Project (Data Base)

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PROJECT IDEA :Hotel manegement System


A hotel manegement system is a fundamental component of hotel operations,

encompassing various entities and attributes to facilitate the booking process, manage
reservations, and ensure a seamless guest experience. Here's an
overview of how a hotel manegement system works based on the provided


BookingID: A unique identifier for each booking.

ReservationID: An identifier linking the booking to a specific reservation.

GuestID: Identification of the guest associated with the booking.

CheckInDate: The date when the guest is scheduled to check in.

CheckOutDate: The date when the guest is scheduled to check out.

Status: The current status of the booking, such as confirmed, pending, or


CreatedByUserID: The user responsible for creating the booking.


GuestCompanionID: Unique identifier for each guest companion.

PersonID: Identification of the person accompanying the guest.

GuestID: Identification of the guest associated with the companion.

BookingID: The booking to which the companion is linked.

CreatedByUserID: The user responsible for creating the companion entry.

CreatedDate: The date and time when the companion entry was created.


PaymentID: Unique identifier for each payment.

BookingID: The booking to which the payment is linked.

PaymentDate: The date and time of the payment.

PaidAmount: The amount paid.

CreatedByUserID: The user responsible for processing the payment.


PersonID: Unique identifier for each person.

FirstName: The first name of the person.

LastName: The last name of the person.

NationalNo: National identification number of the person.

Gender: Gender of the person.

BirthDate: The date of birth of the person.

Address: The address of the person.

Phone: The contact phone number of the person.

Email: The email address of the person.

NationalityCountryID: Identification of the person's nationality country.

PersonalImagePath: Path to the image of the person.


ReservationID: Unique identifier for each reservation.

ReservationPersonID: Identification of the person associated with the

RoomID: Identification of the room reserved.

ReservationDate: The date and time when the reservation was made.

NumberOfPeople: The number of people included in the reservation.

Status: The current status of the reservation.

LastStatusDate: The date and time of the last status update.

CreatedByUserID: The user responsible for creating the reservation.

CreatedDate : time when the reservation entry was created.


RoomID: Unique identifier for each room.

RoomTypeID: Identification of the room type.

RoomNumber: The number or identifier



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