Fantasy Town Oracle

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Richard Woolcock

Figu Design

Ede Laszlo


These oracle tables are designed for solo tabletop This settlement is best described as a...
roleplaying games with medieval fantasy settings. A Market town D Port town
You can use the tables on this page to generate an B Temple town E Castle town
overview of a settlement. If a result doesn’t make C Mining town F Large town or city
sense, switch the two dice (e.g., EA becomes AE),
reroll, or pick a different result. Roll and combine The system of governance appears to be...
two or three Distinctive Features if you wish! A A powerful overlord D A theocratic order
Use the tables on the second page to explore a B Elected officials E Guilds or merchants
settlement: draw and place playing cards in a grid C A royal family F A magocracy
to indicate the main locations of interest. Roll for
a Location Feature for each location you visit. To The populace initially comes across as...
generate NPCs, roll on the Town/City Folk and A Cheerful D Downtrodden
NPC Traits tables. Roll on the Local Events table B Apathetic E Frightened
if you draw a joker or want to spice things up. C Suspicious F Hostile


Roll 2d6 twice (combine “-” into one word)... Roll at least once, or combine 2-3 results... Roll for a major city-wide event if you wish...
AA Angel DA Mist AA -bay DA -hold AA Bribery is common DA Military culture AA Acts of sabotage DA Rampaging monster
AB Azure DB Moon AB -bridge DB -home AB Built on old ruins DB Monstrous laborers AB Aggressive dragon DB Religious festival
AC Bleak DC Night AC -brook DC -march AC Built over an abyss DC Mutated populace AC Arena combat event DC Revolt or revolution
AD Blight DD North AD -chapel DD -perch AD Corruption is rife DD Pervasive magitech AD Civil war or coup DD Rife vandalism
AE Cold DE Onyx AE -cliff DE -point AE Dangerous vermin DE Potent magic source AE Crowning/election DE Riots and looting
AF Crow DF River AF -combe DF -port AF Draconian laws DF Powerful guilds AF Curfew every night DF Ritual sacrifices
BA Dark EA Sigil BA Cove EA -reach BA Eldritch wards EA Rigid social classes BA Draught or famine EA Roving press gangs
BB Drake EB Silver BB -crest EB Rock BB Extensive sewers EB Rival street gangs BB Earthquake EB Seasonal markets
BC Dread EC South BC -dale EC -seat BC Faith in old gods EC Ruled by a tyrant BC Flooded streets EC Sporting event
BD Eagle ED Star BD Falls ED -side BD Goblin underclass ED Sorcery is outlawed BD Icy/slippery streets ED Spree of murders
BE Elfin EE Storm BE -field EE Springs BE Gold buys anything EE Thick black smog BE Jousting event EE Storm or tornado
BF Ember EF Sun BF -ford EF -stead BF Grisly foundations EF Undead sentries BF Magical curse EF Street celebrations
CA Flame FA Talon CA Fort FA -town CA Haunted streets FA Underworld guilds CA Menaced by undead FA Sweltering weather
CB Frost FB Vice CB -gate FB -vale CB Heads on spikes FB Unique architecture CB Military parade FB Under siege
CC Grim FC Wilt CC Harbor FC Valley CC Honor and chivalry FC Vicious politics CC Mourning populace FC Vermin infestation
CD Hex FD Winter CD -haven FD -ville CD Imposing walls FD Vile stench CD Organized protests FD Volcanic eruption
CE High FE Wraith CE -hearth FE -ward CE Lots of adventurers FE Wealth disparity CE Prominent wedding FE Widespread plague
CF Iron FF Wyrm CF Hill FF -wood CF Magic means status FF Xenophobic dogma CF Raging fires FF Witch-hunt
Roll each time you place a location card...
AA Archaic/obsolete
AB Bright/lit
DA Infested/decayed
DB Large/spacious


AD Cold/drafty
DC Locked/secure
DD Messy/filthy
Draw and place a playing card to indicate the main place of interest in this location... AE Cramped/small DE Modern/stylish
A♣ Abattoir/butcher A♦ Barber’s shop A♥ Docks/wharf A♠ Manor house AF Creepy/ominous DF Modest/simple
K♣ Adventurer’s guild K♦ Barracks K♥ Factory/workshop K♠ Market square BA Crowded/busy EA Mysterious/strange
Q♣ Alchemist’s shop Q♦ Bathhouse Q♥ Farrier’s shop Q♠ Park/garden BB Damaged/collapsed EB Obtrusive/distinct
J♣ Almshouse J♦ Brewery J♥ Fletcher’s shop J♠ Potter’s shop BC Damp/flooded EC Overwhelming/vast
=♣ Amphitheater =♦ Bridge/aqueduct =♥ Gallows =♠ Sewers/catacombs BD Dark/unlit ED Protected/guarded
9♣ Apothecary 9♦ Brothel 9♥ General store 9♠ Silversmith’s shop BE Derelict/empty EE Restored/renovated
8♣ Arcane academy 8♦ Candlestick maker 8♥ Granary/warehouse 8♠ Smithy/forge BF Dull/boring EF Scorched/charred
7♣ Armory 7♦ Carpenter’s shop 7♥ Guardhouse 7♠ Stable CA Exposed/open FA Seedy/decrepit
6♣ Art gallery 6♦ Cartographer’s shop 6♥ Guildhall 6♠ Stocks/pillory CB Forbidden/closed FB Shabby/pitiful
5♣ Artificer’s shop 5♦ Castle/palace 5♥ Herbalist’s shop 5♠ Tailor’s shop CC Fortified/reinforced FC Spartan/Utilitarian
4♣ Aviary 4♦ Church/temple 4♥ Jeweler’s shop 4♠ Tavern/inn CD Haphazard/chaotic FD Stocked/packed
3♣ Bakery 3♦ Clerk’s office 3♥ Library 3♠ Theater/stadium CE Haunted/corrupted FE Tidy/clean
2♣ Bank/vault 2♦ Cobbler’s shop 2♥ Locksmith’s shop 2♠ Town hall CF Impressive/grand FF Warm/hot


Roll to generate a random NPC... Roll to give each NPC a defining trait... Roll when a localized event occurs nearby...
AA Adventurer DA Laborer AA Agile/quick DA Happy/jolly AA Accident/hazard DA Injured mount/pet
AB Alchemist DB Locksmith AB Angry/bitter DB Humble/modest AB Aggressive animal DB Large crowd
AC Apprentice DC Merchant AC Bold/daring DC Hurt/sick AC Altercation/quarrel DC Magical ritual
AD Armorer DD Noble AD Bossy/pushy DD Ignorant/foolish AD Ambush or attack DD Military brutality
AE Artisan DE Pickpocket AE Cautious/wary DE Jealous/intolerant AE Arcane duel DE Obnoxious noble
AF Artist DF Priest AF Charming/sweet DF Kind/friendly AF Assassination DF Pickpocket/theft
BA Baker or cook EA Rat catcher BA Chaste/solemn EA Lazy/apathetic BA Barricade/barrier EA Prowling monster
BB Barber EB Scholar BB Clever/wise EB Lustful/lewd BB Broken wagon EB Robbery/mugging
BC Beggar EC Servant BC Cruel/brutal EC Melancholic/sad BC Casualty/tragedy EC Sabotage/vandalism
BD Blacksmith ED Soldier or guard BD Cynical/mocking ED Paranoid/fearful BD Change of weather ED Screaming/shouting
BE Butcher EE Stonemason BE Devout/zealous EE Patient/gentle BE Dangerous magic EE Shocking news
BF Candlemaker EF Street urchin BF Diligent/restless EF Proud/arrogant BF Depraved act EF Spying or prying
CA Carpenter FA Tavern worker CA Discreet/restrained FA Shy/demure CA Dragon in the sky FA Stray dog or cat
CB Cobbler FB Tax collector CB Drunk/stoned FB Slow/clumsy CB Drunken brawl FB Street entertainer
CC Entertainer FC Vagabond CC Furtive/sneaky FC Strong/brawny CC Explosion or fire FC Structural collapse
CD Fence FD Weaver CD Generous/honest FD Vain/pompous CD Fleeing fugitive FD Subtle spellcaster
CE Herbalist FE Wheelwright CE Greedy/gluttonous FE Weak/frail CE Gang confrontation FE Trapped civilians
CF Knight FF Wizard or witch CF Grimy/smelly FF Weird/eccentric CF Horn or ringing bell FF Troublesome youth

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