Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Extramarks

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Body Movements Class

6 science chapter 8
Important Questions
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science chapter 8 Important Questions

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Science is an area of study that deals with the

natural world. Body movement is the eighth
chapter in the Class 6 Science syllabus.
Movement is the body’s change of place or
position from one position to another. Muscles
are tissues that can contract and help in the
movement of other body parts. By moving, you
can strengthen your muscles, improving
stability, balance, and coordination. It also
allows blood to flow. Movements are brought
about by the joint e!orts of the skeletal and
muscular systems.

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Important Questions: Class 6 Science Chapter 8.
These questions in our Class 6 Science Chapter 8
Important Questions are prepared by referring
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Important Questions Class 6 Science Chapter 8
gives you an actual picture of what you can
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CBSE Important Questions for

Class 6 Science

Sr Chapter No Chapter Name


1 Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It

Come From?

2 Chapter 2 Components of Food

3 Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

4 Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into


5 Chapter 5 Separation of

6 Chapter 6 Changes around Us

7 Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

8 Chapter 8 Body Movements

9 Chapter 9 The Living Organisms

and Their

10 Chapter 10 Motion and

Measurement of

11 Chapter 11 Light, Shadows and


12 Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

13 Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

14 Chapter 14 Water

15 Chapter 15 Air Around Us

16 Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage


Important Questions Class

6 Science Chapter 8-With
Important questions The Class 6 Science
Chapter 8 is an important tool to understand the
types of questions expected, the division of
marks and develop a familiarity with the
examination patterns.

Here is a list of questions and their answers

from our question bank of Important Questions
for Class 6 Science Chapter 8. Students can get
full access to these questions and their answers
by registering on the Extramarks website.

Question 1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) A combination of cartilages and bones

forms the _______________ of the body.

(b) Joints of the bones help in the _____________

of the body.

(c) The contraction of the ____________ pulls the

bones during movement.

(d)The bones at the elbow are connected by a

______________ .

Answer 1:

(a) skeleton

(b) movement

(c) muscle

(d) hinge

Question 2. Which of the following joints is


(a) Shoulder and arm

(b) Knee and joint

(c) Upper jaw and skull

(d) Lower jaw and upper jaw

Answer 2: The joints in the upper jaw and skull

are fixed. There is no mobility between the
bones involved in this type of joint. These joints
are hence fixed and immobile.

Question 3. Name various parts of the

skeletal system.

Answer 3: The skeletal system can be divided

into the following main parts:

Limb bones
Shoulder bones
Chest bones
Hip bones.

Question 4. Keeping your arm straight, move

it forwards and backwards, up and down.
Can the arm move freely without any
restrictions in all directions?

Answer 4: Yes, the arm can move freely in all

directions, i.e. forward, backward, down and up.

Question 5. Do all animals have bones?

Answer 5: No, not all creatures have bones. The

only creatures with bones are those with
backbones. Sharks’ skeletons are the only ones
fully formed of cartilage among animals with
backbones. The bodies of leeches, worms, and
jellyfish are not supported by solid structures.

Question 6. What is bone marrow? Give its

main function.

Answer 6: Bone marrow is a spongy substance

found in the centre of the bones. Its main
function is to produce new blood cells to replace
damaged and worn-out ones.

Question 7. Which organisms do not have

muscles or a skeleton for movement?

(a) Dog

(b) Snail

(c) Earthworm

(d) Human being

Answer 7: None

Explanation: The skeleton is absent from

earthworms. There are two sets of muscles in it,
one of which makes it long and thin and the
other of which makes it fat. These muscles’
contractions and relaxations facilitate
movement. Exoskeletons and muscles are
present in snails. Dogs and humans both have
muscles and an endoskeleton.

Question 8. What would have happened if

our backbone had been made of one single

Answer 8: If our backbone had only one bone,

we would not be able to bend and twist our
backbone. .

Question 9. How many types of joints are

there? Explain each of them.

Answer 9: The main types of joints in the

human are:

Hinge joint
Ball and socket joint
Pivot joint
Fixed joint

(i) Hinge joint: Hinge joints allow bones to move

in only one direction, i.e. back and forth.

(ii) Ball and socket joint: A “ball”-shaped bone

end that fits into a “socket” (hollow space) in
another bone makes up the ball and socket
joint. Such joints, like the hip and shoulder
joints, permit movement in all directions.

(iii) Pivot joint: A cylindrical bone rotates within a

ring-shaped bone in a pivot joint. The pivot joint
permits movement in both directions, including
right and left, for example, at the neck joint.

(iv) Fixed joint: In certain joints, the bones are

held together so firmly that they are completely

Question 10. Boojho hurt his ankle after

falling o" a tree. The doctor found that the
ankle was fractured after the examination.
How was it detected?

Answer 10: A doctor must have examined the

a!ected area for oedema and obtained an ankle
X-ray. The forms of the bones in our body are
visible in X-ray scans. The doctor may have
confirmed a fracture in the ankle by glancing at
the x-ray.

Question 11. List the organs that are

protected by the rib cage.

Answer 11: The organs that are protected by

the rib cage are

Heart and

Question 12. Why do animals move from one

position to another?

Answer 12: Animals move from one place to

another for various reasons:

To obtain their food and shelter.

Most animals that migrate do so to find food
or more livable conditions.
To protect themselves from enemies and
unfavourable climates.
Some animals migrate to breed.

Question 13. Indicate ‘true’ and false’ among

the given following sentences:

(a) The cartilages are harder than bones.

(b) The finger bones do not have joints.

(c) The movement and locomotion of all

animals are the same.

(d) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton.

(e) The forearm has two bones.

Answer 13 :

(a) False

(b) False

(c) False

(d) True

(e) True

Question 14. Name the three components of

the skeleton.

Answer 14: Skeleton is made up of three

di!erent components. They are bones, joints
and cartilage.

Question 15. How many muscles work

together in order to move a bone?

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Three

(d) Four

Answer 15: (b) Two

Question 16. Match the following items given

below in Column I with one or more items in
Column II.

Column I Column II

Upper jaw Have fins on the body

Fish It has an outer skeleton

Ribs Can fly in the air

Snail is an immovable joint

Cockroach Protect the heart

It shows very slow movement.

Have a streamlined body

Answer 16:

Column I Column II

Upper jaw is an immovable joint

Fish Have fins on the body, have a

streamlined body

Ribs Protect the heart

Snail Has an outer skeleton and shows

very slow movement

Cockroach Has an outer skeleton and can fly

in the air

Question 17. Listed below are various types

of movements in animals.

[Running, Walking, Jumping, Slithering,

Flying, Crawling, Creeping, Swimming, ]

Put down the types of movements seen in

each animal.

(a) Duck

(b) Horse

(c) Kangaroo

(d) Snail

(e) Snake

(f) Fish

(g) Human beings

(h) Cockroach

Answer 17 :

(a) Duck – Walking, Flying, Swimming

(b) Horse – Running, Walking

(c) Kangaroo – Jumping

(d) Snail – Creeping, Crawling

(e) Snake – Slithering

(f) Fish – Swimming

(g) Human beings – Walking, Running, Jumping,

Swimming, Crawling

(h) Cockroach – crawling, Flying, Running

Question 18. Underwater divers wear fin-like

flippers on their feet to

(a) swim easily in the water

(b) walk over the bottom of the sea(sea bed).

(c) look like a fish

(d) walk on water’s surface

Answer 18: (a)

Explanation: When swimming, the muscles in

the front section contract, creating a wave-like
curve on one side, and the fin-like flippers move
on the opposite direction, pushing the
underwater divers forward by putting force on
the water around them.

Question 19. Name the type of joint of your

hand that helps you grasp a badminton

Answer 19: Hinge joints in our fingers help us

grasp a badminton racquet.

Question 20. Provide one-word answers to

the following statements given below.

Joint, which allows movement in all

The rigid structure forms the skeleton.
Part of the body with a fixed joint.
Help in the movement of the body by
contraction and relaxation.
Bones that join with the chest bone at one
end and to the backbone at the other end.
The framework of bones gives shape to
our body.
Bones that enclose the organs of our body
that lie below the abdomen.
Joint where our neck joins the head.
Part of the skeleton forms the earlobe.

Answer 20:

1. Ball and socket joint

2. Bone
3. Upper jaw with the skull
4. Muscles
5. Ribs
6. Skeleton
7. Pelvic bones
8. Pivotal joint
9. Cartilage

Question 21. Bones are hard structures and

cannot be bent. However, we can still bend
our elbows, knees, etc. How is this possible?

Answer 21: The existence of several types of

joints between the bones allows us to bend
various bodily parts, including the elbow, knee,
back, etc. The hinge joint connects two or more
bones, which make up the elbow and knee,
rather than just one bone. We can bend our
elbows and knees with the help of these
muscles and this joint.

Question 22. What is the name of the small

bone which makes up the backbone?

Answer 22: Vertebrae is the name of a small

bone which makes up the backbone.

Question 23. What is cartilage?

Answer 23: Cartilage is a soft, elastic, and

flexible connective tissue. It prevents the bones
from rubbing against one another.

Question 24. Snail moves with the help of its

(a) shell

(b) bone

(c) muscular foot

(d) whole body.

Answer 24: (C)The snail’s strong muscular foot

extends outside during locomotion and is
attached to the ground. It creates a sequence of
waves that the snail can use to propel itself
forward. A unique gland in a snail’s foot
produces a slimy mucus that creates a slick
surface that helps the snail walk more easily.

Question 25. Name the longest bone in our


Answer 25: The femur is the longest bone in our


Question 26. What is a skeleton? State its


Answer 26: The skeleton is the framework of

bones and cartilage that supports and protects
the body’s soft tissues and internal organs.

Functions of the skeleton:

The skeletal system provides shape to the

It works as a support structure for your body.
It facilitates movement.
It produces blood cells.
It protects organs.
It stores minerals and fats.

Question 27. List the names of three animals

that have streamlined bodies.

Answer 27:


Question 28. What is a muscle? Explain how it

helps in movement.

Answer 28: Muscles are soft tissues. Many

stretchy fibres make up your muscles. Di!erent
types of muscles have di!erent functions. .
Muscles are attached to the bones through a
long fibre called a tendon. There are more than
600 muscles in our body.

Muscles always function in pairs. In a pair of

muscles, when one contracts, the other muscle
relaxes. A muscle can only return to its initial
position after the other muscle in the pair

Benefits of Solving
Important Questions Class
6 Science Chapter 8
Given below are some of the benefits that many
students have reaped by solving questions from
our question bank of Science Class 6 Chapter 8
Important Questions:

Solving questions from our question set is

the best way to evaluate your performance in
the examination. This helps the student
understand the main topics in the syllabus.
Once students understand those areas, they
can give more focus and work on them
harder. This helps them score good marks.
Referring to our questions and solutions,
students have an idea of the types of
questions asked and which topics are
significant. It also helps students improve
their academic understanding.
Solving Chapter 8 Class 6 Science important
questions also assesses the time
management abilities of students. This helps
to reduce stress during final exams, which
will help them score better marks.

Extramarks provide learning solutions and

important questions for students from Class 1 to
Class 12. We have abundant resources available
on our website. Students can click on the links
given below to access some of these resources:

NCERT books
CBSE Revision Notes
CBSE syllabus
CBSE sample papers
CBSE past years’ question papers
Important formulas
CBSE extra questions

Q.1 Describe the way of movement in a snail?



The body of the snail is covered with a hard

shell. This shell does not help the snail in
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movement. The head of the snail may come out

of an opening in the shell. The snail has a thick
and strong muscular foot. The foot moves slowly
with a wavy motion.
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Q.2 What is the di"erence between bone and



Bones are rigid organs that form part of the

skeleton of vertebrates. They function to move,

Get Access to CBSE Class 6

Science Important
Questions with Solutions

Chapter 1 - Food: Where

Does It Come From?

Chapter 2 - Components of

Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric

Chapter 4 - Sorting Materials

into Groups

Chapter 5 - Separation of

Chapter 6 - Changes around


Chapter 7 - Getting to Know


Chapter 9 - The Living

Organisms and Their

Chapter 10 - Motion and

Measurement of Distances

Chapter 11 - Light, Shadows

and Reflections

Chapter 12 - Electricity and


Chapter 13 - Fun with


Chapter 14 - Water

Chapter 15 - Air Around Us

Chapter 16 - Garbage In,

Garbage Out

FAQs (Frequently Asked


1. What are the benefits of 〉〉

solving questions from Important
Questions Class 6 Science
Chapter 8?

2. Earthworms are known as 〉〉

"farmers' friends. Why?

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