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Diagnosis of leukemia

Acute lymphoblast Acute myeloid Chronic Chronic myeloid

leukemia(ALL) leukemia(AML) lymphoid leukemia(CML)
RBC: decrease (anemia) RBC: decrease RBC: decrease RBC: decrease
CBC PLTs: decrease (anemia) (anemia) (anemia)
(thrombocytopenia) PLTs: decrease PLTs: decrease PLTs: decrease
WBC: increase with (thrombocytopenia) (thrombocytope (thrombocytopenia)
neutropenia WBC: variable nia) WBC: increase
WBC: markedly granulocytes (N, E,
increase B)
RBC: normocytic, RBC: normocytic, RBC:
Blood normochromic normochromic normocytic, WBC:70%
film WBC:90% WBC: 90% normochromic granulocyte with
lymphoblasts, are seen Myoblasts are seen. WBC:70% myeloid series
10% prolymphocyte, 10% mature cell (N, abnormal 30% myeloblast.
lymphocyte. B, E) and band form lymphocytes
with smudge
cell (rupture of
Acute lymphoblast Acute myeloid Chronic Chronic
leukemia(ALL) leukemia(AML) lymphoid myeloid
leukemia(CLL) leukemia(CML
Normal bone marrow Having at least 20% In people with
Bone contains 5% or less ALL
blasts in the marrow CML
In leukemia, abnormal blasts
marrow constitute between 30%- or blood is generally The bone
90% or 100% of bone required for a marrow is often
marrow. diagnosis of AML hypercellular
Spinal tap
If bone marrow examination normal range of blast because it is full
confirms ALL, a spinal tap count is 5% or less. pf leukemia cells
(lumber puncture) may be (specially
performed. a sample of CSF myelocyte)
fluid with leukemia cell is a
sign that the disease has
spread to the nerves system.
In most case of childhood
Leukemia cells are not found
in the CSF (cerebrospinal
Cytochemistry Cytochemistry Cytochemistry Cytochemistry
Special 1)Acid Phosphatase and
cytochemical stain:
1) Sudan black stain: stains
2)Immunophenotyping cytochemical
test PAS (periodic acid
Schiff)) cytochemical
phospholipids and
lipoproteins present in (CD marker) to
stain monocytes and granulocytes differentiate between:
(SBB)POSITIVE. B lymphocyte (CD ,19, alkaline
2)Immunophenotyping 2) Myeloperoxidase stain: phosphates
20, 21, 22)
tests (CD marker stain peroxidase present in
T lymphocyte (CD 3, 7) (NAP)
(cluster of primary granules of myeloid
cells, demonstrate presence cytogenetic:
differentiation) to of Auer rods (MPO) POSITIVE. in some cases of CLL, cytogenetic:
differentiate between cytogenetic: part of a chromosome Philadelphia
B lymphocyte (CD ,19, are used for genetic analysis. may be missing. this is
cytogenetic testing can detect
chromosome and
20, 21, 22) translocations
called a deletion. BCR-ABL gene
T lymphocyte (CD 3, 7) of chromosomes and genetic the most common This type of test is
abnormalities. deletions occur in parts used to confirm the
-A translocation (8,21) of chromosomes 13,11 diagnosis of CML
For ex, means a part of or 17
chromosome 8 is located on
chromosome 21 and vice
versa (seen most often in
patients with M2
-translocation between
chromosome 15 and 17 (seen
most often in patients with

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