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Date 2 ne | Geli : g000054642, ps ,46,000/~ Devs 00s grat: ‘skh 5 cioes _ 80/- i SRE SoS BiSaS | Sebi 43 Bove La ee Danse, 80. 30, 2+92/53, wu SarSHr6, ) Sotseo' Heako ee 60S (2% 8 30 00057 Sey e448). SP poucls work Sad BvoBT Ay’ sabsy 37 Sonen’ = ee s8pig, ost. | dyhg omy dxtoed" SAS ees 1,46,000/- (efor es or + e260 08 Scanned with CamScanner Varn 9 WHS) BIN Fry) Haste wou § Rsom) eoboret nt for Delivering the Electronic Services dogZe : by the Authorized Age Declaration 235 be soarypd Sager asta ssn ebayoyss soarsp8 85) wot As Deas gags sarod Seg se eas DOP 7 Te oni output in the form of computer printouls attached herewith is the cone representation ofits original asconained inthe computer systems accessed by me for providing the service. 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Scanned with CamScanner SEBTIFCATE Us 414 42 1¢ ' horoby cortity that the det Ns. — Pay SAct, sane gayi ain ct kona, Bd Bay See ee OSS ae adPhoOsd.. Ae Ser Wd Eloy Ta ued a Scanned with CamScanner TWENTY | RUPEES ee wok a5 BT Wee ANDHRA PRADESH S.No! ate, 1013 Rs: =, fo SR. SATYANAR: Sete 7 at Hopp 29 6vreIH, aS Gangactara Wio_Bibe shor nag *orwheme_g By. LLNo. 2062-092-2015 rome_g Fujaaiie — FLNo, 2002-03-20" « Boge bb tok Bis Tapio Sisto seth Dyeing io bos gh CALICADODA ics wh8 Sige 4d BQoisour wo, 5, 26, 285 daporhe Strdsar cargo Sryos'eo irs, Ss, DAA Dab Ss, sro d® a BIT: Sod Stostyodo BHT SL GoSS ord. Beith ofp BOSS dD OSBS DEAS, Ser She oY sayrodio SabBsodis, of B derod Drrerqrd, BQotSoss srhes mb, divin Tdnat, S5e O88 Sao Sompyreyerbapsao DiSangbts art sreyen Setd Sntoy SOOSEDSE. 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Fowing —— ONGKH dupe fy oa oorir arian) gmaie esc (beni & Bevis) Axio a0.30. 1-86, (Fu FEBE otteo HMorgs. ep Sb0KNE. bBwach 25 PS: | SHIA HER PE, Soe voacks; , | Asso a0.50. 1-41 (UFu POBY, Lotfeo syoshou, en 8608505 Scanned with CamScanner TAN oy. /Py ie 0 gee 20D songto ose SolltS7 | | | Scanned with CamScanner PLAN SHOWING THE OPEN PLOT PLOT FOR REGISTRATION IN SY No.140/A, AT KAMANPUR(VIL), MDL & DIST KARIMNAGAR. VENDOR: KYADASTKUMAR, S/O, POCHAIAH, Rlo.KAMANPUR(VIL),Mdl & Dist KARIMNAGAR + VENDEE: CHINTHAPANDU CHANDU, S/O. THIRUPATHAIH, Rlo.KASHMIRGADDA, KARIMNAGAR (D). ‘TOTALAREAOF THE PLOT a sQYes (OR) 404-148Q.Mos N LANDOFK PRABHAKAR wt TANDOF RAMANA, CIRCILLA TO K.NR ROAD yap : K wf 2 Sh, dls (Sign. of the Vendor) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner SO FUE Wea) Case OlVenicte Yash yl a tema | Be evnnay ns ee aims Ratprmen io, 81n 00 a bon iunnee Laban ‘vm Business ettajtlemeNe, THAN VU teat 1 KASHMIRGADDA : KASHMIRGADDA lot Resente i |CLOL— — viswineis | oanecring rman alga ats | Scanned with CamScanner waste 20 B soogio anys aallt SF §aolotn Gow Sood we Scanned with CamScanner =, (aca ONO ORIG CENCE RO Se antigens ‘oan mane oS ENT easels sarau® ted er fi ooeenees cimotvenie ay NowIrmeged LEW 08122004 aa syst Bae omy a ee ee Scanned with CamScanner 2 gee 20L3. soso arse adlS9:; «4, Seobots dee S000 wnie Scanned with CamScanner

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