m i d d l e layer w o u l d b e t h e
thicl< layer of the w o o d that t h e pr oduct is being
m ade out of. However, the top and b o t t o m layer
I w i l l a d d a handle to improve comfort of
w o u l d b e t h i n layers of nice-finish w o o d to a d d
carrying the product around. This handle will
a n overall nice appeal to the product.
b e curved to fit the anthropometrics of the
average h a n d a n d to improve the grip whilst
transporting the product. This w o u l d b e o n t h e
side of the top par t so t h a t w h e n the product is
fully collapsed, the handle is at the top. This is w h a t m y product w o u l d look

In m y prototype, the leg w a s towards the back of the

product d u e to it not fitting b e t w e e n the c u p holes.
No Change lil<e w h e n folded- the top w o u l d fold
f or war d to the leg to form a small,
compact shape w h e n folded. This will
All of the
However, for m y actual product, I w o ucontent
l d like theon
to page relates to the prototype, as it will need to for improve
2021 assessment.
space efficiency and comfort
b e in the centre of the product, inbetween the t wo
w h e n transporting the product.
side cup holes. This w o u l d balance the product out
more, improving stability.

I will a d d m a g n e t s to b o t h
t h e underside of the top
par t a n d t h e t o p of t h e leg
to make sure that, w h e n the
pr oduct is folded, it will n o t

open up w h e n it shouldn't.

In addition to m o v i n g the leg back i n t o t h e middle, instead of having o n e supporting To improve ease of p u t t i n g t h e
piece, I w o u l d have to have two supporting pieces on each side of the leg. I w o u l d product i n t o t h e ground, I will a d d a
have to put a d o w e l o n each side of the top circle and on each side of the leg so t hat foot hole i n t o t h e l e g o f t h e
t h e supporting pieces can fit in exactly. They w o u l d b e removed w h e n folded and structure, this w o u l d b e suited to
put bacl< in w h e n set up. the anthropometrics of the average
foot size of an adult, meaning the
To conclude, I have made these adjustments to m y idea to improve the overall aesthetic of hole w o u l d b e 5 c m x 10cm.
the product a n d also how useful it is. Thanl<s to these changes, the product is better suited 15
for its function a n d will improve the experience of camping dur ing festivals even further.
No Change
All of the content on this page relates to the prototype, as it will need to for 2021 assessment.
Both, on the b o t t o m of t h e t o p part
This is w h a t m y whole, finished product w o u l d look like. a n d o n the leg, I attached a small
It is a cup holder that w o u l d improve the comfort,
piece of wood. From this, I outlined
storage and furniture of camping involved at festivals. As
another, t h i n piece of w o o d to make
a result, it w o u l d improve the general experience which sure that it fits perfectly w i t h i n t h e
is the question of this topic. The b o t t o m of the leg is small blocks, to securely support the
sharp to allow for it to b e put i n t o t h e g r o u n d easier. To top part in place to make sure that it
improve even further, I w o u l d c u t o u t a rectangular piece stays at a right angle to the leg. I also
in the leg for more support whilst p u t t i n g t h e product did this to make sure that the product
i n t o t h e ground. In addition, I w o u l d a d d magnets to doesn't fold w h e n not being held up.
make sure the pieces are securely held together w h e n For m y actual product, this w o u l d b e
the product is folded. This allows for the specification to made from a stronger material to add
be met as the product is durable and allows for higher extra support. For m y actual product,
sustainability- can be used for more than o n e year. this piece of w o o d will n o t b e
necessary as the top of product will b e
secured by magnets b o t h w h e n folded
a n d open. This fits the criteria as it
This is the mechanism that I will use to attach the top of
allows the product to b e stable w h e n
m y product to the leg. I made this by drilling a hole in a
being used and ensures that t h e
piece of w o o d t h e n curving o n e side of this to allow for a
product does not open w h e n folded,
more smooth movement w h e n the leg is folded. This was
w h e n it is not required to open.
then attached to the top of the leg. I then drilled a hole in
two smaller, curved pieces of w o o d a n d alligned these
w i t h t h e drilled w o o d o n the leg. I put a piece of wire
t h r o u g h this and secured it using some hot glue. The flat
sides of the smaller pieces of w o o d were then glued to
the b o t t o m o f t h e t o p part to complete the w h o l e
construction. Thanks to this mechanism, my product
meets the specification by being foldable to allow for
more efficient storage- takes up less space w h e n stored.

I experimented w i t h t h e angles for the cup holes

for my actual product b y setting the fret s a w to a
different angle and cutting the hole from the
inside. I tried this w i t h t w o different angles to see
whic h o n e w o u l d b e better. However, I'm not sure This is w h a t the top of m y product w o u l d look like. Initially, I was g o i n g to have
w h a t the actual angle of a plastic cup is so to carry 4 cup holes, then I decided to have 3 cup holes and a handle to improve.
this out accurately for my final product, I w i l l have However, after making the prototype a n d seeing w h a t the product w o u l d
to investigate the angle of an actual cup. This actually look like, m y idea changed to only 3 holes- I couldn't make a handle
meets the specification and brief by allowing the due to there being n o more space on the b o t t o m where I could attach the leg.
cups to fit the holes perfectly and being stored Even though, I already had to adjust the amount of cup holes, I still h a d to
securely for the client. move the leg to the front o f t h e product instead of the middle. W h e n I make
my actual product, m y concept may change again as the product will b e much
bigger and the ratio of the size of the large circle, compared to the cup holes
will belarger meaning I probably will b e able to move the leg back to the
middle. The holes w o u l d b e cut o u t at a n angle to securely h o l d t h e cups in
place and adjust to their shape. I practiced cutting o u t these holes to get a feel
for how the fret s a w works and how the angle can be changed to h o l d t h e
cups better. This fits the specification by allowing for cups to be stored safely
and securely.
Modelling Development
In the original portfolio, the learner appears to have modelled
potential features, assembly techniques etc using MDF as the
modelling material.

Changes made for 2021 assessment are specifically designed to

ensure that for those candidates who are unable to access a
workshop space, resistant materials or specialist equipment,
they can use alternative non specialist spaces, equipment and
materials in order to create and develop models.

If the learner is producing a proof of concept outcome rather than a prototype, it is unlikely that they
will have access to a workshop and therefore they may not be able to undertake modelling with a
manufactured board, as is the case in this example portfolio. They may therefore be able to model
aspects of an idea using an alternative material, for example, cardboard; with some similar structural
features (i.e. flat, rigid, etc)

The learner could still develop the idea further through sketching also, as per the previous slide in the
original portfolio, where they have sought third party opinion.

On the next slide in the original portfolio, the learner also chose to generate virtual models to meet the
requirements of bullet point 2 in 2.3 Development of design ideas into a chosen design. All of the
content in the development section should continue to relate to the intended prototype.
The top part- the cup holder will b e m a d e of three
Using the C A D pr ogr am of SolidWorks has allowed
layers: a middle, thick piece of w o o d a n d a b o t t o m
m e to create an accurate m odel of m y final
a n d t o p layer of thin, nice-finish w o o d . This will
product. This m odel shows the structures t hat will
give it a stronger, m or e durable structure but also
b e created, the materials t hat will b e used and the
a better, m or e aesthetically pleasing appearance.
p r o p o r t i on if t h e sizes of all of the individual parts.
This helps by a l l o w i ng m e to create all of the parts In addition, the edges of it will b e curved to give it
individually a n d assembling t hem to see the final a nicer finish and to get rid of any safety hazards.
outcome. Due to this program, I a m able to view
The cup holes will b e a n g l e d to fit the average
the pr oduct f r o m different views and make any
shape and size of plastic cups. These cups have a
changes depending on w h a t h a s t o b e altered. This
capacity of 250ml, a top diameter of 6.8cm, a
give a real feel of w h a t t h e product w i l l b e l i k e .
b o t t o m diameter of 5cm and a height of 9.5cm. The
angle of the hole will b e
W h e n manufacturing this product, I will screw a t h i n
O n t h e t o p part, either on the b o t t o m o r o n t h e
plate of metal o n t o t h e t o p of t h e l e g so that, if it is
side, there w i l l b e a magnet. W h i c h will attach to a
quite difficult to p u t t h e product i n t o t h e gr ound, I c a n
m a g n e t on the leg. In addition, there will b e a
usesom et hing to hit it i n t o t h e ground. I w o u l d a d d a
m agnet on the other side, w h i c h w i l l attach to the
plate of metal to make sure t hat t h e w o o d doesn't get
metal plate o n top of the leg part.
damaged and to make sure t hat t h e overall structure is

No Change
m o r e durable and sustainable. The handle will b e curved in four
Instead of having three cup holes, the product different places to fit the grip of
will consist of two cup holes and one bigger hole the hand. This w i l l improve the
There will b e a f oot h o l e towards towards the b o t t o m of to fit a b o w l o r a bottle. This is to ensure a higher
All of the content on this page relates to the prototype,
t h e leg to allow for better ease and comfort w h e n p u t t i n g
as it will need to for 2021 assessment. grip, ease and comfort of
versatility of the product- it can h o l d drinks but carrying the product as it will b e
t h e pr oduct i n t o t h e ground, where it will spend most of its also snacks. This improves the usefulness of the a t t h e top, w h e n folded, so it can
time d u r i n g t h e festival period. T h e size of the hole will b e pr oduct but also the comfort for the user- easily be transported.
5 c m x 1O cm because t h a t is the average w i d t h a n d h e i g h t everything c a n b e h e l d in o n e place.
of t h e f r o n t o f t h e foot- it will fit t h e anthropometrics of the
The spike w o u l d b e made frome metal.
average f oot size of an adult- the client of this product.
Originally, it will b e m a d e from two parts: the
spike and the t h i n plate. However, I will j o i n
t hem by soldering so t h a t h t h e full structure
This is the structure t h a t will b e a t t a c h e d to the f r ont o f t h e l e g a t t h e top. T h e top of this w h o l e construction- the actual can be screwed o n t o t h e b o t t o m of t h e leg.
cup holder will b e a t t a c h e d to the flat sides of the smaller parts of this mechanism. The three parts will n o t b e glued
together but attached by d o w e l t hat w i l l g o t h r o u g h t h e middle to allow for the smaller parts to move- so t hat t h e w h o l e
pr oduct c a n fold. T h e b i g ge r, middle par t h a s a curved edge to allow for the product to fold m o r e smoothly.

All of the parts will b e s t r o n g l y j oined either by

brazing, dowels or glue to make sure t hat t h e
whole construction is very sturdy and safe to
use to avoid any damage. Furthermore, any
w o o d e n parts will have to be weat her pr oof ed
in order to make the pr oduct m or e durable
and sustainable so t hat it c a n b e used for m or e
t h a n o n e consecutive year, w h i c h is o n e of the
main points of the success criteria.
No Change
All of the content on this page relates to the prototype, as it will need to for 2021 assessment.
2 1

R10.1 4

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No Change
All of the content on this page relates to the prototype, as it will need to for 2021 assessment.

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A 0

Folding Table Finish: Designed by Components/Materials:

Varnish Julia Michniowska Pine, stainless steel, dowel
SOLIDWORKS Educational Product. For Instructional Use Only.- - - - - - - - . .

L 1
Form This pr oduct would improve festival experience
o It should reflect the theme of festivals. as it would allow the user to safely hold their
o It should be very easy to transport and cups w h e n n o t being used. In addition, it would
carry. be securely held in the g r o u n d t hanks to the
o It should be simple yet effective. spike and will be at the correct level to use
o It should be easy to use. comfortably. However, to reflect the t h e m e
more, a layer of acrylic could be a d d e d t o t h e t o p
t o a d d s o m e colour.

Function Thanks to the h a n d l e a n d the collapsible

o The product should improve the storage mechanism, the pr oduct can b e easily carried
needs of camping and festivals. and transported. It effectively improves the
o It should improve the comfort of camping. comfort of camping during festivals by providing
o The product should be a combination of s t o r a g e f o r cups and o t h e r necessities involved in
furniture and storage. camping.
o The product must be collapsible and

Sustainability All of the materials and c o mp o n e n t s used are

o The product should have a very high sustainable. Stainless steel d o e s n o t corrode,
sustainability. allowing for no d a m a g e w h e n in contact with
o It has to be made from sustainable w e t , u n d e r g r o u n d conditions. T he w o o d will be
materials to ensure that the product does treted with a varnish to make sur e it is
not damage easily. w e a t h e r p r o o f e d a n d d o e s n o t d a m a g e w h e n in
o It will have to resist various weather
condtions. contact with rain or humid air.
o The product must be made from recyclable
and renewable materials.

Performance requirements In order for the product to carry out its function
o The product must be quite small. properly, it has to be q u i t e big. W h e n u o p e n , the
o It must be made of water, chemical and pr oduct will be q u i t e big, however, it is foldable
wear resistant materials.
o The product must be foldable and quite
lig htweig ht.
o It must be adjusted to suit various terrain
allowing for saving s p a c e w h e n transporting
o n c e folded the pr oduct will not take u p too
much space as it will only be the thickness of two
layers of w o o d .
The learner has produced a review of the final idea using the specification points created earlier in the portfolio. The marking criteria for 2021 assessment have
and weather conditions.

not changed for and

Materials 2.5component
Review of chosen idea. Therefore
Hinges oritd owould
w e l jointsbe anticipated
will no longer b e used, that the first column of the table in this example would be consistent with the
however stainless steel screws will be used to
The material used for these products must
changes the candidate
join the metalwould
plate o n t omake
t h e w o oto
d e n their
leg. Thespecification relating to the proof of concept.
overall product consists of many c o mp o n e n t s
be durable, light but strong, weather and
however the overall w e i g h t will not be too high
chemical resista nt.
o The main components that will be included as the materials used are all quite lightweight.
into my product will be hinges.
o Dowel joints will also be included.

Scale of production The prototype t h a t I will make, will only be a one

o The product would be mass produced, off production. However, if the product w a s ever
continuous production is unnecessary due to be industrially pr oduced for the public use,
to camping and festival equipment only mass production would be used to lower costs
having a high popularity in certain times of an allow for high availability during the camping
the year. and festival season. In addition, different
o The initial product will only be a one off
variations of the pr oduct could be m a d e to
prototype, however it could then be appeal to a wider audience.
developed to produce something full time,
mass produced.

Cost Cheap, recyclable, locally sourced materials will

o The cost of the product should not be too be used for this pr oduct so, if it was to c h a n g e into
high to appeal and be available to the somet hi ng full time, the cost wouldn't b e too
majority of people interested. high. However, to create such a product with
o In my opinion it should cost no le ss than many components, the cost of production
E1O but shou ld not exceed the price of would be quite high so the price wouldn't b e too
Manufacturing Log
The original portfolio included a two page manufacturing log, which documented the
making of a prototype using appropriate specialist materials, tools and equipment, in a
workshop environment, typical of previous series. For the Summer 2021 assessment, the
changes will ensure candidates unable to access the same provision, will be able to produce
a proof of concept, and capture comparable evidence, which we have exemplified over the
following slides.
Level 4, bullet points 1 and 4 in the NEA – Marking Criteria (2021 only) for 3.1b Manufacture
– skills and processes state:
‘Produce a prototype or proof of concept that demonstrates fully competent making skills’
and ‘Demonstrate a sustained high degree of safe working practice for self and others
when making the prototype or proof of concept’
Over the following 6 slides, we have exemplified a proof of concept being manufactured
using commonly available tools and equipment for a home environment/non specialist
environment, which includes the use of corrugated card, a ruler, a craft knife, a kitchen
cutting matt, PVA glue, a screw driver and a screw, a pencil and a protractor. Photos were
taken on a mobile phone. The text in red relates to safe working practices.
Please note that Level 4, bullet point 2 in the NEA – Marking Criteria (2021 only) for 3.1b
Manufacture – skills and processes states:
‘Fully considered selection of fixtures, components and fittings, which are entirely
appropriate for the intended prototype’
For the above criterion, the learner’s assessment evidence must relate to the intended
prototype in all cases and cannot relate to a proof of concept outcome. It is therefore
anticipated that the learner would have generated assessment evidence for the above
criterion at same time as they generated evidence for 2.3 Development of design ideas into
a chosen design. This is evident in the earlier slides relating to development.
Please also note that Level 4, bullet point 3 in the NEA – Marking Criteria (2021 only) for
3.1b Manufacture – skills and processes states:
‘Fully competent demonstration of tools, equipment and techniques required for the
manufacture of the intended prototype’
For the above bullet point, the learner’s assessment evidence must relate to the intended
prototype in all cases and cannot relate to a proof of concept. It is therefore expected that
the learner will provide further information about the tools, equipment and techniques
required for the manufacture of the intended prototype in the their own manufacturing log,
This has been included in blue text in this example.
Testing and Evaluation
In the original portfolio, the candidate conducted their testing
through the use of the prototype they had made. For 2021
assessment, candidates can use their proof of concept in place of
a prototype, which will allow them to conduct a valid but scaled
test on the made outcome.
Level 3, bullet point 1 and bullet point 2 in the NEA – Marking
Criteria (2021 only) for 4.1 Testing and evaluation state:
‘Fully developed analysis of the prototype or proof of concept
developed in response to the contextual challenge, taking into
account the end user and product specification, and showing a
fully considered approach to testing against measurable criteria’
and ‘Effective evaluation of the prototype or proof of concept,
taking into account the intended purpose of the of the product,
including its sustainability through a life cycle analysis and
drawing fully appropriate conclusions from testing against
measurable criteria’

For this exemplar portfolio, the candidate had produced two pieces of testing which continue to be valid,
an analysis of the made outcome against the specification criteria, and an interview with the target
market using the made outcome. Both of these will remain valid for 2021 assessment where they use the
proof of concept in place of the prototype.
In the case of physical testing, we have exemplified how a proof of concept can be used to test some of
the ‘Performance requirements’ from the specification. This includes its ability to stand, fold and hold
drinking glasses. The learner would need to subsequently refer to this testing and the outcomes in the
Evaluation; however, as the learner has not been able to use the intended materials (due to not being
able to access the workshop), the learner can still give justified reasons as to why made outcomes and
their anticipated materials would be suitable for the solution as part of the Evaluation.
Form: In m y opinion, for this specification point, t h e requirements have only been partly met. T h e p r o d u c t To improve the achievement of this specification poin, t some colour co u ld b e added to m y product to
o It should reflect the theme of festivals . is very easy to use due to its simplicity, however the overall product is quite u n iqu e a n d serves to be reflect the theme of festivals more. At the momen, t the wh o l e product is wo o d e n w i t h metallic
o It should b e very easy to transport a n d carry . effective very well. Thanks to the handle , w h e n folded, the product wi l l b e v e r y easy to carry a r o u n d elements so does not really portray t h e f u n a n d brightness of festival s. To fix this problem, I co u ld a d d
o It should b e simple yet effective. from one place to another. In addition, transportation wi l l n o t b e a p r o b l e m as this p ro d u ct w o u l d a colourf ul acrylic detail to the top of m y c u p holder to not only reflect the entertainment of festivals
o It should b e easy to use to appeal to a wid e r audience. only take u p a small a m o u n t of space due to its folding mechanism. but also to add to the durability a n d resistance to weather conditions- the acrylic w o u l d serve as a
protective layer to the w o o d underneath. Furthermor,e I co u ld laser cut the name of a festival on top
of this.

Function: The criteria is fully m e t for this specification p o i n t as the p ro d u ct t h a t I have made, the cup holder is A n extra hole or indent could b e added to h o ld m o re t h a n j u s t cups. However, to achieve this, the
o T h e p ro d u ct should improve the storage needs of ca m p in g and festivals. a clever co m b in a t io n of b o t h f urniture a n d storage. Thanks to this function, it efficiently improves wh o le of the top p a r t w o u l d have to be increased , wh ich w o u l d then increase the we igh t of the
o It should also improve the comf ort of camping . the comf ort of ca m p in g by providin g a product t h a t helps to store drinks w h e n they are not neede, d overall cons truction .
o The p ro d u ct should b e a combination of f urniture a n d storage. in addition, m y p ro d u ct does this b o t h safely and securely, ensuing the user that this is a fantastic
o The p ro d u ct must be collapsible and foldable. p ro d u ct to choose for the festival time. In addition, this prototype h a s a folding mechanism to allow
for the user to maximise space efficiency in their tent b u t also in their c a r w h e n being transported.

User Requirements : Thanks to the folding mechanism, w h e n m y p ro d u ct is folded, it does not take u p too m u c h spaceso A cover co u ld b e added to the spike to improve the safety of transport ation. In additio,n I could make a
o The user must be able to fit this p ro d u ct i n t o their t e n t comfortably. it w o u l d definitely fit comf ortably i n t o a tent. W h e n first designing m y ideas, I had a completely removable p a r t t o p u t o n t o t h e b o t t o m of t h e spike, t h a t w o u l d a c t as a le,g a llo win g t h e customer to
o The user must be able to usethis p ro d u ct n o t only inside the tent b u t also outside at the campsite. different p ro d u ct in m i n d t h a t is w h y it w o u l d b e used outside and inside. However, the p ro d u ct t h a t use this product inside their t e n t if t h e weather conditions do not allow t h e m to b e elsewhere.
o The user m u st b e able to comf ortably a n d easily transport this p ro d u ct f r o m o n e place to another. I have n o w m a d e is only really suited to be used outside. Nevertheless, it still carries out the required
o The user m u st b e able to usethis p ro d u ct for m o re t h a n oneconsecutive year. function . j ust doesn ' t have such a h i g h versatility . In addition, as this p ro d u ct folds in t o a t w o layer
structure, there is n o problem w i t h transporting it- it is not too l o n g a n d t h e thickness of it allows
the client to easily put in things a ro u n d it. Thanks to the sustainability of the materials and components
, this p ro d u ct wi l l n o t damage after o n e use- it wi l l allow the customer to use it for m o r e than one
consecutive year.

Performance Requirements: From my p o i n t o f view, the p ro d u ct is of a sensible and effective size. It is not too small, allowin g the
o The p ro d u ct must be quite small . client to use it comfortably, but it is not too big, allowin g t h e customer to transport a n d carry it w i t h

o Jt must be made of water, chemical and wear resistant materials. ease. All of the materials used are resistant to water a n d chemical but , to reinforce this even more, a
o The p ro d u ct must be foldable a n d quite lightwe ight. varnish wi l l b e a p p l i e d to protect t h e product f rom a n y extreme external conditions . The w o o d will
o It must be adjusted to suit various terrain a n d weather condition. b e t r e a t e d however the stainless steel, used for the plate a n d the spike, is already resistant to b o t h
water and chemicals, so w h e n it is put in t o t h e ground, it will n o t corrode or rust, improvin g the
overall sustainability of the product. A t first, the spike was meant to be straight. However, I decided
to make the modif ication of twisting it to make sure it w o u l d suit variuos terrain conditions. B y
twisting it clockwise in t o a thread, it conforms w i t h t h e idea of twisting righ t t o b e placed in the

ground. Thanks to this adjustment, the user is able to use the product in dry a n d h a r d g r o u n d
terrains. In addition, to support the idea of go in g in t o t h e g r o u n d easily, I created an iroko foot stop
instead of a hole in the leg to allow the user to easily p u sh the product in t o t h e g r o u n d w i t h their
foot, if a higher force is required . This works better t h a n t h e foot hole as the block is securely
attached and wi l l n o t damage the w o o d that it is attached to, w h e n force is applied.

Here the learner has critiqued the prototype against the original specification points. It would be expected that the first column of the table would be consistent
Material a n d Component Requirements:
o The material used for these products must be durable, ligh t b u t strong, weather and chemical
The material involved in m y prototype a re pine, stainless steel and iroko.
Pine: a fast g r o wi n g sof twood, m e a n in g there is a h i g h availability of it, w h e n required. In
A m o r e sustainable and durable material co u ld b e used instead of p in e to improve the general being
of the product a n d its sustainability.In addition, I co u ld a d d some acrylic pieces to reflect the theme

o with any changes to the specification points for 2021 assessment, and discussion would focus on the proof of concept.
res istant.
Them a i n components t h a t will b e included i n t o m y p r o d u c t wi l l behinges- preferably b u t t hinges
addition, these conifers g r o w n in sustainable forests and are locally sourced, w i t h a relatively
low price.
lroko: a h a r d w o o d t h a t is extremely strong a n d durab,le a d d in g to the overall f unction of the
m o re and allow the product to really s h o w the fun a n d bright colours involved d u r i n g festivals . This
w o u l d allow t h e product to stick out f r o m other camping products to show t h a t it is used for ca m p in g
d u r i n g t h e festivals period d u e to this, it w o u l d fit i n t o t h e surroundings m o re and improve the
m a d e of stainless steel .
o D o we l j o i n t s wi l l also be included s o I w i l l have to use ready mad,e standard sized dowels for m y product. versatility of the product.
pro duct s. Stainless steel : an alloy t h a t resists corrosion very well a n d c a n b e heated and shaped to fit the
needed requirement.
In addition, t h e standard components of dowels and stainless steel screws are used to h o l d t h e
product parts together to lead to reaching the criteria. Magnets or other mechanisms are also
required to h o l d together the parts, w h e n the p ro d u ct is folded.

Cost: Due to the low price of the materials used, the overall cost of the product will n o t b e t o o high. Pine,

o The cost of the p ro d u ct should not be too h i g h t o appeal a n d b e available to the majority of people the m a i n w o o d of m y product, is locally sourced, reducing transportation costs and its actual price is
interested. also relatively low. Only minimal amounts of other materials are used- stainless steel and iroko s o
o In my o p in io n it should cost no less t h a n £ I O b u t should not exceed the price of £25. their u s e w i l l n o t a d d h e a vily to the overall cost, even t h o u g h they are o n the m o re expensive side of
thing s. However, the cost of electricity required to p o we r the machinery used d u r i n g t h e production
process, may cause this price to rise a little . In addition, the d o we l a n d screws used are standard
components so m o n e y is saved on not h a vin g to manufacture these. In my opinion, the overall cost
w o u l d n o t exceed £25, taking i n t o account the labour involved, the materials and components.

Susta inabili ty : This prototype w o u l d definitely b e able to b e used for m o re t h a n o n e consecutive year. Festivals or A case co u ld b e manuf actured to protect the product w h e n it is not being used. It w o u l d protect the
o The p ro d u ct should have a very h i g h sustainability s o t h a t w h e n it is purchased, it can be used for camping trips only last a few day, s maybe a week so the product w o u l d n o t damage. All of the product f r o m contact w i t h other products and various w eather conditions, to avoid any unnecessary
more than one consecutive year . materials and components have a h i g h sustainability d u e to being resistant to certain conditions damage f rom occurring.
o It has to be m a d e f rom sustainable materials to ensure t h a t t h e p ro d u ct does not damage easily. and their overall durability. Thanks to the wax and steel's resistance to corrosion, this p ro d u ct w o u l d
o It wi l l have to resist various weather condtions as it is mainly used during a period of t im e where resist any of the weather conditions t h a t m a yo c c u r d u r i n g t h e festival period, w h e n weather varies
the weather varies massively. massively. All of the involved materials and components are fully recyclable so w h e n it can·t b e used
0 The p ro d u ct must be made f rom recyclable and renewab le materials so that w h e n it is not being anymore, the overall structure ca n b e renewed i n t o something t h a t is at a higher demand.
used any m o r e it ca n b e processed to m a n u f a ct u re n e w products t h a t a r e i n higher demand at t h a t

Scale of Production: The product t h a t I have m a d e n o w , is only a o n e off prototype. If this product w a s t o ever be
o The p ro d u ct w o u l d b e mass produced -there h a s t o b e a h i g h availability of it at peak times of produced industrially, for the use of the general public, the scale of production w o u l d b e mass as
camping. there w o u l d have to be a h i g h availability of this product at peak festival times- May to September.
o The initial p ro d u ct will only b e a o n e off prototype, however it co u ld t h e n b e developed to However, continuous production is unnecessary due to there not b e in g h i g h d e m a n d for camping
p ro d u ce something full time, mass produced . products all year round.

This was a crucial step in the evaluation of my product as I had to see if the aims that I set for myself were fully accomplished. Before hearing the opinion of others, I had to reflect u p o n wh a t I think I achieved and wh a t h a d failed and could be improved
Analysing my prototype against my spec ification allowed m e to see the points that I have achieved and showed me what amendments wo u l d have to be made to improve the versatility of my product even more. Most of the specification points were fully
met, but still may require some modifications. These sh ou ld be considered if the product was to ever be produced on an industrial scale. Overall, my product reaches the brief a n d specification and the modifications that I have decided to mention, are part of
my reflection on wh a t cou ld be done better.
I conducted a 10 question questionnaire to 10 members target audience- adults and people w h o attend festivals a nd/ o r g o camping, to f i n d o u t their opinion about m y
pr oduct as a whole. This has allowed m e to see w h a t w e n t well a n d w h a t could be improved to allow m y pr oduct to fit the specification more. This really showed m e w h a t
the customer thinks a n d whet her or not this is an effective product to use for camping d u r i n g festivals.
Summary of Results:
The overall response from the questionnaire was very positive as most of the people th at I asked agreed on
1. Do you think t h e overall aesthetic is unique? Yes/No the ffectiveness and overall aesthetic of my product. O n e of the customers t o ld m e t h a t ,,the product is very
2. Is the product suited to the target audience? Yes/No unique a n d stands out from others th a t a r e m a d e for the same use". Everybody agreed th at t h e product is
3. Is the price of £25 reasonable Yes/It should be l o w e r / I t should be higher well suited to the target audience of adults and festival goers. The m a i n query was the price of the product as
4 . D o y o u thinl< it meets the specification p o i n t f ully? Yes/Partly/No some t h o u g h th a t ,,the simplicity of the product requires a lower price" whereas others said that ,,the time,
w o r k a n d a mo unt of components put i n t o t h e product, deserve a m u c h higer price t h a n 2 5 pounds." Most
5. Does the pr oduct reflect the festival theme well? Yes/No
agreed th at t h e specification was met, however the only propblem w a s h o w far the festival theme was
6. Do you think t h e materials used are effective? Yes/No reflected- the function w o u l d definitely improve the festival experience but some colour or l o g o should be
7 . W o u l d this pr oduct catch your attention in a shop? Yes/No added to reflect the festival theme more. All the people that I asked had the same opinion o n h o w the
8. Is it well suited to its function? Yes/No product w o u l d interest th em a nd most t h o u g h t th at t h e materials used were effective due to their durability
9. Does the folding mechanism worl< smoothly? Yes/Partly/No a nd sustainability. From the resukts, I gathered th at t h e product reaches its desired function but the folding
mechansim could b e designed better to a l l o w for perfect working. Most of the people w o u l d recommend the
10. W o u l d y o u r ecom m end this product? Yes/No
product a n d fr o m o n e of the people th at I questioned, I heard that ,,the product is extremely effective and I
w o u l d definitely try it out for myself and recommend it to others."



• Yes • No Update
• Yes ■ No
• Yes

• It should be more • Yes • Partly No

Here the learner has critiqued the prototype with the target audience. It would be expected that the proof of concept would be discussed with the target It should be less

audience in place of a prototype for 2021 assessment.

Wf. i l l EFFECTIVE? SHQl2 f.1llicrl.QN7

20% 30%

• Yes No Yes • No ■ Yes ■No • Yes No


------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::


■ Yes Partly No • Yes • No

L i f e Cycle Analysis:
A life cycle analysis allows m a nufacturer s to analyse the s u stainabi l i ty a n d t h e effect o n th e e n v i r o n m e n t o f th eir p r o d u c t b e g i n n i n g a t t h e e x t r a c tio n o f its r a w materials a nd fin is hing a t its
disposal. By c r e a ti n g a life cycle analysis for m y p r o d u c t , I a m able to s e e h o w sustainable the p r o d u c t is a n d w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e overall c o m p o s i t i o n is e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y friendly.
► Raw Materials:
Pine is locally sourced and fast g r o w i n g so whenever it is needed, there is a h i g h availability of it. It grows in a sustainable forest meaning, w h e n trees are cut d o w n , more are planted so the availability of this
s o f t w o o d is constantly renewable. Furthermore, p i ne is cheap so planl<s of it can be b o u g h t in bull<, still providing a n overall low cost. That's why pine is the m a i n material of m y product.
lrol<o is a slow g r o w i n g h a r d w ood, m e ani ng it takes a longer a m o unt of time to b e available. Unfortunately, the price of this w o o d is quite h i g h b u t its sustainability and vitality to the product, deminishes
this issue. It is sourced fr o m Africa m e a ning it has to b e transported, w h i c h adds to the greenhouse effect t h r o u g h t h e production of pollutants fr o m exhausts of planes or release of oil from ships.
Unlil<e, the previous t w o , stainless steel has to be made due to it being a n alloy. T h e raw materials of stainless steel are: i r o n ore, chromium, silicon, nicl<el, carbon and nitrogen to create an alloy w i t h a
combination of all of the properties. D u e to it being made up of so many elements, the manufacture of stainless steel has some environmental and financial issues. The extraction of metals contributes
massively to the greenhouse effect by g i vi ng off h ar m ful gases such as carbon dioxide. In addition, this is also very expensive me aning the overall cost of the raw materials for my product increases.
Finally, the standard components of d o w e l a n d stainless steel screws are included in m y prototype. These are ready made, decreasing the n eed for specialist machinery, allowing more time a nd money to do
other things. In addition, the use of standard components reduces the damage to the environment on the manufacturers part.
► Manufacture:
M y product h a s m a n y parts and components m e aning a lot of w o r k h a s to b e done to mal<e all the separate structures and assemble everything i n t o t h e final piece. D u r ing the manufacturing process of my
prototype, many different machines and techniques are used. If this product w a s to b e manufactured on an industrial scale, the heavy use of electricity th r o u g h th e machinery w o u l d contribute massively to
the greenhouse effect t h r o u g h the release of various elements and factory fumes. In addition setting up the machinery that is required and maintaining it, brings along some h i g h costs that have to be dealt
w i t h . However, once the production line is set up, the mass production of the product w o uldn't b r i n g t o o many further costs. Mass production allows for automation, w h i c h decreases the labour costs and
improves the continuity of the production. Furthermore, this product tool< some time to manufacture so using specialist machinery w o u l d reduce the time taken and improve the efficiency of the product.
► Packaging:
D u r i n g the production process, I didn't really think about the pacl<aging of my product, but if it were to be sold to the general public, the ideal packaging w o u l d probably be corrugated cardboard, reinforced
by polystyrene on the inside. This w o u l d a l l ow the product to b e impact resistant and protect it from a n y unnecessary damage. In addition, cardboard is a very cheap component, allowing to keep the overall
price of the product to a minimum . Furthermore, a case could b e produced for the product to a l l o w t h e user to comfortably transport it from o n e place to another w i t h o u t a n y damage being done and
demisihing the need of carrying the box around. This could b e made fr o m a strong fabric to ensure durability a n d safety of the product.

No Change
D i s t r ib u ti o n:
If t h e product w a s to b e produced on a wider scale, it w o u l d b e distributed locally at first, to decrease the damage to the environment t h r o u g h pollution. If th e product w a s manufactured locally and only
distributed in the local area, the distance th at w o u l d have to be travelled and the amount of trucks/ cars th at w o u l d have to be used to transport the product, w o u l d b e kept to the minimum. There w o u l d b e
less vehicles being used, m e aning less fumes released t h r o u g h exhausts, leading to less h a r mful elements being released i n t o t h e atmosphere. Even t h o u gh, global w a r ming is a daily occurrence, this w o u l d
Here the learner has conducted an LCA for the prototype. It would be expected that the planned prototype would be discussed for 2021 assessment, though
a c t slightly to reduce the damage t h a t c o uld b e done. Furthermore, this w o u l d reduce the cost of vehicles as less w o u l d b e used. However, based on the popularity of the product, if it w o u l d ever reach a
w o r ld w id e scale, th en unfortunately m o r e damage w o u l d b e d one t h r o u g h t h e use of ships and aeroplanes.
► Use:
elements of proof of concept discussion may aid the student in some instances relating to fabrication and materials.
As m y specification states, the p l a n for t h e product is to be used for more t h a n o n e consecutive year. This is achieved t h r o u g h t h e durability a n d sustainability of m y product.
T h e m a i n material of m y product, pine, is a n extremely sustainable s o f t w o o d dues to being g r o w n in sustainable forests. In addition, it is very stiff, durable and strong meaning it w ill n o t damage after being
used. However, it is not very resistant to water, w h i c h is a problem as the product w o u l d b e used d u r ing th e festival period, w h e n various weather and terrain conditions are present. Fortunately, there is a
solution to this problem- the w o o d c a n b e waxed, w h i c h not only protects it from various external conditions but also gives it a more appealing aesthetic.
lroko, a h a r d w o o d is also included. This w o o d is very strong a nd h a r d meaning it resists any force th at is applied and does not breal< under the pressure. In addition, it is shock resistant so if any external
conditions were to act u p o n it, it w o u l d remain in perfect state. Furthermore, this h a r d w o o d is resistant to water a nd chemicals so the unexpected conditions of festivals w o uldn't affect it too much.
The material used for the plates and spike of m y product is stainless steel. This is a durable and non- corrosive material. This is ideal as this part of th e product w ill b e pla c ed i n t o t h e g r o u n d so it cannot
damage w h e n in contact w i t h t h e moist conditions of the soil.
The fo ld ing mechanism and dowels used are made of pine so the same conditions and sustainability apply. Furthermore, the screws are stainless steel so w ill n o t damage d u r ing th e time the product is being
Thanks to all of this, the overall sustainability of m y product is extremely h i g h as all of the components are durable and will remain in their original state throughout use.
► Disposal:
This product is fully recyclable. After reaching its use limit, t h e w o o d e n aspect of this prototype w o u l d b e sawed d o w n to b e remanufactured i n t o something at a higher demand d u ring th at time. The old
parts w o u l d b e changed i n t o something w i t h a n e w function to a l l o w for t h e satisfaction of the target audience. The screws could b e reused to serve a better purpose w i t h i n a different product. Stainless
steel contains valuable raw materials such as chromium and nickel, therefore, w h e n the product is recycled the break d o w n of t h e stainless steel becomes very economically viable. However, the
decomposition of these materials t h r o u g h t h e use of machinery contributes to the greenhouse effect via harmful elements being released t h r o u g h factory fumes. This unfortunately harms the environment
but reduces the need for n ew materials to be extracted, by reusing old ones, w h i c h w o u l d have had an even worse effect on the environment. Thanks to all of the parts being made from recyclable materials,
the p r oduct is overall environmentally friendly a nd safe to use for anyone.

F r o m m y research, I can see t h a t m y overall product is extremely sustainable and will n o t damge easily due to being made of very durable materials and components. Unfortunately, d u e to stainless steel
b e i n g involved in the production of m y prototype, many environmental issues occur th at contribute massively to the greenhouse effect. However, this effect is not th at major due to there only being a small
a m o u nt of stainless steel and steel components being used in my product. On the other hand, if this product w a s to b e produced on an industrial scale, these consequences w o u l d have to be taken in to
consideration and alternative pathways w o u l d have to be taken to reduce this h a r m to the minimum.

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