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Submitted by: Qasim Ali

Submitted To: Ma’am Mariyam Sarwar

Subject: Sociolinguistics

Reg No: 70111179

Section: B

Department: Bs English Language and literature

Date: 20-10-2022

Assignment No: 1st

Difference between Regional, Social and Ethnic dialects?
 Linguistics varieties which are distinguishable by their vocabulary, grammar
and pronunciation.
 A dialect can be of a particular district (regional dialect), a class (social
dialects) or a group of people (ethnic dialect).
 Dialects are different from accents in that accents are only about
pronunciation whereas dialects include difference in pronunciation,
grammar and vocabulary also.

 In Pakistani we have Pakistani dialects and in Arabic we have another
dialect. Within theses dialects we have different accents.

Difference between Types of Dialects

1. Regional Dialects:
 Each region is characterized by its regional variety.
 This linguistics variation may be phonological, lexical or even syntactic.
 A geographical area is then generally associated with a certain accent,
vocabulary and perhaps also grammar.
 The boundary between a regional variety and another is usually indicated
by geographical distance and nature barriers like mountains, rivers and

 To opposed to a national dialect, a regional dialect is spoken in one
particular area of a country
 Shina is a language which is spoken in northern areas of Pakistan (Gilgit).
It has around 500,000 speakers in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral in Pakistan,
and also in parts of Kashmir. The it spoken in the valleys of Hunza Astore,
Chilas, Darel, Tangir, Gilgit, Ghizer, Gurez, Drass, Juglot Valley, Drotte
Palas, Kolai and Kohistan.
 Dialects include Gilgiti, Astori, Chilasi Kohistani, Drasi, Gurezi, Jalkoti, Kolai
and Palasi. Gilgiti is the prestige dialect.
2. Social Dialects:
 A social dialect that varies according to the speaker’s social class.
 In contrast to a regional dialect, a social dialects is a variety of a language
spoken by a particular group based on social characteristics other than
 The speaker’s social standing, status, or the respect within community.
 The definition of class depends on the society speakers belongs to. So,
the speaker’s socio-economic level will affect the way they speak.
 Factors Effecting the social dialects are social class, Education, Caste,
Gender, age, profession and religion also.

 However, a sociolect's main identifier is a socioeconomic class, age,
gender, and ethnicity in a certain speech community.
 An example of a dialectal difference, based on region, is the use of the
word’s soda or pop and coke in different parts of the United States.

3. Ethnic dialect:
 A subgroup variety of a language that is associated with a particular
ethnic group is termed an ethnic dialect.
 African-American Vernacular English is considered by some to be an
ethnic dialect, or ethnolect, of English. It is a variety of English spoken by
people of African American heritage in the United States.
 In US the two most widely studied ethnic dialects are African-American
Vernacular English (AAVE) and Chicano English (also known as Hispanic
Vernacular English).
Each place on this earth has its own unique qualities, culture and customs. In
addition, different locales have their own languages and frequently their own
dialects. Language and dialects reserve the unique cultural elements of a given
place. As per individuals travel more frequently, they exchange goods and ideas.
Thus, the coming together of cultures has become easier and more
commonplace. In the age of globalization, one may argue that language acts as
a barrier to communication. Individual dialects may divide people even further.
However, dialects express the unique qualities of a specific region. Dialects are
important for international business and the overall well-being of our world.
And as like Many cultures use different words or pronunciations for the same
thing. Unique pronunciations help give a culture its identity. Many times, exact
translations are impossible. For example, one language may have a specific
word for something, while another does not have something. If each language
were identical with the same set of words and pronunciations, cultures would
lose their identities.


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