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Ss 2


1. A monitor looks like __________ (a) pencil (b) ball (c) television

2. __________ is the meaning of CUP (a) center processing unit (b) central processing unit (c) circuit
processing unit

3. Computer was invented between _______ and ______ years (a) 1834, 1871 (b) 1833, 1871 (c) 1822,

4. The name of the computer inventor was _______ (a) senoumi hungbeji (b) Charles Babbage (c)
Charles bag

5. Computer is important in the _______ (a) office (b) forest (c) well

6. Computer has different _______ (a) book (b) bag (c) button

7. USB means ________ (a) university serial bus (b) universal serial bus (c) universal sell bus.

8. Thw power button is used to power power ______ (a) on and off (b) on and in (c) on and out

9. CPU is a _________ of the computer (a) hand (b) leg (c) brain

10. CUP is also called ________ (a) professor (b) processor (c) promise

11. Computer is important in the ________ (a) office (b) forest (c) well

12. _________ is the meaning of c. p. u (a) center processing unit (b) Central processing unit (c) circuit
processing unit

13. Another name for the meaning of computer is ________ (a) RUM (b) ROM (c) REM

14. One of the interior part of the system unit is ______ (a) mother board (b) mother book (c) mother

15. CPU is the _______ of the computer (a) hand (b) eyes (c) brain

16. Keyboard is _______ device (a) out put (b) inner (c) input

17. wrist watch is an example of _______ computer (a) hybrid (b) analog (c) digital.

18. Aeroplane makes use of _______ computer (a) analog (b) hybrid (b) digital.

19. An electronic device that accept data and give out information is called ________ (a) printer (b)
computer (c) machine.

20. Calculator is a hybrid computer True/Fasle


1. What is computer?

2. Mention types of computer

3. Give examples (5) counting in the olden days

4. The first computer was invented in which year.

5. Who was the first person to invent computer.

6. What is the full meaning of this C P U _________________________

Civic education

1. Civic education _________ with the right and the duties of citizen (a) fight (b) deals (c) sleep

2. ________ supervise lows and orders in a country. (a) criminal (b) kidnappers (c) police

3. Our right are written in the ______ (a) phone (b) textbook (c) constitution.

4. ________ is one of the element of culture (a) anger (b) language (c) shoe

5. Paying of ________ shows you are a good citizen (a) offering (b) contribution (c) tax.

6. _______ are those benefits we should enjoy as citizen (a) left (b) right (c) bully.

7. _______ is the legal obligation of every citizen (a) rebel (b) terrorism (c) duty.

8. _______ is one of the importance of telling the truth. (a) to enable people to be free with one another
(b) to enable people tell each other lies. (c) to enable people decive one another.

9. The government is responsible for the protection of life and ________ (a) soup (b) properties (c)
school bag

10. We acguire _______ as active citizenship. (a) ball (b) skills (c) goals.

11. It is good to respect our country as citizen True/False.

12. _______ is telling the truth always. (a) honesty (b) politeness (c) truthness.

13. Citizens should always obey the ________ (a) gods (b) law (c) people.

14. _______ are privilege citizens enjoys (a) duties (b) right (c) book
15. The police will arrest people breaks the _______ (a) law (b) right (c) left

16. National development is the duties of every _____ (a) citizen (b) animals.

17. As a citizen, it our right to ______ and be voted for. (a) pray (b) sing (c) vote

18. When citizen do their duties there will be _____ (a) peace (b) fight (c) obey

19. It is good to respect our country as a citizen. True/False.

20. We must obey the _______ (a) threves (b) government (c) angels.


1. What is civic education.

2. List out two duties of a citizen

3. List 5 right of a citizen.

4. Mention 3 people we should respect.

5 it is good to respect our parent True/False.


1. The father is the head of the ________ (a) sun (b) family (c) fire

2. Culture is the people way of ________ (a) death (b) life (c) heaven

3. Our culture must not be ________ (a) forgotten (b) cook (c) fry

4. Culture distinguishes man from _______ (a) man (b) animals (c) flowers

5. These are element of culture except _______ (a) language (b) rebel (c) dressing

6. _______ Is a way of life. (a) music (b) festival (c) culture.

7. food are ______ or _______ substances that gives essential nutrients to the body. (a) soild, stone (b)
liquid, water (c) solid, light.

8. Do you eat together in your family? (a) yes (b) no

9. Carbohydrates gives ______ to the body. (a) energy (b) salt (c) Suger

10. ______ is important to life (a) bag (b) stick (c) food

11. ______ is the head of the family. (a) mother (b) children (c) father.

12. _____ is the way of life of the people. (a) language (b) culture (c) food.
Nutrient help our ______ (a) body (b) stick (c) pencil.

14.______ is important to life (a) bag (b) food (c) eraser.

15. ______ is a carbohydrate food (a) rice (b) beans (c) mango

16. Eating fruits everyday is _____ (a) bad (b) worst (c) good.

17. Diseases run always from our body when we eat ______ diet (a) balanced (b) unbalanced (c) none

18. ______ is a substance in food that promote growth (a) foods (b) nutrient (c) balanced.

19. We should drink ______ while we eat (a) coke (b) guilder (c) water.


1. What is culture?

2. Mention 3 cultural group in Nigeria

3. Mention these culture groups popular food Yoruba ________ Igbo _______ Hausa _______

4. Explain the term "food".

5. Do you eat together with your family Yes/No

C. R. K

1. ______ is mentioned at the end of prayer. (a) teacher (b) church (c) Jesus

2. We worship God in the ______ (a) market (b) Jesus (c) Bush

3. Jesus talked to this father in ______ (a) Nigeria (b) heaven (c) phone.

4. When we pray, we must have ______ (a) money (b) faith (c) phone.

5. After the lord's prayer we say, _____ at the end. (a) yes (b) Amen (c) no.

6. We talk to God through _____ (a) paryer (b) singing (c) dancing

7. ______ lived a life of prayer (a) Daniel (b) Samuel (c) malah.

8. In Thanksgiving prayer, we show _____ (a) gratefulness (b) great (c) gratefulness.

9. Prayer is important. True/false.

10. Confession prayer is a prayer we pray to confess our ______ (a) banking money (b) clothes (c) sins.
11. ______ is important as a children of God. (a) book (b) knife (c) prayer.

12. Our father who at in _______ (a) earth (b) heaven (c) Village.

13. Prayer is a of ______ with God. (a) communication (b) looking (c) eating.

14. When we pray, God _______ (a) answer (b) look (c) see.

15. ______ thought us how to pray. (a) teacher (b) Micheal (c) Jesus

16. ______ answers our prayer (a) God (b) government (c) people.

17. Prayer is important (a) bad (b) worst (c) good

18. We ask _______ for things in prayer (a) family (b) God (c) dad

19. _____ prayer in the bible (a) Jesus, Judas (b) Jesus, Adam (c) Jesus, job.

20. We should pray ______ (a) master (b) God (c) people.


1. What is prayer.

2. Mention types of prayer.

3. Mention 4 reason for praying

4. We connect to God through ________.

5. Mention one thing you have asked in prayer?


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