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Role of diaspora in India's development .

The dispersion /spread of people from their original homeland is
known as diaspora.
The Spread of the Indian diaspora done majorly in four waves they
1. During the pre-colonial era ‘where the traders from coastal
communities migrated to present-day south-east nations
2. During the British era; the industrial revolution is at its peak.
colonial masters need people for their work in the plantation sector.
Many Indian labourers migrated to present-day Mauritius Malaya
Singapore etc Among them some migrated voluntarily & some
migrated forcefully by colonial masters.
3. Post-World War era; after the end of World War 2 India gained
independence which resulted in the partition of India into Pakistan
which resulted in the migration and displacement of many people
from one place to another.
During the early 1970s, oil was discovered in the Middle East before
it Middle East didn’t enjoy a significant role in the world economy.
After that middle east nations need more labourers for exploring and
refining crude oil .
The oil industry is a labour-intensive sector and they liberally invited
labourers from the rest of the countries.

4.In the era of globalisation many migrated to foreign for good

education employment and so many other reasons.

India and the Gulf act as great trade partners in the world’s economy.
Traces of India and Gulf trade relations were established for the first
time around 3000 years ago. Ptolemy Philadelphus who was the king
of Egypt sent an envy to the Mauryan court where he gave them some
precious like Indian dogs Indian women etc
After the getting of independence from the colonial masters, India
started establishing relations with the gulf.
When does migration start to the Gulf?
During the early 1970s oil industry was in its boom for they needed
employees because people in the Middle were very scared of its
demand and most Indian workers were semi-skilled and unskilled
which attracted many oil companies in the Middle East.
Hiring of Semi-skilled and unskilled decreases the input cost of the oil


According to ‘World Migration Report 2023’ India has the largest
emigrant population in the world.
As per this report around 9 million Indians were residing in the Gulf
region among it ;
1. around 3.5 million were residing in the united Arab
2. around 9 lakhs were residing in Oman.
3. around 7lakhs were residing in the Qatar.
4. 1.8 million were residing in the Saudi Arabia
5.9.78 were residing in Kuwait.

1. Increases in remittances from the Gulf :
*Remittances from migrants who are working abroad are important
for both families & India’s balance of payment.
As per the ‘World Bank report,’ India receives 125 billion dollars as
remittances from abroad.
*In the case of the Indian emigrants in the gulf most are unskilled
&semi- skilled. They didn’t have good jobs in their places & many of
them were marginalised in different ways like poverty, no proper jobs
poor education low savings no proper health facilities etc.
*once they get jobs in the Middle East which changes a lot of things
like housing, providing a good education to their child & purchasing
power, decision-making power etc .....
2. Developments in the socio-economic and cultural life of people:
*migration from the Middle East brings back a lot of things to
India.Things like hybrid music new food habits dance popular culture
& architectural forms etc...
*This migration adversely affected the families of the migrants. In
most cases, men migrated abroad except in nursing and maids. This
migration impacts the child's mentality like they didn't get the love
and affection father which adversely affects the child's growth.

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