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Passing package

Chapter 14. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES ( one five and 2 marks ) 7 marks

1. Distinguish between conductor , insulator and semiconductor based on energy band. (OR)
classify the solids based on energy band.
2. What is meant by doping ? Why doping is required?
3. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor.
4. Distinguish between P type and N type semiconductor
5. What is semiconductor diode ( PN junction diode ) ? Draw its symbol. What is depletion
6. Explain formation of PN junction .
7. Explain PN junction in forward bias .
8. Explain PN junction in reverse bias.
9. Explain VI characteristics of PN junction in forward bias and reverse bias.
10. What is meant by rectification? Explain half wave rectifier with neat diagram and wave form.
11. What is meant by rectifier ? Explain full wave rectifier with neat diagram and waveform.

CHAPTER 3 CURRENT ELECTRICITY ( one 3 marks and 5 marks) 8 marks

1. State and explain Ohm’s law.
2. Give 3 limitations of ohm’s law.
3. What is ohmic and non ohmic devices . Give an example.
4. What is resistance? What are the factors affecting resistance. Define electrical resistivity.
5. Graphical variation of resistivity of conductor (Cu) , semiconductor (Si) and alloy ( nichrome )
with temperature.
6. What is drift velocity? Derive an expression drift velocity in terms of relation time.
7. Derive relation between current and drift velocity. ( relation between current and drift
velocity )
8. Define mobility of electron . Mention its SI unit.
9. Define current density . Give its SI unit. Is it a scalar or vector?
10. Deduce j = E in vector from ohm’s law
11. Define relaxation time. Derive an expression for electrical conductivity in terms of relaxation.
12. Define emf , terminal potential difference. Derive an expression for current in terms of
external resistance.
13. Derive an expression for equivalent emf and equivalent internal resistance of cells connected
in series.
14. Derive an expression for equivalent emf and equivalent internal resistance of cells connected
in parallel.
15. State and explain Kirchoff’s laws.
16. Derive a balanced condition of wheat stone bridge.
CHAPTER 4 MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM. One 2 , one 3 and one 5 marks Total 5
1. Magnetic field due to current loop using biot savart law.
2. Magnetic field due to current carrying straight conductor using ampere’s circuital law.
3. Force between two infinitely long straight parallel conductors carrying current . Hence define
4. Expression for magnetic moment of electron revolving around nucleus.
5. State and explain biot savart’s law .write in vector form
6. State and explain ampere’s circuital law
7. Expression for radius , angular frequency of charge revolving perpendicular to magnetic field.
8. Conversion galvanometer into voltmeter and ammeter
9. Force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field.
a. Force acting on a charge placed in a uniform magnetic field- expression, when it is
10. and minimum.
a. Torque acting on a current carrying rectangular loop placed in a uniform magnetic
b. Lorentz force and expression.

From chapter 1 and 2 total marks 15

1. Define electric potential . Derive an expression for potential due to a single point charge.
2. Derive an expression for potential energy due to two point charges in the absence of
external electric field.
3. Derive an expression for potential energy due to dipole placed in external electric field.
4. What is equipotential surface? Mention its properties. Draw equipotential surfaces due to
single point charges, dipole , like charges and uniform electric field.
5. Arrive relation between electric field and electric potential
6. What are polar and non polar molecules?
7. What is electrostatic shielding . Mention its uses.
8. What is capacitor .? Mention the factors affecting capacitance of parallel plate capacitor.
9. Derive an expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor filled with air ( without
dielectric). Write an expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor filled with dielectric
10. Derive an expression for capacitor connected in series.
11. Derive an expression for capacitor connected in parallel.
12. Write an expression for energy stored in capacitors and explain the terms used.
1. Name the devices used to detect the charge on a body. Mention two method of charging.
2. State and explain Coulumb’s law in electrostatic. Write coloumb’s law in vector form.
Define unit of charge ( 1C)
3. Mention properties of electric charges.
4. Mention the properties of electric field lines.
5. Draw electric field lines for q<0. , q>0 , q1q2 >0 , , q1q2< 0
6. Derive an expression for force due to system of charges using superposition principle.
7. What is dipole ? Define dipole moment. Give its unit and its direction.
8. Derive an expression for electric field due to dipole along its axial line.
9. Derive an expression for electric field due to dipole along its equatorial line.
10. Derive an expression for torque acting on a dipole placed in uniform electric field.
11. State Gauss’s law in electrostatic. Derive an expression for electric field due to uniformly
charged straight wire .
12. State Gauss’s law in electrostatic. Derive an expression for electric field due to uniformly
charged plane sheet.
13. State Gauss’s law in electrostatic. Derive an expression for electric field due to uniformly
charged spherical conductor.
1. Define
a) Work function
b) Stopping potential
c) Threshold frequency
d) Photoelectric effect.
e) 1 electron volt.
2. Mention types of electron emission.
3. Explain Hallwach experiment and Leonard experiment.
4. Write five observations of photoelectric effect.
5. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation. Give Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect.
6. What is photon? Mention its characteristics.
7. Write deBroglie wavelength in terms of velocity, potential and electric field.
1. Draw Geiger’s Marsden ( alpha scattering experiment)experiment set up. Write its
2. Define distant of closet approach and impact parameter.
3. State Bohr’s postulates of the atom.
4. Give limitations of Bohr’s postulates.
5. Derive an expression of total energy of nth orbit of hydrogen atom.
6. Write the expression for radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom and explain the terms
7. Explain deBroglie explanation of Bohr’s postulates.
CHAPTER 6 EMI one two and one three marks Total marks 5
1. State and explain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
2. Define Electromagnetic induction. State LENZ’S law and give its significance.
3. Explain coil – magnet experiment and coil coil experiment.
4. Explain LENZ’S law in accordance with law of conservation of energy.
5. Derive an expression for induced emf produced in conductor moved in magnetic field.
(motional emf)
6. Define self induction. Mention its Si unit and define. What are factors affecting self induction.
7. Define mutual induction. Mention and define its SI unit . What are factors affecting mutual
8. Define an expression for the self inductance of the solenoid.
9. Derive an expression for energy stored in an inductor or coil.
10. What is Ac generator . Mention its principle.Derive an expression for instantaneous emf
induced in Ac generator.
11. What is transformer. Principle . Mention energy loss in transformer.

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